Example #1
File: aisy.py Project: 5nizza/aisy
def get_inv_err_f_j_bdds():
    assert spec.num_justice <= 1
    assert spec.num_fairness <= 1

    j_bdd = get_bdd_for_value(aiglib.get_justice_lit(spec, 0, 0)) \
            if spec.num_justice == 1 \
            else cudd.One()

    f_bdd = get_bdd_for_value(aiglib.get_aiger_symbol(spec.fairness, 0).lit) \
        if spec.num_fairness == 1 \
        else cudd.One()

    inv_bdd = cudd.One()
    if spec.num_constraints > 0:
        for i in range(spec.num_constraints):
            bdd = get_bdd_for_value(aiglib.get_aiger_symbol(spec.constraints, i).lit)
            inv_bdd = inv_bdd & bdd

    err_bdd = cudd.Zero()
    if spec.num_bad > 0:
        for i in range(spec.num_bad):
            bdd = get_bdd_for_value(aiglib.get_aiger_symbol(spec.bad, i).lit)
            err_bdd = err_bdd | bdd
    elif spec.num_outputs == 1:
        err_bdd = get_bdd_for_value(aiglib.get_aiger_symbol(spec.outputs, 0).lit)

    return inv_bdd, err_bdd, f_bdd, j_bdd
def get_new_s_lit(old_lit):
    """ :return: _signed_ literal """
    # 2 is the input of a counter aig
    # 2 -> spec.justice[0].lits[0], 3 -> negate(spec.fairness.lit)
    # counter_other_lit -> counter_other_lit + shift

    if strip_lit(old_lit) == reset:
        res = aiglib.get_justice_lit(spec, 0, 0)
        if is_negated(old_lit):
            res = negate(res)
        return res

    if strip_lit(old_lit) == inc:
        if not spec.num_fairness:
            # Here we have something like GF true -> GF just
            # so we always increment our counter
            if is_negated(old_lit):
                return 0
            return 1

        # here we have GF fair -> GF just
        res = aiglib.get_ith_fairness(spec, 0).lit
        if is_negated(old_lit):
            res = negate(res)
        return res

    return old_lit + shift
def get_new_s_lit(old_lit):
    """ :return: _signed_ literal """
    # 2 is the input of a counter aig
    # 2 -> spec.justice[0].lits[0], 3 -> negate(spec.fairness.lit)
    # counter_other_lit -> counter_other_lit + shift

    if strip_lit(old_lit) == reset:
        res = aiglib.get_justice_lit(spec, 0, 0)
        if is_negated(old_lit):
            res = negate(res)
        return res

    if strip_lit(old_lit) == inc:
        if not spec.num_fairness:
            # Here we have something like GF true -> GF just
            # so we always increment our counter
            if is_negated(old_lit):
                return 0
            return 1

        # here we have GF fair -> GF just
        res = aiglib.get_ith_fairness(spec, 0).lit
        if is_negated(old_lit):
            res = negate(res)
        return res

    return old_lit + shift
Example #4
def main(filename):
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger
    model = aiglib.aiger_init()
    aiglib.aiger_open_and_read_from_file(model, filename)

    if model.num_justice == 0:

    assert model.num_justice == 1
    assert model.justice.size == 1

    next_lit = (model.maxvar + 1) * 2

    # first, add all elements

    aiglib.aiger_add_input(model, next_lit, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_aux')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_symbol
    aux = aiglib.aiger_is_input(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and1 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and2 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and3 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and4 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_latch(model, next_lit, 1, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_L1')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    L1 = aiglib.aiger_is_latch(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_latch(model, next_lit, 1, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_L2')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    L2 = aiglib.aiger_is_latch(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_symbol
    old_just_lit = aiglib.get_justice_lit(model, 0, 0)

    # second, define all connections
    and1.rhs0, and1.rhs1 = aux.lit + 1, L1.lit + 1
    and2.rhs0, and2.rhs1 = L1.lit, old_just_lit
    and3.rhs0, and3.rhs1 = and2.lhs + 1, L2.lit + 1
    and4.rhs0, and4.rhs1 = L2.lit + 1, L1.lit

    L1.next = and1.lhs + 1
    L2.next = and3.lhs + 1

    aiglib.set_justice_lit(model, 0, 0, and4.lhs)

Example #5
def main(filename):
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger
    model = aiglib.aiger_init()
    aiglib.aiger_open_and_read_from_file(model, filename)

    if model.num_justice == 0:

    assert model.num_justice == 1
    assert model.justice.size == 1

    next_lit = (model.maxvar + 1) * 2

    # first, add all elements

    aiglib.aiger_add_input(model, next_lit, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_aux')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_symbol
    aux = aiglib.aiger_is_input(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and1 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and2 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and3 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_and(model, next_lit, 1, 1)
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    and4 = aiglib.aiger_is_and(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_latch(model, next_lit, 1, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_L1')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    L1 = aiglib.aiger_is_latch(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    aiglib.aiger_add_latch(model, next_lit, 1, 'SYNT_2_HWMCC_L2')
    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_and
    L2 = aiglib.aiger_is_latch(model, next_lit)
    next_lit += 2

    #: :type: aiglib.aiger_symbol
    old_just_lit = aiglib.get_justice_lit(model, 0, 0)

    # second, define all connections
    and1.rhs0, and1.rhs1 = aux.lit + 1, L1.lit + 1
    and2.rhs0, and2.rhs1 = L1.lit, old_just_lit
    and3.rhs0, and3.rhs1 = and2.lhs + 1, L2.lit + 1
    and4.rhs0, and4.rhs1 = L2.lit + 1, L1.lit

    L1.next = and1.lhs + 1
    L2.next = and3.lhs + 1

    aiglib.set_justice_lit(model, 0, 0, and4.lhs)
