Example #1
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, T, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    T: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(np.sqrt(np.abs(T.cd1_1 * T.cd2_2 - T.cd1_2 * T.cd2_1)) *
                     np.hypot(T.width, T.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    #r,d = targetwcs.crval
    r,d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    #print len(T), 'ccds'
    #print 'trad', trad, 'ccdrad', ccdrad
    I = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(T.dec - d) < rad)
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on Dec'
    I = I[degrees_between(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], r, d) < rad]
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on RA,Dec'

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw,th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,th+0.5),(0.5,th+0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
    #print 'tdet', tdet
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W,H = T.width[i],T.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in
                    [T.crval1[i], T.crval2[i], T.crpix1[i], T.crpix2[i], T.cd1_1[i],
                     T.cd1_2[i], T.cd2_1[i], T.cd2_2[i], W, H]])
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
        #print 'wdet', wdet
        poly = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5)]:
            rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y)
            ok,xx,yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr,dd)
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on polygons'
    return I
Example #2
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, ccds, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    ccds: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(
            np.sqrt(np.abs(ccds.cd1_1 * ccds.cd2_2 - ccds.cd1_2 * ccds.cd2_1))
            * np.hypot(ccds.width, ccds.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    r, d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(ccds.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[np.atleast_1d(degrees_between(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], r, d) < rad)]

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw, th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, th + 0.5),
                  (0.5, th + 0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W, H = ccds.width[i], ccds.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[
            float(x) for x in [
                ccds.crval1[i], ccds.crval2[i], ccds.crpix1[i], ccds.crpix2[i],
                ccds.cd1_1[i], ccds.cd1_2[i], ccds.cd2_1[i], ccds.cd2_2[i], W,
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
        poly = []
        for x, y in [(0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, H + 0.5),
                     (0.5, H + 0.5)]:
            rr, dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            ok, xx, yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd)
            poly.append((xx, yy))
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return I
Example #3
def galex_tractor_image(tile, band, galex_dir, radecbox, bandname):
    from tractor import (NanoMaggies, Image, LinearPhotoCal,
                         ConstantFitsWcs, ConstantSky)

    assert(band in ['n','f'])

    #nicegbands = ['NUV', 'FUV']
    #zps = dict(n=20.08, f=18.82)
    #zp = zps[band]
    imfn = os.path.join(galex_dir, tile.tilename.strip(),
                        '%s-%sd-intbgsub.fits.gz' % (tile.visitname.strip(), band))
    gwcs = Tan(*[float(f) for f in
                 [tile.crval1, tile.crval2, tile.crpix1, tile.crpix2,
                  tile.cdelt1, 0., 0., tile.cdelt2, 3840., 3840.]])
    (r0,r1,d0,d1) = radecbox
    H,W = gwcs.shape
    ok,xx,yy = gwcs.radec2pixelxy([r0,r0,r1,r1], [d0,d1,d1,d0])
    #print('GALEX WCS pixel positions of RA,Dec box:', xx, yy)
    if np.any(np.logical_not(ok)):
        return None
    x0 = np.clip(np.floor(xx-1).astype(int).min(), 0, W-1)
    x1 = np.clip(np.ceil (xx-1).astype(int).max(), 0, W)
    if x1-x0 <= 1:
        return None
    y0 = np.clip(np.floor(yy-1).astype(int).min(), 0, H-1)
    y1 = np.clip(np.ceil (yy-1).astype(int).max(), 0, H)
    if y1-y0 <= 1:
        return None
    debug('Reading GALEX subimage x0,y0', x0,y0, 'size', x1-x0, y1-y0)
    gwcs = gwcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
    twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(gwcs)
    roislice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1))
    fitsimg = fitsio.FITS(imfn)[0]
    hdr = fitsimg.read_header()
    img = fitsimg[roislice]

    inverr = np.ones_like(img)
    inverr[img == 0.] = 0.

    zp = tile.get('%s_zpmag' % band)
    photocal = LinearPhotoCal(NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zp), band=bandname)

    tsky = ConstantSky(0.)

    name = 'GALEX ' + hdr['OBJECT'] + ' ' + band

    psfimg = galex_psf(band, galex_dir)
    tpsf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg)

    tim = Image(data=img, inverr=inverr, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs,
                sky=tsky, photocal=photocal, name=name)
    tim.roi = [x0,x1,y0,y1]
    return tim
Example #4
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, ccds, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    ccds: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(np.sqrt(np.abs(ccds.cd1_1 * ccds.cd2_2 -
                                    ccds.cd1_2 * ccds.cd2_1)) *
                     np.hypot(ccds.width, ccds.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    r,d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(ccds.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[np.atleast_1d(degrees_between(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], r, d) < rad)]

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw,th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,th+0.5),(0.5,th+0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W,H = ccds.width[i],ccds.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in
                    [ccds.crval1[i], ccds.crval2[i], ccds.crpix1[i], ccds.crpix2[i],
                     ccds.cd1_1[i], ccds.cd1_2[i], ccds.cd2_1[i], ccds.cd2_2[i], W, H]])
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
        poly = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5)]:
            rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y)
            ok,xx,yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr,dd)
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return I
Example #5
def sdss_image(req, calid=None, size='full'):
    cal = get_object_or_404(Calibration, pk=calid)
    key = 'sdss_size%s_cal%i' % (size, cal.id)
    df = CachedFile.get(key)
    if df is None:
        wcsfn = cal.get_wcs_file()

        from astrometry.util.util import Tan
        wcs = Tan(wcsfn)

        if size == 'display':
            image = cal.job.user_image
            scale = float(
                image.image.get_display_image().width) / image.image.width
            wcs = wcs.scale(scale)

            scale = 1.0

        urlargs = urlencode(
            dict(crval1='%.6f' % wcs.crval[0],
                 crval2='%.6f' % wcs.crval[1],
                 crpix1='%.2f' % wcs.crpix[0],
                 crpix2='%.2f' % wcs.crpix[1],
                 cd11='%.6g' % wcs.cd[0],
                 cd12='%.6g' % wcs.cd[1],
                 cd21='%.6g' % wcs.cd[2],
                 cd22='%.6g' % wcs.cd[3],
                 imagew='%i' % int(wcs.imagew),
                 imageh='%i' % int(wcs.imageh)))

        url = 'http://legacysurvey.org/viewer/cutout-wcs/?layer=sdssco&' + urlargs
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

