def comeBehind(bot, tar, obj):
        result_pst = Position()
        aglTar2Obj = get_angle(tar, obj)
        aglBot2Tar = get_angle(tar, bot)
        diffAglBot2Obj = aglBot2Tar - aglTar2Obj

        if get_distance(bot, tar) > 130:
            if 0 <= diffAglBot2Obj < 1.57:
                result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(obj, tar) + 500)
                result_pst.x = result_pst.x + 500 * math.cos(aglTar2Obj + 1.57)
                result_pst.y = result_pst.y + 500 * math.sin(aglTar2Obj + 1.57)

            elif -1.57 <= diffAglBot2Obj < 0:
                result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(obj, tar) + 500)
                result_pst.x = result_pst.x + 500 * math.cos(aglTar2Obj - 1.57)
                result_pst.y = result_pst.y + 500 * math.sin(aglTar2Obj - 1.57)

            elif 1.57 <= diffAglBot2Obj < 2.9:
                result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(obj, tar) + 500)

            elif -2.9 <= diffAglBot2Obj < -1.57:
                result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(obj, tar) + 500)

                result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(tar, obj) + 90)

            result_pst = stayOutsideCircle(tar, obj, get_distance(tar, obj))

        return result_pst
Example #2
    def test_eq(self):
        # les tests sont fait avec la tolérance par défaut défini dans
        self.assertFalse(Position(900, 900) == Position()) # sanity check
        pos1 = Position()
        pos2 = Position()
        self.assertEqual(pos1, pos2)
        self.assertEqual(pos2, pos1)

        pos3 = Position(500, 400)
        pos4 = Position(400, -400)
        pos5 = Position(-500, 400)
        pos6 = Position(0.5, 0)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos4)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos5)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos6)

        pos7 = Position(0.5, 0)
        pos8 = Position(0, 0)
        pos9 = Position(1, 0)
        self.assertTrue(pos7 == pos8)
        self.assertTrue(pos7 == pos9)

        pos10 = Position(0.5, 0)
        pos11 = Position(-0.5, 0)
        pos12 = Position(1, 0)
        self.assertTrue(pos10 == pos11)
        self.assertTrue(pos10 == pos12)

        # test pour voir si la tolérance est respectée
        pos11.abs_tol = 1e-1
        self.assertFalse(pos11 == pos10)
        self.assertFalse(pos10 == pos11)
Example #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.start_point = Position(0, 0)
     self.goal = Position(0, 0)
     self.obstacle = Position(0, 0)
Example #4
    def search_point(self, path, avoid_dir=None):

        pose_robot = path.start
        pose_target = path.goal
        pose_obstacle_closest, dist_point_obs, closest_player = self.find_closest_obstacle(
            pose_target, path)
        if pose_obstacle_closest is None:
            sub_target = pose_target
            return sub_target

        direction = (pose_target.conv_2_np() - pose_robot.conv_2_np()
                     ) / np.linalg.norm(pose_target.conv_2_np() -
        vec_robot_2_obs = np.array(
            conv_position_2_list(pose_obstacle_closest - pose_robot))
        len_along_path =, direction)
        dist_from_path = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(direction, vec_robot_2_obs))
        projection_obs_on_direction =
            direction, vec_robot_2_obs / np.linalg.norm(vec_robot_2_obs))
        if 0 < len_along_path < get_distance(pose_target, pose_robot):
            vec_perp = np.cross(np.append(direction, [0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]))
            vec_perp = vec_perp[0:2] / np.linalg.norm(vec_perp)
            # print(self.player.velocity)
            cruise_speed = np.array(self.player.velocity[0:2])
            self.closest_obs_speed = np.array(closest_player.velocity[0:2])
            avoid_dir = -vec_perp

            if avoid_dir is None:
                avoid_dir = -vec_perp
                sub_target_1 = np.array(conv_position_2_list(pose_robot)) + \
                    direction * len_along_path + vec_perp * self.res
                sub_target_2 = np.array(conv_position_2_list(pose_robot)) + \
                    direction * len_along_path - vec_perp * self.res
                bool_sub_target_1 = self.verify_sub_target(
                    Position(sub_target_1[0], sub_target_1[1]))
                bool_sub_target_2 = self.verify_sub_target(
                    Position(sub_target_2[0], sub_target_2[1]))

                while bool_sub_target_1:
                    sub_target_1 += vec_perp * self.res
                    bool_sub_target_1 = self.verify_sub_target(
                        Position(sub_target_1[0], sub_target_1[1]))

                sub_target_1 += vec_perp * 0.01 * self.res
                while bool_sub_target_2:

                    sub_target_2 -= vec_perp * self.res
                    bool_sub_target_2 = self.verify_sub_target(
                        Position(sub_target_2[0], sub_target_2[1]))

                sub_target_2 -= vec_perp * 0.01 * self.res
                if np.linalg.norm(cruise_speed) < 0.1:
                    sub_target = sub_target_1
                elif abs(, (sub_target_1 - path.start.conv_2_np()) /
                         np.linalg.norm(sub_target_1 - path.start.conv_2_np()))) > \
                        abs(, (sub_target_2 - path.start.conv_2_np()) /
                            np.linalg.norm(sub_target_2 - path.start.conv_2_np()))):
                    sub_target = sub_target_1
                    sub_target = sub_target_2

                # if, np.transpose(vec_perp)) < 0:
                #     vec_perp = -vec_perp
                if np.linalg.norm(avoid_dir) > 0.001:
                    avoid_dir /= np.linalg.norm(avoid_dir)
                elif, np.transpose(vec_perp)) < 0:
                    avoid_dir = -vec_perp
                    avoid_dir = vec_perp
                sub_target = np.array(conv_position_2_list(pose_robot)) +\
                    direction * len_along_path + vec_perp * self.res

                bool_sub_target = self.verify_sub_target(
                    Position(sub_target[0], sub_target[1]))
                while bool_sub_target:
                    sub_target -= avoid_dir * self.res
                    bool_sub_target = self.verify_sub_target(
                        Position(sub_target[0], sub_target[1]))

                sub_target -= avoid_dir * 0.01 * self.res
                avoid_dir = vec_perp
            sub_target = Position(sub_target[0], sub_target[1])
            sub_target = pose_target
        return [sub_target, avoid_dir]
Example #5
 def test_update_player(self):
     init_pose = self.first_player.pose
     self.assertEqual(init_pose,[0].pose), [Pose(Position(500, 500))])
     self.assertEqual([0].pose, self.first_player.pose)
    def test_new(self):

        self.assertFalse(Position(900, 900) == Position())  # sanity check

        self.assertTrue(hasattr(Position(), 'z'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(Position(), 'abs_tol'))

