Example #1
    def __init__(self, gpio=None):

        # If no gpio is given, create resource now
        if gpio == None:
            gpio = wiringpi.GPIO(wiringpi.GPIO.WPI_MODE_PINS)

        # Create resource to control HD44780 16x2 LCD
        self.lcd = HD44780_595()

        # Create resources to control leds
        self.sLed = Led(3, 0, gpio)
        self.mLed = Led(0, 0, gpio)

        # Disply Helper
        self.helper = DisplayHelper()

        # Volume
        self.vol = VolumeDisplay()

        # Tone
        self.tone = ToneDisplay()

        # Mp3
        self.mp3 = Mp3Display()

        # Radio
        self.radio = RadioDisplay()

        # Selected Input
        self.selectedInput = True  # media = True, mp3 = False
class RadioDisplay():
  def __init__(self):
    self.index = 0
    self.name = ""
    self.frequency = ""
    self.description = "" 
    self.helper = DisplayHelper()
  def getLine1(self):
    return self.helper.centerText(self.name)

  def getLine2(self):
    return self.description + " - "

  def set(self, station):
    #print station
    self.index = station['index']
    self.name = station['name']
    self.frequency = station['frequency']
    self.description = station['description']
class Mp3Display():
    def __init__(self):
        self.album = "Album Name"
        self.title = "Song Title Goes Here"
        self.artist = "Artist Name"
        self.helper = DisplayHelper()

    def getLine1(self):
        return self.helper.centerText(self.title)

    def getLine2(self):
        return self.artist + " - " + self.album + " . "

    def set(self, mp3):
        #print mp3
            self.album = mp3['album']
        except Exception, e:
            self.album = "album"

            self.title = mp3['title']
        except Exception, e:
            self.title = 'title'
Example #4
class Mp3Display():
  def __init__(self):
    self.album = "Album Name"
    self.title = "Song Title Goes Here"
    self.artist = "Artist Name"
    self.helper = DisplayHelper()
  def getLine1(self):
    return self.helper.centerText(self.title)

  def getLine2(self):
    return self.artist + " - " + self.album + " . "

  def set(self, mp3):
    #print mp3
      self.album = mp3['album']
    except Exception, e:
      self.album = "album"

      self.title = mp3['title']
    except Exception, e:
      self.title = 'title'
 def __init__(self):
   self.index = 0
   self.name = ""
   self.frequency = ""
   self.description = "" 
   self.helper = DisplayHelper()
 def __init__(self):
     self.album = "Album Name"
     self.title = "Song Title Goes Here"
     self.artist = "Artist Name"
     self.helper = DisplayHelper()
Example #7
 def __init__(self):
   self.album = "Album Name"
   self.title = "Song Title Goes Here"
   self.artist = "Artist Name"
   self.helper = DisplayHelper()