was_connected = True
            if uart.in_waiting:  # Check to see if any data is available.
                    packet = Packet.from_stream(
                        uart)  # Create the packet object.
                except ValueError:
                if isinstance(packet,
                              ColorPacket):  # If the packet is color packet...
                    if mode == 0:  # And mode is 0...
                        animations.color = packet.color  # Update the animation to the color.
                        print("Color:", packet.color)
                        animation_color = packet.color  # Keep track of the current color...
                    elif mode == 1:  # Because if mode is 1...
                        animations.color = animation_color  # Freeze the animation color.
                        print("Color:", animation_color)
                elif isinstance(
                        ButtonPacket):  # If the packet is a button packet...
                    if packet.pressed:  # If the buttons in the app are pressed...
                        if packet.button == ButtonPacket.LEFT:  # If left arrow is pressed...
                            print("A pressed: animation mode changed.")
                            animations.next()  # Change to the next animation.
                        elif packet.button == ButtonPacket.RIGHT:  # If right arrow is pressed...
                            mode += 1  # Increase the mode by 1.
                            if mode == 1:  # If mode is 1, print the following:
                                print("Right pressed: color frozen!")
                            if mode > 1:  # If mode is > 1...
                                mode = 0  # Set mode to 0, and print the following:
                                print("Right pressed: color changing!")
            if buttons[i].fell:
                MODE = 1
    # If not idle mode
    if MODE >= 1:
        pixels.brightness = 1
        if MODE == 2:  # mode 2 is individual notes
            if audio.playing:
                while audio.playing:
                MODE = 0  # Return to idle mode
        if MODE == 3:
            SONG = SONG + 1
            if SONG == 3:
                MODE = 0
                SONG = 0

                MODE = 0  # Return to idle mode
        if MODE == 9:  # MODE 9 is "off" mode, listening for a new button press to wake up.
#             for button in buttons:
#                 button.update()
            for i in range(12):
                if buttons[i].fell:
                    MODE = 1
from adafruit_led_animation.color import RED, BLUE

# Update to match the pin connected to your NeoPixels
pixel_pin = board.D6
# Update to match the number of NeoPixels you have connected
pixel_num = 32

# Update to matchpin connected to button that connect logic high when pushed
button_pin = board.D3

pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin,
button = DigitalInOut(button_pin)
button.direction = Direction.INPUT
button.pull = Pull.UP

solid_blue = Solid(pixels, color=BLUE)
solid_red = Solid(pixels, color=RED)
animation_sequence = AnimationSequence(solid_blue, solid_red, auto_clear=True)

while True:

    # Pressing the button pauses the animation permanently
    if not button.value:
        while button.value:
            time.sleep(0.1)  # Used for button debouncing