Example #1
File: RXM.py Project: tuuzdu/pyUBX
        class Fields:
            rcvrTow = R8(1)
            week = U2(2)
            leapS = I1(3)
            numMeas = U1(4)
            recStat = X1(5)
            version = U1(6)
            reserved1_1 = U1(7)
            reserved1_2 = U1(8)

            class Repeated:
                prMeas = R8(1)
                cpMeas = R8(2)
                dpMeas = R4(3)
                gnssId = U1(4)
                svId = U1(5)
                reserved2 = U1(6)
                freqId = U1(7)
                lockTime = U2(8)
                cn0 = U1(9)
                prStdev = X1(10)
                cpStdev = X1(11)
                doStdev = X1(12)
                trkStat = X1(13)
                reserved3 = U1(14)
Example #2
 class Fields:
     Version = U1(1)
     Layers = X1(2)
     reserved1 = U1(3)
     reserved2 = U1(4)
     KeyId = I4(5)
     Value = U2(6)
Example #3
 class Fields:
     Version = U1(1)
     Reserved1 = U1(2)
     RefStationId = U2(3)
     iTOW = U4(4)
     RelPosN = I4(5)
     RelPosE = I4(6)
     RelPosD = I4(7)
     RelPosLength = I4(8)
     RelPosHeading = I4(9)
     Reserved2 = U4(10)
     RelPosHPN = I1(11)
     RelPosHPE = I1(12)
     RelPosHPD = I1(13)
     relPosHPLength = I1(14)
     accN = U4(15)
     accE = U4(16)
     accD = U4(17)
     accLength = U4(18)
     accHeading = U4(19)
     Reserved3 = U4(20)
     flags = X4(21,
                    0: 'gnssFixOK',
                    1: 'diffSoln',
                    2: 'relPosValid',
                    3: 'carrSoln1',
                    4: 'carrSoln2',
                    5: 'isMoving',
                    6: 'refPosMiss',
                    7: 'refObsMiss',
                    8: 'relPosHeadingValid',
                    9: 'relPosNormalized'
Example #4
 class Fields:
     pinSel = X4(1)  # Mask of Pins Set as Peripheral/PIO
     pinBank = X4(2)  # Mask of Pins Set as Bank A/B
     pinDir = X4(3)  # Mask of Pins Set as Input/Output
     pinVal = X4(4)  # Mask of Pins Value Low/High
     noisePerMS = U2(5)  # Noise Level as measured by the GPS Core
     agcCnt = U2(
         6)  # AGC Monitor (counts SIGHI xor SIGLO, range 0 to 8191)
     aStatus = U1(
     )  # Status of the Antenna Supervisor State Machine (0=INIT, 1=DONTKNOW, 2=OK, 3=SHORT, 4=OPEN)
     aPower = U1(
         8)  # Current PowerStatus of Antenna (0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=DONTKNOW)
     flags = X1(9)  # Flags (see graphic below)
     reserved1 = U1(10)
     usedMask = X4(
         11)  # Mask of Pins that are used by the Virtual Pin Manager
     VP = CH(
         17)  # Array of Pin Mappings for each of the 17 Physical Pins
     jamInd = U1(
     )  # CW Jamming indicator, scaled (0 = no CW jamming, 255 = strong CW jamming)
     reserved2 = U2(14)
     pinIrq = X4(15)  # Mask of Pins Value using the PIO Irq
     pullH = X4(
         16)  # Mask of Pins Value using the PIO Pull High Resistor
     pullL = X4(
         17)  # Mask of Pins Value using the PIO Pull Low Resistor
Example #5
File: NAV.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Repeated:
     gnssId = U1(6)
     svId = U1(7)
     cno = U1(8)
     elev = I1(9)
     azim = I2(10)
     prRes = I2(11)
     flags = X4(12)
Example #6
 class Repeated:
     gnssId = U1(1)
     svId = U1(2)
     cno = U1(3)
     elev = I1(4)
     azim = I2(5)
     prRes = I2(5)
     flags = X4(6)
Example #7
 class Repeated:
     chn = U1(1)
     svid = U1(2)
     flags = X1(3)
     quality = X1(4)
     cno = U1(5)
     elev = I1(6)
     axim = I2(7)
     prRes = I4(8)
Example #8
 class Fields:
     dur = U4(1)
     meanX = I4(2)
     meanY = I4(3)
     meanZ = I4(4)
     meanV = U4(5)
     obs = U4(6)
     valid = U1(7)
     active = U1(8)
     reserved = U2(9)
Example #9
