Example #1
    def test_user(self):
        meta = {
            keys.NAME: [
                u"user name",
            keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS: [
                u"{0}:{1}".format(keys.ITEMID, make_uuid()),

        invalid_meta = {
            keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS: [

        state = {
            False,  # True for loading a serialized representation or other trusted sources
            keys.NAME: u'somename',  # name we decoded from URL path
            keys.ACTION: keys.ACTION_SAVE,
            keys.HOSTNAME: u'localhost',
            keys.ADDRESS: u'',
            keys.WIKINAME: u'ThisWiki',
            keys.NAMESPACE: u'',
            keys.FQNAME: CompositeName(u'', u'', u'somename')

        m = UserMetaSchema(meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert m[keys.CONTENTTYPE].value == CONTENTTYPE_USER
        if not valid:
            for e in m.children:
                print e.valid, e
            print m.valid, m
        assert valid

        m = UserMetaSchema(invalid_meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert not valid
        for e in m.children:
            if e.name in (keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS, ):
                for value in e:
                    assert not value.valid
Example #2
 def __init__(self, path, uid):
     self.path = path
     self.uid = uid
     meta = self._process_usermeta(self._parse_userprofile())
     meta[UID_OLD] = uid
     meta[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
     meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     meta[SIZE] = 0
     self.meta = meta
     self.data = StringIO('')
Example #3
 def __init__(self, path, uid):
     self.path = path
     self.uid = uid
     meta = self._process_usermeta(self._parse_userprofile())
     meta[UID_OLD] = uid
     meta[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
     meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     meta[SIZE] = 0
     self.meta = meta
     self.data = StringIO("")
Example #4
    def test_user(self):
        meta = {
            keys.ITEMID: make_uuid(),
            keys.REVID: make_uuid(),
            keys.NAME: [u"user name", ],
            keys.NAMESPACE: u"userprofiles",
            keys.EMAIL: u"*****@*****.**",
            keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS: [u"{0}:{1}".format(keys.ITEMID, make_uuid()),

        invalid_meta = {
            keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS: [u"", u"unknown_tag:123",

        state = {'trusted': False,  # True for loading a serialized representation or other trusted sources
                 keys.NAME: u'somename',  # name we decoded from URL path
                 keys.ACTION: keys.ACTION_SAVE,
                 keys.HOSTNAME: u'localhost',
                 keys.ADDRESS: u'',
                 keys.WIKINAME: u'ThisWiki',
                 keys.NAMESPACE: u'',
                 keys.FQNAME: CompositeName(u'', u'', u'somename')

        m = UserMetaSchema(meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert m[keys.CONTENTTYPE].value == CONTENTTYPE_USER
        if not valid:
            for e in m.children:
                print e.valid, e
            print m.valid, m
        assert valid

        m = UserMetaSchema(invalid_meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert not valid
        for e in m.children:
            if e.name in (keys.SUBSCRIPTIONS,):
                for value in e:
                    assert not value.valid
Example #5
 def store(self, meta, data):
     # XXX Idea: we could check the type the store wants from us:
     # if it is a str/bytes (BytesStore), just use meta "as is",
     # if it is a file (FileStore), wrap it into StringIO and give that to the store.
     if DATAID not in meta:
         tfw = TrackingFileWrapper(data, hash_method=HASH_ALGORITHM)
         dataid = make_uuid()
         self.data_store[dataid] = tfw
         meta[DATAID] = dataid
         # check whether size and hash are consistent:
         size_expected = meta.get(SIZE)
         size_real = tfw.size
         if size_expected is not None and size_expected != size_real:
             raise ValueError("computed data size ({0}) does not match data size declared in metadata ({1})".format(size_real, size_expected))
         meta[SIZE] = size_real
         hash_expected = meta.get(HASH_ALGORITHM)
         hash_real = tfw.hash.hexdigest()
         if hash_expected is not None and hash_expected != hash_real:
             raise ValueError("computed data hash ({0}) does not match data hash declared in metadata ({1})".format(hash_real, hash_expected))
         meta[HASH_ALGORITHM] = hash_real
         dataid = meta[DATAID]
         # we will just asume stuff is correct if you pass it with a data id
         if dataid not in self.data_store:
             # XXX issue: if we do not store if we already have the dataid in the store,
             # XXX deserialization does not work as the fpos does not advance to the next record,
             # XXX because we do not read from the source file. Remove the check?
             self.data_store[dataid] = data
     # if something goes wrong below, the data shall be purged by a garbage collection
     metaid = self._store_meta(meta)
     return metaid
Example #6
    def test_content(self):
        class REV(dict):
            """ fake rev """