        # Init from nothing
        self.assertEqual(Position(), Position(0, 0))
        self.assertTrue(Position().z == 0)
        self.assertTrue(Position(0, 0).z == 0)

        # Init from positional argument
        pos1 = Position(0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(pos1.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(pos1.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(pos1.z, 0)

        pos2 = Position(-100, 0.001)
        self.assertEqual(pos2.x, -100)
        self.assertEqual(pos2.y, 0.001)
        self.assertEqual(pos2.z, 0)

        # Init from ndarray
        my_array = np.array([100, -50.23])
        pos3 = Position(np.array(my_array))
        self.assertEqual(pos3.x, 100)
        self.assertEqual(pos3.y, -50.23)
        self.assertEqual(pos3.z, 0)
        my_array[0] = 10
        self.assertFalse(pos3.x == 10)

        # Init from list
        my_list = [9, 10]
        pos4 = Position(my_list)
        self.assertEqual(pos4.x, 9)
        self.assertEqual(pos4.y, 10)
        self.assertEqual(pos4.z, 0)
        my_list[0] = 10
        self.assertFalse(pos4[0] == 10)

        # Init from tuple
        my_tuple = (9, 10)
        pos5 = Position(my_tuple)
        self.assertEqual(pos5.x, 9)
        self.assertEqual(pos5.y, 10)
        self.assertEqual(pos5.z, 0)
        pos5[0] = 10
        self.assertTrue(pos5[0] == 10)

        # Init from another Position
        pos6 = Position(1, 1)
        pos7 = Position(pos6)
        self.assertEqual(pos6, pos7)
        self.assertFalse(pos6 is pos7)
        pos6[1] = 9
        self.assertNotEqual(pos6, pos7)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Position(0, 0, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Position([0, 0, 0])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Position((0, 0, 0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_rotate(self):
     self.assertEqual(Position(1, 0).rotate(0), Position(1, 0))
     self.assertEqual(Position(1, 0).rotate(m.pi / 2), Position(0, 1))
     self.assertEqual(Position(0, 1).rotate(m.pi / 2), Position(-1, 0))
     self.assertEqual(Position(-1, 0).rotate(m.pi / 2), Position(0, -1))
     self.assertEqual(Position(0, -1).rotate(m.pi / 2), Position(1, 0))
         Position(526, 878).rotate(2.14675), Position(-1022.833, -37.052))
     self.assertTrue(type(Position(526, 878).rotate(2.14675)) is Position)
Example #8
    def test_init(self):
        #  Default case
        pose = Pose()
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(pose, 'position'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(pose, 'orientation'))
        self.assertTrue(type(pose.position) is Position)
        self.assertTrue(type(pose.orientation) is float)

        #  From another Pose
        pose1 = Pose(Position(1, 1), 1)
        pose2 = Pose(pose1)
        self.assertEqual(pose1.position, pose2.position)
        self.assertEqual(pose1.orientation, pose2.orientation)
        self.assertTrue(pose1 is not pose2)
        self.assertTrue(pose1.position is not pose2.position)
        self.assertTrue(pose1.orientation is not pose2.orientation)

        pose1 = Pose(Position(1, 1), 1 + 2 * m.pi)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pose1.orientation, 1)
        pose2 = Pose(pose1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pose2.orientation, 1)

        #  From a size 3 numpy array
        my_array = np.array([1, 1, np.pi / 4])
        pose = Pose(my_array)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 1))
        self.assertEqual(pose.orientation, np.pi / 4)
        my_array[0] = 2
        self.assertNotEqual(pose.position, Position(2, 1))
        self.assertTrue(pose.orientation is not my_array[2])

        my_array = np.array([1, 1, np.pi / 4 + 2 * np.pi])
        pose = Pose(my_array)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 1))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pose.orientation, np.pi / 4)

        #  From positional arguments (Position(), orientation)
        my_position = Position(1, 2)
        pose = Pose(my_position, 3)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(pose.orientation, 3)
        self.assertTrue(pose.position is not my_position)

        #  From positional arguments (x, y, orientation)
        pose = Pose(1, 2, 3)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(pose.orientation, 3)

        pose = Pose(1, 2, 3 + 2 * m.pi)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pose.orientation, 3)

        #  From a size 2 numpy array and orientation (np.array, orientation)
        my_array = np.array([1, 2])
        pose = Pose(my_array)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(pose.orientation, 0)
        my_array[0] = 2
        self.assertNotEqual(pose.position, Position(2, 2))

        my_array = np.array([1, 2])
        pose = Pose(my_array, 3)
        self.assertEqual(pose.position, Position(1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(pose.orientation, 3)
        my_array[0] = 2
        self.assertNotEqual(pose.position, Position(2, 2))

        my_array = np.array([1, 2])
        pose = Pose(my_array, 3 + 2 * m.pi)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(pose.orientation, 3)

