Example #1
def sendLO(textPath5, textPath6):
    today = getNow()
    thisHour = today.strftime('%H')
    #make data LO and LO open
    loOpen(thisHour, textPath6)
    dataLO(thisHour, textPath5)
    #mail thingy
    fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress('PLP_LO')
    msg = content(textPath5, textPath6)
    logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
Example #2
def nota(tableList, opt_perihal, imageList):
    today = getNow()
    # 1.interpolasi nomor nota
    thisMonth = today.strftime('%m')
    romanizing = rome(thisMonth)
    notaYear = today.strftime('%Y')
    nomerNota = tableList[0]
    noNota = '{0}/PLP-MNJ/{1}/{2}'.format(nomerNota, romanizing, notaYear)
    tempatTanggal = 'Jakarta, {0}'.format(today.strftime('%d %B %Y'))
    #docPath = "..\..\\template\\nota\\NOTA.docx"
    #doc = docx.Document(docPath)
    #doc.paragraphs[0].runs[3].text = noNota
    del tableList[0]
    # 2.interpolasi Perihal (conditional)
    # 2.1 trip number baru
    if opt_perihal == 'Trip Number tanpa LO':
        perihal = 'Ada pengisian yang menyebabkan Temperature is inconsistent with given Temperature in Metered Qty sehingga harus dibuatkan trip number baru dengan data sebagai berikut : '
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = tripBaru
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress('PLP_NOTA')
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.2 MT ASU
    elif opt_perihal == 'MT UNIK':
        mobilAsu = tableList[1]
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian pada MT {0} (MT Unik)  yang menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke Omega:'.format(
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = mtAsu
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress('PLP_NOTA')  #test
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.3 DO pecah di bawah kapasitas
    elif opt_perihal == 'DO Pecah':
        noMT = tableList[1]
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian do pecah dibawah kapasitas pada MT {0}, yang menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke Omega :'.format(
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = doPe
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress('PLP_NOTA')
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.4 Konsinyasi dan Reservasi
    elif opt_perihal == 'Konservasi':
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian konsinyasi/reservasi yang  menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke MPV :'
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = konservasi
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress('PLP_NOTA')
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
Example #3
def testNota(tableList, opt_perihal, imageList, site):
    today = getNow()
    # 1.interpolasi nomor nota
    thisMonth = today.strftime('%m')
    romanizing = rome(thisMonth)
    notaYear = today.strftime('%Y')
    nomerNota = tableList[0]
    namaNota, kota, SM, eAd = siteProfile(site)
    noNota = '{0}/{3}/{1}/{2}'.format(nomerNota, romanizing, notaYear,
    tempatTanggal = '{1}, {0}'.format(today.strftime('%d %B %Y'), kota)
    del tableList[0]
    # 2.interpolasi Perihal (conditional)
    # 2.1 trip number baru
    if opt_perihal == 'Trip Number tanpa LO':
        perihal = 'Ada pengisian yang menyebabkan Temperature is inconsistent with given Temperature in Metered Qty sehingga harus dibuatkan trip number baru dengan data sebagai berikut : '
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = tripBaru
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
                        imageList, site, SM)
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = testAddr(eAd)
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota, site)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.2 MT ASU
    elif opt_perihal == 'MT UNIK':
        mobilAsu = tableList[1]
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian pada MT {0} (MT Unik)  yang menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke Omega:'.format(
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = mtAsu
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
                        imageList, site, SM)
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = testAddr(eAd)
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota, site)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.3 DO pecah di bawah kapasitas
    elif opt_perihal == 'DO Pecah':
        noMT = tableList[1]
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian do pecah dibawah kapasitas pada MT {0}, yang menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke Omega :'.format(
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = doPe
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
                        imageList, site, SM)
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = testAddr(eAd)
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota, site)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
    # 2.4 Konsinyasi dan Reservasi
    elif opt_perihal == 'Konservasi':
        perihal = 'Terdapat pengisian konsinyasi/reservasi yang  menyebabkan schedule tersebut tidak dapat masuk secara otomatis ke MPV :'
        #doc.paragraphs[7].text = konservasi
        pdFile = toDocx(nomerNota, noNota, perihal, tableList, tempatTanggal,
                        imageList, site, SM)
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = testAddr(eAd)
        msg = mailContentNota(pdFile, nomerNota, site)
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
Example #4
def structFolder(folderName, site):
    now = getNow()
    thisYear = now.strftime('%Y')
    thisMonth = now.strftime('%B')
    thisDay = now.strftime('%d')
    # makeStructuredFolder
    ddPath = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (folderName, site, thisYear, thisMonth,
    if not os.path.exists(ddPath):
        print('Folders created successfully\n{}'.format(ddPath))
    return ddPath
Example #5
def content(textPath5, textPath6):
    today = getNow()
    dataLOFormat = today.strftime('%d%b%Y')
    thisHour = today.strftime('%H')
    namaFile = 'DATA_LO DAN LO_OPEN {0} Pukul {1}.00'.format(
        dataLOFormat, thisHour)
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg['Subject'] = namaFile
    # xlsxAttachment
    # attach dataLO
    att1 = mailAttachment(textPath5, os.path.basename(textPath5))
    att2 = mailAttachment(textPath6, os.path.basename(textPath6))
    attachment = [att1, att2]
    [msg.attach(i) for i in attachment]
    return msg
Example #6
def exeJbb():
    if cats.get() == 'TODAY':
        site = 'BLG'
        strObjd = getNow()
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress(site)
        subs = 'JBB Closing %s' % strObjd.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
        msg = mailContent(site, subs, pathEntry7.get(), cats.get())
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
        pathEntry7.delete(0, END)
    elif cats.get() == 'YESTERDAY':
        site = 'BLG'
        strObjd = getYesterday()
        fromAddr, toAddr, pswd = eAddress(site)
        subs = 'JBB Closing %s' % strObjd.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
        msg = mailContent(site, subs, pathEntry7.get(), cats.get())
        logIn(fromAddr, toAddr, pswd, msg)
        pathEntry7.delete(0, END)