Example #1
 def plot(self, pressure):
     import pylab as plt
     temperature = dimensionalise(self.temperature(pressure), u.kelvin)
     pressure = dimensionalise(pressure, u.pascal)
     plt.plot(temperature, pressure)
    def solve(self, dt, sigma=0):
        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands" + endcol)

        np_surface = None
        if rank == 0:
            rg = self.badlands_model.recGrid
            if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
                zVals = rg.regZ.mean(axis=1)
                np_surface = np.column_stack((rg.regX, zVals))

            if self.Model.mesh.dim == 3:
                np_surface = np.column_stack((rg.rectX, rg.rectY, rg.rectZ))

        np_surface = comm.bcast(np_surface, root=0)

        # Get Velocity Field at the surface
        nd_coords = nd(np_surface * u.meter)
        tracer_velocity = self.Model.velocityField.evaluate_global(nd_coords)

        dt_years = dimensionalise(dt, u.years).magnitude

        if rank == 0:
            tracer_disp = dimensionalise(tracer_velocity * dt,
            self._inject_badlands_displacement(self.time_years, dt_years,
                                               tracer_disp, sigma)

            # Run the Badlands model to the same time point
            self.badlands_model.run_to_time(self.time_years + dt_years)

        self.time_years += dt_years

        # TODO: Improve the performance of this function

        if rank == 0 and self.verbose:
            purple = "\033[0;35m"
            endcol = "\033[00m"
            print(purple + "Processing surface with Badlands...Done" + endcol)

    def _generate_dem(self):
        Generate a badlands DEM. This can be used as the initial Badlands state.


        # Calculate number of nodes from required resolution.
        nx = np.int((self.maxCoord[0] - self.minCoord[0]) / self.resolution)
        ny = np.int((self.maxCoord[1] - self.minCoord[1]) / self.resolution)
        nx += 1
        ny += 1

        x = np.linspace(self.minCoord[0], self.maxCoord[0], nx)
        y = np.linspace(self.minCoord[1], self.maxCoord[1], ny)

        coordsX, coordsY = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        dem = np.zeros((nx * ny, 3))
        dem[:, 0] = coordsX.flatten()
        dem[:, 1] = coordsY.flatten()

        coordsZ = self.surfElevation.evaluate(dem[:, :2])

        dem[:, 2] = coordsZ.flatten()
        return dimensionalise(dem, u.meter).magnitude
    def _init_model(self):

        self.dx = dimensionalise(
            (self.surfaceArray[:, 0][1] - self.surfaceArray[:, 0][0]),
        '''set up custom tracers for surface'''
        x_min_local = self.Model.mesh.data[:self.Model.mesh.nodesLocal,
        x_max_local = self.Model.mesh.data[:self.Model.mesh.nodesLocal,
        ''' create surface tracers to advect on each node'''
        self.surface_data_local = np.zeros_like(
            self.surfaceArray[(self.surfaceArray[:, 0] >= x_min_local)
                              & (self.surfaceArray[:, 0] <= x_max_local)])

        self.surface_data_local[:, 0] = self.surfaceArray[:, 0][
            (self.surfaceArray[:, 0] >= x_min_local)
            & (self.surfaceArray[:, 0] <= x_max_local)]
        self.surface_data_local[:, 1] = self.surfaceArray[:, 1][
            (self.surfaceArray[:, 0] >= x_min_local)
            & (self.surfaceArray[:, 0] <= x_max_local)]

        # # Spline original surface for no slip condition near boundary
        self.original_surface = interp1d(self.surfaceArray[:, 0],
                                         self.surfaceArray[:, 1],
    def _determine_particle_state(self):
        # Given Badlands' mesh, determine if each particle in 'volume' is above
        # (False) or below (True) it.

        # To do this, for each X/Y pair in 'volume', we interpolate its Z value
        # relative to the mesh in blModel. Then, if the interpolated Z is
        # greater than the supplied Z (i.e. Badlands mesh is above particle
        # elevation) it's sediment (True). Else, it's air (False).

