Example #1
    def test_get_all(self):
        Test Hash.get() for the case that we want all.

        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = True
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = self.expected_hashed
        actual = Hash(self.file, algorithm="all").get()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        actual = Hash(data="\n".join(self.data_to_write), algorithm="all").get()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)


        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #2
    def test_get_specific_algo(self):
        Test Hash.get() for the case that we want a specifig

        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = True
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = self.expected_hashed["sha512"]
        actual = Hash(self.file, algorithm="sha512", only_hash=True).get()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = self.expected_hashed["sha512"]
        actual = Hash(
            data="\n".join(self.data_to_write), algorithm="sha512", only_hash=True
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)


        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #3
    def test_hash_data(self):
        Tests the method wich let us hash a given data.

        given = "\n".join(self.data_to_write)

        for algo, expected in self.expected_hashed.items():
            self.assertEqual(expected, Hash(algo=algo).data(given))
            self.assertEqual(expected, Hash(algo=algo).data(given.encode()))
    def restore(self):
        Restore the 'output/' directory structure based on the `dir_structure.json` file.

        structure = self._get_structure()

        list_of_key = list(structure.keys())
        structure = structure[list_of_key[0]]
        parent_path = list_of_key[0] + directory_separator

        for directory in structure:
            base = self.base + parent_path + directory + directory_separator


            for file in structure[directory]:
                file_path = base + file

                content_to_write = structure[directory][file]["content"]
                online_sha = structure[directory][file]["sha512"]

                content_to_write = Regex(content_to_write,

                git_to_keep = file_path.replace("gitignore", "keep")
                keep_to_git = file_path.replace("keep", "gitignore")

                if self._restore_replace():
                    if path.isfile(file_path) and Hash(
                            file_path, "sha512", True).get() == online_sha:
                        rename(file_path, git_to_keep)
                        write = False
                        file_path = git_to_keep
                        write = True
                    if path.isfile(keep_to_git) and Hash(
                            file_path, "sha512", True).get() == online_sha:
                        rename(file_path, keep_to_git)
                        write = False
                        file_path = keep_to_git
                        write = True

                if write:
                    File(file_path).write(content_to_write + "\n", True)
Example #5
    def testhash_file(self):
        Test Hash._hash_file().

        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = True
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        for algo, result in self.expected_hashed.items():
                msg="%s did not passed the test" % repr(algo),


        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #6
    def test_hash_file(self):
        Tests the method which let us the content of a given file.

        file_instance = File(self.file)

        expected = False
        actual = file_instance.exists()

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)


        expected = True
        actual = file_instance.exists()

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        for algo, expected in self.expected_hashed.items():


        expected = False
        actual = file_instance.exists()

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    def backup(cls):
        Backup the developer state of `output/` in order to make it restorable
            and portable for user.

        output_path = PyFunceble.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS[
        result = {PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["parent_directory"]: {}}

        for root, _, files in walk(output_path):
            directories = root.split(output_path)[1]

            local_result = result[PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["parent_directory"]]

            for file in files:
                file_path = root + directory_separator + file
                file_hash = Hash(file_path, "sha512", True).get()

                lines_in_list = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(file_path)]

                formated_content = "@@@".join(lines_in_list)

                local_result = local_result.setdefault(
                    {file: {
                        "sha512": file_hash,
                        "content": formated_content

        Dict(result).to_json(PyFunceble.CURRENT_DIRECTORY +
Example #8
    def test_hash_unknown_algo(self):
        Tests the hash class for the case that we give an unknown algo.

        given = "\n".join(self.data_to_write)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Hash(algo="Hello, World!").data(given))
Example #9
    def test_hash_data_not_string_nor_bytes(self):
        Tests the method which let us hash a given data for the case
        that we given a non string or bytes input.

        given = [1, 2, 3, 4]

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Hash().data(given))
Example #10
    def testhash_data(self):
       Test Hash._hash_data().

        to_test = "\n".join(self.data_to_write)

        for algo, result in self.expected_hashed.items():
                msg="%s did not passed the test" % repr(algo),
Example #11
    def test_get_path_not_exist(self):
        Test Hash.get() for the case that the given file does
        not exist.

        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = None
        actual = Hash(self.file).get()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    def backup(self):
        Backup the developer state of `output/` in order to make it restorable
            and portable for user.

        # We set the current output directory path.
        output_path = self.base + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["parent_directory"]

        # We initiate the structure base.
        result = {PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["parent_directory"]: {}}

        for root, _, files in PyFunceble.walk(output_path):
            # We loop through the current output directory structure.