        #print('Retrieving:', url)
        #f = urlopen(url)
        #plotfn = get_temp_file()
        #plotfn, headers = urlretrieve(url, plotfn)
        #print('Headers:', headers)

        #plot_sdss_image(wcsfn, plotfn, scale)

        # cache
        # logmsg('Caching key "%s"' % key)
        # df = CachedFile.add(key, plotfn)
        logmsg('Cache hit for key "%s" -> %s' % (key, df.get_path()))
    f = open(df.get_path(), 'rb')
    res = HttpResponse(f)
    res['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
    return res
Example #6
 def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
     ## HACK -- don't call the PhatLayer constructor!
     #super(M33Layer, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
     super(PhatLayer, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
     self.nativescale = 17
     self.pixscale = 0.035
     #fn = self.get_base_filname(None, None)
     #self.fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0]
     #fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'F475W_wcs.fits')
     #fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'm33-wcs.fits')
     fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'm33-wcs814.fits')
     #self.wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(fn, 0)
     from astrometry.util.util import Tan
     self.wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
     print('M33 WCS: center', self.wcs.radec_center())
def unWISE2BOSS(tilename, channelNumber, BOSSra, BOSSdec, plot=True, vmin=-50,vmax=300):
	# Input tile name
	RA = BOSSra.copy()
	DEC =BOSSdec.copy()
	tileName = tilename
	channel = channelNumber
	# Contructing file address
	fileaddress = get_unwise_filename(tileName, channel)

	tol = 2.00
	if 'm' in tileName:
		ra = float(tileName.split('m')[0])/10.0
		dec = float(tileName.split('m')[1])/10.0
		ra = float(tileName.split('p')[0])/10.0
		dec = float(tileName.split('p')[1])/10.0

	iBool = degrees_between(ra, dec, RA,DEC) <tol

	# Getting x,y positions of the objects near by the center of the tile. 
	wcs = Tan(fileaddress)
	ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(RA[np.where(iBool==True)], DEC[np.where(iBool==True)])

	a = np.isnan(x)
	b = np.isnan(y)

	x[a] = 0
	y[b] = 0

	iBool = (1<x)&(x<2048)&(1<y)&(y<2048)
	x -= 1
	y -= 1


	#From the result, I choose to use 1504p196
	if plot:
		objs1 = fitsio.FITS(fileaddress)
		blockImage =objs1[0][:,:] 
		plt.imshow(blockImage, cmap='gray', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower',interpolation='nearest') # 10/8/2015: Becareful about the orientation of the matrix. 
		plt.scatter(x, y, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r',s=100)

	#Return RA/DEC
	return x, y
Example #8
    def __init__(self, wcs, hdu=0):
        Creates a new ``FitsWcs`` given a :class:`~astrometry.util.util.Tan`
        object.  To create one of these from a filename and FITS HDU extension,

            from astrometry.util.util import Tan

            fn = 'my-file.fits'
            ext = 0
            TanWcs(Tan(fn, ext))

        To create one from WCS parameters,

            tanwcs = Tan(crval1, crval2, crpix1, crpix2,
                cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22, imagew, imageh)

        if hasattr(self, 'x0'):
            print('TanWcs has an x0 attr:', self.x0)
        self.x0 = 0
        self.y0 = 0

        if isinstance(wcs, basestring):
            from astrometry.util.util import Tan
            wcs = Tan(wcs, hdu)

        super(TanWcs, self).__init__(wcs)
        # ParamList keeps its params in a list; we don't want to do that.
        del self.vals
Example #9
def read_tan_wcs(sourcefn, ext, hdr=None, W=None, H=None, fitsfile=None):
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan
    if not os.path.exists(sourcefn):
        return None
    wcs = read_tansip_wcs(sourcefn, ext, hdr=hdr, W=W, H=H, tansip=Tan)
    if wcs is None:
        import fitsio
        # maybe gzipped; try fitsio header.
        if hdr is None:
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(sourcefn, ext)
        if W is None or H is None:
            if fitsfile is None:
                F = fitsio.FITS(sourcefn)
                F = fitsfile
            info = F[ext].get_info()
            H,W = info['dims']

        # PS1 wonky WCS
        if (not 'CD1_1' in hdr) and ('PC001001' in hdr):
            cdelt1 = hdr['CDELT1']
            cdelt2 = hdr['CDELT2']
            # ????
            cd11 = hdr['PC001001'] * cdelt1
            cd12 = hdr['PC001002'] * cdelt1
            cd21 = hdr['PC002001'] * cdelt2
            cd22 = hdr['PC002002'] * cdelt2
            cd11,cd12,cd21,cd22 = hdr['CD1_1'], hdr['CD1_2'], hdr['CD2_1'], hdr['CD2_2'],

        wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in [
                    hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'], hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2'],
                    cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22, W, H]])                    
    return wcs
Example #10
def plot_into_wcs(wcsfn, plotfn, wcsext=0, basedir='.', scale=1.0):
    wcs = Tan(wcsfn, wcsext)
    ra, dec = wcs.radec_center()
    radius = wcs.radius()

    # The "index.fits" table has RA,Dec center and file paths.
    T = fits_table(os.path.join(basedir, 'index.fits'))
    # MAGIC 1: the GALEX fields are all smaller than 1 degree (~0.95) in radius,
    # so add that to the search
    r = radius + 1.
    # find rows in "T" that are within range.
    J = points_within_radius(ra, dec, r, T.ra, T.dec)
    T = T[J]
    debug(len(T), 'GALEX fields within range of RA,Dec = ', ra, dec, 'radius',

    size = [int(scale * wcs.imagew), int(scale * wcs.imageh)]

    plot = ps.Plotstuff(outformat='png', wcsfn=wcsfn, wcsext=wcsext, size=size)