        rev = REV()
        rev[keys.ITEMID] = make_uuid()
        rev[keys.REVID] = make_uuid()
        rev[keys.ACL] = u"All:read"

        meta = {
            keys.REVID: make_uuid(),
            keys.PARENTID: make_uuid(),
            keys.NAME: [
            keys.NAMESPACE: u"",
            keys.ACL: u"All:read",
            keys.TAGS: [u"foo", u"bar"],

        state = {
            False,  # True for loading a serialized representation or other trusted sources
            keys.NAME: u'somename',  # name we decoded from URL path
            keys.ACTION: keys.ACTION_SAVE,
            keys.HOSTNAME: u'localhost',
            keys.ADDRESS: u'',
            keys.USERID: make_uuid(),
            keys.HASH_ALGORITHM: u'b9064b9a5efd8c6cef2d38a8169a0e1cbfdb41ba',
            keys.SIZE: 0,
            keys.WIKINAME: u'ThisWiki',
            keys.NAMESPACE: u'',
            'rev_parent': rev,
            'acl_parent': u"All:read",
            'contenttype_current': u'text/x.moin.wiki;charset=utf-8',
            'contenttype_guessed': u'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
            keys.FQNAME: CompositeName(u'', u'', u'somename'),

        m = ContentMetaSchema(meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert m[keys.CONTENTTYPE].value == u'text/x.moin.wiki;charset=utf-8'
        if not valid:
            for e in m.children:
                print e.valid, e
            print m.valid, m
        assert valid
Example #7
    def test_content(self):
        class REV(dict):
            """ fake rev """

        rev = REV()
        rev[keys.ITEMID] = make_uuid()
        rev[keys.REVID] = make_uuid()
        rev[keys.ACL] = u"All:read"

        meta = {
            keys.REVID: make_uuid(),
            keys.PARENTID: make_uuid(),
            keys.NAME: [u"a", ],
            keys.NAMESPACE: u"",
            keys.ACL: u"All:read",
            keys.TAGS: [u"foo", u"bar"],

        state = {'trusted': False,  # True for loading a serialized representation or other trusted sources
                 keys.NAME: u'somename',  # name we decoded from URL path
                 keys.ACTION: keys.ACTION_SAVE,
                 keys.HOSTNAME: u'localhost',
                 keys.ADDRESS: u'',
                 keys.USERID: make_uuid(),
                 keys.HASH_ALGORITHM: u'b9064b9a5efd8c6cef2d38a8169a0e1cbfdb41ba',
                 keys.SIZE: 0,
                 keys.WIKINAME: u'ThisWiki',
                 keys.NAMESPACE: u'',
                 'rev_parent': rev,
                 'acl_parent': u"All:read",
                 'contenttype_current': u'text/x.moin.wiki;charset=utf-8',
                 'contenttype_guessed': u'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
                 keys.FQNAME: CompositeName(u'', u'', u'somename'),

        m = ContentMetaSchema(meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert m[keys.CONTENTTYPE].value == u'text/x.moin.wiki;charset=utf-8'
        if not valid:
            for e in m.children:
                print e.valid, e
            print m.valid, m
        assert valid
Example #8
 def __init__(self, item_name, attach_name, attpath, editlog, acl):
         meta = editlog.find_attach(attach_name)
     except KeyError:
         meta = {MTIME: int(os.path.getmtime(attpath)), ACTION: ACTION_SAVE}  # make something up
     meta[NAME] = [u"{0}/{1}".format(item_name, attach_name)]
     if acl is not None:
         meta[ACL] = acl
     meta[CONTENTTYPE] = unicode(MimeType(filename=attach_name).content_type())
     f = open(attpath, "rb")
     size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(f)
     self.data = f
     meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
     meta[SIZE] = size
     meta[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
     meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     self.meta = meta
Example #9
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialize User object

