Example #1
def getIBFlamLiquids():
    IBFlam = (Containers.select() \
                .join(Chemicals, on = (Containers.chemId == Chemicals.chemId)) \
                .where((Chemicals.flashPoint < 73) & (Chemicals.boilPoint >= 100))) \
    return IBFlam
Example #2
def getChemInRoom(r_id):
    ##Return all chemicals in Room
    conts = (Containers.select() \
                .join(Storages, on = (Containers.storageId == Storages.sId)) \
                .join(Rooms, on = (Rooms.rId == Storages.roomId)) \
                .where(Rooms.rId == r_id)
    return conts
Example #3
def getChemInBuild(b_id):
    ##Returns all containers, chem in Storages and rooms and floors in build
    conts = (Containers.select() \
                .join(Storages, on = (Containers.storageId == Storages.sId)) \
                .join(Rooms, on = (Rooms.rId == Storages.roomId)) \
                .join(Floors, on = (Floors.fId == Rooms.floorId)) \
                .join(Buildings, on = (Buildings.bId == Floors.buildId)) \
                .where(Buildings.bId == b_id) \
    return conts
Example #4
def getChemInFloor(f_id):
    ##Return all containers, chem, in Storages and rooms on Floor
    conts = (Containers.select() \
                .join(Storages, on = (Containers.storageId == Storages.sId)) \
                .join(Rooms, on = (Rooms.rId == Storages.roomId)) \
                .join(Floors, on = (Floors.fId == Rooms.floorId)) \
                .where(Floors.fId == f_id) \
    return conts
Example #5
def getChemInLoc(loc_data):
    ##Returns all containers, chem in Storages and rooms and floors in build
    loc_cons = {
        "Building": "Buildings.bId == loc_data['Building']",
        "Floor": "Floors.fId == loc_data['Floor']",
        "Room": "Rooms.rId == loc_data['Room']",
        "Storage": "Storages.sId == loc_data['Storage']"
    haz_cons = {
        "reactive": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Reactive'",
        "hh": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Health Hazard'",
        "base": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Base'",
        "oxi": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Oxidizer'",
        "flam": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Flammable'",
        "inorg_acid": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Inorganic Acid'",
        "flam_solid": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Flammable Solid'",
        "org_acid": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Organic Acid'",
        "gen_haz": "Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'General Hazard'",
        "pres": "Chemicals.pressureFormer == True",
        "per": "Chemicals.peroxideFormer == True",
        "req_stab": "Chemicals.reqStabalizer == True",
        "tox_form": "Chemicals.toxicFormation == True",
        "p_list": "Chemicals.pListAcute == True"
    ##The ifs are to instanciate the where, not sure how else to do it
    if loc_data["Building"] != "*":
        wheres = eval(loc_cons["Building"])
        wheres = Buildings.name == Buildings.name
    haz_where = eval("Chemicals.primaryHazard == 'Nothing'"
                     )  #Does nothing but instanciate object
    for value in loc_data:
        if (loc_data[value] != "*") and (value in loc_cons):
            wheres &= eval(loc_cons[value])
        elif value in haz_cons:
            haz_where |= eval(haz_cons[value])
            #No conditional provided
    if len(loc_data) > 4:
        wheres &= haz_where

    conts = (Containers.select() \
                .join(Chemicals, on = (Containers.chemId == Chemicals.chemId)) \
                .join(Storages, on = (Containers.storageId == Storages.sId)) \
                .join(Rooms, on = (Rooms.rId == Storages.roomId)) \
                .join(Floors, on = (Floors.fId == Rooms.floorId)) \
                .join(Buildings, on = (Buildings.bId == Floors.buildId)) \
    return conts
Example #6
def getChemInStor(s_id):
    ##Done cont.storageId.roomId.floorId.buildId.name
    conts = (Containers.select() \
                .where(Containers.storageId == s_id))
    return conts