Example #1
def ignore_type_check_filter(if_node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG:
    """Ignore stuff under 'if TYPE_CHECKING:' block at module level."""

    # Look for a non-nested 'if TYPE_CHECKING:'
    if (isinstance(if_node.test, astroid.Name)
            and if_node.test.name == 'TYPE_CHECKING'
            and isinstance(if_node.parent, astroid.Module)):

        module_node = if_node.parent

        # Remove any locals getting defined under this if statement.
        # (ideally should recurse in case we have nested if statements/etc
        # but keeping it simple for now).
        for name, locations in list(module_node.locals.items()):
            # Calc which remaining name locations are outside of the if
            # block. Update or delete the list as needed.
            new_locs = [l for l in locations if not _under_if(l, if_node)]
            if len(new_locs) == len(locations):
            if new_locs:
                module_node.locals[name] = new_locs
            del module_node.locals[name]

        # Now replace its children with a simple pass statement.
        passnode = astroid.Pass(parent=if_node,
                                lineno=if_node.lineno + 1,
                                col_offset=if_node.col_offset + 1)
        if_node.body = [passnode]
    return if_node
Example #2
def ignore_type_check_filter(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG:
    """Ignore stuff under 'if TYPE_CHECKING:' block at module level."""

    # Look for a non-nested 'if TYPE_CHECKING:'
    if (isinstance(node.test, astroid.Name)
            and node.test.name == 'TYPE_CHECKING'
            and isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Module)):

        # Find the module node.
        mnode = node
        while mnode.parent is not None:
            mnode = mnode.parent

        # First off, remove any names that are getting defined
        # in this block from the module locals.
        for cnode in node.body:
            _strip_import(cnode, mnode)

        # Now replace the body with a simple 'pass'. This will
        # keep pylint from complaining about grouped imports/etc.
        passnode = astroid.Pass(parent=node,
                                lineno=node.lineno + 1,
                                col_offset=node.col_offset + 1)
        node.body = [passnode]
    return node