    #debug('WCS:', str(plot.wcs))

    img = plot.image
    img.format = ps.PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_JPG
    img.resample = 1
    if len(T):
        paths = [fn.strip() for fn in T.path]
        paths = []
        plot.color = 'black'
    for jpegfn in paths:
        jpegfn = os.path.join(basedir, jpegfn)
        imwcsfn = jpegfn.replace('.jpg', '.wcs')
        debug('  Plotting GALEX fields', jpegfn, imwcsfn)
        #debug('jpeg "%s"' % jpegfn)
        #debug('wcs  "%s"' % imwcsfn)
        img.set_wcs_file(imwcsfn, 0)
        # convert black to transparent
        ps.plot_image_read(plot.pargs, img)
        ps.plot_image_make_color_transparent(img, 0, 0, 0)
    debug('wrote', plotfn)
Example #11
def sdss_image(req, calid=None, size='full'):
    cal = get_object_or_404(Calibration, pk=calid)
    key = 'sdss_size%s_cal%i' % (size, cal.id)
    df = CachedFile.get(key)
    if df is None:
        wcsfn = cal.get_wcs_file()
        plotfn = get_temp_file()

        from astrometry.util.util import Tan
        wcs = Tan(wcsfn)
        if size == 'display':
            image = cal.job.user_image
            scale = float(image.image.get_display_image().width)/image.image.width
            wcs = wcs.scale(scale)

            scale = 1.0
        urlargs = urllib.urlencode(dict(crval1='%.6f' % wcs.crval[0],
                                        crval2='%.6f' % wcs.crval[1],
                                        crpix1='%.2f' % wcs.crpix[0],
                                        crpix2='%.2f' % wcs.crpix[1],
                                        cd11='%.6g' % wcs.cd[0],
                                        cd12='%.6g' % wcs.cd[1],
                                        cd21='%.6g' % wcs.cd[2],
                                        cd22='%.6g' % wcs.cd[3],
                                        imagew='%i' % int(wcs.imagew),
                                        imageh='%i' % int(wcs.imageh)))
        url = 'http://legacysurvey.org/viewer-dev/sdss-wcs/?' + urlargs
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
        #print('Retrieving:', url)
        #f = urllib.urlopen(url)
        plotfn,headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url, plotfn)
        #print('Headers:', headers)

        #plot_sdss_image(wcsfn, plotfn, scale)

        # cache
        logmsg('Caching key "%s"' % key)
        df = CachedFile.add(key, plotfn)
        logmsg('Cache hit for key "%s" -> %s' % (key, df.get_path()))
    f = open(df.get_path())
    res = HttpResponse(f)
    res['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
    return res
Example #12
class M33Layer(PhatLayer):
# Image files:
tifftopnm data/m33/M33_F814W_F475W_mosaic_181216_MJD.tif | ppmtorgb3 -
pamflip -tb -- -.red | an-pnmtofits -o data/m33/m33-R.fits -v &
pamflip -tb -- -.grn | an-pnmtofits -o data/m33/m33-G.fits -v &
pamflip -tb -- -.blu | an-pnmtofits -o data/m33/m33-B.fits -v &

# WCS header:
hdr = fitsio.read_header('/Users/dstn/Downloads/F475W_wcs.fits')
outhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
for key in ['SIMPLE', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'WCSAXES', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CTYPE1', 'CTYPE2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2']:
    v = hdr[key]
    outhdr[key] = v
outhdr['CD1_1'] = hdr['CDELT1'] * hdr['PC1_1']
outhdr['CD1_2'] = hdr['CDELT1'] * hdr['PC1_2']
outhdr['CD2_1'] = hdr['CDELT2'] * hdr['PC2_1']
outhdr['CD2_2'] = hdr['CDELT2'] * hdr['PC2_2']
outhdr['IMAGEW'] = 32073
outhdr['IMAGEH'] = 41147
fitsio.write('/tmp/m33-wcs.fits', None, header=outhdr)
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        ## HACK -- don't call the PhatLayer constructor!
        #super(M33Layer, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
        super(PhatLayer, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
        self.nativescale = 17
        self.pixscale = 0.035
        #fn = self.get_base_filname(None, None)
        #self.fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0]
        #fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'F475W_wcs.fits')
        #fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'm33-wcs.fits')
        fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'm33-wcs814.fits')
        #self.wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(fn, 0)
        from astrometry.util.util import Tan
        self.wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
        print('M33 WCS: center', self.wcs.radec_center())

    def read_wcs(self, brick, band, scale, fn=None):
        if scale == 0:
            return self.wcs
        return super(M33Layer, self).read_wcs(brick, band, scale, fn=fn)

    def get_bands(self):
        return 'RGB'

    def get_base_filename(self, brick, band, **kwargs):
        return os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33', 'm33-%s.fits' % band)

    def get_scaled_filename(self, brick, band, scale):
        return os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm33',
                            'm33-%s-scale%i.fits' % (band, scale))

    def get_rgb(self, imgs, bands, **kwargs):
        import numpy as np
        #for img in imgs:
        #    print('Image', img.shape, img.dtype, img.min(), img.max())
        return np.dstack(imgs) / 255.
Example #13
 def read_pv_wcs(self):
     '''extract wcs from fits header directly'''
     hdr = fitsio.read_header(self.imgfn, self.hdu)
     H,W = self.get_image_shape()
     wcs= Tan(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'],hdr['CRPIX1'],hdr['CRPIX2'],\
     return wcs
Example #14
def halfsize(sourcefn, halffn):
    ''' Reads and image and WCS from the given source file,
    Bins down by a factor of 2, and writes to the given output file.
    im,hdr = fitsio.read(sourcefn, header=True)
    H,W = im.shape
    # make even size; smooth down
    if H % 2 == 1:
        im = im[:-1,:]
    if W % 2 == 1:
        im = im[:,:-1]

