def findLowestPointsCard(self, state):
        smallestRank = None
        possibleRanks = ["A", "10", "K", "Q", "J"]
        position = None
        moves = state.moves()

        if len(moves) > 0:

            for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                # Iterate through all the possible moves, and find the lowest value card in your hand
                # Check whether 'J' is in your hand, if so play the card
                if Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == possibleRanks[4]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[4]
                    position = index
                # Otherwise check for a Queen, and keep on checking maybe the Jack will be found later
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[3]
                    position = index
                # and so forth
                elif Deck.get_rank(
                ) == possibleRanks[2] and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[2]
                    position = index
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == possibleRanks[1] and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[3]
                    position = index
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == possibleRanks[0] and smallestRank != possibleRanks[1] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2] and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[4]
                    position = index

        return position
    def findLowestCardOfSameSuit(self, state):
        lowestRank = None
        position = None

        # All possible moves
        moves = state.moves()

        # Opponents card suit
        opponentsCardSuit = Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card())

        moves_suit = []

        # Get all the moves available with the same suit as opponent's played card suit
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:

        # Check your hand for same suit cards as opponent
        # If opponent's card rank is '10' check for lowest value card which is 'J'
        if len(moves_suit) > 0:
            for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "J" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                    lowestRank = "J"

                # otherwise check for the next lowest value which is 'Q'
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "Q" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                    lowestRank = "Q"

                # and so forth
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit \
                        and lowestRank != "Q":
                    lowestRank = "K"

                # also this function will not play high value cards like '10' and 'A'
                # becaues in our strategy we are saving the high value card for future
                # possible cases when we could win the hand

        # If there is such a card with a smaller value than the opponent's
        # played card and of the same suit, return the index
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == lowestRank \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                position = index

        return position
    def checkForMarriage(self, state):

        position = None
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_suit = []
        trumpSuit = state.get_trump_suit()
        queens = []
        kings = []

        # Get all queens and kings from the possible moves
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                    moves[index][0]) == "Q":
            elif moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                    moves[index][0]) == "K":

        isLooping = True

        if len(queens) and len(kings) > 0:
            for index, move in enumerate(queens):
                for index2, move2 in enumerate(kings):
                    # if a Queen and a King of same suit has been found return the suit of that Queen
                    # also first prioritize the Royal Marriage
                    if Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == Deck.get_suit(kings[index2]) \
                            and Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == trumpSuit:
                        chosen_suit = Deck.get_suit(queens[index])
                        # variable used to break out of a nested loop
                        isLooping = False

                    elif Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == Deck.get_suit(
                        chosen_suit = Deck.get_suit(queens[index])
                        isLooping = False

                if isLooping == False:

        # if such a Marriage exists in the possible moves return the index of that Queen
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) == chosen_suit \
                    and Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == "Q":
                position = index

        return position
Example #4
def get_rank(card_index):
    Returns the rank of a card
    :param card_index:
    return Deck.get_rank(card_index)
Example #5
    def kb_consistent(self, state, move):
        # type: (State, move) -> bool

        index = move[0]

        if (Deck.get_suit(index) == state.get_trump_suit()):
            return True

        if (Deck.get_rank(index) == "A"):
            return False

        kb = self.prepareKB(state)


        variable_string = "pc" + str(index)
        strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)

        return kb.satisfiable()
    def kb_consistent(self, state, move):
        # type: (State, move) -> bool

        index = move[0]

        # If a card is chosen by the KB, it will be played, doesn't matter if it is a trump
        # This will be an extremely rare case, possibility of this happening is very low

        if (Deck.get_rank(index) == "A"):
            return False

        kb = self.prepareKB(state)


        variable_string = "pc" + str(index)
        strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)


        return kb.satisfiable()
Example #7
    def get_move(self, state):

        moves = state.moves()


        for move in moves:

            if not self.kb_consistent(state, move):
                # Plays the first move that makes the kb inconsistent. We do not take
                # into account that there might be other valid moves according to the strategy.
                # Uncomment the next line if you want to see that something happens.
                # print "Strategy Applied"
                print(str(Deck.get_rank(move[0]) + Deck.get_suit(move[0])),
                      " has been played")
                #str(Deck.get_rank(move[0]) + Deck.get_suit(move[0]))

                return move

        # If no move that is entailed by the kb is found, play random move
        return random.choice(moves)
    def findLowestPointsCardThatIsNotTrump(self, state):
        moves = state.moves()
        smallestRank = None
        possibleRanks = ["A", "10", "K", "Q", "J"]
        position = None
        trumpSuit = state.get_trump_suit()
        moves_not_trump_suit = []