        #   Error cases

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose(0, 0, 0, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose([0], 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose([0, 0, 0])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose([0, 0, 0], 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose((), 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose((0, 0, 0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose((0, 0, 0), 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose(np.zeros(1), 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Pose(np.zeros(4), 0)
Example #9
    def test_GoBetween(self):
        # test avec une droite verticale
        POS_TOP = Position(100, 100)
        POS_BOTTOM = Position(100, -100)
        POS_TARGET = Position(200, 0)
        POS_INBETWEEN = Position(100, 0)
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player, POS_TOP,
                                    POS_BOTTOM, POS_TARGET)
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(POS_INBETWEEN, 0)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test avec une droite horizontale
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player,
                                    Position(100, 100), Position(-100, 100),
                                    Position(0, 200))
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(Position(0, 100), pi / 2)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test avec une droite quelconque
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player,
                                    Position(0, 500), Position(500, 0),
                                    Position(-300, -300))
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(Position(250, 250), -3 * pi / 4)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test destination calculée derrière position1
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player,
                                    Position(1000, 75), Position(1500, -250),
                                    Position(0, 0), 0)
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(Position(1000, 75), -3.067)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test destination calculée derrière position2
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player,
                                    Position(-100, 50), Position(-50, 50),
                                    Position(-60.0 + sqrt(3), 51.0), 10)
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(Position(-60, 50), 0.5235)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test correction pour respecter la distance minimale
        self.go_between = GoBetween(self.game_state, self.a_player,
                                    Position(-500, 25), Position(1, 25),
                                    Position(-179, 0), 180)
        ai_cmd = self.go_between.exec().pose_goal
        ai_cmd_expected = Pose(Position(-179, 25), -pi / 2)
        self.assertEqual(ai_cmd, ai_cmd_expected)

        # test distance entre les positions insuffisantes
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, GoBetween, self.game_state,
                          self.a_player, Position(1, 1), Position(-1, -1), 50)
Example #10
 def _friend_kalman_update(self, poses, delta):
     ret = self.kf.filter(poses, self.cmd, delta)
     self.pose = Pose(Position(ret[0], ret[1]), ret[4])
     self.velocity = SpeedPose(Position(ret[2], ret[3]), ret[5])
Example #11
    def test_eq(self):
        self.assertEqual(Pose(), Pose())

        from RULEngine.Util.Pose import ORIENTATION_ABSOLUTE_TOLERANCE

        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 1), Pose(Position(), 1 + tol))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 1), Pose(Position(), 1 - tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 1), Pose(Position(),
                                                      1 + 1.1 * tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 1), Pose(Position(),
                                                      1 - 1.1 * tol))

        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), +tol))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), -tol))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), +tol), Pose(Position(), 0))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), -tol), Pose(Position(), 0))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), +1.1 * tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), -1.1 * tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), +1.1 * tol), Pose(Position(), 0))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), -1.1 * tol), Pose(Position(), 0))

        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), 2 * m.pi + tol))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), 0), Pose(Position(), 2 * m.pi - tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 0),
                            Pose(Position(), 2 * m.pi + 1.1 * tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), 0),
                            Pose(Position(), 2 * m.pi - 1.1 * tol))

        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi), Pose(Position(), -m.pi))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi + tol), Pose(Position(), -m.pi))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi), Pose(Position(), -m.pi + tol))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi - tol), Pose(Position(), -m.pi))
        self.assertEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi), Pose(Position(), -m.pi - tol))

        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi + 1.1 * tol),
                            Pose(Position(), -m.pi))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi),
                            Pose(Position(), -m.pi + 1.1 * tol))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi - 1.1 * tol),
                            Pose(Position(), -m.pi))
        self.assertNotEqual(Pose(Position(), m.pi),
                            Pose(Position(), -m.pi - 1.1 * tol))
Example #12
 def _update_players_of_team(players, team, delta):
     for player in players:
         player_position = Position(player.x, player.y, player.height)
         player_pose = Pose(player_position, player.orientation)
         team.update_player(player.robot_id, player_pose, delta)
Example #13
    def test_limit_speed(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(0, 0)), Position(0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(0.5, 0.5)),
                         Position(0.5, 0.5))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(1.0, 1.0)),
                         Position(1.0, 1.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(2.0, 2.0)),
                         Position(1.414, 1.414))

        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-0.5, -0.5)),
                         Position(-0.5, -0.5))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-1.0, -1.0)),
                         Position(-1.0, -1.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-2.0, -2.0)),
                         Position(-1.414, -1.414))

        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(0.5, -0.5)),
                         Position(0.5, -0.5))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(1.0, -1.0)),
                         Position(1.0, -1.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(2.0, -2.0)),
                         Position(1.414, -1.414))

        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-0.5, 0)),
                         Position(-0.5, 0.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-1.0, 0)),
                         Position(-1.0, 0.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-2.0, 0)),
                         Position(-2.0, 0.0))
        self.assertEqual(self.rm.limit_speed(Position(-3.0, 0)),
                         Position(-2.0, 0.0))
Example #14
def step_response(player):
    test_vel = Position(1.0, 0)
    cmd = command.MoveTo(player, test_vel)
    print("Envoi commande x pure")
Example #15
def center_player(player):
    center_pos = Position(0, 0)
    center_cmd = command.MoveTo(player, center_pos)
    gr_sim_debug_sender.place_ball(Position(1, 2))
    def _smoothed_path_to_pose_list(self, smoothed_path, target_orientation):
        smoothed_poses = []
        for point in smoothed_path:
            smoothed_poses.append(Pose(Position(point[0], point[1]), target_orientation))

        return smoothed_poses
def test_init():
    l = [Position(0, 0), Position(100, 200)]
    c = Collision(l)
    assert c.field_objects == l
Example #18
    def get_destination(self):
            Calcule le point situé à  x pixels derrière la position 1 par rapport à la position 2
            :return: Un tuple (Pose, kick) où Pose est la destination du joueur et kick est nul (on ne botte pas)

        delta_x = self.position2.x - self.position1.x
        delta_y = self.position2.y - self.position1.y
        theta = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)

        x = self.position1.x - self.distance_behind * math.cos(theta)
        y = self.position1.y - self.distance_behind * math.sin(theta)

        player_x = self.player.pose.position.x
        player_y = self.player.pose.position.y

        norm_player_2_position2 = math.sqrt((player_x - self.position2.x)**2 +
                                            (player_y - self.position2.y)**2)
        norm_position1_2_position2 = math.sqrt(
            (self.position1.x - self.position2.x)**2 +
            (self.position1.y - self.position2.y)**2)

        if norm_player_2_position2 < norm_position1_2_position2:
            # on doit contourner l'objectif

            vecteur_position1_2_position2 = np.array([
                self.position1.x - self.position2.x,
                self.position1.y - self.position2.y, 0
            vecteur_vertical = np.array([0, 0, 1])

