Bout_tmss = anuga.shallow_water.boundaries.Transmissive_momentum_set_stage_boundary(domain, function = outflow_stage_boundary) 

domain.set_boundary({'left': Br, 
                     'right': Br, 
                     'top1': Bout_tmss, 
                     'top2': Bout_tmss, 
                     'bottom1': Br, 
                     'bottom2': Br, 
                     'chan_out': Bout_tmss, 
                     'chan_in': Br})

# Produce a documentation of parameters
from anuga.validation_utilities import save_parameters_tex

# Evolve system through time


for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=10.0, finaltime=dtQdata*(len(Qdata)-2)):
    if(myid==0 and verbose):
        print domain.timestepping_statistics()

    vol = domain.report_water_volume_statistics()
# create parallel domain
domain = distribute(domain)

# Setup boundary conditions
Br = anuga.Reflective_boundary(domain)  # Solid reflective wall
Bt = anuga.Transmissive_boundary(domain)  # Continue all values on boundary
Bd = anuga.Dirichlet_boundary([1, 0., 0.])  # Constant boundary values

# Associate boundary tags with boundary objects
domain.set_boundary({'left': Bt, 'right': Bt, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br})

# Produce a documentation of parameters
from anuga.validation_utilities import save_parameters_tex

# Evolve system through time
for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=0.5, finaltime=50.):
    if myid == 0 and verbose:
        print domain.timestepping_statistics()

