def start(self):

        print 'Start Speech Download Service...'

        language = self._language
        download_dir = self.setup_download_dir()

        # Create a queue to communicate with the worker threads
        queue = Queue()

        with open(self._text_file_path, 'r') as f:

            progress = Progress(len(f.readlines()))
            queue.count = 0
            queue.progress = progress

            for text in f:
                text = text.rstrip('\n')
                encoded_args = urlencode({
                    'hl': language,
                    'src': text,
                    'key': config.API_KEY

                url = config.SPEECH_URL + encoded_args
                download_path = os.path.join(download_dir, text + config.DOWNLOAD_FILE_TYPE)

                # queue accepts only one object
                    (url, download_path)

        # Create 8 worker threads
        for _ in range(self.THREAD_POOL_SIZE):
            thread = SpeechDownloadThread(queue)
            # Setting daemon to true will let the main thread exit
            # even though the workers are blocking
            thread.daemon = True

        # Block until all tasks are done

        print 'Done, Downloaded %d Speeches' % queue.count