        :param uid: (optional) user ID (user itemid)
        :param name: (optional) user name
        :param password: (optional) user password (unicode)
        :param auth_username: (optional) already authenticated user name
                              (e.g. when using http basic auth) (unicode)
        :param trusted: (optional) whether user instance is created by a
                        trusted auth method / session
        :keyword auth_method: method that was used for authentication,
                              default: 'internal'
        :keyword auth_attribs: tuple of user object attribute names that are
                               determined by auth method and should not be
                               changeable by preferences, default: ().
                               First tuple element was used for authentication.
        self.profile = UserProfile()
        self._cfg = app.cfg
        self.valid = False
        self.trusted = trusted
        self.auth_method = kw.get('auth_method', 'internal')
        self.auth_attribs = kw.get('auth_attribs', ())

        # XXX currently we just support creating with 1 name:
        _name = name or auth_username

        itemid = uid
        if not itemid and auth_username:
            users = search_users(**{NAME_EXACT: auth_username})
            if users:
                itemid = users[0].meta[ITEMID]
        if not itemid and _name and _name != ANON:
            users = search_users(**{NAME_EXACT: _name})
            if users:
                itemid = users[0].meta[ITEMID]
        if itemid:
            self.load_from_id(itemid, password)
            self.profile[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
            if _name:
                self.profile[NAME] = [
            if password is not None:

        # "may" so we can say "if user.may.read(pagename):"
        self.may = self._cfg.SecurityPolicy(self)
Example #10
 def _store_meta(self, meta):
     if REVID not in meta:
         # Item.clear_revision calls us with REVID already present
         meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     metaid = meta[REVID]
     meta = self._serialize(meta)
     # XXX Idea: we could check the type the store wants from us:
     # if it is a str/bytes (BytesStore), just use meta "as is",
     # if it is a file (FileStore), wrap it into StringIO and give that to the store.
     self.meta_store[metaid] = meta
     return metaid
Example #11
 def _store_meta(self, meta):
     if REVID not in meta:
         # Item.clear_revision calls us with REVID already present
         meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     metaid = meta[REVID]
     meta = self._serialize(meta)
     # XXX Idea: we could check the type the store wants from us:
     # if it is a str/bytes (BytesStore), just use meta "as is",
     # if it is a file (FileStore), wrap it into StringIO and give that to the store.
     self.meta_store[metaid] = meta
     return metaid
Example #12
def itemid_validator(element, state):
    an itemid is a uuid that identifies an item
    if not state['trusted'] or element.raw is Unset:
        itemid = state.get(keys.ITEMID)
        if itemid is None:
            # this is first revision of an item
            itemid = make_uuid()
    return uuid_validator(element, state)
Example #13
def itemid_validator(element, state):
    an itemid is a uuid that identifies an item
    if not state['trusted'] or element.raw is Unset:
        fqname = state[keys.FQNAME]
        itemid = fqname.value if fqname and fqname.field == keys.ITEMID else state.get(keys.ITEMID)
        if itemid is None:
            # this is first revision of an item
            itemid = make_uuid()
    return uuid_validator(element, state)
Example #14
 def __init__(self, item_name, attach_name, attpath, editlog, acl):
         meta = editlog.find_attach(attach_name)
     except KeyError:
         meta = {  # make something up
             MTIME: int(os.path.getmtime(attpath)),
             ACTION: ACTION_SAVE,
     meta[NAME] = [u'{0}/{1}'.format(item_name, attach_name)]
     if acl is not None:
         meta[ACL] = acl
     meta[CONTENTTYPE] = unicode(MimeType(filename=attach_name).content_type())
     f = open(attpath, 'rb')
     size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(f)
     self.data = f
     meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
     meta[SIZE] = size
     meta[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
     meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
     meta[REV_NUMBER] = 1
     self.meta = meta
Example #15
    def __init__(self, uid=None, name="", password=None, auth_username="", trusted=False, **kw):
        """ Initialize User object