        # TODO: we only support air/sediment layers right now; erodibility
        # layers are not implemented

        known_xy = None
        known_z = None
        fact = dimensionalise(1.0, u.meter).magnitude
        if rank == 0:
            # points that we have known elevation for
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'] / fact
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation / fact

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)


        volume = self.Model.swarm.particleCoordinates.data

        interpolate_xy = volume[:, [0, 1]]

        # NOTE: we're using nearest neighbour interpolation. This should be
        # sufficient as Badlands will normally run at a much higher resolution
        # than Underworld. 'linear' interpolation is much, much slower.
        interpolate_z = griddata(points=known_xy,

        # True for sediment, False for air
        flags = volume[:, 2] < interpolate_z

        return flags
    def _determine_particle_state_2D(self):

        known_xy = None
        known_z = None
        xs = None
        ys = None
        fact = dimensionalise(1.0, u.meter).magnitude
        if rank == 0:
            # points that we have known elevation for
            known_xy = self.badlands_model.recGrid.tinMesh['vertices'] / fact
            # elevation for those points
            known_z = self.badlands_model.elevation / fact
            xs = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regX / fact
            ys = self.badlands_model.recGrid.regY / fact

        known_xy = comm.bcast(known_xy, root=0)
        known_z = comm.bcast(known_z, root=0)
        xs = comm.bcast(xs, root=0)
        ys = comm.bcast(ys, root=0)


        grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
        interpolate_z = griddata(known_xy,
                                 known_z, (grid_x, grid_y),
        interpolate_z = interpolate_z.mean(axis=1)

        f = interp1d(xs, interpolate_z)

        uw_surface = self.Model.swarm.particleCoordinates.data
        bdl_surface = f(uw_surface[:, 0])

        flags = uw_surface[:, 1] < bdl_surface

        return flags
    def _init_model(self):

        if self.minCoord:
            self.minCoord = tuple([nd(val) for val in self.minCoord])
            self.minCoord = self.Model.mesh.minCoord

        if self.maxCoord:
            self.maxCoord = tuple([nd(val) for val in self.maxCoord])
            self.maxCoord = self.Model.mesh.maxCoord

        if self.Model.mesh.dim == 2:
            self.minCoord = (self.minCoord[0],
                             self.aspectRatio2d * self.minCoord[0])
            self.maxCoord = (self.maxCoord[0],
                             self.aspectRatio2d * self.maxCoord[0])

        if rank == 0:
            from pyBadlands.model import Model as BadlandsModel
            self.badlands_model = BadlandsModel()

            if self.restartStep:
                self.badlands_model.input.restart = True
                self.badlands_model.input.rstep = self.restartStep
                self.badlands_model.input.rfolder = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.input.outDir = self.restartFolder
                self.badlands_model.outputStep = self.restartStep

                # Parse xmf for the last timestep time
                import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
                xmf = (self.restartFolder + "/xmf/tin.time" +
                       str(self.restartStep) + ".xmf")
                tree = etree.parse(xmf)
                root = tree.getroot()
                self.time_years = float(root[0][0][0].attrib["Value"])

            # Create Initial DEM
            self._demfile = _tempdir + "/dem.csv"
            self.dem = self._generate_dem()
            np.savetxt(self._demfile, self.dem)

            # Build Mesh
            self.badlands_model.build_mesh(self._demfile, verbose=False)

            self.badlands_model.input.outDir = self.outputDir
            self.badlands_model.input.disp3d = True  # enable 3D displacements
            self.badlands_model.input.region = 0  # TODO: check what this does
            self.badlands_model.input.tStart = self.time_years
            self.badlands_model.tNow = self.time_years

            # Override the checkpoint/display interval in the Badlands model to
            # ensure BL and UW are synced
            self.badlands_model.input.tDisplay = (dimensionalise(
                self.checkpoint_interval, u.years).magnitude)

