Example #1
 def ReplaceWithMedian(self,mylist):       #Replace in the given list the missing values with the median value 
     list1=self.DeleteMissingValue(mylist) #Create a new list, which is the given list deleting the missing values (calling the DeleteMissingValue method)
     A=BasicStatisticalMeasures()          #Call the BasicStatisticalMeasures to calculate the median value
     median=A.median(list1)                #Calculate the median value of the new list
     for value in mylist:
         if value is '' :
             mylist[i]=median                #For the values in the initial given list if there is a missing value replace it with the mean value of the new list
     return mylist                         #Return the given list, in which the missing values are replaced with the mean value
 def ReplaceWithMedian(
     self, mylist
 ):  #Replace in the given list the missing values with the median value
     list1 = self.DeleteMissingValue(
     )  #Create a new list, which is the given list deleting the missing values (calling the DeleteMissingValue method)
     A = BasicStatisticalMeasures(
     )  #Call the BasicStatisticalMeasures to calculate the median value
     median = A.median(list1)  #Calculate the median value of the new list
     i = 0
     for value in mylist:
         if value is '':
                 i] = median  #For the values in the initial given list if there is a missing value replace it with the mean value of the new list
         i += 1
     return mylist  #Return the given list, in which the missing values are replaced with the mean value