            # We get the currently read directory name.
            directories = Directory(root.split(output_path)[1]).fix_path()

            # We initiate a local variable which will get the structure of the subdirectory.
            local_result = result[PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["parent_directory"]]

            for file in files:
                # We loop through the list of files.

                # We construct the file path.
                file_path = root + PyFunceble.directory_separator + file

                # We get the hash of the file.
                file_hash = Hash(file_path, "sha512", True).get()

                # We convert the file content to a list.
                lines_in_list = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(file_path)]

                # We convert the file content into a more flat format.
                # We use `@@@` as glue and implicitly replacement for `\n`.
                formatted_content = "@@@".join(lines_in_list)

                # We update the local result (and implicitly the global result)
                # with the files and directory informations/structure.
                local_result = local_result.setdefault(
                        file: {
                            "sha512": file_hash,
                            "content": formatted_content

        # We finally save the directory structure into the production file.
        Dict(result).to_json(self.base + "dir_structure_production.json")
Example #13
    def test_hash_file_not_exists(self):
        Tests the method which let us the content of a given file.

        file_instance = File(self.file)


        expected = False
        actual = file_instance.exists()

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        expected = None
        for algo in self.expected_hashed:
                expected, Hash(algo=algo).file(self.file),
    def restore(self):
        Restore the 'output/' directory structure based on the `dir_structure.json` file.

        # We get the structure we have to create/apply.
        structure = self._get_structure()

        # We get the list of key which is implicitly the list of directory to recreate.
        list_of_key = list(structure.keys())

        # We move to the content of the parent as we know that we are creating only one directory.
        # Note: if one day we will have to create multiple directory, we will have to change
        # the following.
        structure = structure[list_of_key[0]]

        # We also set the parent directory as we are going to construct its childen.
        parent_path = list_of_key[0]

        if not parent_path.endswith(PyFunceble.directory_separator):
            parent_path += PyFunceble.directory_separator

        # We get if we have to replace `.gitignore` to `.keep` and versa.
        replacement_status = self._restore_replace()

        for directory in structure:
            # We loop through the list of directory to create.

            # We construct the full path.
            base = self.base + parent_path + directory

            if not base.endswith(PyFunceble.directory_separator):
                base += PyFunceble.directory_separator

            # We create the constructed path if it does not exist.

            for file in structure[directory]:
                # We loop through the list of files in the currently read directory.

                # We construct the full file path.s
                file_path = base + file

                # We get the file content.
                content_to_write = structure[directory][file]["content"]

                # And its sha512 checksum.
                online_sha = structure[directory][file]["sha512"]

                # We update the content to write by replacing our glue with `\n`.
                content_to_write = Regex(content_to_write,

                # We get the file path as .keep.
                git_to_keep = file_path.replace("gitignore", "keep")

                # We get the file path as .gitignore.
                keep_to_git = file_path.replace("keep", "gitignore")

                if replacement_status:
                    # We have to replace every .gitignore to .keep.

                    if (PyFunceble.path.isfile(file_path) and Hash(
                            file_path, "sha512", True).get() == online_sha):
                        # * The currently read file exist.
                        # and
                        # * Its sha512sum is equal to the one we have in our structure.

                        # We rename the file.
                        PyFunceble.rename(file_path, git_to_keep)

                        # And we disallow the file writing.
                        write = False
                        # * The currently read file does not exist.
                        # or
                        # * Its sha512sum is not equal to the one we have in our structure.

                        # We delere the file if it does exist.

                        # We update the file path.
                        file_path = git_to_keep

                        # And we allow the file writing.
                        write = True
                    # We have to replace every .keep to .gitignore.
                    if (PyFunceble.path.isfile(keep_to_git) and Hash(
                            file_path, "sha512", True).get() == online_sha):
                        # * The .keep file exist.
                        # and
                        # * Its sha512sum is equal to the one we have in our structure.

                        # We rename the file.
                        PyFunceble.rename(file_path, keep_to_git)

                        # And we disallow the file writing.
                        write = False
                        # * The .keep file does not exist.
                        # or
                        # * Its sha512sum is not equal to the one we have in our structure.

                        # We delete the file if it exist.

                        # We update the file path
                        file_path = keep_to_git

                        # And we allow the file writing.
                        write = True

                if write:
                    # The file writing is allowed.

                    # We write our file content into the file path.
                    File(file_path).write(content_to_write + "\n", True)