            # Set Badlands minimal distance between nodes before regridding
            self.badlands_model.force.merge3d = (
                self.badlands_model.input.Afactor *
                self.badlands_model.recGrid.resEdges * 0.5)

            # Bodge Badlands to perform an initial checkpoint
            # FIXME: we need to run the model for at least one
            # iteration before this is generated.
            # It would be nice if this wasn't the case.
            self.badlands_model.force.next_display = 0


        self._disp_inserted = False

        # Transfer the initial DEM state to Underworld
Example #8
    def save(self, filename, collective=False, units=None, time=None):
        Save the swarm variable to disk.

        filename : str
            The filename for the saved file. Relative or absolute paths may be
            used, but all directories must exist.
        swarmHandle :uw.utils.SavedFileData , optional
            The saved swarm file handle. If provided, a reference to the swarm file
            is made. Currently this doesn't provide any extra functionality.

            Data object relating to saved file. This only needs to be retained
            if you wish to create XDMF files and can be ignored otherwise.

        This method must be called collectively by all processes.

        First create the swarm, populate, then add a variable:

        >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) )
        >>> swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
        >>> swarm.populate_using_layout(uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellGaussLayout(swarm,2))
        >>> svar = swarm.add_variable("int",1)

        Write something to variable

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> svar.data[:,0] = np.arange(swarm.particleLocalCount)

        Save to a file:

        >>> ignoreMe = swarm.save("saved_swarm.h5")
        >>> ignoreMe = svar.save("saved_swarm_variable.h5")

        Now let's try and reload. First create a new swarm and swarm variable,
        and then load both:

        >>> clone_swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
        >>> clone_svar = clone_swarm.add_variable("int",1)
        >>> clone_swarm.load("saved_swarm.h5")
        >>> clone_svar.load("saved_swarm_variable.h5")

        Now check for equality:

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> np.allclose(svar.data,clone_svar.data)

        >>> # clean up:
        >>> if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
        ...     import os;
        ...     os.remove( "saved_swarm.h5" )
        ...     os.remove( "saved_swarm_variable.h5" )


        if not isinstance(filename, str):
            raise TypeError("'filename' parameter must be of type 'str'")

        # setup mpi basic vars
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.rank

        # allgather the number of particles each proc has
        swarm = self.swarm
        procCount = comm.allgather(swarm.particleLocalCount)
        particleGlobalCount = np.sum(procCount)

        # calculate the hdf5 file offset
        offset = 0
        for i in range(comm.rank):
            offset += procCount[i]

        # open parallel hdf5 file
        with h5py.File(name=filename,
                       comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) as h5f:
            # write the entire local swarm to the appropriate offset position
            globalShape = (particleGlobalCount, self.data.shape[1])
            dset = h5f.create_dataset("data",
            fact = 1.0
            if units:
                fact = dimensionalise(1.0, units=units).magnitude

            if collective:
                with dset.collective:
                    dset[offset:offset +
                         swarm.particleLocalCount] = self.data[:] * fact
                dset[offset:offset +
                     swarm.particleLocalCount] = self.data[:] * fact

        # let's reopen in serial to write the attrib.
        # not sure if this really is necessary.
        if comm.rank == 0:
            with h5py.File(name=filename, mode="a") as h5f:
                # attribute of the proc offsets - used for loading from checkpoint
                h5f.attrs["proc_offset"] = procCount
                h5f.attrs['units'] = str(units)
                h5f.attrs['time'] = str(time)
                h5f.attrs["git commit"] = __git_revision__

        return uw.utils.SavedFileData(self, filename)
Example #9
    def save(self, filename, units=None, time=None):
        Save the mesh to disk

        filename : string
            The name of the output file.

            Data object relating to saved file. This only needs to be retained
            if you wish to create XDMF files and can be ignored otherwise.

        This method must be called collectively by all processes.

