Example #1
    def log_transaction(self, message, typing='TRANSACTION', commit=True):
        if not isinstance(message, str):
            raise TypeError('ERROR: Message must be of type string')

        if typing not in OracleDB.types:
            raise ValueError('ERROR: typing must be a defined log type')

        self._db.insert_into_Logs(TIME.get_timestamp(), typing, message,
Example #2
	def insert_into_Logs(self, time, typ, msg, commit = True):
		if not TIME.is_time_formatted(time):
			raise TypeError('ERROR time variable must be formatted in the proper format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

		if typ not in types:
			raise ValueError('ERROR typ must be one of the approved types of Logs')

		if not isinstance(msg, str):
			raise ValueError('ERROR msg must be of type str')

		self._cursor.execute('INSERT INTO db.Logs(time, type, message) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);',(time,typ,msg))
		if commit:
def test_LD_insert_log():
    logDB = LD.LogDatabase()
    logDB.insert_into_Logs(TIME.get_timestamp(), 'TRANSACTION',
                           'This is a TEST Transaction Message')
def test_LD_insert_message_failure():
    logDB = LD.LogDatabase()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        logDB.insert_into_Logs(TIME.get_timestamp(), 'TRANSACTION', 18)
def test_LD_insert_type_failure():
    logDB = LD.LogDatabase()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        logDB.insert_into_Logs(TIME.get_timestamp(), 'INVALID TYPE',
                               'This is a TEST Transaction Message')