Example #1
            def decorated(*args, **kwargs):

                user_role_repo = UserRoleRepo()

                role_repo = RoleRepo()

                user_id = Auth.user('id')
                user_role = user_role_repo.find_first(**{'user_id': user_id})

                if not user_id:
                    return make_response(
                        jsonify({'msg': 'Missing User ID in token'})), 401

                if not user_role:
                    return make_response(
                                 'Access Error - No Role Granted'})), 401

                if role_repo.get(user_role.role_id).name != role:
                    return make_response(
                            'Access Error - This role does not have the access rights'
                        })), 401

                return f(*args, **kwargs)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, request):
     BaseController.__init__(self, request)
     self.role_repo = RoleRepo()
     self.user_role_repo = UserRoleRepo()
     self.user_repo = UserRepo()
     self.permission_repo = PermissionRepo()
     self.redis_set = RedisSet()
 def __init__(self, request):
     BaseController.__init__(self, request)
     self.role_repo = RoleRepo()
     self.user_role_repo = UserRoleRepo()
     self.permission_repo = PermissionRepo()
     self.andela_service = AndelaService()