        # Get all trump suit moves available
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) != trumpSuit:

        if len(moves_not_trump_suit) > 0:

            for index, move in enumerate(moves_not_trump_suit):

                # Iterate through all the possible moves, and
                # find the lowest value card in your hand that is also not a trump
                # Check whether 'J' is in your hand, if so play the card

                if Deck.get_rank(
                        moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[4]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[4]

                # Otherwise check for a Queen, and keep on checking maybe the Jack will be found later
                elif Deck.get_rank(
                        moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[3]

                # and so forth
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[2] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[2]

                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[1] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[1]

                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[0] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[1]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[0]

        # Return the index of the smallest value card from all the possible moves that is also not a trump suit
        # if such a card is found return it's index otherwise return None
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == smallestRank \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) != trumpSuit:
                position = index

        return position
    def findNextSmallestCardOfSameSuit(self, state):

        highestRank = None
        position = None
        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()

        # Opponents card rank
        opponentsCardRank = Deck.get_rank(state.get_opponents_played_card())
        # Opponents card suit
        opponentsCardSuit = Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card())

        moves_suit = []

        # Get all the moves available with the same suit as opponent's played card suit
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:

        # If opponent's card rank is '10' check for 'A' and play it
        if len(moves_suit) > 0:
            if opponentsCardRank == "10":
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                    if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "A" \
                            and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0] == opponentsCardSuit):
                        highestRank = "A"

            # otherwise if the rank is 'K' look for '10' and play it else, look for 'A' and keep looking in the pack maybe '10' will be found later
            elif opponentsCardRank == "K":
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                    if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "10" \
                            and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0] == opponentsCardSuit):
                        highestRank = "10"

            elif opponentsCardRank == "Q":
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                    if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                            and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0] == opponentsCardSuit):
                        highestRank = "K"

            elif opponentsCardRank == "J":
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                    if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "Q" \
                            and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0] == opponentsCardSuit):
                        highestRank = "Q"
                        position = index

                    elif Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                            and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0] == opponentsCardSuit):
                        highestRank = "K"

        # After the card with the next smallest value, that wins the round, was found, play it
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == highestRank \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                position = index

        return position
    def findLowestTrumpCard(self, state):
        lowestRank = None
        position = None
        moves = state.moves()
        # Opponents card rank
        opponentsCardRank = Deck.get_rank(state.get_opponents_played_card())
        # Trump suit
        trumpSuit = state.get_trump_suit()
        moves_trump_suit = []

        # Get all trump suit moves available
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) == trumpSuit:

        # Check your hand for same suit cards as opponent, more specifically the trump suit
        # If opponent's card rank is '10' check for 'A' and play it
        if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
            # if the opponents card Rank is of high value try to win
            if opponentsCardRank == "10" or opponentsCardRank == "A":
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_trump_suit):
                    if moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                            moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "J":
                        lowestRank = "J"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][
                            0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                                moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "Q":
                        lowestRank = "Q"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None \
                            and Deck.get_rank(moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                            and lowestRank != "Q":
                        lowestRank = "K"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None \
                            and Deck.get_rank(moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "10" \
                            and lowestRank != "K" and lowestRank != "Q":
                        lowestRank = "10"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None \
                            and Deck.get_rank(moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "A" \
                            and lowestRank != "10" and lowestRank != "K" and lowestRank != "Q":
                        lowestRank = "A"

            # else try to win with a small value trump card
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_trump_suit):
                    if moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                            moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "J":
                        lowestRank = "J"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][
                            0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                                moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "Q":
                        lowestRank = "Q"

                    elif moves_trump_suit[index][0] is not None \
                            and Deck.get_rank(moves_trump_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                            and lowestRank != "Q":
                        lowestRank = "K"

