Example #1
def testIPlot():
    if 'np' not in dir():
        import PyQt4.Qwt5.anynumpy as np
    x = np.arange(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 0.01)
    p = IPlot(Axis(Bottom, "linear x-axis"),
              Axis(Left, "linear y-axis"),
              Axis(Right, Log, "logarithmic y-axis"),             
              Curve(x, np.cos(x), Pen(Magenta, 2), "cos(x)"),
              Curve(x, np.exp(x), Pen(Red), "exp(x)", Right),
              "PyQwt using Qt-%s and Qwt-%s"% (QT_VERSION_STR, QWT_VERSION_STR),
    x = x[0:-1:10]
        Curve(x, np.cos(x-np.pi/4), Symbol(Circle, Yellow), "circle"),
        Curve(x, np.cos(x+np.pi/4), Pen(Blue), Symbol(Square, Cyan), "square"),
    return p
    def setDamp(self, d):
        self.damping = d
        # Numerical Python: f, g, a and p are NumPy arrays!
        f = np.exp(np.log(10.0) * np.arange(-2, 2.02, 0.04))
        g = 1.0 / (1.0 - f * f + 2j * self.damping * f)
        a = 20.0 * np.log10(abs(g))
        p = 180 * np.arctan2(g.imag, g.real) / np.pi
        # for show3dB
        i3 = np.argmax(np.where(np.less(a, -3.0), a, -100.0))
        f3 = f[i3] - (a[i3] + 3.0) * (f[i3] - f[i3 - 1]) / (a[i3] - a[i3 - 1])
        # for showPeak
        imax = np.argmax(a)

        self.showPeak(f[imax], a[imax])
        self.showData(f, a, p)

    def setDamp(self, d):
        self.damping = d
        # Numerical Python: f, g, a and p are NumPy arrays!
        f = np.exp(np.log(10.0)*np.arange(-2, 2.02, 0.04))
        g = 1.0/(1.0-f*f+2j*self.damping*f)
        a = 20.0*np.log10(abs(g))
        p = 180*np.arctan2(g.imag, g.real)/np.pi
        # for show3dB
        i3 = np.argmax(np.where(np.less(a, -3.0), a, -100.0))
        f3 = f[i3] - (a[i3]+3.0)*(f[i3]-f[i3-1])/(a[i3]-a[i3-1])
        # for showPeak
        imax = np.argmax(a)

        self.showPeak(f[imax], a[imax])
        self.showData(f, a, p)

Example #4
def testIPlot():
    if 'np' not in dir():
        import PyQt4.Qwt5.anynumpy as np
    x = np.arange(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 0.01)
    p = IPlot(
        Axis(Bottom, "linear x-axis"),
        Axis(Left, "linear y-axis"),
        Axis(Right, Log, "logarithmic y-axis"),
        Curve(x, np.cos(x), Pen(Magenta, 2), "cos(x)"),
        Curve(x, np.exp(x), Pen(Red), "exp(x)", Right),
        "PyQwt using Qt-%s and Qwt-%s" % (QT_VERSION_STR, QWT_VERSION_STR),
    x = x[0:-1:10]
        Curve(x, np.cos(x - np.pi / 4), Symbol(Circle, Yellow), "circle"),
        Curve(x, np.cos(x + np.pi / 4), Pen(Blue), Symbol(Square, Cyan),
    return p