Example #1
def add_PCR_conditions(feature):
        feature.qualifiers['C_Na']      = str(C_Na)+  ' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_Mg']      = str(C_Mg)+  ' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_dNTP']    = str(C_dNTP)+' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_DNA']     = str(C_DNA)+ ' nM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_Primer']  = str(C_Prim)+' uM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_DMSO']    = str(C_DMSO)+' %'
    except Exception, e:
        print 'add_PCR_conditions:'
Example #2
def add_PCR_conditions(feature):
        feature.qualifiers['C_Na'] = str(C_Na) + ' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_Mg'] = str(C_Mg) + ' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_dNTP'] = str(C_dNTP) + ' mM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_DNA'] = str(C_DNA) + ' nM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_Primer'] = str(C_Prim) + ' uM'
        feature.qualifiers['C_DMSO'] = str(C_DMSO) + ' %'
    except Exception, e:
        print 'add_PCR_conditions:'
Example #3
The thermodynamics of DNA structural motifs. Annual review of biophysics and 
biomolecular structure, 33, 415-40. doi:10.1146/annurev.biophys.32.110601.141800

2) von Ahsen, N., Wittwer, C. T., & Schütz, E. (2001). Oligonucleotide melting 
temperatures under PCR conditions: nearest-neighbor corrections for Mg(2+), 
deoxynucleotide triphosphate, and dimethyl sulfoxide concentrations with 
comparison to alternative empirical formulas. Clinical chemistry, 47(11), 1956-61.

from math import sqrt, log
from UnifiedNN import *
from StringTools import print_exception
    from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
except Exception, e:
    raise ImportError('The BioPython must be installed in your system.')

#utility functions
def print_exception(e):
    print "Exception occurred: " + str(type(e)) + " : " + e.__str__()

#standard PCR conditions
C_Mg   = 1.5  #mM
C_Na   = 50   #mM; should be above 0.05M and below 1.1M
C_dNTP = 0    #mM
C_DNA  = 50   #nM; DNA template concentration
C_Prim = 0.1  #uM; Primer concentration
C_DMSO = 0    #percent
Example #4
The thermodynamics of DNA structural motifs. Annual review of biophysics and 
biomolecular structure, 33, 415-40. doi:10.1146/annurev.biophys.32.110601.141800

2) von Ahsen, N., Wittwer, C. T., & Schütz, E. (2001). Oligonucleotide melting 
temperatures under PCR conditions: nearest-neighbor corrections for Mg(2+), 
deoxynucleotide triphosphate, and dimethyl sulfoxide concentrations with 
comparison to alternative empirical formulas. Clinical chemistry, 47(11), 1956-61.

from math import sqrt, log
from UnifiedNN import *
from StringTools import print_exception
    from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
except Exception, e:
    raise ImportError('The BioPython must be installed in your system.')

#utility functions
def print_exception(e):
    print "Exception occurred: " + str(type(e)) + " : " + e.__str__()


#standard PCR conditions
C_Mg = 1.5  #mM
C_Na = 50  #mM; should be above 0.05M and below 1.1M
C_dNTP = 0  #mM
C_DNA = 50  #nM; DNA template concentration