Example #1
def test_get_pdf_text_without_encrypted(tmp_path):
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_text

        get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/encrypted.txt')
        raise Exception("Incorrect password exception should've been thrown")
    except ShellException as e:
        assert 'Command Line Error: Incorrect password\nShell error code: 1' == str(e)

    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/text-only.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/text-only.txt')
    expected = "עברית"
    assert expected in text
    assert text.startswith('This is a pdf document with a text line within it.')

    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/text-with-images.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/text-with-images.txt')
    expected = 'Create an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat'
    assert text.startswith(expected)

    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/scanned.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/scanned.txt')
    expected = '\x0c'
    assert expected == text
Example #2
def test_get_pdf_text_without_encrypted(tmp_path):
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_text
    # assert error raised
        get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/encrypted.txt')
        raise Exception("Incorrect password exception should've been thrown")
    except ShellException as e:
        assert 'Incorrect password' in str(e)
        assert 'error code: 1' in str(e)

    # assert not warnings are raised
    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/warning_trigger.pdf',
    assert 'Riu Plaza Berlin' in text

    # assert extract file correctly
    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/text-only.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/text-only.txt')
    expected = "עברית"
    assert expected in text
    assert text.startswith(
        'This is a pdf document with a text line within it.')

    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/text-with-images.pdf',
    expected = 'Create an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat'
    assert text.startswith(expected)

    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/scanned.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/scanned.txt')
    expected = '\x0c'
    assert expected == text
Example #3
def test_get_pdf_text_with_encrypted(mocker, tmp_path):
    mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'args', return_value={'userPassword': '******'})
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_text
    text = get_pdf_text(f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf', f'{tmp_path}/encrypted.txt')
    expected = "XSL FO Sample Copyright © 2002-2005 Antenna House, Inc. All rights reserved.\n\n" \
               "Links in PDF\nPDF link is classified into two parts, link to the specified position in the PDF " \
               "document, and link to the external document.\n" \
               "The internal-destination property of fo:basic-link indicates to link to the position in the same" \
               " document. The externaldestination property indicates to link to external document. " \
               "Below shows the example.\n\nExample of a link to internal destination\nRefer to Purchasing " \
               "Assistance to get more information.\nExample of a link to external destination\nRefer to Purchasing " \
               "Assistance to get more information."
    assert text.startswith(expected)
Example #4
def test_get_pdf_text_with_encrypted(tmp_path):
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_text, decrypt_pdf_file
    file_path = f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf'
    dec_file_path = f'{CWD}/decrypted.pdf'
    decrypt_pdf_file(file_path, '1234', dec_file_path)
    text = get_pdf_text(dec_file_path, f'{tmp_path}/encrypted.txt')
    expected = "XSL FO Sample Copyright © 2002-2005 Antenna House, Inc. All rights reserved.\n\n" \
               "Links in PDF\nPDF link is classified into two parts, link to the specified position in the PDF " \
               "document, and link to the external document.\n" \
               "The internal-destination property of fo:basic-link indicates to link to the position in the same" \
               " document. The externaldestination property indicates to link to external document. " \
               "Below shows the example.\n\nExample of a link to internal destination\nRefer to Purchasing " \
               "Assistance to get more information.\nExample of a link to external destination\nRefer to Purchasing " \
               "Assistance to get more information."

    if os.path.exists(dec_file_path):

    assert text.startswith(expected)