Example #1
def transitDuration_Rs(sma, rprs, inc, period, exact=False):
    Calculate transit duration
    Invokes :py:func:`transitDuration` after parameter transformation.
    sma : float
        Semi-major axis [stellar radii]
    rprs : float
        Planet-to-star radius ratio (Rp/Rs)
    inc : float
        Orbital inclination [deg]
    period : float
        Orbital period
    exact : boolean, optional
        If True, a slightly more accurate expression is evaluated.
        The default is False.

    Transit duration : float
        The duration of the transit (same units as `period`).    
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC
    c = PC.PyAConstants()

    rs = c.RSun
    return transitDuration(sma*rs/c.AU, rprs*rs/c.RJ, 1., inc, period, exact)
Example #2
def transitDuration(sma, rp, rs, inc, period, exact=False):
    Calculate the transit duration.

    The routine calculates the transit duration assuming
    a spherical star and planet and a circular planetary orbit.

    It evaluates the expression

    .. math::

        T_D = \\frac{P}{\\pi} \\arcsin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{(R_s+R_p)^2 - b^2}}{a} \\right)

    where P is the orbital period, b the impact parameter (:math:`b=a \\cos(i)`),
    and a the semi-major axis.

    If the `exact` flag is set True, the slightly more accurate expression
    .. math::

        T_D = \\frac{P}{\\pi} \\arcsin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{(R_s+R_p)^2 - b^2}}{a \\sin(i)} \\right)

    is evaluated, where the additional sine term accounts for orbit curvature.

    .. note:: The units of the transit duration are the same as the units
              of the input orbital period.

    sma : float
        The semi-major axis in AU.
    rp : float
        The planetary radius in Jovian radii.
    rs : float
        The stellar radius in solar radii.
    inc : float
        The orbital inclination in degrees.
    period : float
        The orbital period.
    exact : boolean, optional
        If True, a slightly more accurate expression is evaluated.
        The default is False.

    Transit duration : float
        The duration of the transit (same units as `period`).
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC

    c = PC.PyAConstants()
    # Calculate the impact parameter
    impact = (sma * c.AU) * np.cos(inc / 180. * np.pi)
    # Correction factor (inclination dependent factor)
    cfac = 1.0 if not exact else np.sin(inc / 180. * np.pi) 
    # Calculate the geometric transit duration
    dur = (period / np.pi) * \
        np.arcsin(np.sqrt((rs * c.RSun + rp * c.RJ)
                          ** 2 - impact**2) / (sma * c.AU * cfac))
    return dur
Example #3
def ingressDuration_Rs(sma, rprs, inc, period):
    Calculate transit duration
    Invokes :py:func:`transitDuration` after parameter transformation.
    sma : float
        Semi-major axis [stellar radii]
    rprs : float
        Planet-to-star radius ratio (Rp/Rs)
    inc : float
        Orbital inclination [deg]
    period : float
        Orbital period

    Transit duration : float
        The duration of the transit (same units as `period`).    
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC
    c = PC.PyAConstants()