            vecteur_player_2_position1 = np.array(
                [self.position1.x - player_x, self.position1.y - player_y, 0])

            vecteur_perp = np.cross(vecteur_position1_2_position2,
            vecteur_perp /= np.linalg.norm(vecteur_perp)

            if, vecteur_player_2_position1) > 0:
                vecteur_perp = -vecteur_perp

            position_intermediaire_x = x + vecteur_perp[0] * self.rayon_avoid
            position_intermediaire_y = y + vecteur_perp[1] * self.rayon_avoid
            if math.sqrt((player_x - position_intermediaire_x)**2 +
                         (player_y - position_intermediaire_y)**2) < 50:
                position_intermediaire_x += vecteur_perp[
                    0] * self.rayon_avoid * 2
                position_intermediaire_y += vecteur_perp[
                    1] * self.rayon_avoid * 2

            destination_position = Position(position_intermediaire_x,
            if math.sqrt((player_x - x)**2 + (player_y - y)**2) < 50:
                x -= math.cos(theta) * 2
                y -= math.sin(theta) * 2
            destination_position = Position(x, y)

        # Calcul de l'orientation de la pose de destination
        # TODO why?!? MGL 2017/05/22
        destination_orientation = 0
        if self.orientation == 'front':
            destination_orientation = get_angle(destination_position,
        elif self.orientation == 'back':
            destination_orientation = get_angle(destination_position,
                                                self.position1) + np.pi

        destination_pose = Pose(destination_position, destination_orientation)
        return destination_pose
 def test_norm(self):
     self.assertEqual(Position().norm(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(Position(1, 1).norm(), m.sqrt(2))
     self.assertEqual(Position(1, -1).norm(), m.sqrt(2))
     self.assertEqual(Position(-1, 1).norm(), m.sqrt(2))
     self.assertEqual(Position(3, 4).norm(), 5)
Example #20
 def passer2(self, coach, terrain, etats, equipe_bleu, equipe_jaune):
     coach.bouger(1, Position(-3000, -1000))
    def test_normalized(self):
        self.assertEqual(Position(1, 0).normalized(), Position(1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(Position(0, -1).normalized(), Position(0, -1))
            Position(10, 10).normalized(),
            Position(m.sqrt(2) / 2,
                     m.sqrt(2) / 2))
        normalized_vector = Position(
            np.array([12.45, -23.23]) /
            np.sqrt(np.square([12.45, -23.23]).sum()))
            Position(12.45, -23.23).normalized(), normalized_vector)
        self.assertTrue(type(Position(12.45, -23.23).normalized()) is Position)

        # Change this to fix some of motion executer behavior
        self.assertEquals(Position(0, 0), Position(0, 0).normalized())
Example #22
 def _is_ball_too_far(self):
     our_goal = Position(self.game_state.const["FIELD_OUR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"],
     return (our_goal - self.game_state.get_ball_position()
             ).norm() > self.game_state.const["FIELD_GOAL_WIDTH"]
Example #23
    def exec(self):
        Calcul le point le plus proche du robot sur la droite entre les deux positions
        :return: Un tuple (Pose, kick) où Pose est la destination du joueur et kick est nul (on ne botte pas)
        robot_position = self.game_state.get_player_pose(
        delta_x = self.position2.x - self.position1.x
        delta_y = self.position2.y - self.position1.y

        if delta_x != 0 and delta_y != 0:  # droite quelconque
            # Équation de la droite reliant les deux positions
            a1 = delta_y / delta_x  # pente
            b1 = self.position1.y - a1 * self.position1.x  # ordonnée à l'origine

            # Équation de la droite perpendiculaire
            a2 = -1 / a1  # pente perpendiculaire à a1
            b2 = robot_position.y - a2 * robot_position.x  # ordonnée à l'origine

            # Calcul des coordonnées de la destination
            x = (b2 - b1) / (a1 - a2)  # a1*x + b1 = a2*x + b2
            y = a1 * x + b1
        elif delta_x == 0:  # droite verticale
            x = self.position1.x
            y = robot_position.y
        elif delta_y == 0:  # droite horizontale
            x = robot_position.x
            y = self.position1.y

        destination_position = Position(x, y)

        # Vérification que destination_position se trouve entre position1 et position2
        distance_positions = math.sqrt(delta_x**2 + delta_y**2)
        distance_dest_pos1 = get_distance(self.position1, destination_position)
        distance_dest_pos2 = get_distance(self.position2, destination_position)

        if distance_dest_pos1 >= distance_positions and distance_dest_pos1 > distance_dest_pos2:
            # Si position2 est entre position1 et destination_position
            new_x = self.position2.x - self.minimum_distance * delta_x / distance_positions
            new_y = self.position2.y - self.minimum_distance * delta_y / distance_positions
            destination_position = Position(new_x, new_y)
        elif distance_dest_pos2 >= distance_positions and distance_dest_pos2 > distance_dest_pos1:
            # Si position1 est entre position2 et destination_position
            new_x = self.position1.x + self.minimum_distance * delta_x / distance_positions
            new_y = self.position1.y + self.minimum_distance * delta_y / distance_positions
            destination_position = Position(new_x, new_y)

        # Vérification que destination_position respecte la distance minimale
        if distance_dest_pos1 <= distance_dest_pos2:
            destination_position = stayOutsideCircle(destination_position,
            destination_position = stayOutsideCircle(destination_position,