        :param uid: (optional) user ID (user itemid)
        :param name: (optional) user name
        :param password: (optional) user password (unicode)
        :param auth_username: (optional) already authenticated user name
                              (e.g. when using http basic auth) (unicode)
        :param trusted: (optional) whether user instance is created by a
                        trusted auth method / session
        :keyword auth_method: method that was used for authentication,
                              default: 'internal'
        :keyword auth_attribs: tuple of user object attribute names that are
                               determined by auth method and should not be
                               changeable by preferences, default: ().
                               First tuple element was used for authentication.
        self.profile = UserProfile()
        self._cfg = app.cfg
        self.valid = False
        self.trusted = trusted
        self.auth_method = kw.get('auth_method', 'internal')
        self.auth_attribs = kw.get('auth_attribs', ())

        _name = name or auth_username

        itemid = uid
        if not itemid and auth_username:
            users = search_users(name_exact=auth_username)
            if users:
                itemid = users[0].meta[ITEMID]
        if not itemid and _name and _name != 'anonymous':
            users = search_users(name_exact=_name)
            if users:
                itemid = users[0].meta[ITEMID]
        if itemid:
            self.load_from_id(itemid, password)
            self.profile[ITEMID] = make_uuid()
            if _name:
                self.profile[NAME] = _name
            if password is not None:

        # "may" so we can say "if user.may.read(pagename):"
        if self._cfg.SecurityPolicy:
            self.may = self._cfg.SecurityPolicy(self)
            from MoinMoin.security import Default
            self.may = Default(self)
Example #16
 def __init__(self, backend, path, itemname):
     self.backend = backend
     self.name = itemname
     self.path = path
     currentpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'current')
     with open(currentpath, 'r') as f:
         self.current = int(f.read().strip())
     editlogpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'edit-log')
     self.editlog = EditLog(editlogpath)
     self.acl = None  # TODO
     self.itemid = make_uuid()
     if backend.deleted_mode == DELETED_MODE_KILL:
         revpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'revisions', '{0:08d}'.format(self.current))
         PageRevision(self, self.current, revpath)  # will raise exception if killing is requested
Example #17
    def test_user(self):
        meta = {
            keys.ITEMID: make_uuid(),
            keys.REVID: make_uuid(),
            keys.NAME: u"user name",
            keys.EMAIL: u"*****@*****.**",

        state = {'trusted': False, # True for loading a serialized representation or other trusted sources
                 keys.NAME: u'somename', # name we decoded from URL path
                 keys.ACTION: u'SAVE',
                 keys.HOSTNAME: u'localhost',
                 keys.ADDRESS: u'',
                 keys.WIKINAME: u'ThisWiki',

        m = UserMetaSchema(meta)
        valid = m.validate(state)
        assert m[keys.CONTENTTYPE].value == CONTENTTYPE_USER
        if not valid:
            for e in m.children:
                print e.valid, e
            print m.valid, m
        assert valid
Example #18
 def __init__(self, backend, path, itemname):
     self.backend = backend
     self.name = itemname
     self.path = path
     print (u"Processing item {0}".format(itemname)).encode('utf-8')
     currentpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'current')
     with open(currentpath, 'r') as f:
         self.current = int(f.read().strip())
     editlogpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'edit-log')
     self.editlog = EditLog(editlogpath)
     self.acl = None  # TODO
     self.itemid = make_uuid()
     if backend.deleted_mode == DELETED_MODE_KILL:
         revpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'revisions', '{0:08d}'.format(self.current))
         if not os.path.exists(revpath):
             print (u"    >> Deleted item not migrated: {0}, last revision no: {1}".format(itemname, self.current)).encode('utf-8')
             raise KillRequested('deleted_mode wants killing/ignoring')
Example #19
 def __init__(self, backend, path, itemname):
     self.backend = backend
     self.name = itemname
     self.path = path
     print "Processing item {0}".format(itemname)
     currentpath = os.path.join(self.path, "current")
     with open(currentpath, "r") as f:
         self.current = int(f.read().strip())
     editlogpath = os.path.join(self.path, "edit-log")
     self.editlog = EditLog(editlogpath)
     self.acl = None  # TODO
     self.itemid = make_uuid()
     if backend.deleted_mode == DELETED_MODE_KILL:
         revpath = os.path.join(self.path, "revisions", "{0:08d}".format(self.current))
         if not os.path.exists(revpath):
             print "    >> Deleted item not migrated: {0}, last revision no: {1}".format(itemname, self.current)
             raise KillRequested("deleted_mode wants killing/ignoring")
Example #20
    def store(self, meta, data):
        # XXX Idea: we could check the type the store wants from us:
        # if it is a str/bytes (BytesStore), just use meta "as is",
        # if it is a file (FileStore), wrap it into StringIO and give that to the store.
        if DATAID not in meta:
            tfw = TrackingFileWrapper(data, hash_method=HASH_ALGORITHM)
            dataid = make_uuid()
            self.data_store[dataid] = tfw
            meta[DATAID] = dataid
            # check whether size and hash are consistent:
            size_expected = meta.get(SIZE)
            size_real = tfw.size
            if size_expected is not None and size_expected != size_real:
                raise ValueError("computed data size ({0}) does not match data size declared in metadata ({1})".format(
                                 size_real, size_expected))
            meta[SIZE] = size_real
            hash_expected = meta.get(HASH_ALGORITHM)
            hash_real = tfw.hash.hexdigest()
            if hash_expected is not None and hash_expected != hash_real:
                raise ValueError("computed data hash ({0}) does not match data hash declared in metadata ({1})".format(
                                 hash_real, hash_expected))
            meta[HASH_ALGORITHM] = hash_real
            dataid = meta[DATAID]
            # we will just asume stuff is correct if you pass it with a data id
            if dataid not in self.data_store:
                self.data_store[dataid] = data
                # this is reading the data to avoid this issue:
                # if we do not store if we already have the dataid in the store,
                # deserialization does not work as the fpos does not advance to the next record,
                # because we do not read from the source file. Remove the check?
                while data.read(64 * 1024):