    rs = c.RSun
    return ingressDuration(sma*rs/c.AU, rprs*rs/c.RJ, 1., inc, period)
Example #4
def planck(T, lam=None, nu=None):
    Evaluate Planck's radiation law.
    Depending on whether wavelength or frequency is specified as input, the
    function evaluates:
    .. math::
        B_{\\nu} = \\frac{2\\pi h \\nu^3}{c^2} \\frac{1}{e^{\\frac{h\\nu}{kT}} - 1}
    .. math::
        B_{\\lambda} = \\frac{2\\pi h c^2}{\\lambda^5} \\frac{1}{e^{\\frac{h c}{\\lambda kT}} - 1} \\; .
    If lambda is given (in meters), the output units are W/(m^2 m). To convert into erg/(cm^2 A s),
    the output has to be multiplied by a factor of 1e-7.
    T : float
        Temperature in Kelvin.
    lam : float or array, optional
        Wavelength in meters.
    nu : float or array, optional
        Frequency in Hz.
    Spectral radiance : float or array
        Depending on whether `lam` or `nu` were specified, returns the
        spectral radiance per area and wavelength or frequency. The unit (SI)
        will be W/(m^2 m) if `lam` was given and W/(m^2 Hz) if `nu` was
    if _ic.check["quantities"]:
        from PyAstronomy import constants
        c = constants.PyAConstants(unitSystem="SI")
        raise (PE.PyARequiredImport(
            "You need to install 'quantities' to use this function.\n 'quantities' can be obtained from 'http://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantities'."
        return None
    if (lam is not None) and (nu is not None):
        raise (PE.PyAParameterConflict(
            "Specify either 'lam' OR 'nu', but not both."))
    if (lam is None) and (nu is None):
        raise (PE.PyAParameterConflict("Specify either 'lam' OR 'nu'."))
    # Parameters have been specified properly
    if lam is not None:
        result = 2. * np.pi * c.h * (c.c**2) / (lam**5)
        result /= (np.exp(c.h * c.c / (lam * c.k * T)) - 1.0)
        return result
    elif nu is not None:
        result = 2. * np.pi * c.h * (nu**3) / (c.c**2)
        result /= (np.exp(c.h * nu / (c.k * T)) - 1.0)
        return result
Example #5
def thermalBroadeningWidth(lam0, T, m=None, fwhm=True):
    Calculate the width for thermal broadening.

    Thermal motion of particles causes a Doppler
    broadening of the line profile. The resulting
    line profile is Gaussian with FWHM given by

    .. math::

        fwhm = \\lambda_0\\sqrt{\\frac{8k_B T\\ln(2)}{m c^2}}

    See, e.g.,

    lam0 : float
        Wavelength at which to calculate the width.
    T : float
        Temperature [K].
    m : float, optional
        Mass of the particles [kg]. If not specified,
        the proton mass is assumed.
    fwhm : boolean, optional
        If True (default), the FWHM of the Gaussian
        broadening kernel will be returned. Otherwise,
        the standard deviation is returned.

    Width : float
        The width of the Gaussian broadening kernel.
        By default, the FWHM is returned. To obtain
        the standard deviation, set the `fwhm` flag to
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC
    pc = PC.PyAConstants()
    if m is None:
        # Use proton mass if not specified otherwise
        m = pc.mp
    result = lam0 * np.sqrt(8.0 * pc.k * T * np.log(2.0) / (m * (pc.c)**2))
    if not fwhm:
        return result / (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)))
        return result
Example #6
def ingressDuration(sma, rp, rs, inc, period):
    Calculate the ingress (and egress) duration of the transit.

    The routine calculates the transit in- and egress duration assuming
    a spherical star and planet and a circular planetary orbit.

    It evaluates the expression

    .. math::

        T_I = \\frac{P}{2 \\pi} \\left( \\arcsin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{(R_s+R_p)^2 - b^2}}{a \\sin(i)} \\right) - \\arcsin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{(R_s-R_p)^2 - b^2}}{a \\sin(i)} \\right)  \\right)

    is evaluated, where b is the impact parameter (:math:`b=a \\cos(i)`).

    .. note:: The units of the ingress duration are the same as the units
              of the input orbital period.

    sma : float
        The semi-major axis in AU.
    rp : float
        The planetary radius in Jovian radii.
    rs : float
        The stellar radius in solar radii.
    inc : float
        The orbital inclination in degrees.
    period : float
        The orbital period.

    Ingress duration : float
        The duration of in- and egress (same units as `period`).
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC

    c = PC.PyAConstants()
    # Calculate the impact parameter
    impact = (sma * c.AU) * np.cos(inc / 180. * np.pi)
    imsin = (sma * c.AU) * np.sin(inc / 180. * np.pi)
    # Calculate the geometric transit duration
    idur = (period / (2.*np.pi)) * ( \
        np.arcsin(np.sqrt((rs * c.RSun + rp * c.RJ)** 2 - impact**2) / imsin) - \
        np.arcsin(np.sqrt((rs * c.RSun - rp * c.RJ)** 2 - impact**2) / imsin)   \
    return idur
Example #7
def transitDuration(sma, rp, rs, inc, period):
    Calculate the transit duration.