        # Calcul de l'orientation de la pose de destination
        destination_orientation = get_angle(destination_position,

        destination_pose = Pose(destination_position, destination_orientation)
        kick_strength = 0
        return AICommand(destination_pose, kick_strength)
Example #24
    def get_destination(self) -> Pose:
        Calcul le point le plus proche du robot sur la droite entre les deux positions
        :return: Un tuple (Pose, kick) où Pose est la destination du joueur et kick est nul (on ne botte pas)
        player = self.player.pose.position.conv_2_np()
        pt1 = self.position1.conv_2_np()
        pt2 = self.position2.conv_2_np()
        delta = self.minimum_distance * (pt2 - pt1) / np.linalg.norm(pt2 - pt1)
        pt1 = pt1 + delta
        pt2 = pt2 - delta

        pt1_to_player = player - pt1
        pt2_to_player = player - pt2
        pt1_to_pt2 = pt2 - pt1

        destination = np.cross(
            pt1_to_player, pt1_to_pt2) / np.linalg.norm(pt1_to_pt2) + player
        outside_x = (destination[0] > pt1[0] and destination[0] > pt2[0]) or \
                    (destination[0] < pt1[0] and destination[0] < pt2[0])
        outside_y = (destination[1] > pt1[1] and destination[1] > pt2[1]) or \
                    (destination[1] < pt1[1] and destination[1] < pt2[1])
        if outside_x or outside_y:
            if np.linalg.norm(pt1_to_player) > np.linalg.norm(pt2_to_player):
                destination = pt1
                destination = pt2
        target =
        player_to_target = target - player
        destination_orientation = np.arctan2(player_to_target[1],

        # TODO remove MGL 2017/05/23
        delta_x = self.position2.x - self.position1.x
        delta_y = self.position2.y - self.position1.y

        if delta_x != 0 and delta_y != 0:   # droite quelconque
            # Équation de la droite reliant les deux positions
            a1 = delta_y / delta_x                                  # pente
            b1 = self.position1.y - a1*self.position1.x             # ordonnée à l'origine

            # Équation de la droite perpendiculaire
            a2 = -1/a1                                              # pente perpendiculaire à a1
            b2 = robot_position.y - a2*robot_position.x             # ordonnée à l'origine

            # Calcul des coordonnées de la destination
            x = (b2 - b1)/(a1 - a2)                                 # a1*x + b1 = a2*x + b2
            y = a1*x + b1
        elif delta_x == 0:  # droite verticale
            x = self.position1.x
            y = robot_position.y
        elif delta_y == 0: # droite horizontale
            x = robot_position.x
            y = self.position1.y

        destination_position = Position(x, y)

        # Vérification que destination_position se trouve entre position1 et position2
        distance_positions = math.sqrt(delta_x**2 + delta_y**2)
        distance_dest_pos1 = get_distance(self.position1, destination_position)
        distance_dest_pos2 = get_distance(self.position2, destination_position)

        if distance_dest_pos1 >= distance_positions and distance_dest_pos1 > distance_dest_pos2:
            # Si position2 est entre position1 et destination_position
            new_x = self.position2.x - self.minimum_distance * delta_x / distance_positions
            new_y = self.position2.y - self.minimum_distance * delta_y / distance_positions
            destination_position = Position(new_x, new_y)
        elif distance_dest_pos2 >= distance_positions and distance_dest_pos2 > distance_dest_pos1:
            # Si position1 est entre position2 et destination_position
            new_x = self.position1.x + self.minimum_distance * delta_x / distance_positions
            new_y = self.position1.y + self.minimum_distance * delta_y / distance_positions
            destination_position = Position(new_x, new_y)

        # Vérification que destination_position respecte la distance minimale
        if distance_dest_pos1 <= distance_dest_pos2:
            destination_position = stayOutsideCircle(destination_position, self.position1, self.minimum_distance)
            destination_position = stayOutsideCircle(destination_position, self.position2, self.minimum_distance)

        # Calcul de l'orientation de la pose de destination
        destination_orientation = get_angle(destination_position,

        destination_pose = {"pose_goal": Pose(destination_position, destination_orientation)}
        kick_strength = 0
        return Pose(Position.from_np(destination), destination_orientation)
Example #25
    def __init__(self, start=Position(), end=Position()):

        self.start = start
        self.goal = end
        self.points = [start, end]
        self.speeds = [0, 0]
Example #26
    def test_eq(self):
        # les tests sont fait avec la tolérance par défaut défini dans
        self.assertFalse(Position(900, 900) == Position())  # sanity check
        pos1 = Position()
        pos2 = Position()
        self.assertEqual(pos1, pos2)
        self.assertEqual(pos2, pos1)

        pos3 = Position(500, 400)
        pos4 = Position(400, -400)
        pos5 = Position(-500, 400)
        pos6 = Position(0.5, 0)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos4)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos5)
        self.assertFalse(pos3 == pos6)

        pos7 = Position(0.5, 0)
        pos8 = Position(0, 0)
        pos9 = Position(1, 0)
        self.assertTrue(pos7 == pos8)
        self.assertTrue(pos7 == pos9)

        pos10 = Position(0.5, 0)
        pos11 = Position(-0.5, 0)
        pos12 = Position(1, 0)
        self.assertTrue(pos10 == pos11)
        self.assertTrue(pos10 == pos12)

        # test pour voir si la tolérance est respectée
        pos11.abs_tol = 1e-1
        self.assertFalse(pos11 == pos10)
        self.assertFalse(pos10 == pos11)
Example #27
    def reshape_path(self,
                     path: Path,
                     player: OurPlayer,
                     vel_cruise: [int, float] = 1000):
        self.path = path
        self.player = player
        cmd = self.player.ai_command
        if cmd.cruise_speed:
            vel_cruise = cmd.cruise_speed * 1000
        # print(vel_cruise)
        self.vel_max = vel_cruise
        p1 = self.path.points[0].conv_2_np()
        point_list = [p1]
        speed_list = [0]