        # if something goes wrong below, the data shall be purged by a garbage collection
        metaid = self._store_meta(meta)
        return metaid
Example #21
    def run(self, data_dir=None):
        flaskg.add_lineno_attr = False
        flaskg.item_name2id = {}
        userid_old2new = {}
        indexer = app.storage
        backend = indexer.backend  # backend without indexing

        print "\nConverting Users...\n"
        for rev in UserBackend(os.path.join(data_dir, 'user')):  # assumes user/ below data_dir
            global user_names
            userid_old2new[rev.uid] = rev.meta['itemid']  # map old userid to new userid
            backend.store(rev.meta, rev.data)

        print "\nConverting Pages/Attachments...\n"
        for rev in PageBackend(data_dir, deleted_mode=DELETED_MODE_KILL, default_markup=u'wiki'):
            for user_name in user_names:
                if rev.meta['name'][0] == user_name or rev.meta['name'][0].startswith(user_name + '/'):
                    rev.meta['namespace'] = u'users'
            backend.store(rev.meta, rev.data)
            # item_name to itemid xref required for migrating user subscriptions
            flaskg.item_name2id[rev.meta['name'][0]] = rev.meta['itemid']

        print "\nConverting Revision Editors...\n"
        for mountpoint, revid in backend:
            meta, data = backend.retrieve(mountpoint, revid)
            if USERID in meta:
                    meta[USERID] = userid_old2new[meta[USERID]]
                except KeyError:
                    # user profile lost, but userid referred by revision
                    print (u"Missing userid {0!r}, editor of {1} revision {2}".format(meta[USERID], meta[NAME][0], revid)).encode('utf-8')
                    del meta[USERID]
                backend.store(meta, data)
            elif meta.get(CONTENTTYPE) == CONTENTTYPE_USER:
                meta.pop(UID_OLD, None)  # not needed any more
                backend.store(meta, data)

        print "\nConverting last revision of Moin 1.9 items to Moin 2.0"
        self.conv_in = conv_in()
        self.conv_out = conv_out()
        for item_name, (revno, namespace) in sorted(last_moin19_rev.items()):
            print '    Processing item "{0}", namespace "{1}", revision "{2}"'.format(item_name, namespace, revno)
            if namespace == u'':
                namespace = u'default'
            meta, data = backend.retrieve(namespace, revno)
            data_in = ''.join(data.readlines())
            dom = self.conv_in(data_in, 'text/x.moin.wiki;format=1.9;charset=utf-8')
            out = self.conv_out(dom)
            out = out.encode(CHARSET)
            size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(out)
            out = StringIO(out)
            meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
            meta[SIZE] = size
            meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
            meta[REV_NUMBER] = meta[REV_NUMBER] + 1
            meta[MTIME] = int(time.time())
            meta[COMMENT] = 'Convert moin 1.9 markup to 2.0'
            meta[CONTENTTYPE] = 'text/x.moin.wiki;charset=utf-8'
            del meta['dataid']
            backend.store(meta, out)

        print "\nRebuilding the index..."