    # bin (excluding NaNs)
    q1 = im[::2,::2]
    q2 = im[1::2,::2]
    q3 = im[1::2,1::2]
    q4 = im[::2,1::2]

    f1 = np.isfinite(q1)
    f2 = np.isfinite(q2)
    f3 = np.isfinite(q3)
    f4 = np.isfinite(q4)

    im = (np.where(f1, q1, 0) +
          np.where(f2, q2, 0) +
          np.where(f3, q3, 0) +
          np.where(f4, q4, 0)) / np.maximum(1, f1+f2+f3+f4)
    #im = (im[::2,::2] + im[1::2,::2] + im[1::2,1::2] + im[::2,1::2])/4.
    im = im.astype(np.float32)
    # shrink WCS too
    wcs = Tan(sourcefn, 0)
    # include the even size clip; this may be a no-op
    H,W = im.shape
    wcs = wcs.get_subimage(0, 0, W, H)
    subwcs = wcs.scale(0.5)
    hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
    dirnm = os.path.dirname(halffn)
    f,tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.fits.tmp', dir=dirnm)
    # To avoid overwriting the (empty) temp file (and fitsio
    # printing "Removing existing file")
    fitsio.write(tmpfn, im, header=hdr, clobber=True)
    os.rename(tmpfn, halffn)
    print('Wrote', halffn)
Example #15
def unwise_tile_wcs(ra, dec, W=2048, H=2048, pixscale=2.75):
    Returns a Tan WCS object at the given RA,Dec center, axis aligned, with the
    given pixel W,H and pixel scale in arcsec/pixel.
    cowcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2., -pixscale / 3600., 0., 0.,
                pixscale / 3600., W, H)
    return cowcs
Example #16
def sdss_image(req, calid=None, size='full'):
    cal = get_object_or_404(Calibration, pk=calid)
    key = 'sdss_size%s_cal%i' % (size, cal.id)
    df = CachedFile.get(key)
    if df is None:
        wcsfn = cal.get_wcs_file()
        #plotfn = get_temp_file()

        from astrometry.util.util import Tan
        wcs = Tan(wcsfn)

        if size == 'display':
            image = cal.job.user_image
            scale = float(
                image.image.get_display_image().width) / image.image.width
            wcs = wcs.scale(scale)

            scale = 1.0

        url = 'http://legacysurvey.org/viewer-dev/sdss-wcs/?crval1=%.6f&crval2=%.6f&crpix1=%.2f&crpix2=%.2f&cd11=%.6g&cd12=%.6g&cd21=%.6g&cd22=%.6g&imagew=%i&imageh=%i' % (
            wcs.crval[0], wcs.crval[1], wcs.crpix[0], wcs.crpix[1], wcs.cd[0],
            wcs.cd[1], wcs.cd[2], wcs.cd[3], int(wcs.imagew), int(wcs.imageh))
        print('Retrieving:', url)

        import urllib
        plotfn, headers = urllib2.urlretrieve(url)

        # jwcs = json.dumps(dict(
        #     crval1=wcs.crval[0], crval2=wcs.crval[1],
        #     crpix1=wcs.crpix[0], crpix2=wcs.crpix[1],
        #     cd11=wcs.cd[0], cd12=wcs.cd[1], cd21=wcs.cd[2], cd22=wcs.cd[3],
        #     imagew=wcs.imagew, imageh=wcs.imageh))
        # plot_sdss_image(wcsfn, plotfn, scale)

        # cache
        logmsg('Caching key "%s"' % key)
        df = CachedFile.add(key, plotfn)
        logmsg('Cache hit for key "%s"' % key)
    f = open(df.get_path())
    res = HttpResponse(f)
    res['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
    return res
 def forwards(self, orm):
     "Write your forwards methods here."
     for calib in orm.Calibration.objects.all():
         wcsfn = os.path.join(JOBDIR, '%08i' % calib.job.id)
         wcsfn = os.path.join(wcsfn, 'wcs.fits')
         wcs = Tan(str(wcsfn), 0)
         ra,dec = wcs.radec_center()
         radius = (wcs.pixel_scale() *
             math.hypot(wcs.imagew, wcs.imageh)/2. / 3600.)
         # Find cartesian coordinates
         ra *= math.pi/180
         dec *= math.pi/180
         tempr = math.cos(dec)
         calib.x = tempr*math.cos(ra)
         calib.y = tempr*math.sin(ra)
         calib.z = math.sin(dec)
         calib.r = radius/180*math.pi
Example #18
def example():
    pixscale = 0.25  # [arcsec/pix]
    radius = 45.0  # [arcsec]
    ra, dec = 120.0, 15.0  # [degrees]
    diam = np.ceil(radius / pixscale).astype('int16')  # [pixels]

    wcs = Tan(ra, dec, diam / 2 + 0.5, diam / 2 + 0.5, -pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0,
              0.0, pixscale / 3600.0, float(diam), float(diam))

    return wcs
Example #19
 def get_wcs(self, hdr):
     # Older images have ZPX, newer TPV.
     if hdr['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TPV':
         from astrometry.util.util import wcs_pv2sip_hdr
         wcs = wcs_pv2sip_hdr(hdr)
         from astrometry.util.util import Tan
         hdr['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
         hdr['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
         wcs = Tan(hdr)
     return wcs
def dither_sequence(start, ending):
    dither = fits_table()
    dither.expnum = []
    dither.gfa_ra = []
    dither.gfa_dec = []
    dither.gfa05_ra = []
    dither.gfa05_dec = []
    dither.gfa27_ra = []
    dither.gfa27_dec = []
    dither.gfa38_ra = []
    dither.gfa38_dec = []
    dither.gfa_all_ra = []
    dither.gfa_all_dec = []
    dither.sky_ra = []
    dither.sky_dec = []
    headers = []

    for expnum in range(start, ending):
        fns = glob('/global/cscratch1/sd/dstn/gfa-wcs/gfa-%i-GUIDE?.wcs' %
        if len(fns) != 6:
            #print('Do not have', expnum)
        #print('Got', expnum)
        rr, dd = [], []
        for fn in fns:
            print('Reading', fn)
            wcs = Tan(fn)
        fn = gfa_filename(expnum)
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, ext=1)
        r, d = average_radec(rr, dd)
        r, d = average_radec([rr[0], rr[3]], [dd[0], dd[3]])
        r, d = average_radec([rr[1], rr[4]], [dd[1], dd[4]])
        r, d = average_radec([rr[2], rr[5]], [dd[2], dd[5]])
    dither.headers = headers
    return dither
Example #21
 def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
     import fitsio
     from astrometry.util.util import Tan
     #from astrometry.util.util import anwcs_open_wcslib
     super(PhatLayer, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
     self.nativescale = 17
     self.pixscale = 0.05
     fn = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'm31_full.fits')
     self.fits = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0]
     #self.wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(fn, 0)
     self.wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
Example #22
def wcs_for_brick(b, W=3600, H=3600, pixscale=0.262):
    b: row from decals-bricks.fits file
    W,H: size in pixels
    pixscale: pixel scale in arcsec/pixel.