    The routine calculates the transit duration assuming
    a circular star and planet and a circular planetary orbit.

    In particular, it evaluates:

    .. math::

        T_D = \\frac{P}{\\pi} \\arcsin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{(R_s+R_p)^2 - b^2}}{a} \\right)

    where P is the orbital period, b the impact parameter (:math:`b=a/R_s\\cos(i)`),
    and a the semi-major axis.

    .. note:: The units of the transit duration are the same as the units
              of the input orbital period.

    sma : float
        The semi-major axis in AU.
    rp : float
        The planetary radius in Jovian radii.
    rs : float
        The stellar radius in solar radii.
    inc : float
        The orbital inclination in degrees.
    period : float
        The orbital period.

    Transit duration : float
        The duration of the transit (same units as
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC

    c = PC.PyAConstants()
    # Calculate the impact parameter
    impact = (sma * c.AU) * np.cos(inc / 180. * np.pi)
    # Calculate the geometric transit duration
    dur = (period / np.pi) * \
        np.arcsin(np.sqrt((rs * c.RSun + rp * c.RJ)
                          ** 2 - impact**2) / (sma * c.AU))
    return dur
Example #8
def tempFromthermalBroadeningWidth(lam0, width, m=None, awidth=0.0):
    Calculate the temperature required to obtain thermal broadening width.

    Thermal motion of particles causes Doppler
    broadening of the line profile. The resulting
    line profile is Gaussian with FWHM given by

    .. math::

        fwhm = \\lambda_0\\sqrt{\\frac{8k_B T\\ln(2)}{m c^2}}

    See, e.g.,

    Here, the relation is reversed, so that the temperature, T, can be
    obtained from the width. The relation is only strictly valid in the case
    of Gaussian lines.

    .. note:: Units of lam0, width, and awidth have to be consistent.

    lam0 : float
        Wavelength at which to width (FWHM) was measured.
    width : float
        Measured width of the feature (FWHM) 
    m : float, optional
        Mass of the particles [kg]. If not specified,
        the proton mass is assumed.
    awidth : float
        Additional width contributed by other effects such as
        instrumental resolution. The thermal width, ft, is obtained by
        quadratic subtraction, i.e., ft**2 = width**2 - awidth**2.
        Default is zero.

    Temperature : float
        The temperature required to achieve the specified broadening
    Thermal width : float
        The thermal width used in the calculations (may be modified
        if `awidth` has been specified.
    from PyAstronomy import constants as PC
    pc = PC.PyAConstants()
    if m is None:
        # Use proton mass if not specified otherwise
        m = pc.mp

    if awidth > width:
        raise(PE.PyAValError("The additional width (awidth) is larger than the specified width of the feature.", \
                             where="tempFromthermalBroadeningWidth", \
                             solution="Check width specification."))