        First create the mesh:

        >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) )

        Save to a file (note that the 'ignoreMe' object isn't really required):

        >>> ignoreMe = mesh.save("saved_mesh.h5")

        Now let's try and reload. First create new mesh (note the different spatial size):

        >>> clone_mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.5,1.5) )

        Confirm clone mesh is different from original mesh:

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> np.allclose(mesh.data,clone_mesh.data)

        Now reload using saved file:

        >>> clone_mesh.load("saved_mesh.h5")

        Now check for equality:

        >>> np.allclose(mesh.data,clone_mesh.data)

        >>> # clean up:
        >>> if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
        ...     import os;
        ...     os.remove( "saved_mesh.h5" )


        if hasattr(self.generator, 'geometryMesh'):
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot save this mesh as it's a subMesh. "
                                + "Most likely you only need to save its geometryMesh")
        if not isinstance(filename, str):
            raise TypeError("'filename', must be of type 'str'")

        h5f = h5py.File(name=filename, mode="w", driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD)

        fact = 1.0
        if units:
            fact = dimensionalise(1.0, units=units).magnitude
            h5f.attrs['units'] = str(units)

        # save attributes and simple data - MUST be parallel as driver is mpio
        h5f.attrs['dimensions'] = self.dim
        h5f.attrs['mesh resolution'] = self.elementRes
        h5f.attrs['max'] = tuple([fact*x for x in self.maxCoord])
        h5f.attrs['min'] = tuple([fact*x for x in self.minCoord])
        h5f.attrs['regular'] = self._cself.isRegular
        h5f.attrs['elementType'] = self.elementType
        h5f.attrs['time'] = str(time)
        h5f.attrs["git commit"] = __git_revision__

        # write the vertices
        globalShape = ( self.nodesGlobal, self.data.shape[1] )
        dset = h5f.create_dataset("vertices",

        local = self.nodesLocal
        # write to the dset using the local set of global node ids
        with dset.collective:
            dset[self.data_nodegId[0:local],:] = self.data[0:local] * fact

        # write the element node connectivity
        globalShape = ( self.elementsGlobal, self.data_elementNodes.shape[1] )
        dset = h5f.create_dataset("en_map",

        local = self.elementsLocal
        # write to the dset using the local set of global node ids
        with dset.collective:
            dset[self.data_elgId[0:local], :] = self.data_elementNodes[0:local]


        # return our file handle
        return uw.utils.SavedFileData(self, filename)
    def solve(self, dt):

        root_proc = 0

        z_max_local = self.Model.mesh.data[:self.Model.mesh.nodesLocal,
        z_min_local = self.Model.mesh.data[:self.Model.mesh.nodesLocal,

        ### collect surface data on each node
        if z_max_local >= self.surface_data_local[:, 1].min():
            ### gets the x and z data of the surface tracers
            x_data = np.ascontiguousarray(self.surface_data_local[:, 0].copy())
            z_data = np.ascontiguousarray(self.surface_data_local[:, 1].copy())

            ### Get the velocity of the surface tracers
            tracer_velocity = self.Model.velocityField.evaluate(
            vx = np.ascontiguousarray(tracer_velocity[:, 0])
            vz = np.ascontiguousarray(tracer_velocity[:, 1])
            ### creates dummy data on nodes without the surface
            x_data = np.array([None], dtype='float64')
            z_data = np.array([None], dtype='float64')
            vx = np.array([None], dtype='float64')
            vz = np.array([None], dtype='float64')

        ### Collect local array sizes using the high-level mpi4py gather
        sendcounts = np.array(comm.gather(len(x_data), root=root_proc))


        if rank == root_proc:
            ### creates dummy data on all nodes to store the surface
            # surface_data = np.zeros((npoints,2))
            x_surface_data = np.zeros((sum(sendcounts)), dtype='float64')
            z_surface_data = np.zeros((sum(sendcounts)), dtype='float64')
            vx_data = np.zeros((sum(sendcounts)), dtype='float64')
            vz_data = np.zeros((sum(sendcounts)), dtype='float64')
            surface_data = np.zeros((sum(sendcounts), 4), dtype='float64')
            x_surface_data = None
            z_surface_data = None
            vx_data = None
            vz_data = None
            surface_data = None