    Returns: Tan wcs object
    pixscale = pixscale / 3600.
    return Tan(b.ra, b.dec, W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5,
               -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale,
               float(W), float(H))
Example #23
def read_astrans(fn, hdu, hdr=None, W=None, H=None, fitsfile=None):
    from astrometry.sdss import AsTransWrapper, AsTrans
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan, fit_sip_wcs_py
    from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectoxyz
    import numpy as np

    astrans = AsTrans.read(fn, F=fitsfile, primhdr=hdr)
    # Approximate as SIP.
    if hdr is None and fn.endswith('.bz2'):
        import fitsio
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, 0)

    if hdr is not None:
        tan = Tan(*[
            float(hdr[k]) for k in [
                'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2',
                'CD2_1', 'CD2_2', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2'
        # Frame files include a TAN header... start there.
        tan = Tan(fn)

    # Evaluate AsTrans on a pixel grid...
    h, w = tan.shape
    xx = np.linspace(1, w, 20)
    yy = np.linspace(1, h, 20)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
    xx = xx.ravel()
    yy = yy.ravel()
    rr, dd = astrans.pixel_to_radec(xx, yy)

    xyz = radectoxyz(rr, dd)
    fieldxy = np.vstack((xx, yy)).T

    sip_order = 5
    inv_order = 7
    sip = fit_sip_wcs_py(xyz, fieldxy, None, tan, sip_order, inv_order)
    return sip
Example #24
def get_subtile_wcs(name, x, y):
    pixscale: arcsec/pixel
    nsub = N_subtiles
    pixscale = decam_pixscale

    wcs = unwise_wcs_from_name(name)
    W, H = wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()
    # Tweak to DECam pixel scale and number of pixels.
    D = int(np.ceil((W * wcs.pixel_scale() / pixscale) / nsub)) * nsub
    DW, DH = D, D
    wcs.set_crpix(DW / 2 + 1.5, DH / 2 + 1.5)
    pixscale = pixscale / 3600.0
    wcs.set_cd(-pixscale, 0.0, 0.0, pixscale)
    wcs.set_imagesize(DW, DH)
    W, H = wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()

    subw, subh = W / nsub, H / nsub
    subwcs = Tan(wcs)
    subwcs.set_crpix(wcs.crpix[0] - x * subw, wcs.crpix[1] - y * subh)
    subwcs.set_imagesize(subw, subh)
    return subwcs
def BOSS2unWISE(ra, dec, tileID, tileRA, tileDEC,plot=True):
	tol = 1.56
	iBool = degrees_between(ra, dec, tileRA,tileDEC) <tol
	tilesCandidates = tileID[iBool] 
	tiles = []
	for tName in tilesCandidates:
		channel = 'w1'
		fileaddress = get_unwise_filename(tName, channel)
		wcs = Tan(fileaddress)
		ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
		x -= 1
		y -= 1
		iTile= (0<x) &(x<2047)&(0<y)&(y<2047)
		if iTile:
			tiles = np.append(tiles, [tName])
			if plot:
				objs1 = fitsio.FITS(fileaddress)
				blockImage =objs1[0][:,:]
				plt.imshow(blockImage, cmap='gray', vmin=-50, vmax=300, origin='lower',interpolation='nearest') # 10/8/2015: Becareful about the orientation of the matrix. 
				plt.scatter(x, y, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r',s=100)

	return tiles
Example #26
def get_wcs(hdr, tpv_to_sip=True):
    # Thanks Dstn :)
    # https://github.com/legacysurvey/legacypipe/blob/master/py/legacypipe/cpimage.py#102
    width = hdr['NAXIS1']
    height = hdr['NAXIS2']
    if not (tpv_to_sip):
        # extract wcs from fits header directly
        wcs= Tan(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'],hdr['CRPIX1'],hdr['CRPIX2'],\
        # Make sure the PV-to-SIP converter samples enough points for small
        # images
        stepsize = 0
        if min(width, height) < 600:
            stepsize = min(width, height) / 10.
        wcs = wcs_pv2sip_hdr(hdr, stepsize=stepsize)
    # Dstn adds an offset correction i.e.
    # Correction: ccd,ccdraoff, decoff from zeropoints file
    # Should I do this?
    return wcs
Example #27
def gettractor():
    W, H = 200, 200
    image = np.zeros((H, W))
    invvar = np.zeros_like(image) + 1.

    ra, dec = 0, 0
    # arcsec/pix
    pixscale = 1.
    wcs1 = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2, H / 2, -pixscale / 3600., 0, 0,
               -pixscale / 3600., W, H)
    wcs = FitsWcs(wcs1)
    photocal = NullPhotoCal()
    psf = NCircularGaussianPSF([1.], [1.])
    sky = ConstantSky(0.)

    img = Image(data=image,
    tractor = SDSSTractor([img])
    return tractor, wcs
Example #28
def dojob(job,
    print('dojob: tempdir:', tempfile.gettempdir())
    jobdir = job.make_dir()
    #print('Created job dir', jobdir)
    #log = create_job_logger(job)
    #jobdir = job.get_dir()
    if log is None:
        log = create_job_logger(job)
    log.msg('Starting Job processing for', job)
    #os.chdir(dirnm) - not thread safe (working directory is global)!
    log.msg('Creating directory', jobdir)
    axyfn = 'job.axy'
    axypath = os.path.join(jobdir, axyfn)
    sub = userimage.submission
    log.msg('submission id', sub.id)
    df = userimage.image.disk_file
    img = userimage.image

    # Build command-line arguments for the augment-xylist program, which
    # detects sources in the image and adds processing arguments to the header
    # to produce a "job.axy" file.
    slo, shi = sub.get_scale_bounds()
    # Note, this must match Job.get_wcs_file().
    wcsfile = 'wcs.fits'
    corrfile = 'corr.fits'
    axyflags = []
    axyargs = {
        '--out': axypath,
        '--scale-low': slo,
        '--scale-high': shi,
        '--scale-units': sub.scale_units,
        '--wcs': wcsfile,
        '--corr': corrfile,
        '--rdls': 'rdls.fits',
        '--pixel-error': sub.positional_error,
        '--ra': sub.center_ra,
        '--dec': sub.center_dec,
        '--radius': sub.radius,
        '--downsample': sub.downsample_factor,
        # tuning-up maybe fixed; if not, turn it off with:
        #'--odds-to-tune': 1e9,

