Example #1
    def getEnvironment(self, ship, radarlevel=0, target=-1, getMessages=False):
        #TODO: abstract radar to game level?
        radardata = None
        if radarlevel > 0:
            objs = self.getObjectsInArea(ship.body.position, ship.radarRange, True)
            #TODO: Need to wait lock the removing of ships with accessing...???
            if ship in objs: objs.remove(ship) # Get rid of self...

            # remove ships with cloak or in Nebula
            # TODO: Should there be an 'invisible' flag?  Would need more testing.  Would a degradation/range be useful?
            for x in xrange(len(objs) - 1, -1, -1):
                if isinstance(objs[x], Ship) and (objs[x].commandQueue.containstype(CloakCommand) \
                                             or any(isinstance(y, Nebula) for y in objs[x].in_celestialbody)):
                    del objs[x]

            if radarlevel == 1:
                # number of objects
                radardata = []
                for i in xrange(len(objs)):
            elif radarlevel == 2:
                # (pos, id) list
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                    radardata.append({"POSITION":intpos(e.body.position), "ID":e.id})
            elif radarlevel == 3:
                for obj in objs:
                    if obj.id == target:
                        radardata = [self.getObjectData(obj, ship.player)]
            elif radarlevel == 4:
                # (pos, id, type)
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                    radardata.append({"POSITION":intpos(e.body.position), "ID":e.id, "TYPE":friendly_type(e)})
            elif radarlevel == 5:
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                    radardata.append(self.getObjectData(e, ship.player))

        msgQueue = []
        if getMessages:
            msqQueue = list(ship.messageQueue)

        return {"SHIPDATA": self.getObjectData(ship, ship.player),
                "RADARLEVEL": radarlevel,
                "RADARDATA": radardata,
                "GAMEDATA": self.__game.game_get_extra_environment(ship.player),
                "MESSAGES": msgQueue,
Example #2
    def __init__(self, game, worldsize, pys=True):
            game: game object that manages rules for world
            worldsize: tuple of world width,height
            pys: flag to indicate whether this should be the main world running a physics/game loop or not
        self.__game = game
        self.size = intpos(worldsize)
        self.width = worldsize[0]
        self.height = worldsize[1]
        self.__space = pymunk.Space()
        #self.__space.add_collision_handler(0, 0, post_solve=self.collideShipStellarObject)
        self.__space.set_default_collision_handler(begin=self.__beginCollideObject, post_solve=self.__collideObject)
        self.__objects = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__addremovesem = threading.Semaphore()
        self.__planets = []
        self.__nebulas = []
        self.__objectListener = []
        self.__toremove = []
        self.__toadd = []        
        self.__active = True
        self.__pys = pys
        self.gameerror = False

        logging.info("Initialized World of size %s", repr(worldsize))
        if pys:
            logging.debug("Started gameloop for World %s", repr(self))
            threading.Thread(None, self.__THREAD__gameloop, "WorldMap_gameloop_" + repr(self)).start()
Example #3
    def getObjectData(self, obj):
        objData = {}
        # Convert Type of Object to String
        objData["TYPE"] = friendly_type(obj)
        objData["ID"] = obj.id
        objData["POSITION"] = intpos(obj.body.position)
        objData["SPEED"] = obj.body.velocity.length
        # TODO: deal with -0.0 case OR match physics library coordinates?
        objData["DIRECTION"] = -obj.body.velocity.angle_degrees # 30 = -120?, -80 = -10
        #objData["VELOCITYDIRECTION"] = obj.velocity.direction
        objData["MAXSPEED"] = obj.body.velocity_limit
        objData["CURHEALTH"] = obj.health.value
        objData["MAXHEALTH"] = obj.health.maximum
        objData["CURENERGY"] = obj.energy.value
        objData["MAXENERGY"] = obj.energy.maximum
        objData["ENERGYRECHARGERATE"] = obj.energyRechargeRate
        objData["MASS"] = obj.mass
        objData["HITRADIUS"] = obj.radius #TODO: Move to entites that have this i.e. physicalround?
        objData["TIMEALIVE"] = obj.timealive


        self.__game.game_get_extra_radar_info(obj, objData)

        return objData
    def getObjectData(self, obj, player):
        #TODO: Move these properties to the 'getExtraInfo' of the base Entity and have child classes call super...
        objData = {}
        # Convert Type of Object to String
        objData["TYPE"] = friendly_type(obj)
        objData["ID"] = obj.id
        objData["POSITION"] = intpos(obj.body.position)
        objData["SPEED"] = obj.body.velocity.length
        # TODO: deal with -0.0 case OR match physics library coordinates?
            "DIRECTION"] = -obj.body.velocity.angle_degrees % 360  # 30 = -120?, -80 = -10
        #objData["VELOCITYDIRECTION"] = obj.velocity.direction
        objData["MAXSPEED"] = obj.body.velocity_limit
        objData["CURHEALTH"] = obj.health.value
        objData["MAXHEALTH"] = obj.health.maximum
        objData["CURENERGY"] = obj.energy.value
        objData["MAXENERGY"] = obj.energy.maximum
        objData["ENERGYRECHARGERATE"] = obj.energyRechargeRate
        objData["MASS"] = obj.mass
            "HITRADIUS"] = obj.radius  #TODO: Move to entites that have this i.e. physicalround?
        objData["TIMEALIVE"] = obj.timealive
        objData["INBODY"] = (len(obj.in_celestialbody) > 0)

