Example #1
    async def joinChannel(self, name, permanent=True):
		Join a #channel.
		The event 'on_channel_joined' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined a channel.

		:param name: :class:`str` the channel's name
		:param permanent: Optional[:class:`bool`] if True (default) the server will automatically reconnect the user to this channel when logged in.
        await self.sendCP(54, Packet().writeString(name).writeBool(permanent))
Example #2
    async def use(self):
		Uses this item."""
        if self.inventory is None or self.inventory.client is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "InventoryItem doesn't have the inventory variable or Inventory doesn't have the client variable."
        await self.inventory.client.main.send(
            Packet.new(31, 3).write16(self.id))
Example #3
    async def sendRoomMessage(self, message):
		Send a message to the room.

		:param message: :class:`str` the content of the message.
        packet = Packet.new(6, 6).writeString(message)

        await self.bulle.send(packet, cipher=True)
Example #4
	async def lock(self):
		Locks (confirms) the trade."""
		if self.state != TradeState.TRADING:
			raise TradeOnWrongState('lock', self.state)
		if self.locked[1]:
			raise TypeError("Can not lock a trade that is already locked by the client.")

		await self.client.main.send(Packet.new(31, 9).writeBool(True))
Example #5
	async def unlock(self):
		Unlocks (cancels the confirmation) the trade."""
		if self.state != TradeState.TRADING:
			raise TradeOnWrongState('lock', self.state)
		if not self.locked[1]:
			raise TypeError("Can not unlock a trade that is not locked by the client.")

		await self.client.main.send(Packet.new(31, 9).writeBool(False))
Example #6
    def data_received(self, data, connection):
		Dispatches the received data.

		:param data: :class:`bytes` the received data.
		:param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received
			the data.
        # :desc: Called when a socket receives a packet. Does not interfere
        # with :meth:`Client.handle_packet`.
        # :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received
        # the packet.
        # :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` a copy of the packet.
        self.dispatch('raw_socket', connection, Packet(data))
            self.loop.create_task(self.handle_packet(connection, Packet(data)))
        except Exception:
Example #7
    async def sendCommand(self, command):
		Send a command to the game.

		:param command: :class:`str` the command to send.
        packet = Packet.new(6, 26).writeString(command[:255])

        await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True)
Example #8
    async def cancel(self):
		Cancels the trade."""
        if not self.alive:
            raise TypeError("Can not cancel a dead trade.")
        self.canceled = True
        await self._client.main.send(
            Packet.new(31, 6).writeString(self._other.username).write8(2))
        self._client.dispatch('trade_close', self)
Example #9
	async def sendChannelMessage(self, channel, message):
		Send a message to a public channel.

		:param channel: :class:`str` the channel's name.
		:param message: :class:`str` the content of the message.
		if isinstance(channel, Channel):
			channel = channel.name

		return await self.sendCP(48, Packet().writeString(channel).writeString(message))
Example #10
    async def unlock(self):
		Unlocks (cancels the confirmation) the trade."""
        if not self.alive:
            raise TypeError("Can not lock a dead trade.")
        if self.on_invite:
            raise TypeError(
                "Can not lock a trade when it is on the invite state.")
        if not self.locked_me:
            raise TypeError(
                "Can not lock a trade that is already unlocked by me.")
        await self._client.main.send(Packet.new(31, 9).writeBool(False))
Example #11
	async def loadLua(self, lua_code):
		Load a lua code in the room.

		:param lua_code: :class:`str` or :class:`bytes` the lua code to send.
		if isinstance(lua_code, str):
			lua_code = lua_code.encode()

		packet = Packet.new(29, 1).write24(len(lua_code)).writeBytes(lua_code)

		await self.bulle.send(packet)
Example #12
	async def sendSmiley(self, smiley):
		Makes the client showing a smiley above it's head.

		:param smiley: :class:`int` the smiley's id. (from 0 to 9)
		if smiley < 0 or smiley > 9:
			raise AiotfmException('Invalid smiley id')

		packet = Packet.new(8, 5).write8(smiley).write32(0)

		await self.bulle.send(packet)
Example #13
    async def joinRoom(self, room_name, community=None, auto=False):
		Join a room.
		The event 'on_joined_room' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined the room.

