Example #1
    def setup(self, step, time, configuration):
        Recieves the setup call from the before the MC loop.

        :param step: The step number of the simulation.
        :type step: int

        :param time: The time of the simulation.
        :type time: float

        :param configuration: The configuration of the simulation.
        :type configuration: KMCConfiguration
        # Make sure the track type is one of the possible types.
        if not self.__track_type in configuration.possibleTypes():
            raise Error("The track type of the MSD calculator is not one of the valid types of the configuration.")

        # Get the cell vectors out.
        abc_to_xyz = numpy.array(configuration.lattice().unitCell().cellVectors()).transpose()
        abc_to_xyz_cpp = numpy2DArrayToStdVectorCoordinate(abc_to_xyz)

        # Setup the backend.
        self.__backend = Backend.OnTheFlyMSD(configuration._backend(),
    def testNumpy2DArrayToStdVectorCoordinate(self):
        """ Test the conversion of a Nx3 2D numpy array to a std::vector<Coordinate> representation. """
        nI = 12;
        nJ = 3;
        array = numpy.random.rand(nI,nJ)

        # Convert to c++
        cpp_vector = numpy2DArrayToStdVectorCoordinate(array)

        # Check the size.
        self.assertEqual(cpp_vector.size(), nI)

        # Check the type.
        self.assertTrue( isinstance(cpp_vector, Backend.StdVectorCoordinate) )

        # Convert back and check values.
        converted = stdVectorCoordinateToNumpy2DArray(cpp_vector)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(array-converted), 0.0, 10)
    def testNumpy2DArrayToStdVectorCoordinate(self):
        """ Test the conversion of a Nx3 2D numpy array to a std::vector<Coordinate> representation. """
        nI = 12
        nJ = 3
        array = numpy.random.rand(nI, nJ)

        # Convert to c++
        cpp_vector = numpy2DArrayToStdVectorCoordinate(array)

        # Check the size.
        self.assertEqual(cpp_vector.size(), nI)

        # Check the type.
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(cpp_vector, Backend.StdVectorCoordinate))

        # Convert back and check values.
        converted = stdVectorCoordinateToNumpy2DArray(cpp_vector)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(array - converted), 0.0, 10)