        for idx, point in enumerate(self.path.points[1:-1]):
            self.dist_from_path = 50  # mm
            i = idx + 1
            p2 = point.conv_2_np()
            p3 = self.path.points[i + 1].conv_2_np()
            # if np.linalg.norm(p1, p2) / 2 < OurPlayer.max_acc * 2 / vel_cruise ** 2:
            #     # on ne calcul pas le radius a partir de vel cruise. profil triangulaire
            #     vel_pointe = np.sqrt(2 * OurPlayer.max_acc / (np.linalg.norm(p1,p2) / 2))
            #     radius_at_const_speed = vel_pointe ** 2 / (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000)
            # else:
            radius_at_const_speed = vel_cruise**2 / (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000)
            theta = np.math.atan2(p3[1] - p2[1],
                                  p3[0] - p2[0]) - np.math.atan2(
                                      p1[1] - p2[1], p1[0] - p2[0])
            dist_deviation = (radius_at_const_speed /
                              (np.math.sin(theta / 2))) - radius_at_const_speed
            speed = vel_cruise
            radius = radius_at_const_speed
            while dist_deviation > self.dist_from_path:
                speed *= 0.8
                radius = speed**2 / (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000)
                dist_deviation = (radius / (np.math.sin(theta / 2))) - radius
            # print(radius, radius_at_const_speed)
            if np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) < 0.001 or np.linalg.norm(
                    p2 - p3) < 0.001 or np.linalg.norm(p1 - p3) < 0.001:
                # on traite tout le cas ou le problème dégènere
                point_list += [p2]
                speed_list += [vel_cruise / 1000]
                p4 = p2 + np.sqrt(np.square(dist_deviation + radius) - radius ** 2) *\
                          (p1 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
                p5 = p2 + np.sqrt(np.square(dist_deviation + radius) - radius ** 2) *\
                    (p3 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2)
                if np.linalg.norm(p4 - p5) > np.linalg.norm(p3 - p1):
                    point_list += [p2]
                    speed_list += [vel_cruise / 1000]
                elif np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) < np.linalg.norm(p4 - p2):
                    radius *= np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p4 - p2)
                    dist_deviation = (radius /
                                      (np.math.sin(theta / 2))) - radius
                    p4 = p2 + np.sqrt(
                        np.square(dist_deviation + radius) -
                        radius**2) * (p1 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
                    p5 = p2 + np.sqrt(
                        np.square(dist_deviation + radius) -
                        radius**2) * (p3 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2)
                    point_list += [p4, p5]
                    speed_list += [speed, speed]
                elif np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2) < np.linalg.norm(p5 - p2):
                    radius *= np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p5 - p2)
                    dist_deviation = (radius /
                                      (np.math.sin(theta / 2))) - radius
                    p4 = p2 + np.sqrt(
                        np.square(dist_deviation + radius) -
                        radius**2) * (p1 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
                    p5 = p2 + np.sqrt(
                        np.square(dist_deviation + radius) -
                        radius**2) * (p3 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2)
                    point_list += [p4, p5]
                    speed_list += [speed, speed]
                    point_list += [p4, p5]
                    speed_list += [speed, speed]
            # radius = abs(self.dist_from_path*np.sin(theta/2)/(1-np.sin(theta/2)))
            # print(radius, radius_at_const_speed)
            # if radius > radius_at_const_speed:
            #     radius = radius_at_const_speed
            #     self.dist_from_path = -radius + radius / abs(np.math.sin(theta / 2))
            # if np.linalg.norm(p1-p2) < 0.001 or np.linalg.norm(p2-p3) < 0.001 or np.linalg.norm(p1-p3) < 0.001:
            #     # on traite tout le cas ou le problème dégènere
            #     point_list += [point]
            #     speed_list += [vel_cruise/1000]
            # else:
            #     p4 = p2 + np.sqrt(np.square(self.dist_from_path + radius) - radius ** 2) * \
            #          (p1 - p2)/np.linalg.norm(p1-p2)
            #     p5 = p2 + np.sqrt(np.square(self.dist_from_path + radius) - radius ** 2) * \
            #         (p3 - p2) / np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2)
            #     if np.linalg.norm(p4-p5) > np.linalg.norm(p3-p1):
            #         point_list += [point]
            #         speed_list += [vel_cruise/1000]
            #     else:
            #         point_list += [Position.from_np(p4), Position.from_np(p5)]
            #         speed_list += [np.sqrt(radius / (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000)),
            #                        np.sqrt(radius / (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000))]
            p1 = point_list[-1]

        speed_list += [0]
        point_list += [self.path.goal.conv_2_np()]
        # on s'assure que le path est bel et bien réalisable par un robot et on
        # merge les points qui sont trop proches les un des autres.
        position_list = [Position().from_np(point_list[0])]
        new_speed_list = [speed_list[0]]
        for idx, point in enumerate(point_list[1:-1]):
            i = idx + 1
            if np.linalg.norm(point_list[i] - point_list[i + 1]) < 10:
            min_dist = 0.5 * (
                np.square(speed_list[i] - np.square(speed_list[i + 1])) /
                (OurPlayer.max_acc * 1000))
            if min_dist > np.linalg.norm(point_list[i] - point_list[i + 1]):
                if speed_list[i] > speed_list[i + 1]:
                    speed_list[i] *= np.linalg.norm(
                        point_list[i] - point_list[i + 1]) / min_dist

            position_list += [Position().from_np(point_list[i])]
            new_speed_list += [speed_list[i]]
        position_list += [Position().from_np(point_list[-1])]
        new_speed_list += [speed_list[-1]]
        return Path().generate_path_from_points(position_list, new_speed_list)
Example #28
    def _find_best_player_position(self):
        if self.auto_position:

            pad = 200
            if self.game_state.const["FIELD_OUR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"] > 0:
                our_goal_field_limit = self.game_state.const[
                    "FIELD_OUR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"] - pad
                our_side_center_field_limit = pad
                their_goal_field_limit = GameState(
                ).const["FIELD_THEIR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"] + pad
                their_side_center_field_limit = -pad
                our_goal_field_limit = self.game_state.const[
                    "FIELD_OUR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"] + pad
                our_side_center_field_limit = -pad
                their_goal_field_limit = self.game_state.const[
                    "FIELD_THEIR_GOAL_X_EXTERNAL"] - pad
                their_side_center_field_limit = pad
            field_width = self.game_state.const[
                "FIELD_Y_TOP"] - self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_BOTTOM"]

            self.role = self.game_state.get_role_by_player_id(
            offense_offset = 0
            defense_offset = self.compute_defense_offset()
            if self.is_player_defense(self.player):  # role is in defense:
                if self.role is Role.FIRST_DEFENCE:
                    A = Position(our_goal_field_limit,
                                 self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_TOP"] +
                                 pad) + defense_offset
                    B = Position(our_side_center_field_limit,
                                 (self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_TOP"] -
                                  field_width / self.number_of_defence_players)
                                 + pad) + defense_offset
                elif self.role is Role.MIDDLE:  # center
                    A = Position(our_goal_field_limit + 1000,
                                 (self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_BOTTOM"] /
                                  self.number_of_defence_players) +
                                 pad) + defense_offset
                    B = Position(
                        self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_TOP"] /
                        self.number_of_defence_players - pad) + defense_offset
                else:  # bottom_defense