        # If there is such a card that could win the hand with the trump, return it's index otherwise None
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == lowestRank and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) == trumpSuit:
                position = index

        return position
Example #11
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> Tuple[None, Any]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.
        if state.get_prev_trick()[0]:
            self.played_suits[Deck.get_suit(state.get_prev_trick()[0])] += 1
            self.played_suits[Deck.get_suit(state.get_prev_trick()[1])] += 1
        player_hand = state.hand()
        moves = state.moves()

        if state.get_phase() == 2:  # enable god mode
            val, move = self.value(state)

            return move

        # leading trick
        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is None:
            # print("leading trick")

            # check trump swap:
            #  (None, int): First element being None indicates a trump jack exchange,
            #             second element is the index of that trump jack
            for move in moves:
                if move[0] is None and isinstance(move[1], int):
                    # print("move: Trump swap")
                    return move

            # check marriage:
            #   (int, int) : first element as above, second element completes a marriage
            possible_marriages = get_possible_marriages(moves)
            # check royal marriage
            for move in possible_marriages:
                if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                    # print("move: Royal marriage")
                    return move
            # else return random marriage if exists
            if possible_marriages:
                # print("move: Normal marriage")
                return random.choice(possible_marriages)

            # analyse your suits and play best card
            # if I have a ace of a suit, it guarantees a win without a trump
            # if I have 3 or more of a suit, playing the highest is a reasonable bet
            non_trump_moves = get_non_trump_moves(state, moves)
            if non_trump_moves:
                # print("move: Smallest non-trump")
                moves_of_suit = []
                for suit in ["H", "S", "D", "C"]:
                    if get_moves_of_suit(moves, suit):
                            sorted(get_moves_of_suit(moves, suit),
                                   key=lambda x: x[0]),
                            len(get_moves_of_suit(moves, suit)) +
                # print(moves_of_suit)

                moves_of_suit = sorted(moves_of_suit, key=lambda x: x[1])
                if (moves_of_suit[-1][1] >= 3 and
                    moves_of_suit[-1][0][-1][0] % 5 > 2) or\
                    0] % 5 > 3 or moves_of_suit[-1][1] == 5:
                    return moves_of_suit[-1][0][-1]
                return get_lowest_value_move(non_trump_moves)
                # print("move: Highest non-trump")
                # return get_highest_value_move(non_trump_moves)

            # play random
            # print("move: Random move")
            moves = sorted(moves, key=lambda x: x[0])
            return moves[0]

        # following trick
            # print("following trick")
            played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
            # print("other card: ", end="")
            # print(played_card)
            played_card = (state.get_opponents_played_card(), None)

            pending = state.get_pending_points(state.whose_turn())

            opponent_power = RANKS[Deck.get_rank(played_card[0])](
                Deck.get_suit(played_card[0]) == state.get_trump_suit())

            trick_value = opponent_power if opponent_power < 12 else opponent_power - 10

            # print("Power oppo ", str(opponent_power))
            winning_moves = []
            losing_moves = []
            for m in moves:
                if Deck.get_suit(m[0]) == Deck.get_suit(
                        played_card[0]) or Deck.get_suit(
                            m[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                    if RANKS[Deck.get_rank(m[0])](Deck.get_suit(
                            m[0]) == state.get_trump_suit()) > opponent_power:
                            m, RANKS[Deck.get_rank(m[0])](
                                Deck.get_suit(m[0]) == state.get_trump_suit())
                    m, RANKS[Deck.get_rank(
                        m[0])](Deck.get_suit(m[0]) == state.get_trump_suit())

            winning_moves = sorted(winning_moves, key=lambda x: x[1])
            losing_moves = sorted(losing_moves, key=lambda x: x[1])

            if winning_moves:
                for m in reversed(winning_moves):
                    if trick_value + m[
                            1] >= pending:  # if we can win immediately, do so
                        return m[0]
                return winning_moves[0][0]
            # print("Power mine ", str(losing_moves[0][1]))
            return losing_moves[0][0]
Example #12
def print_card(card):
    rank = Deck.get_rank(card)
    suit = Deck.get_suit(card)

    print(str(rank + suit))
Example #13
def print_hand(hand):
    for card in hand:
        print(str(Deck.get_rank(card) + Deck.get_suit(card)), end=' ')
Example #14
def get_highest_value_move(moves):
    highest = moves[0]
    for move in moves:
        if Deck.get_rank(move[0]) > Deck.get_rank(highest[0]):
            highest = move
    return highest
Example #15
def get_lowest_value_move(moves):
    smallest = moves[0]
    for move in moves:
        if Deck.get_rank(move[0]) < Deck.get_rank(smallest[0]):
            smallest = move
    return smallest
Example #16
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> Tuple[None, Any]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.
        player_id = state.whose_turn()
        print("points: " + str(state.get_points(player_id)))
        player_hand = state.hand()
        moves = state.moves()

