Example #1
 def getPriority(self, activity_tool, processing_node, node_set=None):
     if node_set is None:
         q = ("SELECT 3*priority, date FROM %s"
              " WHERE processing_node=0 AND date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)"
              " ORDER BY priority, date LIMIT 1" % self.sql_table)
         subquery = (
             "(SELECT 3*priority{} as effective_priority, date FROM %s"
             " WHERE {} AND processing_node=0 AND date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)"
             " ORDER BY priority, date LIMIT 1)" % self.sql_table).format
         node = 'node=%s' % processing_node
         # "ALL" on all but one, to incur deduplication cost only once.
         # "UNION ALL" between the two naturally distinct sets.
         q = (
             "SELECT * FROM (%s UNION ALL %s UNION %s%s) as t"
             " ORDER BY effective_priority, date LIMIT 1" % (
                 subquery(-1, node),
                 subquery('', 'node=0'),
                 subquery('+IF(node, IF(%s, -1, 1), 0)' % node, 'node>=0'),
                 ' UNION ALL ' +
                 subquery(-1, 'node IN (%s)' % ','.join(map(str, node_set)))
                 if node_set else '',
     result = activity_tool.getSQLConnection().query(q, 0)[1]
     if result:
         return result[0]
     return Queue.getPriority(self, activity_tool, processing_node,
Example #2
 def getPriority(self, activity_tool, node=None):
   if node is None:
     q = ("SELECT 3*priority, date FROM %s"
       " WHERE processing_node=0 AND date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)"
       " ORDER BY priority, date LIMIT 1" % self.sql_table)
     subquery = ("(SELECT 3*priority{} as effective_priority, date FROM %s"
       " WHERE {} AND processing_node=0 AND date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)"
       " ORDER BY priority, date LIMIT 1)" % self.sql_table).format
     node = 'node=%s' % node
     q = ("SELECT * FROM (%s UNION ALL %s UNION %s) as t"
       " ORDER BY effective_priority, date LIMIT 1" % (
         subquery(-1, node),
         subquery('', 'node=0'),
         subquery('+IF(node, IF(%s, -1, 1), 0)' % node, 1),
   result = activity_tool.getSQLConnection().query(q, 0)[1]
   if result:
     return result[0]
   return Queue.getPriority(self, activity_tool, node)
Example #3
 def getPriority(self, activity_tool):
     result = activity_tool.SQLBase_getPriority(table=self.sql_table)
     if result:
         result, = result
         return result['priority'], result['date']
     return Queue.getPriority(self, activity_tool)
Example #4
 def getPriority(self, activity_tool):
   result = activity_tool.SQLBase_getPriority(table=self.sql_table)
   if result:
     assert len(result) == 1, len(result)
     return result[0]['priority']
   return Queue.getPriority(self, activity_tool)
Example #5
 def getPriority(self, activity_tool):
     result = activity_tool.getSQLConnection().query(
         "SELECT priority, date FROM %s"
         " WHERE processing_node=0 AND date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP(6)"
         " ORDER BY priority, date LIMIT 1" % self.sql_table, 0)[1]
     return result[0] if result else Queue.getPriority(self, activity_tool)