		:param room_name: :class:`str` the room's name.
		:param community: Optional[:class:`int`] the room's community.
		:param auto: Optional[:class:`bool`] joins a random room (I think).
        packet = Packet.new(5, 38).write8(community or self.community)
        await self.main.send(packet)
Example #14
	async def playEmote(self, emote, flag='be'):
		Play an emote.

		:param emote: :class:`int` the emote's id.
		:param flag: Optional[:class:`str`] the flag for the emote id 10. Defaults to 'be'.
		packet = Packet.new(8, 1).write8(id).write32(0)
		if emote == 10:

		await self.bulle.send(packet)
Example #15
    async def removeItem(self, item_id, quantity):
		Removes an item from the trade.

		:param item_id: :class:`int` The item id.
		:param quantity: :class:`int` The quantity of item to remove."""
        if self.state != TradeState.TRADING:
            raise TradeOnWrongState('removeItem', self.state)

        quantity = min(max(quantity, 0), 200)
        packet = Packet.new(31, 8).write16(item_id).writeBool(False).buffer

        ten = packet + b'\x01'
        for i in range(quantity // 10):
            await self.client.main.send(Packet(ten))
            await asyncio.sleep(.05)

        unit = packet + b'\x00'
        for i in range(quantity % 10):
            await self.client.main.send(Packet(unit))
            await asyncio.sleep(.05)
Example #16
    def from_packet(cls, packet: Packet):
        """Read the inventory from a packet.
		:param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet.
		:return: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Inventory` the inventory.
        items = {}

        for item in range(packet.read16()):
            item = InventoryItem.from_packet(packet)
            items[item.id] = item

        return cls(items=items)
Example #17
	async def leaveChannel(self, channel):
		Leaves a #channel.

		:param channel: :class:`aiotfm.message.Channel` channel to leave.
		if isinstance(channel, Channel):
			name = channel.name
			name = channel

		await self.sendCP(56, Packet().writeString(name))
Example #18
    def from_packet(cls, packet: Packet):
        """Reads a ShamanObject from a packet.
		:param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet`
		:return: :class:`aiotfm.shop.ShamanObject`
        return cls(packet.read32(), packet.read8(), packet.readBool(),
                   packet.read8(), packet.read32(), packet.read16())
Example #19
    async def accept(self):
		Accepts the trade."""
        if not self.alive:
            raise TypeError("Can not accept a dead trade.")
        if not self.on_invite:
            raise TypeError(
                "Can not accept a trade when it is not on the invite state.")
        if self.accepted:
            raise TypeError("Can not accept an already accepted trade.")
        self.accepted = True
        await self._client.main.send(
            Packet.new(31, 5).writeString(self._other.username))
Example #20
    async def addItem(self, id, ten=False):
		Adds an item to the trade.

		:param id: :class:`int` The item id.
		:param ten: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to add ten items or only one."""
        if not self.alive:
            raise TypeError("Can not add items to a dead trade.")
        if self.on_invite:
            raise TypeError(
                "Can not add items to a trade when it is on the invite state.")
        await self._client.main.send(
            Packet.new(31, 8).write16(id).writeBool(True).writeBool(ten))
Example #21
    def from_packet(cls, packet: Packet):
        """Reads an Item from a packet.
		:param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet`
		:return: :class:`aiotfm.shop.Item`
        nbr_colors = packet.read8()
        uid = packet.read32()
        cat = (uid - 10000) // 10000 if uid > 9999 else uid // 100

        if uid < 99:
            id_ = uid
        elif uid < 999:
            id_ = uid % (100 * cat)
        elif uid < 9999:
            id_ = uid % 100
            id_ = uid % 1000

        colors = []
        if nbr_colors > 0:
            colors = [packet.read32() for i in range(nbr_colors - 1)]

        return cls(cat, id_, colors)
Example #22
	async def sendHandshake(self):
		Sends the handshake packet so the server recognizes this socket as a player.
		packet = Packet.new(28, 1).write16(self.keys.version).writeString(self.keys.connection)
			"A=t&SA=t&SV=t&EV=t&MP3=t&AE=t&VE=t&ACC=t&PR=t&SP=f&SB=f&DEB=f&V=LNX 29,0,0,140&M=Adobe"
			" Linux&R=1920x1080&COL=color&AR=1.0&OS=Linux&ARCH=x86&L=en&IME=t&PR32=t&PR64=t&LS=en-U"

		await self.main.send(packet)
Example #23
	async def sendCP(self, code, data=b''):
		Send a packet to the community platform.