        # leading trick
        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is None:
            print("leading trick")

            # check trump swap:
            #  (None, int): First element being None indicates a trump jack exchange,
            #             second element is the index of that trump jack
            for move in moves:
                if move[0] is None and isinstance(move[1], int):
                    print("move: Trump swap")
                    return move

            # check marriage:
            #   (int, int) : first element as above, second element completes a marriage
            possible_marriages = get_possible_marriages(moves)
            # check royal marriage
            for move in possible_marriages:
                if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                    print("move: Royal marriage")
                    return move
            # else return random marriage if exists
            if possible_marriages:
                print("move: Normal marriage")
                return random.choice(possible_marriages)

            # play lowest, non-trump jack
            #   (int, None): first element indicates the index of the card that is placed down.
            non_trump_moves = get_non_trump_moves(state, moves)
            if non_trump_moves:
                print("move: Highest non-trump")
                return get_highest_value_move(non_trump_moves)
                #print("move: Highest non-trump")
                #return get_highest_value_move(non_trump_moves)

            # play random
            print("move: Random move")
            return random.choice(moves)

        # following trick
            print("following trick")
            played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
            print("other card: ", end="")

            # if high rank and non-trump
            if Deck.get_rank(played_card) == "10" or "A" and Deck.get_suit(
                    played_card) != state.get_trump_suit():
                trump_moves = get_trump_moves(state, moves)
                if trump_moves:
                    print("reply: Smallest trump card")
                    return get_lowest_value_move(trump_moves)

            # play higher same suit
            same_suit_moves = get_moves_of_suit(moves,
            if same_suit_moves:
                higher_value_move = get_higher_value_move(
                    same_suit_moves, played_card)
                if higher_value_move:
                    print("reply: Higher same suit ", end="")
                    return higher_value_move
            # minimize loss
            non_trump_moves = get_non_trump_moves(state, moves)
            if non_trump_moves:
                print("reply: Smallest non-trump")
                return get_lowest_value_move(non_trump_moves)

            print("reply: Random move")
            return random.choice(moves)
def features(state):
    # type: (State) -> tuple[float, ...]
    Extract features from this state. Remember that every feature vector returned should have the same length.

    :param state: A state to be converted to a feature vector
    :return: A tuple of floats: a feature vector representing this state.

    feature_set = []

    perspective = state.get_perspective()

    # Convert the card state array containing strings, to an array of integers.
    # The integers here just represent card state IDs. In a way they can be
    # thought of as arbitrary, as long as they are different from each other.
    perspective = [card if card != 'U' else (-1) for card in perspective]
    perspective = [card if card != 'S' else 0 for card in perspective]
    perspective = [card if card != 'P1H' else 1 for card in perspective]
    perspective = [card if card != 'P2H' else 2 for card in perspective]
    perspective = [card if card != 'P1W' else 3 for card in perspective]
    perspective = [card if card != 'P2W' else 4 for card in perspective]
    feature_set += perspective

    # Add player 1's points to feature set
    p1_points = state.get_points(1)

    # Add player 2's points to feature set
    p2_points = state.get_points(2)

    # Add player 1's pending points to feature set
    p1_pending_points = state.get_pending_points(1)

    # Add plauer 2's pending points to feature set
    p2_pending_points = state.get_pending_points(2)

    # Difference between points
    point_difference = abs(max(p1_points, p2_points) - min(p1_points, p2_points))

    # Difference between pending points
    pending_point_difference = abs(
        max(p1_pending_points, p2_pending_points) - min(p1_pending_points, p2_pending_points))

    # Get trump suit
    trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

    # Convert trump suit to id and add to feature set
    # You don't need to add anything to this part
    suits = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    trump_suit_id = suits.index(trump_suit)