        # Other things we might want include...
        # --invert
        # -g / --guess-scale: try to guess the image scale from the FITS headers
        # --crpix-x <pix>: set the WCS reference point to the given position
        # --crpix-y <pix>: set the WCS reference point to the given position
        # -w / --width <pixels>: specify the field width
        # -e / --height <pixels>: specify the field height
        # -X / --x-column <column-name>: the FITS column name
        # -Y / --y-column <column-name>

    if hasattr(img, 'sourcelist'):
        # image is a source list; use --xylist
        axyargs['--xylist'] = img.sourcelist.get_fits_path(tempfiles=tempfiles)
        w, h = img.width, img.height
        if sub.image_width:
            w = sub.image_width
        if sub.image_height:
            h = sub.image_height
        axyargs['--width'] = w
        axyargs['--height'] = h
        axyargs['--image'] = df.get_path()

    # UGLY
    if sub.parity == 0:
        axyargs['--parity'] = 'pos'
    elif sub.parity == 1:
        axyargs['--parity'] = 'neg'

    if sub.tweak_order == 0:
        axyargs['--tweak-order'] = '%i' % sub.tweak_order

    if sub.use_sextractor:

    if sub.crpix_center:

    if sub.invert:

    cmd = 'augment-xylist '
    for (k, v) in list(axyargs.items()):
        if v:
            cmd += k + ' ' + str(v) + ' '
    for k in axyflags:
        cmd += k + ' '

    log.msg('running: ' + cmd)
    (rtn, out, err) = run_command(cmd)
    if rtn:
        log.msg('out: ' + out)
        log.msg('err: ' + err)
        logmsg('augment-xylist failed: rtn val', rtn, 'err', err)
        raise Exception

    log.msg('created axy file', axypath)
    # shell into compute server...
    logfn = job.get_log_file()
    # the "tar" commands both use "-C" to chdir, and the ssh command
    # and redirect uses absolute paths.

    if solve_locally is not None:

        cmd = (('cd %(jobdir)s && %(solvecmd)s %(jobid)s %(axyfile)s >> ' +
                '%(logfile)s') % dict(jobid='job-%s-%i' %
                                      (settings.sitename, job.id),
        log.msg('command:', cmd)
        w = os.system(cmd)
        if not os.WIFEXITED(w):
            log.msg('Solver failed (sent signal?)')
            logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id)
            raise Exception
        rtn = os.WEXITSTATUS(w)
        if rtn:
            log.msg('Solver failed with return value %i' % rtn)
            logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id, 'with return val',
            raise Exception

        log.msg('Solver completed successfully.')

        if solve_command is None:
            solve_command = 'ssh -x -T %(sshconfig)s'

        cmd = ((
            '(echo %(jobid)s; '
            'tar cf - --ignore-failed-read -C %(jobdir)s %(axyfile)s) | ' +
            solve_command + ' 2>>%(logfile)s | '
            'tar xf - --atime-preserve -m --exclude=%(axyfile)s -C %(jobdir)s '
            '>>%(logfile)s 2>&1') % dict(jobid='job-%s-%i' %
                                         (settings.sitename, job.id),
        log.msg('command:', cmd)
        w = os.system(cmd)
        if not os.WIFEXITED(w):
            log.msg('Solver failed (sent signal?)')
            logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id)
            raise Exception
        rtn = os.WEXITSTATUS(w)
        if rtn:
            log.msg('Solver failed with return value %i' % rtn)
            logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id, 'with return val',
            raise Exception

        log.msg('Solver completed successfully.')

    # Solved?
    wcsfn = os.path.join(jobdir, wcsfile)
    log.msg('Checking for WCS file', wcsfn)
    if os.path.exists(wcsfn):
        log.msg('WCS file exists')
        # Parse the wcs.fits file
        wcs = Tan(wcsfn, 0)
        # Convert to database model...
        tan = TanWCS(crval1=wcs.crval[0],
        log.msg('Created TanWCS:', tan)

        # Find field's healpix nside and index
        ra, dec, radius = tan.get_center_radecradius()
        nside = anutil.healpix_nside_for_side_length_arcmin(radius * 60)
        nside = int(2**round(math.log(nside, 2)))
        nside = max(1, nside)
        healpix = anutil.radecdegtohealpix(ra, dec, nside)
            sky_location, created = SkyLocation.objects.get_or_create(
                nside=nside, healpix=healpix)
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            log.msg('Multiple SkyLocations for nside %i, healpix %i' %
                    (nside, healpix))
            # arbitrarily take the first one.
            sky_location = SkyLocation.objects.filter(nside=nside,

        log.msg('SkyLocation:', sky_location)

        # Find bounds for the Calibration object.
        r0, r1, d0, d1 = wcs.radec_bounds()
        # Find cartesian coordinates
        ra *= math.pi / 180
        dec *= math.pi / 180
        tempr = math.cos(dec)
        x = tempr * math.cos(ra)
        y = tempr * math.sin(ra)
        z = math.sin(dec)
        r = radius / 180 * math.pi

        calib = Calibration(raw_tan=tan,
        log.msg('Created Calibration', calib)
        job.calibration = calib
        job.save()  # save calib before adding machine tags
        job.status = 'S'
        job.status = 'F'
    log.msg('Finished job', job.id)
    logmsg('Finished job', job.id)
    return job.id
Example #29
from glob import glob
import os
from astrometry.util.util import Tan

wcsfn = "/data2/nova/BACKUP-jobs/00000046/wcs.fits"

axyfn = wcsfn.replace('wcs.fits', 'job.axy')
dirname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(wcsfn))

wcs = Tan(wcsfn)
r1,d1 = wcs.radec_center()
R1 = wcs.radius()

print "RA is ", r1
print "Dec is ", d1
print "radius is ", R1

inds = glob("/data1/INDEXES/4000/index-4001*")

for j, ind in enumerate(inds):

    cmdline = 'query-starkd -v -o rdls4001-{0}.fits -r {1} -d {2} -R {3} {4}'.format(j, r1, d1, R1, ind)