        ### store the surface spline on each node
        f1 = None


        ## gather x values, can't do them together
                     recvbuf=(x_surface_data, sendcounts),
        ## gather z values
                     recvbuf=(z_surface_data, sendcounts),

        ### gather velocity values
        comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=vx, recvbuf=(vx_data, sendcounts), root=root_proc)

        comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=vz, recvbuf=(vz_data, sendcounts), root=root_proc)

        if rank == root_proc:
            ### Put back into combined array
            surface_data[:, 0] = x_surface_data
            surface_data[:, 1] = z_surface_data
            surface_data[:, 2] = vx_data
            surface_data[:, 3] = vz_data

            ### remove dummy data
            surface_data = surface_data[~np.isnan(surface_data[:, 0])]

            ### sort by x values
            surface_data = surface_data[np.argsort(surface_data[:, 0])]

            # # Advect top surface
            x2 = surface_data[:, 0] + (surface_data[:, 2] * dt)
            z2 = surface_data[:, 1] + (surface_data[:, 3] * dt)

            # # Spline top surface
            f = interp1d(x2, z2, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')

            ### update surface tracer position
            # surface_data[:,0] = (surface_data[:,0])
            surface_data[:, 1] = f(surface_data[:, 0])

            ### gets the x and y coordinates from the tracers
            x = dimensionalise(surface_data[:, 0], u.kilometer).magnitude
            z = dimensionalise(surface_data[:, 1], u.kilometer).magnitude

            ### time to diffuse surface based on Model dt
            total_time = (dimensionalise(dt, u.year)).magnitude
            '''Velocity surface process'''
            '''erosion dt for vel model'''

            Vel_for_surface = max(
                abs(self.erosionRate * u.kilometer / u.year),
                abs(self.sedimentationRate * u.kilometer / u.year),
                                   u.kilometer / u.year)))

            surface_dt_vel = (0.2 * (self.dx / Vel_for_surface.magnitude))

            surface_time = min(surface_dt_vel, total_time)

            nts = math.ceil(total_time / surface_time)
            surface_dt = total_time / nts

            print('SP total time:',
                  round(total_time, 2),
                  'years, timestep:',
                  round(surface_dt, 2),
                  'years, No. of its:',

            ### Velocity erosion/sedimentation rates for the surface
            for i in range(nts):
                Ve_loop = np.where(z <= 0., 0., self.erosionRate)
                Vs_loop = np.where(z >= 0., 0., self.sedimentationRate)

                dzdt = Vs_loop + Ve_loop

                z[:] += dzdt * surface_dt

            x_nd = nd(x * u.kilometer)

            z_nd = nd(z * u.kilometer)
            ''' updates material near to boundary back to original coordinates '''
            z_original_surface = self.original_surface(x_nd)
            z_nd[(x_nd < nd(self.updateSurfaceLB * u.kilometer)) |
                 (x_nd > (nd(self.Model.maxCoord[0]) -
                          (nd(self.updateSurfaceRB * u.kilometer)))
                  )] = z_original_surface[
                      (x_nd < nd(self.updateSurfaceLB * u.kilometer)) |
                      (x_nd > (nd(self.Model.maxCoord[0]) -
                               (nd(self.updateSurfaceRB * u.kilometer))))]

            ### creates function for the new surface that has eroded, to be broadcast back to nodes
            f1 = interp1d(x_nd, z_nd, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='cubic')

        '''broadcast the new surface'''
        ### broadcast function for the surface
        f1 = comm.bcast(f1, root=root_proc)

