Example #1
    def getRecordsByThreshold(self, minTimestamp = None, maxTimestamp = None, orderAsc = True, asDict = False):
        result = []
            cursor = None

            order = "ASC"
            if not orderAsc:
                order = "DESC"

            if(minTimestamp == None and maxTimestamp == None):
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData ORDER BY timestamp " + order)
            if(maxTimestamp == None):
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData WHERE timestamp=? ORDER BY timestamp " + order, (minTimestamp, ))
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData WHERE ?<=timestamp AND timestamp<? ORDER BY timestamp " + order,
                                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, ))

            for row in cursor:
                mixerData = RMMixerData(row[2])
                mixerData.temperature = row[3]
                mixerData.rh = row[4]
                mixerData.wind = row[5]
                mixerData.solarRad = row[6]
                mixerData.skyCover = row[7]
                mixerData.rain = row[8]
                mixerData.et0 = row[9]
                mixerData.pop = row[10]
                mixerData.qpf = row[11]
                mixerData.condition = row[12]
                mixerData.pressure = row[13]
                mixerData.dewPoint = row[14]
                mixerData.minTemp = row[15]
                mixerData.maxTemp = row[16]
                mixerData.minRH = row[17]
                mixerData.maxRH = row[18]
                mixerData.et0calc = row[19]
                mixerData.et0final = row[20]


        return result
Example #2
    def getLastRecordForDayForSimulator(self, dayTimestamp):
        result = OrderedDict()

            minTimestamp = dayTimestamp
            maxTimestamp = dayTimestamp + 86400

            row = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData WHERE ?<=timestamp AND timestamp<? GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY forecastID DESC LIMIT 1",
                                (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, )).fetchone()

            if row:
                mixerData = RMMixerData(row[2])
                mixerData.temperature = row[3]
                mixerData.rh = row[4]
                mixerData.wind = row[5]
                mixerData.solarRad = row[6]
                mixerData.skyCover = row[7]
                mixerData.rain = row[8]
                mixerData.et0 = row[9]
                mixerData.pop = row[10]
                mixerData.qpf = row[11]
                mixerData.condition = row[12]
                mixerData.pressure = row[13]
                mixerData.dewPoint = row[14]
                mixerData.minTemp = row[15]
                mixerData.maxTemp = row[16]
                mixerData.minRH = row[17]
                mixerData.maxRH = row[18]
                mixerData.et0calc = row[19]
                mixerData.et0final = row[20]

                mixerDataDict = {
                    row[2]: mixerData

                result = {
                    "forecastID": row[0],
                    "forecastTimestamp": row[1],
                    "data": mixerDataDict

        return result
Example #3
    def getRecordsByForecast(self, useInsertOrder = False):
        result = OrderedDict()
            cursor = None
            if useInsertOrder:
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData ORDER BY forecastID ASC, timestamp ASC")
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData ORDER BY forecastID DESC, timestamp ASC")

            for row in cursor:
                forecastID = row[0]
                forecastTimestamp = row[1]

                mixerData = RMMixerData(row[2])
                mixerData.temperature = row[3]
                mixerData.rh = row[4]
                mixerData.wind = row[5]
                mixerData.solarRad = row[6]
                mixerData.skyCover = row[7]
                mixerData.rain = row[8]
                mixerData.et0 = row[9]
                mixerData.pop = row[10]
                mixerData.qpf = row[11]
                mixerData.condition = row[12]
                mixerData.pressure = row[13]
                mixerData.dewPoint = row[14]
                mixerData.minTemp = row[15]
                mixerData.maxTemp = row[16]
                mixerData.minRH = row[17]
                mixerData.maxRH = row[18]
                mixerData.et0calc = row[19]
                mixerData.et0final = row[20]

                if forecastID in result:
                    result[forecastID] = {"timestamp" : forecastTimestamp, "values": [mixerData, ]}
        return result
Example #4
    def getRecordsForLastForecast(self):
        forecast = None
        values = None

            cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData WHERE forecastID=(SELECT MAX(forecastID) from mixerData) ORDER BY timestamp ASC")

            for row in cursor:
                if not forecast:
                    forecast = RMForecastInfo(row[0], row[1])
                    values = []

                mixerData = RMMixerData(row[2])
                mixerData.temperature = row[3]
                mixerData.rh = row[4]
                mixerData.wind = row[5]
                mixerData.solarRad = row[6]
                mixerData.skyCover = row[7]
                mixerData.rain = row[8]
                mixerData.et0 = row[9]
                mixerData.pop = row[10]
                mixerData.qpf = row[11]
                mixerData.condition = row[12]
                mixerData.pressure = row[13]
                mixerData.dewPoint = row[14]
                mixerData.minTemp = row[15]
                mixerData.maxTemp = row[16]
                mixerData.minRH = row[17]
                mixerData.maxRH = row[18]
                mixerData.et0calc = row[19]
                mixerData.et0final = row[20]


        return forecast, values
Example #5
    def getLastRecordsByThreshold(self, minTimestamp = None, maxTimestamp = None, orderAsc = True, asDict = False, noOfRecords = None):
        if asDict:
            result = OrderedDict()
            result = []

            cursor = None

            order = "ASC"
            if not orderAsc:
                order = "DESC"

            limit = ""
            if noOfRecords:
                limit = " LIMIT %d" % noOfRecords

            if minTimestamp is None and maxTimestamp is None:
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT MAX(forecastID), * FROM mixerData GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp " + order + limit)
            elif minTimestamp is None:
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT MAX(forecastID), * FROM mixerData WHERE timestamp<=? GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp " + order + limit, (maxTimestamp, ))
            elif maxTimestamp is None:
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT MAX(forecastID), * FROM mixerData WHERE ?<=timestamp GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp " + order + limit, (minTimestamp, ))
                cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT MAX(forecastID), * FROM mixerData WHERE ?<=timestamp AND timestamp<=? GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp " + order + limit,
                                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, ))

            for row in cursor:
                mixerData = RMMixerData(row[3])
                mixerData.temperature = row[4]
                mixerData.rh = row[5]
                mixerData.wind = row[6]
                mixerData.solarRad = row[7]
                mixerData.skyCover = row[8]
                mixerData.rain = row[9]
                mixerData.et0 = row[10]
                mixerData.pop = row[11]
                mixerData.qpf = row[12]
                mixerData.condition = row[13]
                mixerData.pressure = row[14]
                mixerData.dewPoint = row[15]
                mixerData.minTemp = row[16]
                mixerData.maxTemp = row[17]
                mixerData.minRH = row[18]
                mixerData.maxRH = row[19]
                mixerData.et0calc = row[20]
                mixerData.et0final = row[21]

                if asDict:
                    result[row[3]] = mixerData

        return result