Example #30
	def _computeTransformation(self, img, ylo=0, yhi=-1):
		imwcs = img.getWcs()
		# Pre-compute the "grid-spread function" transformation matrix...
		H,W = self.shape
		if yhi == -1:
			yhi = H
		Ngrid = W*H
		iH,iW = img.shape
		Nim = iW*iH
		Lorder = 2
		S = (Lorder * 2 + 3)

		if False:
			i0 = S/2
			print 'Image', img.name
			print 'Image PSF', img.getPsf()
			psfw = img.getPsf().getRadius()
			scale = img.getWcs().pixel_scale() / self.wcs.pixel_scale()
			print 'Image pixel scale', img.getWcs().pixel_scale()
			print 'Model pixel scale', self.wcs.pixel_scale()
			print 'PSF extent', psfw, 'pixels'
			print 'pixel scale factor', scale
			print '->', psfw * scale, 'model pixels'
			print 'Increasing S from', S
			S += int(np.ceil(psfw*scale)) * 2
			print 'to', S
			i0 = S/2

		cmock = np.zeros((S,S), np.float32)
		cmock[i0,i0] = 1.

		if True:
			spsf = img.getPsf().scale(scale)
			print 'Scaled PSF', spsf
			cmock = spsf.applyTo(cmock)
			#print 'cmock'
			#print cmock

		cwcs = Tan(self.wcs)
		cwcs.set_imagesize(S, S)
		cx0,cy0 = self.wcs.crpix[0], self.wcs.crpix[1]
		rim = np.zeros((iH,iW), np.float32)

		X = {}
		for i in range(ylo, yhi):
			print 'Precomputing matrix for image', img.name, 'model row', i
			for j in range(W):
				#print 'Precomputing matrix for grid pixel', j,i
				cwcs.set_crpix(cx0 - j + i0, cy0 - i + i0)
				rim[:,:] = 0
				weighted = 1
				res = tan_wcs_resample(cwcs, imwcs.wcs, cmock, rim, weighted, Lorder)
				assert(res == 0)

				if False:
					outimg = img.getPsf().applyTo(rim).ravel()
					outimg = rim.ravel()

				if sum(outimg) == 0:

				I = np.flatnonzero((outimg > 0) * (img.getInvError().ravel() > 0))

				if len(I) == 0:

				#if True:
				#	sumr.ravel()[I] += outimg[I]

				xx,yy = (I % iW), (I / iW)
				x0,y0 = xx.min(), yy.min()
				nzh,nzw = 1 + yy.max() - y0, 1 + xx.max() - x0
				NZ = ((x0, y0), (nzh, nzw))
				NZI = (xx - x0) + (yy - y0) * nzw

				X[i*W+j] = (I, outimg[I], NZ, NZI)

		# if True:
		# 	print 'sumr range', sumr.min(), sumr.max()
		# 	sumr[sumr == 0] = 1.
		# 	mn,mx = 0.,0.
		# 	for (I, outim, NZ, NZI) in X.values():
		# 		outim /= sumr.ravel()[I]
		# 		mx = max(outim.max(), mx)
		# 		mn = max(outim.min(), mn)
		# 	print 'Min,Max grid-spread function:', mn,mx

		return X
Example #31
hsc.dec = []

for band in 'grz':
    pat = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/hsc/dr1/wide/deepCoadd/HSC-%s/*/*/calexp-*.fits' % (band.upper())
    #pat = 'HSC-%s/*/*/calexp-*.fits' % (band.upper())
    fns = glob(pat)
    print('Band', band, ':', len(fns), 'files')

    pat2 = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/hsc/dr1/deep/deepCoadd/HSC-%s/*/*/calexp-*.fits' % (band.upper())
    fns2 = glob(pat2)
    print('Band', band, ':', len(fns2), 'files from deep')
    fns = fns + fns2

    for fn in fns:
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, ext=1)
        wcs = Tan(hdr)
        r,d = wcs.radec_center()

        for c in wcsvals:
        parts = fn.split('/')
        path = '/'.join(parts[-7:])

Example #32
def plotarea(ra, dec, radius, name, prefix, tims=None, rds=[]):
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan
    W,H = 512,512
    scale = (radius * 60. * 4) / float(W)
    print 'SDSS jpeg scale', scale
    imgfn = 'sdss-mosaic-%s.png' % prefix
    if not os.path.exists(imgfn):
        url = (('http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/DR9/ImgCutout/getjpeg.aspx?' +
                'ra=%f&dec=%f&scale=%f&width=%i&height=%i') %
               (ra, dec, scale, W, H))
        f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        of,tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.jpg')
        of = open(tmpfn, 'wb')
        cmd = 'jpegtopnm %s | pnmtopng > %s' % (tmpfn, imgfn)
    # Create WCS header for it
    cd = scale / 3600.
    args = (ra, dec, W/2. + 0.5, H/2. + 0.5, -cd, 0., 0., -cd, W, H)
    wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in args])

    I = plt.imread(imgfn)
    plt.imshow(I, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
    x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
    R = radius * 60. / scale
    ax = plt.axis()
    plt.gca().add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Circle(xy=(x,y), radius=R, color='g',
                                                   lw=3, alpha=0.5, fc='none'))
    if tims is not None:
        print 'Plotting outlines of', len(tims), 'images'
        for tim in tims:
            H,W = tim.shape
            twcs = tim.getWcs()
            px,py = [],[]
            for x,y in [(1,1),(W,1),(W,H),(1,H),(1,1)]:
                rd = twcs.pixelToPosition(x,y)
                xx,yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(rd.ra, rd.dec)
                print 'x,y', x, y
                x1,y1 = twcs.positionToPixel(rd)
                print '  x1,y1', x1,y1
                print '  r,d', rd.ra, rd.dec,
                print '  xx,yy', xx, yy
            plt.plot(px, py, 'g-', lw=3, alpha=0.5)

            # plot full-frame image outline too
            # px,py = [],[]
            # W,H = 2048,1489
            # for x,y in [(1,1),(W,1),(W,H),(1,H),(1,1)]:
            #     r,d = twcs.pixelToRaDec(x,y)
            #     xx,yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r,d)
            #     px.append(xx)
            #     py.append(yy)
            # plt.plot(px, py, 'g-', lw=1, alpha=1.)