        print "Finished conversion!"
Example #22
    def __init__(self, item, revno, path):
        item_name = item.name
        itemid = item.itemid
        editlog = item.editlog
        self.backend = item.backend
        # we just read the page and parse it here, makes the rest of the code simpler:
            with codecs.open(path, 'r', CHARSET) as f:
                content = f.read()
        except (IOError, OSError):
            if revno == item.current and self.backend.deleted_mode == DELETED_MODE_KILL:
                raise KillRequested('deleted_mode wants killing/ignoring')
            # handle deleted revisions (for all revnos with 0<=revno<=current) here
            # we prepare some values for the case we don't find a better value in edit-log:
            meta = {MTIME: -1, # fake, will get 0 in the end
                    NAME: item_name, # will get overwritten with name from edit-log
                                     # if we have an entry there
                previous_meta = PageRevision(item, revno-1)._fs_meta
                # if this page revision is deleted, we have no on-page metadata.
                # but some metadata is required, thus we have to copy it from the
                # (non-deleted) revision revno-1:
                for key in [ACL, NAME, CONTENTTYPE, MTIME, ]:
                    if key in previous_meta:
                        meta[key] = previous_meta[key]
            except NoSuchRevisionError:
                pass # should not happen
            meta[MTIME] += 1 # it is now either 0 or prev rev mtime + 1
            data = u''
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                if 0 <= revno <= item._fs_current:
                    editlog_data = { # make something up
                        ACTION: u'SAVE/DELETE',
                    raise NoSuchRevisionError('Item {0!r} has no revision {1} (not even a deleted one)!'.format(item.name, revno))
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                if 1 <= revno <= item.current:
                    editlog_data = { # make something up
                        NAME: item.name,
                        MTIME: int(os.path.getmtime(path)),
                        ACTION: u'SAVE',
            meta, data = split_body(content)
        format = meta.pop('format', self.backend.format_default)
        data = self._process_data(meta, data)
        data = data.encode(CHARSET)
        size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(data)
        meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
        meta[SIZE] = size
        meta[ITEMID] = itemid
        meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
        self.meta = {}
        for k, v in meta.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = tuple(v)
            self.meta[k] = v
        self.data = StringIO(data)

        acl_line = self.meta.get(ACL)
        if acl_line is not None:
            self.meta[ACL] = regenerate_acl(acl_line)
Example #23
    def __init__(self, item, revno, path):
        item_name = item.name
        itemid = item.itemid
        editlog = item.editlog
        self.backend = item.backend
        # we just read the page and parse it here, makes the rest of the code simpler:
            with codecs.open(path, 'r', CHARSET) as f:
                content = f.read()
        except (IOError, OSError):
            # handle deleted revisions (for all revnos with 0<=revno<=current) here
            # we prepare some values for the case we don't find a better value in edit-log:
            meta = {MTIME: -1,  # fake, will get 0 in the end
                    NAME: [item_name],  # will get overwritten with name from edit-log
                                        # if we have an entry there
                revpath = os.path.join(item.path, 'revisions', '{0:08d}'.format(revno - 1))
                previous_meta = PageRevision(item, revno - 1, revpath).meta
                # if this page revision is deleted, we have no on-page metadata.
                # but some metadata is required, thus we have to copy it from the
                # (non-deleted) revision revno-1:
                for key in [ACL, NAME, CONTENTTYPE, MTIME, ]:
                    if key in previous_meta:
                        meta[key] = previous_meta[key]
            except NoSuchRevisionError:
                pass  # should not happen
            meta[MTIME] += 1  # it is now either 0 or prev rev mtime + 1
            data = u''
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                print (u"    >> Missing edit log data item = {0}, revision = {1}".format(item_name, revno)).encode('utf-8')
                if 0 <= revno <= item.current:
                    editlog_data = {  # make something up
                        ACTION: u'SAVE/DELETE',
                    raise NoSuchRevisionError('Item {0!r} has no revision {1} (not even a deleted one)!'.format(
                                              item.name, revno))
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                print (u"    >> Missing edit log data, name = {0}, revision = {1}".format(item_name, revno)).encode('utf-8')
                if 1 <= revno <= item.current:
                    editlog_data = {  # make something up
                        NAME: [item.name],
                        MTIME: int(os.path.getmtime(path)),
                        ACTION: ACTION_SAVE,
            meta, data = split_body(content)
        format = meta.pop('format', self.backend.format_default)
        data = self._process_data(meta, data)
        data = data.encode(CHARSET)
        size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(data)
        meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
        meta[SIZE] = size
        meta[ITEMID] = itemid
        meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
        meta[REV_NUMBER] = revno
        if meta[NAME][0].endswith('Template'):
            if TAGS in meta:
                meta[TAGS] = [TEMPLATE]
        self.meta = {}
        for k, v in meta.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = tuple(v)
            self.meta[k] = v
        self.data = StringIO(data)

