after_recharge= np.zeros([number_of_nodes,5])

g_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])
#e_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])

dead_list = []

total_distance_covered_by_MC = []

position= np.zeros([number_of_nodes, 2])    # Array contains the x and y coordinates of the Nodes

## Get coordinates for each nodes.

xy_coordinates = Coordinates()
x, y  = xy_coordinates.setCoordinates5Clusters(3)  # <- The number represets the cluster number.

for i in range(number_of_nodes):
    position[i,0] = x[i]
    position[i,1] = y[i]
print("Postions: ", position)    


queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes,3])
rechargedList = []
after_recharge= np.zeros([number_of_nodes,5])

g_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])
e_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])

dead_list = []

position= np.zeros([number_of_nodes, 2])    # Array contains the x and y coordinates of the Nodes

## Get coordinates for each nodes.

xy_coordinates = Coordinates()
x, y  = xy_coordinates.setCoordinates5Clusters(3)

for i in range(number_of_nodes):
    position[i,0] = x[i]
    position[i,1] = y[i]
print("Postions: ", position)    

total_distance_covered_by_MC = []


after_recharge = np.zeros([number_of_nodes, 5])

g_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])
#e_queue = np.zeros([number_of_nodes])

dead_list = []

total_distance_covered_by_MC = []

position = np.zeros([number_of_nodes,
                     2])  # Array contains the x and y coordinates of the Nodes

## Get coordinates for each nodes.

xy_coordinates = Coordinates()
x, y = xy_coordinates.setCoordinates5Clusters(
    3)  # <- The number represets the cluster number.

for i in range(number_of_nodes):
    position[i, 0] = x[i]
    position[i, 1] = y[i]

print("Postions: ", position)


def Sensor(num):
    The Sensor(node_ID) function creates a node and takes a parameter 'node_ID' which is the ID of the node.
    Each node has a battery with 18720 Joules of energy. After a node is created, it senses the surrounding 
    environment and send the sensed data to the Base Station periodically.