Example #1
    async def add_guild_options(self, guild_id: int, options: Options) -> None:
        Set a guild's options to a custom set, rather then the base level
        set used and defined in ASH initialization

        If using/modifying ``AntiSpamHandler.options`` to give to
        this method you will **also** be modifying the overall options.

        To get an options item you can modify freely call :py:meth:`antispam.AntiSpamHandler.get_options`
        this method will give you an instance of the current options you are
        free to modify however you like.

        This will override any current settings, if you wish
        to continue using existing settings and merely change some
        I suggest using the ``get_options`` method first and then giving
        those values back to this method with the changed arguments
        if not isinstance(options, Options):
            raise ValueError("Expected options of type Options")

            guild = await self.cache.get_guild(guild_id=guild_id)
        except GuildNotFound:
                "I cannot ensure I have permissions to kick/ban ban people in Guild(id=%s)",
            guild = Guild(id=guild_id, options=options)
            await self.cache.set_guild(guild)
            log.info("Created Guild(id=%s)", guild.id)
            guild.options = options

        log.info("Set custom options for guild(%s)", guild_id)
Example #2
    async def clean_cache(self, strict=False) -> None:
        Cleans the internal cache, pruning
        any old/un-needed entries.

        Non Strict mode:
         - Member deletion criteria:
            - warn_count == default
            - kick_count == default
            - duplicate_counter == default
            - duplicate_channel_counter_dict == default
            - addons dict == default
            - Also must have no active messages after cleaning.

         - Guild deletion criteria:
            - options are not custom
            - log_channel_id is not set
            - addons dict == default
            - Also must have no members stored

        Strict mode:
         - Member deletion criteria
            - Has no active messages

         - Guild deletion criteria
            - Does not have custom options
            - log_channel_id is not set
            - Has no active members

        strict : bool
            Toggles the above

        This is expensive, and likely
        only required to be run every so often
        depending on how high traffic your bot is.
        # In a nutshell,
        # Get entire cache and loop over
        # Build a list of 'still valid' cache entries
        # Drop the previous cache
        # Insert the new list of 'still valid' entries, this is now the cache

        # Ideally I don't want to load this cache into memory
        cache = []
        async for guild in self.cache.get_all_guilds():
            new_guild = Guild(guild.id)
            for member in guild.members.values():
                FactoryBuilder.clean_old_messages(member, get_aware_time(),

                if strict and len(member.messages) != 0:
                    new_guild.members[member.id] = member
                elif (len(member.messages) != 0 or member.kick_count != 0
                      or member.warn_count != 0
                      or member.duplicate_counter != 1
                      or bool(member.duplicate_channel_counter_dict)
                      or bool(member.addons)):
                    new_guild.members[member.id] = member

            # Clean guild
            predicate = (guild.options != Options()
                         or guild.log_channel_id is not None
                         or bool(new_guild.members))
            if strict and predicate:
                new_guild.options = guild.options
                new_guild.log_channel_id = guild.log_channel_id
            elif predicate or bool(guild.addons):
                new_guild.addons = guild.addons
                new_guild.options = guild.options
                new_guild.log_channel_id = guild.log_channel_id

        await self.cache.drop()

        for guild in cache:
            await self.cache.set_guild(guild)

        log.info("Cleaned the internal cache")