        acl_line = self.meta.get(ACL)
        if acl_line is not None:
            self.meta[ACL] = regenerate_acl(acl_line)

        for user_name in user_names:
            if meta['name'][0] == user_name or meta['name'][0].startswith(user_name + '/'):
                meta['namespace'] = u'users'

        print (u"    Processed revision {0} of item {1}, revid = {2}, contenttype = {3}".format(revno,
               item_name, meta[REVID], meta[CONTENTTYPE])).encode('utf-8')

        global last_moin19_rev
            last_moin19_rev[item_name] = (meta[REVID], meta[NAMESPACE])
Example #24
    def __init__(self, item, revno, path):
        item_name = item.name
        itemid = item.itemid
        editlog = item.editlog
        self.backend = item.backend
        # we just read the page and parse it here, makes the rest of the code simpler:
            with codecs.open(path, "r", CHARSET) as f:
                content = f.read()
        except (IOError, OSError):
            # handle deleted revisions (for all revnos with 0<=revno<=current) here
            # we prepare some values for the case we don't find a better value in edit-log:
            meta = {
                MTIME: -1,  # fake, will get 0 in the end
                NAME: [item_name],  # will get overwritten with name from edit-log
                # if we have an entry there
                revpath = os.path.join(item.path, "revisions", "{0:08d}".format(revno - 1))
                previous_meta = PageRevision(item, revno - 1, revpath).meta
                # if this page revision is deleted, we have no on-page metadata.
                # but some metadata is required, thus we have to copy it from the
                # (non-deleted) revision revno-1:
                for key in [ACL, NAME, CONTENTTYPE, MTIME]:
                    if key in previous_meta:
                        meta[key] = previous_meta[key]
            except NoSuchRevisionError:
                pass  # should not happen
            meta[MTIME] += 1  # it is now either 0 or prev rev mtime + 1
            data = u""
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                print "    >> Missing edit log data item = {0}, revision = {1}".format(item_name, revno)
                if 0 <= revno <= item.current:
                    editlog_data = {ACTION: u"SAVE/DELETE"}  # make something up
                    raise NoSuchRevisionError(
                        "Item {0!r} has no revision {1} (not even a deleted one)!".format(item.name, revno)
                editlog_data = editlog.find_rev(revno)
            except KeyError:
                print "    >> Missing edit log data, name = {0}, revision = {1}".format(item_name, revno)
                if 1 <= revno <= item.current:
                    editlog_data = {  # make something up
                        NAME: [item.name],
                        MTIME: int(os.path.getmtime(path)),
                        ACTION: ACTION_SAVE,
            meta, data = split_body(content)
        format = meta.pop("format", self.backend.format_default)
        data = self._process_data(meta, data)
        data = data.encode(CHARSET)
        size, hash_name, hash_digest = hash_hexdigest(data)
        meta[hash_name] = hash_digest
        meta[SIZE] = size
        meta[ITEMID] = itemid
        meta[REVID] = make_uuid()
        self.meta = {}
        for k, v in meta.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = tuple(v)
            self.meta[k] = v
        self.data = StringIO(data)

        acl_line = self.meta.get(ACL)
        if acl_line is not None:
            self.meta[ACL] = regenerate_acl(acl_line)
        print "    Processed revision {0} of item {1}, revid = {2}".format(revno, item_name, meta[REVID])