                    A = Position(our_goal_field_limit, pad) + defense_offset
                    B = Position(our_side_center_field_limit,
                                 (self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_BOTTOM"]) +
                                 field_width / self.number_of_defence_players
                                 ) + defense_offset
                if self.role is Role.FIRST_ATTACK:  # player.role is 'top_offence':
                    A = Position(their_goal_field_limit,
                                 self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_TOP"] +
                                 pad) + offense_offset
                    B = Position(their_goal_field_limit,
                                 (self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_TOP"] -
                                  field_width / self.number_of_offense_players)
                                 + pad) + offense_offset
                    A = Position(their_goal_field_limit, pad) + offense_offset
                    B = Position(their_goal_field_limit,
                                 (self.game_state.const["FIELD_Y_BOTTOM"] +
                                  field_width / self.number_of_offense_players)
                                 - pad) + offense_offset
            return best_position_in_region(self.player, A, B)
            return self.target_position
Example #29
class RobotMotion(object):
    def __init__(self, world_state: WorldState, robot_id, is_sim=True): = world_state = robot_id
        self.is_sim = is_sim
        self.setting = get_control_setting(is_sim)
        self.setting.translation.max_acc = None
        self.setting.translation.max_speed = None
        self.setting.rotation.max_angular_acc = None
        self.setting.rotation.max_speed = None

        self.current_pose = Pose()
        self.current_orientation = 0.0
        self.current_velocity = Pose()
        self.current_angular_speed = 0.0
        self.current_speed = 0.0
        self.current_acceleration = Position()

        self.pose_error = Pose()
        self.position_error = Position()

        self.target_pose = Pose()
        self.target_speed = 0.0
        self.target_direction = Position()
        self.target_angular_speed = 0.0
        self.target_angle = 0.0
        self.angle_error = 0.0

        self.last_translation_cmd = Position()
        self.cruise_speed = 0.0
        self.cruise_angular_speed = 0.0

        self.next_speed = 0.0
        self.next_angular_speed = 0.0

        self.x_controller = PID(,

        self.y_controller = PID(,

        self.angle_controller = PID(,
        self.position_flag = False
        self.rotation_flag = False
        self.last_position = Position()
        self.target_turn = self.target_pose.position

    def update(self, cmd: AICommand) -> Pose():

        # Rotation control
        rotation_cmd = self.angle_controller.update(
            self.pose_error.orientation, dt=self.dt)
        rotation_cmd = self.apply_rotation_constraints(rotation_cmd)
        if abs(self.pose_error.orientation) < 0.2:
            self.rotation_flag = True
        # Translation control
        self.position_flag = False
        if self.position_error.norm(
        ) < MIN_DISTANCE_TO_REACH_TARGET_SPEED * max(1.0, self.cruise_speed):
            if self.target_speed < 0.01:
                self.position_flag = True

        if self.position_flag:
            translation_cmd = Position(
            translation_cmd = self.get_next_velocity()
        # Adjust command to robot's orientation
        #[0] * 1000, self.current_pose.position[1] * 1000),
        #                                  end_point=(self.current_pose.position[0] * 1000 + translation_cmd[0] * 600, self.current_pose.position[1] * 1000 + translation_cmd[1] * 600),
        #                                  timeout=0.01, color=debug_interface.CYAN.repr())

        compasation_ref_world = translation_cmd.rotate(self.dt * rotation_cmd)
        translation_cmd = translation_cmd.rotate(
        if not self.rotation_flag and cmd.path[-1] is not cmd.path[0]:
            translation_cmd *= translation_cmd * 0.0
            self.next_speed = 0.0
        if self.position_error.norm() > 0.1 and self.rotation_flag:
            rotation_cmd = 0

        #     start_point=(self.current_pose.position[0] * 1000, self.current_pose.position[1] * 1000),
        #     end_point=(self.current_pose.position[0] * 1000 + compasation_ref_world[0] * 600,
        #                self.current_pose.position[1] * 1000 + compasation_ref_world[1] * 600),
        #     timeout=0.01, color=debug_interface.ORANGE.repr())
        translation_cmd = self.apply_translation_constraints(translation_cmd)
        #if not translation_cmd.norm() < 0.01:
        #    print(translation_cmd, "self.target_reached()", self.target_reached(), "self.next_speed", self.next_speed,"self.target_speed", self.target_speed )
        # self.debug(translation_cmd, rotation_cmd)
        return SpeedPose(translation_cmd, rotation_cmd)

    def get_next_velocity(self) -> Position:
        """Return the next velocity according to a constant acceleration model of a point mass.
           It try to produce a trapezoidal velocity path with the required cruising and target speed.
           The target speed is the speed that the robot need to reach at the target point."""

        if self.current_speed < self.target_speed:  # accelerate
            self.next_speed += self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt
            if self.distance_accelerate():
                self.next_speed += self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt
            elif self.distance_break():
                self.next_speed -= self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt
                self.next_speed = self.current_speed
        # if self.target_reached():  # We need to go to target speed
        #     if self.next_speed < self.target_speed:  # Target speed is faster than current speed
        #         self.next_speed += self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt
        #         if self.next_speed > self.target_speed:  # Next_speed is too fast
        #             self.next_speed = self.target_speed
        #     else:  # Target speed is slower than current speed
        #         self.next_speed -= self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt *2
        # else:  # We need to go to the cruising speed
        #     if self.next_speed < self.cruise_speed:  # Going faster
        #         self.next_speed += self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt
        #         # self.next_speed = min(self.cruise_speed, self.next_speed)
        #     else:
        #         self.next_speed -= self.setting.translation.max_acc * self.dt * 2