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     reserved1 = U1(1)  # reserved
     lpMode = U1(  # Low Power Mode
             0: "Continuous Mode",
             1: "Power Save Mode",
             4: "Continuous Mode"  # for ver>=14 0 and 4 are the same
Example #10
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     portID = U1(1)
     reserved1 = U1(2)
     txReady = X2(3)
     mode = X4(4)
     reserved2 = U4(5)
     inProtoMask = X2(6)
     outProtoMask = X2(7)
     flags = X2(8)
     reserved3 = U2(9)
Example #11
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
 class Repeated:
     protocolID = U1(1,
                         0: 'UBX',
                         1: 'NMEA',
                         255: 'Reserved',
     reserved1_1 = U1(2)
     reserved1_2 = U1(3)
     reserved1_3 = U1(4)
     infMsgMask = X1(5)
Example #12
 class Fields:
     tpIdx = U1(1)   # Time pulse selection (0 = TIMEPULSE, 1 = TIMEPULSE2)
     version = U1(2)  # Message version (0x00 for this version)
     reserved2 = U2(3)
     antCableDelay = I2(4)  # Antenna cable delay
     rfGroupDelay = I2(5)  # RF group delay
     freqPeriod = U4(6)  # Frequency or period time, depending on setting of bit 'isFreq'
     freqPeriodLock = U4(7)  # Frequency or period time when locked to GPS time, only used if 'lockedOtherSet' is set
     pulseLenRatio = U4(8)  # Pulse length or duty cycle, depending on 'isLength'
     pulseLenRatioLock = U4(9)  # Pulse length or duty cycle when locked to GPS time, only used if 'lockedOtherSet' is set
     userConfigDelay = I4(10)  # User configurable time pulse delay
     flags = X4(11)  # Configuration flags
Example #13
 class Fields:
     version = U1(1)  # Message version (0x02 for this version)
     reserved1 = U1(2)  # Reserved
     maxStartupStartupDur = U1(3)  # Maximum time to spend in Acquisition state. If 0: bound disabled (see maxStartupStateDur). (not supported in protocol versions less than 17), (not supported in protocol versions 23 to 23.01)
     reserved2 = U1(4)  # Reserved
     flags = X4(5)  # PSM configuration flags (see graphic below)
     updatePeriod = U4(6) 	# ms  Position update period. If set to 0, the receiver will never retry a fix and it will wait for external events
     searchPeriod = U4(7) 	# ms  Acquisition retry period if previously failed. If set to 0, the receiver will never retry a startup (not supported in protocol versions 23 to 23.01)
     gridOffset = U4(8) 	# ms  Grid offset relative to GPS start of week (not supported in protocol versions 23 to 23.01)
     onTime = U2(9)  # s  Time to stay in Tracking state (not supported in protocol versions 23 to 23.01)
     minAcqTime = U2(10)  # s  minimal search time
     reserved3 = U(11, 20) 	# Reserved
     extintInactivityMs = U4(12)  # ms  inactivity time out on EXTINT pint if enabled
Example #14
File: SEC.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     version = U1(1)
     reserved1_1 = U1(2)
     reserved1_2 = U1(3)
     reserved1_3 = U1(4)
     uniqueId_1 = U1(5)  # TODO - hack
     uniqueId_2 = U1(6)
     uniqueId_3 = U1(7)
     uniqueId_4 = U1(8)
     uniqueId_5 = U1(9)
Example #15
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
 class Repeated:
     gnssId = U1(1,
                     0: 'GPS',
                     1: 'SBAS',
                     2: 'Galileo',
                     3: 'BeiDou',
                     4: 'IMES',
                     5: 'QZSS',
                     6: 'GLONASS',
     resTrkCh = U1(2)
     maxTrkCh = U1(3)
     reserved = U1(4)
     flags = X4(5)
Example #16
File: NAV.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
        class Fields:
            iTOW = U4(1)
            version = U1(2)
            numSvs = U1(3)
            reserved1_1 = U1(4)
            reserved1_2 = U1(5)