        obj.getExtraInfo(objData, player)

        self.__game.game_get_extra_radar_info(obj, objData, player)

        return objData
 def __init__(self, game, worldsize, objlistener=None):
         game: game object that manages rules for world
         worldsize: tuple of world width,height
         pys: flag to indicate whether this should be the main world running a physics/game loop or not
         objlistener: initial listner callback function
     self.__game = game
     self.size = intpos(worldsize)
     self.width = worldsize[0]
     self.height = worldsize[1]
     self.__space = pymunk.Space()
     #self.__space.add_collision_handler(0, 0, post_solve=self.collideShipStellarObject)
     self.__objects = ThreadSafeDict()
     self.__addremovesem = threading.Semaphore()
     self.__influential = []
     if objlistener == None:
         self.__objectListener = []
         self.__objectListener = [objlistener]
     self.__toremove = []
     self.__toadd = []
     self.__active = False
     self.__started = False
     self.gameerror = False
     logging.info("Initialized World of size %s", repr(worldsize))
Example #6
 def __init__(self, game, worldsize, objlistener=None):
         game: game object that manages rules for world
         worldsize: tuple of world width,height
         pys: flag to indicate whether this should be the main world running a physics/game loop or not
         objlistener: initial listner callback function
     self.__game = game
     self.size = intpos(worldsize)
     self.width = worldsize[0]
     self.height = worldsize[1]
     self.__space = pymunk.Space()
     #self.__space.add_collision_handler(0, 0, post_solve=self.collideShipStellarObject)
     self.__space.set_default_collision_handler(begin=self.__beginCollideObject, post_solve=self.__collideObject, separate=self.__endCollideObject)
     self.__objects = ThreadSafeDict()
     self.__addremovesem = threading.Semaphore()
     self.__influential = []
     if objlistener == None:
         self.__objectListener = []
         self.__objectListener = [objlistener]
     self.__toremove = []
     self.__toadd = []        
     self.__active = False
     self.__started = False
     self.gameerror = False
     logging.info("Initialized World of size %s", repr(worldsize))
Example #7
    def __init__(self, obj):

Example #8
 def mid_point(self, xoff = 0, yoff = 0):
     return intpos((self.width / 2 + xoff, self.height / 2 + yoff))
Example #9
 def __repr__(self):
     return super(WarpCommand, self).__repr__() + " DEST: " + repr(
 def mid_point(self, xoff=0, yoff=0):
     return intpos((self.width / 2 + xoff, self.height / 2 + yoff))
    def getEnvironment(self, ship, radarlevel=0, target=-1, getMessages=False):
        #TODO: abstract radar to game level?
        radardata = None
        if radarlevel > 0:
            objs = self.getObjectsInArea(ship.body.position, ship.radarRange,
            #TODO: Need to wait lock the removing of ships with accessing...???
            if ship in objs: objs.remove(ship)  # Get rid of self...

            # remove ships with cloak
            for x in xrange(len(objs) - 1, -1, -1):
                if isinstance(objs[x],
                              Ship) and objs[x].commandQueue.containstype(
                    del objs[x]

            if radarlevel == 1:
                # number of objects
                radardata = []
                for i in xrange(len(objs)):
            elif radarlevel == 2:
                # (pos, id) list
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                        "POSITION": intpos(e.body.position),
                        "ID": e.id
            elif radarlevel == 3:
                for obj in objs:
                    if obj.id == target:
                        radardata = [self.getObjectData(obj, ship.player)]
            elif radarlevel == 4:
                # (pos, id, type)
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                        "POSITION": intpos(e.body.position),
                        "ID": e.id,
                        "TYPE": friendly_type(e)
            elif radarlevel == 5:
                radardata = []
                for e in objs:
                    radardata.append(self.getObjectData(e, ship.player))

        msgQueue = []
        if getMessages:
            msqQueue = list(ship.messageQueue)

        return {
            "SHIPDATA": self.getObjectData(ship, ship.player),
            "RADARLEVEL": radarlevel,
            "RADARDATA": radardata,
            "GAMEDATA": self.__game.game_get_extra_environment(ship.player),
            "MESSAGES": msgQueue,
    def __init__(self, obj):

        super(DeployLaserBeaconCommand, self).__init__(obj, DeployLaserBeaconCommand.NAME, True, ttl=0.05)
 def __repr__(self):
     return super(WarpCommand, self).__repr__() + " DEST: " + repr(intpos(self.__dest))