    # Trump card ratio:
    cards = state.hand()
    trump_card_count = 0
    for card in cards:
        if Deck.get_suit(cards[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
            trump_card_count += 1
    if trump_card_count != 0:
        trump_card_count = (trump_card_count / len(state.hand())) * 100

    # High ranking cards ratio:
    high_rank_count = 0
    for card in cards:
        if Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "A" or Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "10":
            high_rank_count += 1
    if high_rank_count != 0:
        high_rank_count = (high_rank_count / len(state.hand())) * 100

    # Add phase to feature set
    phase = state.get_phase()

    # Number of trump cards in phase 2:
    phase2_trump_cards = 0
    if phase == 2:
        phase2_trump_cards = trump_card_count ** 2

    # Add stock size to feature set
    stock_size = state.get_stock_size()

    # Add leader to feature set
    leader = state.leader()

    # Add whose turn it is to feature set
    whose_turn = state.whose_turn()

    # Add opponent's played card to feature set
    opponents_played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()

    # You don't need to add anything to this part
    opponents_played_card = opponents_played_card if opponents_played_card is not None else -1

    # Do I have cards in same suit as oppponent?
    same_suit_cards = 0
    for card in cards:
        if Deck.get_suit(cards[0]) == Deck.get_suit(opponents_played_card):
            same_suit_cards += 1

    # Get number of points in hand
    cards = state.hand()
    number_of_points = 0
    for card in cards:
        if cards[0] is not None:
            if Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "J":
                number_of_points += 1 ** 2
            elif Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "Q":
                number_of_points += 2 ** 2
            elif Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "K":
                number_of_points += 3 ** 2
            elif Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "10":
                number_of_points += 10 ** 2
            elif Deck.get_rank(cards[0]) == "A":
                number_of_points += 11 ** 2

    return feature_set
Example #18
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_move = moves[0]
        opponent_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
        moves_trump_suit = []

        me = state.whose_turn()
        phase = state.get_phase()

        if me == 1:  #if mybot is player 1, we play higher cards because we cant react to opponents plays
            if phase == 1:
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                            move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

                if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                    chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[0]
                    return chosen_move

                # Get move with highest rank available, of any suit
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move[
                            0] % 5:
                        chosen_move = move
            elif phase == 2:
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                            move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

                if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                    chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[0]
                    return chosen_move

                # Get move with highest rank available, of any suit
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move[
                            0] % 5:
                        chosen_move = move
            return chosen_move
        elif me == 2:
            if phase == 1:
                #Get all trump suit moves available
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):

                    if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                            move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

                if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                    chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[len(moves_trump_suit) - 1]
                    return chosen_move

                # If the opponent has played a card
                if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:

                    moves_same_suit = []

                    # Get all moves of the same suit as the opponent's played card (as long as they beat that card)
                    for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                        if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                                move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(
                                ) and Deck.get_rank(
                                    move[0]) > Deck.get_rank(opponent_card):
                    # if there are any moves we can make of the opponents suit, pick the lowest that wins
                    if len(moves_same_suit) > 0:
                        chosen_move = moves_same_suit[len(moves_same_suit) - 1]
                        return chosen_move

                # Get move with lowest rank available, of any suit. Throw away crap cards, basically
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 >= chosen_move[
                            0] % 5:
                        chosen_move = move
            elif phase == 2:
                # Get all trump suit moves available
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):

                    if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                            move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

                if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                    chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[len(moves_trump_suit) - 1]
                    return chosen_move

                # If the opponent has played a card
                if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:

                    moves_same_suit = []

                    # Get all moves of the same suit as the opponent's played card (as long as they beat that card)
                    for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                        if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                                move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(
                                ) and Deck.get_rank(
                                    move[0]) > Deck.get_rank(opponent_card):
                    # if there are any moves we can make of the opponents suit, pick the lowest that wins
                    if len(moves_same_suit) > 0:
                        chosen_move = moves_same_suit[len(moves_same_suit) - 1]
                        return chosen_move

                # Get move with lowest rank available, of any suit. Throw away crap cards, basically
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 >= chosen_move[
                            0] % 5:
                        chosen_move = move
            return chosen_move