# print out enrollment history values for each year
simStart = 2015
simiterations = 5
simYears = []
for i in range(simStart, simStart+simiterations+1):
# Create the given schedule to fill
givenSchedule = Schedule()

Import of schedule to begin simulation
importCourses = dataImport.importCourses()
for course in importCourses:
    givenSchedule.addCourse(course, course.quarter)
importProfessors = dataImport.importFaculty()
scheduler = Scheduler(givenSchedule, importProfessors, history)

for simYear in simYears:
    print "****===================" + str(simYear) + "===================****"
    print ""
    scheduler.randomScheduling(year=simYear, iterations=250)
    print "==========PROFESSORS AND COURSES=========="
    for professor in scheduler.Professors:
        print professor
    print "========END PROFESSORS AND COURSES========"
    print ""
    print "============UNASSIGNED COURSES============"