        self.next_speed = np.clip(self.next_speed, 0.0, self.cruise_speed)
        self.next_speed = np.clip(self.next_speed, 0.0,
        next_velocity = Position(self.target_direction * self.next_speed)

        return next_velocity

    def apply_rotation_constraints(self, r_cmd: float) -> float:
        if self.current_speed < 0.1:
            deadzone = self.setting.rotation.deadzone
            deadzone = 0.0

        sensibility = self.setting.rotation.sensibility
        max_speed = self.setting.rotation.max_speed

        r_cmd = self.limit_angular_speed(r_cmd)
        r_cmd = RobotMotion.apply_deadzone(r_cmd, deadzone, sensibility)
        r_cmd = clamp(r_cmd, -max_speed, max_speed)

        return r_cmd

    def apply_translation_constraints(self, t_cmd: Position) -> Position:
        deadzone = self.setting.translation.deadzone
        sensibility = self.setting.translation.sensibility

        t_cmd = self.limit_speed(t_cmd)
        t_cmd[0] = RobotMotion.apply_deadzone(t_cmd[0], deadzone, sensibility)
        t_cmd[1] = RobotMotion.apply_deadzone(t_cmd[1], deadzone, sensibility)

        return t_cmd

    def apply_deadzone(value, deadzone, sensibility):
        if m.fabs(value) < sensibility:
            value = 0.0
        elif m.fabs(value) <= deadzone:
            value = m.copysign(deadzone, value)
        return value

    def limit_speed(self, translation_cmd: Position) -> Position:
        if translation_cmd.norm() != 0.0:
            translation_speed = translation_cmd.norm()
            translation_speed = clamp(translation_speed, 0,
            new_speed = translation_cmd.normalized() * translation_speed
            new_speed = Position()
        return new_speed

    def limit_angular_speed(self, angular_speed: float) -> float:
        if m.fabs(angular_speed) != 0.0:
            rotation_sign = m.copysign(1, angular_speed)
            angular_speed = clamp(m.fabs(angular_speed), 0.0,
            new_speed = m.copysign(angular_speed,
                                   rotation_sign) * angular_speed
            new_speed = 0.0
        return new_speed

    def target_reached(self,
                       ) -> bool:  # distance_to_reach_target_speed
        distance = 0.5 * (self.target_speed**2 - self.current_speed**
                          2) / self.setting.translation.max_acc
        distance = boost_factor * m.fabs(distance)
        distance = max(distance, MIN_DISTANCE_TO_REACH_TARGET_SPEED)
        return self.position_error.norm() <= distance

    def distance_accelerate(self,
                            ) -> bool:  # distance_to_reach_target_speed
        distance = 0.5 * (self.target_speed**2 - self.current_speed**
                          2) / self.setting.translation.max_acc
        distance = boost_factor * m.fabs(distance)
        distance = max(distance, MIN_DISTANCE_TO_REACH_TARGET_SPEED)
        return self.position_error.norm() >= distance * 2

    def distance_break(self,
                       ) -> bool:  # distance_to_reach_target_speed
        distance = 0.5 * (self.target_speed**2 - self.current_speed**
                          2) / self.setting.translation.max_acc
        distance = boost_factor * m.fabs(distance)
        distance = max(distance, MIN_DISTANCE_TO_REACH_TARGET_SPEED)
        return self.position_error.norm() <= distance

    def update_states(self, cmd: AICommand):
        self.dt =

        # Dynamics constraints
        self.setting.translation.max_acc =
        self.setting.translation.max_speed =
        self.setting.translation.max_angular_acc =
        self.setting.rotation.max_speed =

        # Current state of the robot
        self.current_pose =[
  ].pose.scale(1 / 1000)
        self.current_velocity =[
  ].velocity.scale(1 / 1000)
        self.current_speed = self.current_velocity.position.norm()
        self.current_angular_speed = self.current_velocity.orientation
        self.current_orientation = self.current_pose.orientation

        # Desired parameters
        if cmd.path != []:
            current_path_position = Position(cmd.path[0] / 1000)
            if not self.last_position.is_close(
                    current_path_position, 0.1) and self.target_speed < 0.2:
                self.last_position = current_path_position

            self.target_pose = Pose(cmd.path[0],
                                    cmd.pose_goal.orientation).scale(1 / 1000)
            self.target_turn = cmd.path_turn[1] / 1000
            self.target_speed = cmd.path_speeds[1] / 1000

        else:  # No pathfinder case
            self.target_pose = cmd.pose_goal.scale(1 / 1000)
            self.target_turn = self.target_pose.position
            self.target_speed = 0.0

        self.target_angle = self.target_pose.orientation
        self.pose_error = self.target_pose - self.current_pose  # Pose are always wrap to pi
        self.position_error = self.pose_error.position
        self.angle_error = self.pose_error.orientation
        if self.position_error.norm() != 0.0:
            self.target_direction = (self.target_turn -

        self.cruise_speed = cmd.cruise_speed

    def reset(self):
        self.position_flag = False
        self.rotation_flag = False
        self.last_translation_cmd = Position()
        self.next_speed = 0.0
        self.next_angular_speed = 0.0
        self.last_position = Position()

    def debug(self, translation_cmd, rotation_cmd):
            'Speed: {:5.3f}, Command: {}, {:5.3f}, next speed: {:5.3f}, target_speed: {:5.3f}, '
            '{:5.3f}, reached:{}, error: {}'.format(
                self.current_speed, translation_cmd, rotation_cmd,
                self.next_speed, self.target_speed,
                self.target_direction.angle() / m.pi * 180,
                self.target_reached(), self.pose_error))
Example #30
 def _enemy_kalman_update(self, poses, delta):
     ret = self.kf.filter(poses, delta)
     self.pose = Pose(Position(ret[0], ret[1]), ret[4])
     self.velocity = [ret[2], ret[3], ret[5]]
Example #31
 def get_mark(self, angle, pond):
     x = pond * self.rayon * cos(angle)
     y = pond * self.rayon * sin(angle)
     return Position(self.centre.x + x, self.centre.y + y)
Example #32
def stop_player(player):
    stop_cmd = command.MoveTo(player, Position())
    print("Arret du robot")