        ''' replaces the new diffused surface data, only changes z as x values don't change '''
        ### update the surface on individual nodes
        self.surface_data_local[:, 1] = f1(self.surface_data_local[:, 0])
        ### update the global surface tracers
        with self.Model.surface_tracers.deform_swarm():
            self.Model.surface_tracers.data[:, 1] = f1(
                self.Model.surface_tracers.data[:, 0])
        '''Erode surface/deposit sed based on the surface'''
        ### update the material on each node according to the spline function for the surface
            (self.Model.swarm.data[:, 1] > f1(self.Model.swarm.data[:, 0]))
            & (self.Model.materialField.data[:, 0] != self.airIndex
               )] = self.airIndex
            (self.Model.swarm.data[:, 1] < f1(self.Model.swarm.data[:, 0]))
            & (self.Model.materialField.data[:, 0] == self.airIndex
               )] = self.sedimentIndex


Example #11
    def save(self, filename, meshHandle=None, units=None, time=None):
        Save the MeshVariable to disk.

        filename : string
            The name of the output file. Relative or absolute paths may be
            used, but all directories must exist.
        meshHandle :uw.utils.SavedFileData , optional
            The saved mesh file handle. If provided, a link is created within the
            mesh variable file to this saved mesh file. Important for checkpoint when
            the mesh deforms.

        This method must be called collectively by all processes.

            Data object relating to saved file. This only needs to be retained
            if you wish to create XDMF files and can be ignored otherwise.

        First create the mesh add a variable:

        >>> mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType='Q1/dQ0', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=(0.,0.), maxCoord=(1.,1.) )
        >>> var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" )

        Write something to variable

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> var.data[:,0] = np.arange(var.data.shape[0])

        Save to a file (note that the 'ignoreMe' object isn't really required):

        >>> ignoreMe = var.save("saved_mesh_variable.h5")

        Now let's try and reload.

        >>> clone_var = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1, dataType="double" )
        >>> clone_var.load("saved_mesh_variable.h5")

        Now check for equality:

        >>> np.allclose(var.data,clone_var.data)

        >>> # clean up:
        >>> if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
        ...     import os;
        ...     os.remove( "saved_mesh_variable.h5" )

        if not isinstance(filename, str):
            raise TypeError("Expected 'filename' to be provided as a string")

        mesh = self.mesh
        h5f = h5py.File(name=filename,

        # ugly global shape def
        globalShape = (mesh.nodesGlobal, self.data.shape[1])
        # create dataset
        dset = h5f.create_dataset("data",
        fact = 1.0
        if units:
            fact = dimensionalise(1.0, units=units).magnitude
            if units == "degC":
                fact = dimensionalise(1.0, units=u.degK).magnitude
            # Save unit type as attribute
            h5f.attrs['units'] = str(units)

        if time:
            h5f.attrs['time'] = str(time)

        h5f.attrs["git commit"] = __git_revision__

        # write to the dset using the global node ids
        local = mesh.nodesLocal

        with dset.collective:
            if units == "degC":
                dset[mesh.data_nodegId[0:local], :] = self.data[
                    0:local] * fact - 273.15
                dset[mesh.data_nodegId[0:local], :] = self.data[0:local] * fact

        # save a hdf5 attribute to the elementType used for this field - maybe useful
        h5f.attrs["elementType"] = np.string_(mesh.elementType)

        if hasattr(mesh.generator, "geometryMesh"):
            mesh = mesh.generator.geometryMesh

        if meshHandle:
            if not isinstance(meshHandle, (str, uw.utils.SavedFileData)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Expected 'meshHandle' to be of type 'uw.utils.SavedFileData'"

            if isinstance(meshHandle, str):
                # DEPRECATION check
                import warnings
                    "'meshHandle' paramater should be of type uw.utils.SaveFileData. Please update your models. "
                    "Accepting 'meshHandle' as a string parameter will be removed in the next release."
                meshFilename = meshHandle
                meshFilename = meshHandle.filename

            if not os.path.exists(meshFilename):
                raise ValueError(
                    "You are trying to link against the mesh file '{}'\n\
                                  that does not appear to exist. If you need to link \n\
                                  against a mesh file, please make sure it is created first."
            # set reference to mesh (all procs must call following)
            h5f["mesh"] = h5py.ExternalLink(meshFilename, "./")


        # return our file handle
        return uw.utils.SavedFileData(self, filename)