def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Mfcsam object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Mfcsam object from text
        myobj = mfcsam.Mfcsam(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.compounds), 10)

        # 3. Check methods
        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_match('katz', 7), False)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_match('cats', 0), False)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_match('cats', 7), True)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_match('cats', 8), False)

        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_complete_match({'cats': 8}), False)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.is_complete_match({'cats': 7}), True)
            'cats': 7,
            'trees': 3
        }), True)
                'cats': 7,
                'trees': 3,
                'perfumes': 2
            }), False)
                'cats': 7,
                'trees': 3,
                'perfumes': 1
            }), True)
    def test_part_two(self):
        "Test part two example of Dragon object"

        # 1. Create Dragon object from text
        myobj = dragon.Dragon(part2=True, text=aoc_16.from_text(PART_TWO_TEXT))

        # 2. Check the part two result
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part_two(verbose=False), PART_TWO_RESULT)
    def test_part_one(self):
        "Test part one example of Tickets object"

        # 1. Create Tickets object from text
        myobj = tickets.Tickets(text=aoc_16.from_text(PART_ONE_TEXT))

        # 2. Check the part one result
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part_one(verbose=False), PART_ONE_RESULT)
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Device object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Device object from text
        myobj = device.Device(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 9)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.obs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.program), 3)
Example #5
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Detective object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Detective object from text
        myobj = detective.Detective(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 9)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.csi.text), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.aunts), 9)
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Tickets object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Tickets object from text
        myobj = tickets.Tickets(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.rules), 3)
        self.assertNotEqual(myobj.mine, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.nearby), 4)
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Packets object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Packets object from text
        myobj = packets.Packets(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 1)

        # 3. Check methods
        self.assertEqual(myobj.packet.versions(), [6])
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Dragon object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Dragon object from text
        myobj = dragon.Dragon(text=aoc_16.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT))

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 1)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.seed, "10000")

        # 3. Check methods
        self.assertEqual(myobj.fill_and_check(20), "01100")
Example #9
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Observation object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Device object from text
        myobj = observations.Observations(

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 55)
        self.assertEqual(len(, 13)
        self.assertEqual([0].before, [3, 2, 1, 1])
        self.assertEqual([0].instruction, [9, 2, 1, 2])
        self.assertEqual([0].after, [3, 2, 2, 1])
Example #10
    def __init__(self, text=None, part2=False):

        # 1. Set the initial values
        self.part2 = part2
        self.text = text
        self.csi = mfcsam.Mfcsam(text=aoc_16.from_text(MFCSAM_TEXT),
        self.aunts = {}

        # 2. Process text (if any)
        if text is not None and len(text) > 0:
            for line in text:
                new_aunt = aunt.Aunt(text=line, part2=self.part2)
                self.aunts[new_aunt.number] = new_aunt
Example #11
    def test_text_init(self):
        "Test the Device object creation from text"

        # 1. Create Device object from text
        myobj = observations.Observation(

        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.before), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.instruction), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.after), 4)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.before, [3, 2, 1, 1])
        self.assertEqual(myobj.instruction, [9, 2, 1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(myobj.after, [3, 2, 2, 1])
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.names), 0)

        # 3. Test with instructions
        self.assertEqual(myobj.try_inst('true', inst_true), True)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.try_inst('false', inst_false), False)
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.names), 1)
        self.assertEqual(myobj.names, set(['true']))
Example #12
    def test_opcodes(self):
        "Test determining opcodes"
        # 1. Create Device object from text
        myobj = observations.Observations(
        # 2. Make sure it has the expected values
        self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 55)
        self.assertEqual(len(, 13)

        # 3. Process the observations
        self.assertEqual([0].names, set(['seti', 'addi', 'mulr']))
                'bani', 'eqri', 'gtrr', 'muli', 'borr', 'bori', 'addr', 'setr',
                         set(['seti', 'banr', 'borr', 'setr', 'bani', 'bori']))

        # 4. Evaluate the opcodes
        self.assertEqual(myobj.determine_opcodes(device.INSTS)[15], None)