#!/usr/bin/env python
import admin.setup_django_version

from google.appengine.ext import db
from django.utils import simplejson

from admin.models import Items

# Now I want to know what articles are waiting to be reviewed and so on

rows = Items.all()
rows.filter('published = ', 1)
rows.filter('queued = ', 0)

rows = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Items WHERE published = 1 AND queued = 0 ORDER BY published_ordinal DESC LIMIT 20")

pagesize = 20
offset = 0
counter = 1
winning = []

for row in rows.run(limit=pagesize, offset=offset):
    JSON = simplejson.loads(row.json)
    result = JSON['response']['content']

results = {'response': {
              'status': 'ok',
    for tag in new_json['response']['content']['tags']:
      if tag['id'] == 'tone/minutebyminute':
        rejectLiveblog = True
    rejectNoThumb = False
    if 'thumbnail' not in new_json['response']['content']['fields']:
      rejectNoThumb = True
    # if we've found any reason to reject it, then do that here
    rejectArticle = False
    if word_count < 1000 or rejectLiveblog == True or rejectNoThumb == True:
      rejectArticle = True
      new_row                  = Items()
      new_row.apiUrl           = str(row['apiUrl'])                    
      new_row.json             = simplejson.dumps(new_json)
      new_row.view_count       = int(row['view_count'])                    
      new_row.percent          = int(row['percent'])                    
      new_row.time_spent       = float(row['time_spent'])
      new_row.word_count       = int(word_count)
      if rejectArticle == True:
        new_row.unreviewed     = 0
        new_row.rejected       = 1
    except Exception:
      logging.debug('Fetch Fail: minor: when putting data into database')