            class Repeated:
                gnssId = U1(6)
                svId = U1(7)
                cno = U1(8)
                elev = I1(9)
                azim = I2(10)
                prRes = I2(11)
                flags = X4(12)
Example #17
        class Fields:
            iTOW = U4(1)
            Version = U1(2)
            numSvs = U1(3)
            Reserved1 = U1(4)
            Reserved2 = U1(5)

            class Repeated:
                gnssId = U1(1)
                svId = U1(2)
                cno = U1(3)
                elev = I1(4)
                azim = I2(5)
                prRes = I2(5)
                flags = X4(6)
Example #18
 class Fields:
     Version = U1(1)
     Reserved1_1 = U1(2)
     Reserved1_2 = U1(3)
     Flags = X1(4, allowed={1: 'invalidLlh'})
     iTOW = U4(5)
     lon = I4(6)
     lat = I4(7)
     height = I4(8)
     hMSL = I4(9)  # height above mean sea level
     lonHp = I1(10)
     latHp = I1(11)
     heightHp = I1(12)
     hMSLHp = I1(13)
     hAcc = U4(14)
     vAcc = U4(15)
Example #19
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     msgClass = U1(1)  # Message Class
     msgId = U1(2)  # Message Identifier
     rateI2C = U1(3)  # Send rate on I2C port
     rateUART1 = U1(4)  # Send rate on UART 1 port
     rateRes1 = U1(5)  # Send rate on port 4 (reserved)
     rateUSB = U1(6)  # Send rate on USB port
     rateSPI = U1(7)  # Send rate on SPI port
     rateRes2 = U1(8)  # Send rate on port 5 (reserved)
Example #20
File: CFG.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     msgClass = U1(1)
     msgID = U1(2)
     rate_p1 = U1(3)
     rate_p2 = U1(4)
     rate_p3 = U1(5)
     rate_usb = U1(6)
     rate_p5 = U1(7)
     rate_p6 = U1(8)
Example #21
File: NAV.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     iTOW = U4(0)  # GPS time of week
     gpsFix = U1(4)
     flags = X1(5)
     fixStat = X1(6)
     flags2 = X1(7)
     ttff = U4(8)  # time to first fix
     msss = U4(12)
Example #22
 class Fields:
     iTow = U4(1)
     gpsFix = U1(2)
     flags = X1(3)
     fixStat = X1(4)
     flags2 = X1(5)
     ttff = U4(6)
     msss = U4(7)
Example #23
File: CFG.py Project: tuuzdu/pyUBX
        class Fields:
            navBbrMask = X2(1)  # BBR Sections to clear. The following Special Sets
                                # apply:
                                # 0x0000 Hot start
                                # 0x0001 Warm start
                                # 0xFFFF Cold start

            resetMode = U1(2)   # Reset Type
                                # 0x00 - Hardware reset (Watchdog) immediately
                                # 0x01 - Controlled Software reset
                                # 0x02 - Controlled Software reset (GNSS only)
                                # 0x04 - Hardware reset (Watchdog) after
                                # shutdown
                                # 0x08 - Controlled GNSS stop
                                # 0x09 - Controlled GNSS start