    # Take into account additional width
    width = np.sqrt(width**2 - awidth**2)

    result = width**2 / lam0**2 * (m * (pc.c)**2) / (8.0 * pc.k * np.log(2.0))
    return result
Example #9
    def __init__(self, ccfs="rutten", afc="middelkoop", rphot="noyes"):
      Converting Mount-Wilson S-index into RHK index.
      The Mount-Wilson S-index is a measure of the emission-line cores
      of the Ca II H and K lines at about 3933 A and 3968 A in two
      narrow bands normalized by two adjacent continuum bands.
      The activity index RHK is closely related to the S-index. In
      particular, it gives the emission in the narrow bands normalized
      by the bolometric brightness of the star
      .. math::
          R_{HK} = \\frac{4\\pi R_s^2 (F_H + F_K)}{4\\pi R_s^2\\sigma T_{eff}^4} = \\frac{F_H+F_K}{\\sigma T_{eff}^4} \\; .
      The stellar surface flux in "arbitrary units" in the narrow
      H and K bands (fH + fK) is related to the Mount-Wilson S-index
      through the relation
      .. math::
          f_H + f_K = S C_{cf} T_{eff}^4 10^{-14} \\; ,
      where Ccf is a conversion factor, which can be parameterized in terms of
      the B-V color and the luminosity class. The conversion between
      arbitrary units and physical units, needed to derive the true surface
      flux and the RHK index, has been derived by several authors
      starting with Middelkoop 1982.
      Their factor was also used by Noyes et al. 1984---in particular in their
      appendix a, where is appears implicitly. Later, the value of the conversion
      factor has been revised by several authors, e.g., Oranje 1983 and Rutten 1984,
      who estimated a value about 70% larger than previously proposed. Hall et al.
      2007 derive a value 40% larger than that of Middelkoop 1982 and provide
      a thorough discussion on the differences between the individual approaches
      and results given in the literature.
      Finally, the RHK index thus derived still covers a photospheric
      contribution, which is always present and not related to the
      chromosphere. To obtain the purely chromospheric, primed RHK index,
      an estimate of the photospheric surface flux in the H and K pass-bands
      has to be subtracted. For active stars, the photospheric correction
      is usually quite irrelevant. For inactive, quiet stars, it can,
      however, be important.
      The issue of the Mount-Wilson S-index conversion has been revisited
      by Mittag et al. 2013, who provide an alternative conversion procedure
      and revised photospheric corrections for various luminosity classes. 
      .. note:: In the default configuration, the conversion of the S-index
                into RHK is identical to the relation stated by Noyes et al. 1984
                in their appendix (a)
                .. math::
                    R_{HK} = 1.340 \\times 10^{-4} C_{cf} S
                where the factor 1.34e-4 is a combination of the conversion from
                arbitrary to physical units, 1e-14, and the Stefan-Boltzmann
                constant, in particular 1.34e-4 = 7.6e5*1e-14/5.67e-5. The Ccf factor
                is, however, calculated according to Rutten 1984.
      The relations and coefficients used here are taken from the
      following publications (and references therein):
        - Middelkoop 1982, A&A 107, 31
        - Oranje 1983, A&A 124, 43
        - Noyes et al. 1984, A&A 279, 763
        - Rutten 1984, A&A 130, 353
        - Hall et al. 2007, AJ 133, 862
        - Mittag et al. 2013, A&A 549, 117
      ccfs : string, {rutten, noyes}, optional
          Source of the conversion factor between S-index and RHK.
      afc : string, {rutten, oranje, middelkoop, hall}, optional
          Source of conversion factor between "arbitrary units"
          and physical units of surface flux.
      rphot : string, {noyes}
          The source for the photospheric correction for the RHK
        if ccfs == "rutten":
            self._log10ccf = self.log10ccfRutten
        elif ccfs == "noyes":
            self._log10ccf = self.log10ccfNoyes
            raise(PE.PyAValError("No such Ccf source: " + str(ccfs), \
                                 solution="Use 'rutten' or 'noyes'."))
        self._ccfs = ccfs

        if rphot == "noyes":
            self._logrphot = self.logRphotNoyes
            raise(PE.PyAValError("No such source for the photospheric correction: " + str(rphot), \
                                 solution="Use 'noyes'."))
        self._rphots = rphot

        self._afc = afc
        # The conversion factor from "arbitrary units" to physical units.
        self._absCal = {
            "rutten": 1.29e6,
            "oranje": 1.21e6,
            "middelkoop": 7.6e5,
            "hall": 1.07e6
        if not self._afc in self._absCal:
            raise(PE.PyAValError("No such source for the conversion from arbitrary to physical units: " + str(self._afc), \
                                 solution="Use either of: " + ', '.join(self._absCal.keys()) ))

        from PyAstronomy.pyasl import _ic
        if not _ic.check["quantities"]:
            raise(PE.PyARequiredImport("The 'quantities' package is not installed, which is required to use 'SMW_RHK'.", \
                                       where="SMW_RHK", \
                                       solution="Install quantities (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantities/0.10.1)."))
        from PyAstronomy import constants as PC
        self._pc = PC.PyAConstants()