Example #1
    def test_add_incoming_input_work(self):
        """Nodes can have an infinite amount of incoming INPUT_WORK links, as long as the link pair is unique."""
        source_one = Data()
        source_two = Data()
        target = WorkflowNode()

        target.add_incoming(source_one, LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'link_label')

        # Can only have a single incoming INPUT_WORK link from each source node if the label is not unique
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            target.validate_incoming(source_one, LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'link_label')

        # Using another link label is fine
        target.validate_incoming(source_one, LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'other_label')

        # However, using the same link, even from another node is illegal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            target.validate_incoming(source_two, LinkType.INPUT_WORK, 'link_label')
Example #2
    def test_add_incoming_call_work(self):
        """Nodes can only have a single incoming CALL_WORK link, independent of the source node."""
        source_one = WorkflowNode()
        source_two = WorkflowNode()
        target = WorkflowNode()

        target.add_incoming(source_one, LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'link_label')

        # Can only have a single incoming CALL_WORK link
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            target.validate_incoming(source_one, LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'link_label')

        # Even when the source node is different
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            target.validate_incoming(source_two, LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'link_label')

        # Or when the link label is different
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            target.validate_incoming(source_one, LinkType.CALL_WORK, 'other_label')