            reserved1 = U1(3)  # Reserved
Example #24
File: NAV.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Fields:
     iTOW = U4(1)
     year = U2(2)
     month = U1(3)
     day = U1(4)
     hour = U1(5)
     minute = U1(5)
     sec = U1(5)
     valid = X1(6)
     tAcc = U4(7)
     nano = I4(8)
     fixType = U1(9)
     flags = X1(10)
     flags2 = X1(11)
     numSV = U1(12)
     lon = I4(13)
     lat = I4(14)
     height = I4(15)
     hMSL = I4(16)
     hAcc = U4(17)
     vAcc = U4(18)
     velN = I4(19)
     velE = I4(20)
     velD = I4(21)
     gSpeed = I4(22)
     headMot = I4(23)
     sAcc = U4(24)
     headAcc = U4(25)
     pDOP = U2(26)
     reserved1_1 = U4(27)
     reserved1_2 = U2(28)
     headVeh = I4(29)
     magDec = I2(30)
     magAcc = U2(31)
Example #25
 class Fields:
     version = U1(1)
     reserved1 = U2(2)
     reserved11 = U1(3)
     iTow = U4(4)
     dur = U4(5)
     meanX = I4(6)
     meanY = I4(7)
     meanZ = I4(8)
     meanXHP = I1(9)
     meanYHP = I1(10)
     meanZHP = I1(11)
     reserved2 = U1(12)
     meanAcc = U4(13)
     obs = U4(14)
     valid = U1(15)
     active = U1(16)
     reserved3 = U2(17)
Example #26
File: RXM.py Project: tuuzdu/pyUBX
        class Fields:
            gnssId = U1(1)
            svId = U1(2)
            reserved1 = U1(3)
            freqId = U1(4)
            numWords = U1(5)
            chn = U1(6)
            ver = U1(7)
            reserved2 = U1(8)

            class Repeated:
                dwrd = U4(1)
Example #27
File: CFG.py Project: sergei/pyUBX
        class Fields:
            msgVer = U1(1)
            numTrkChHw = U1(2)
            numTrkChUse = U1(3)
            numConfigBlocks = U1(4)

            class Repeated:
                gnssId = U1(1,
                                0: 'GPS',
                                1: 'SBAS',
                                2: 'Galileo',
                                3: 'BeiDou',
                                4: 'IMES',
                                5: 'QZSS',
                                6: 'GLONASS',
                resTrkCh = U1(2)
                maxTrkCh = U1(3)
                reserved = U1(4)
                flags = X4(5)
Example #28
File: RXM.py Project: jdsnape/pyUBX
 class Repeated:
     gnssId = U1(29)
     svId = U1(30)
     cNo = U1(31)
     mpathIndic = U1(32)
     dopplerMS = I4(33)
     dopplerHz = I4(34)
     wholeChips = U2(35)
     fracChips = U2(36)
     codePhase = U4(37)
     intCodePhase = U1(38)
     pseuRangeRMSErr = U1(39)
     reserved5_1 = U1(40)
     reserved5_2 = U1(41)
Example #29
File: RXM.py Project: tuuzdu/pyUBX
 class Repeated:
     prMeas = R8(1)
     cpMeas = R8(2)
     dpMeas = R4(3)
     gnssId = U1(4)
     svId = U1(5)
     reserved2 = U1(6)
     freqId = U1(7)
     lockTime = U2(8)
     cn0 = U1(9)
     prStdev = X1(10)
     cpStdev = X1(11)
     doStdev = X1(12)
     trkStat = X1(13)
     reserved3 = U1(14)
Example #30
        class Fields:
            iTOW = U4(1)
            numCh = U1(2)
            globalFlags = X1(3,
                                 0: 'Antaris',
                                 1: 'u-Blox 5',
                                 2: 'u-Blox 6',
                                 3: 'u-Blox 7',
                                 4: 'u-Blox 8',
            reserved1 = U2(4)

            class Repeated:
                chn = U1(1)
                svid = U1(2)
                flags = X1(3)
                quality = X1(4)
                cno = U1(5)
                elev = I1(6)
                axim = I2(7)
                prRes = I4(8)