		:param code: :class:`int` the community platform code.
		:param data: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` or :class:`bytes` the data.
		self.cp_fingerprint = fp = (self.cp_fingerprint + 1) % 0XFFFFFFFF

		packet = Packet.new(60, 3).write16(code)
		await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True)

		return fp
Example #24
    async def removeItem(self, id, ten=False):
		Removes an item from the trade.

		:param id: :class:`int` The item id.
		:param ten: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether to remove ten items or only one."""
        if not self.alive:
            raise TypeError("Can not remove items from a dead trade.")
        if self.on_invite:
            raise TypeError(
                "Can not remove items from a trade when it is on the invite state."
        await self._client.main.send(
            Packet.new(31, 8).write16(id).writeBool(False).writeBool(ten))
Example #25
	def __init__(self, packet:Packet):
		self.cheese = packet.read32()
		self.fraise = packet.read32()
		self.look = packet.readUTF()

		self.owned_items = set(Item.from_packet(packet) for i in range(packet.read32()))
		self.items = set(ShopItem.from_packet(packet) for i in range(packet.read32()))

		self.full_outfits = set(Outfit.from_fashion(packet) for i in range(packet.read8()))
		self.outfits = set(Outfit.from_packet(packet, i) for i in range(packet.read16()))

		self.owned_shaman_objects = set(OwnedShamanObject.from_packet(packet) for i in range(packet.read16()))
		self.shaman_objects = set(ShamanObject.from_packet(packet) for i in range(packet.read16()))
Example #26
    async def joinRoom(self,
		Join a room.
		The event 'on_joined_room' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined the room.

		:param password: :class:`str` if given the client will ignore `community` and `auto` parameters
			and will connect to the room with the given password.
		:param room_name: :class:`str` the room's name.
		:param community: Optional[:class:`int`] the room's community.
		:param auto: Optional[:class:`bool`] joins a random room (I think).
        if password is not None:
            packet = Packet.new(
                5, 39).writeString(password).writeString(room_name)
            packet = Packet.new(5, 38).writeString(
                Community(community or self.community).name)

        await self.main.send(packet)
Example #27
    async def who(self):
		Sends the command /who to the channel and returns the list of players.

		:throws: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError`
		:return: List[:class:`aiotfm.Player`]"""
        def check(idseq, players):
            return idseq == idSequence

        idSequence = await self._client.sendCP(58,
        _, players = await self._client.wait_for('on_channel_who',
        return players
Example #28
	async def getRoomList(self, gamemode=0, timeout=3):
		Get the room list

		:param gamemode: Optional[:class:`aiotfm.enums.GameMode`] the room's gamemode.
		:param timeout: Optional[:class:`int`] timeout in seconds. Defaults to 3 seconds.
		:return: :class:`aiotfm.room.RoomList` the room list for the given gamemode or None
		await self.main.send(Packet.new(26, 35).write8(int(gamemode)))

		def predicate(roomlist):
			return gamemode == 0 or roomlist.gamemode == gamemode

			return await self.wait_for('on_room_list', predicate, timeout=timeout)
		except asyncio.TimeoutError:
			return None
Example #29
	async def login(self, username, password, encrypted=True, room='1'):
		Log in the game.

		:param username: :class:`str` the client username.
		:param password: :class:`str` the client password.
		:param encrypted: Optional[:class:`bool`] whether the password is already encrypted or not.
		:param room: Optional[:class:`str`] the room where the client will be logged in.
		if not encrypted:
			password = shakikoo(password)

		packet = Packet.new(26, 8).writeString(username).writeString(password)
		packet.writeString(room).write32(self.authkey ^ self.keys.auth).write8(0).writeString('')

		await self.main.send(packet)
Example #30
    def __init__(self, packet: Packet):
        self.id: int = packet.read32()
        self.name: str = packet.readUTF()
        self.welcomeMessage: str = packet.readUTF()
        self.mapcode: int = packet.read32()
        self.members: List[Member] = []
        self.ranks: List[Rank] = []

        for i in range(packet.read16()):
            self.members.append(Member(self, packet))

        for i in range(packet.read16()):
            self.ranks.append(Rank.from_packet(i, packet))