    if rds is not None:
        px,py = [],[]
        for ra,dec in rds:
            print 'ra,dec', ra,dec
            xx,yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
        plt.plot(px, py, 'go')

    fn = '%s.png' % prefix
    print 'saved', fn
Example #33
	def plot(self, img = None, off = [0., 0.], extra = [], extra_lines = [], grid = True, scale = 1):
		field_w = self.wcs.get_width()
		field_h = self.wcs.get_height()

			scale = float(scale)
		except ValueError:
			if scale.startswith('deg'):
				scale = float(scale[3:]) / (self.wcs.pixel_scale() * field_w / 3600.0)

		# the field moved by given offset pixels from the position in self.wcs
		(crpix1, crpix2) = self.wcs.crpix
		ra2, dec2 = self.wcs.pixelxy2radec(crpix1 - off[1], crpix2 - off[0])

		# plot extra area with the original image in the center
		xborder = field_w * (scale - 1) / 2.0
		yborder = field_h * (scale - 1) / 2.0
		nw = field_w * scale
		nh = field_h * scale
		new_wcs = Tan(self.wcs)
		new_wcs.set_crval(ra2, dec2)

		new_wcs.set_crpix(crpix1 + xborder, crpix2 + yborder)

		#thumbnail size and pos
		tw = int(field_w / scale)
		th = int(field_h / scale)
		tx = int(xborder / scale)
		ty = int(yborder / scale)

		plot = Plotstuff(outformat=PLOTSTUFF_FORMAT_PPM)
		plot.wcs = anwcs_new_tan(new_wcs)
		plot.scale_wcs(1.0 / scale)


		plot.color = 'black'
		plot.alpha = 1.0

		plot.color = 'gray'
		plot_area_deg = new_wcs.pixel_scale() * scale * field_w / 3600.0
		#print "plot area", plot_area_deg
		if grid:
			log_step = [1, 2, 5];
			log_ra = int(np.floor(np.log10(plot_area_deg / (0.01 + math.cos(math.radians(dec2)))) * 3)) - 1
			log_dec = int(np.floor(np.log10(plot_area_deg) * 3)) - 1
			grid_step_ra = 10 ** int(log_ra / 3) * log_step[log_ra % 3]
			grid_step_dec = 10 ** int(log_dec / 3) * log_step[log_dec % 3]
			grid_step_ra = min(10, grid_step_ra)
			grid_step_dec = min(10, grid_step_dec)
			#print "grid", plot_area_deg, log_ra, log_dec, grid_step_ra, grid_step_dec
			plot.plot_grid(grid_step_ra, grid_step_dec, grid_step_ra, grid_step_dec)

		ann = plot.annotations
		ann.NGC = (plot_area_deg < 60)
		ann.constellations = (plot_area_deg > 10)
		ann.constellation_labels = (plot_area_deg > 10)
		ann.constellation_labels_long = False
		ann.bright = (plot_area_deg < 60)
		ann.ngc_fraction = 0.05 / scale

		ann.HD = False
		#ann.HD = (plot_area_deg < 9)
		#ann.HD_labels = (plot_area_deg < 3)
		#ann.hd_catalog = "hd.fits"

		if plot_area_deg < 9:
			tra,tdec,I2 = match_kdtree_catalog(ra2, dec2, plot_area_deg, "tycho2.kd")
			T = fits_table("tycho2.kd", hdu=6)
			for r,d,t1,t2,t3 in zip(tra,tdec, T.tyc1[I2], T.tyc2[I2], T.tyc3[I2]):
				if not new_wcs.is_inside(r, d):
				if plot_area_deg < 2:
					ann.add_target(r, d, 'tyc %i-%i-%i' % (t1,t2,t3))
					ann.add_target(r, d, '')

		for (r, d, name) in extra:
			ann.add_target(r, d, name)

		for (r1, d1, r2, d2) in extra_lines:
			plot.move_to_radec(r1, d1)
			plot.line_to_radec(r2, d2)

		plot.color = 'green'
		plot.lw = 2
		plot.valign = 'B'
		plot.halign = 'C'
		plot.label_offset_x = 0;
		plot.label_offset_y = -20;

		# frame around the image
		if scale > 1:
			plot.color = 'blue'
			plot.polygon([(tx, ty), (tx + tw, ty), (tx + tw, ty + th), (tx, ty + th)])

		plot_image = plot.get_image_as_numpy()
		del plot

		if img is not None and scale <= 8:
			bg = np.zeros_like(plot_image)
			if scale == 1:
				thumb = img
				thumb = cv2.resize(img, (tw, th))
			if thumb.ndim > 2:
				bg[ty:ty+th, tx:tx+tw, 0:3] = thumb[:, :, 0:3]
				bg[ty:ty+th, tx:tx+tw, 0] = bg[ty:ty+th, tx:tx+tw, 1] = bg[ty:ty+th, tx:tx+tw, 2] = thumb
			plot_image = cv2.add(plot_image, bg)

		return plot_image
Example #34
def ptf_exposure_metadata(filenames, hdus=None, trim=None):
    nan = np.nan
    primkeys = [('FILTER',''),
                ('RA', nan),
                ('DEC', nan),
                ('AIRMASS', nan),
                ('DATE-OBS', ''),
                ('EXPTIME', nan),
                ('EXPNUM', 0),
                ('MJD-OBS', 0),
                ('PROPID', ''),
    hdrkeys = [('AVSKY', nan),
               ('ARAWGAIN', nan),
               ('FWHM', nan),

    otherkeys = [('IMAGE_FILENAME',''), ('IMAGE_HDU',0),

    allkeys = primkeys + hdrkeys + otherkeys
    #for each hdu and file, append ptf header info to vals
    vals = dict([(k,[]) for k,d in allkeys])
    for i,fn in enumerate(filenames):
        print('Reading', (i+1), 'of', len(filenames), ':', fn)
        F = fitsio.FITS(fn)
        cpfn = fn
        if trim is not None:
            cpfn = cpfn.replace(trim, '')

        if hdus is not None:
            hdulist = hdus
            hdulist = range(0, len(F))
        #loop through hdus
        for hdu in hdulist:
            for k,d in allkeys: #d is not used below
                if k in F[hdu].read_header().keys():
                    continue #will be set below 
            #special handling
            H,W = F[hdu].get_info()['dims'] 
            vals['AVSKY'].append(0.) #estimate of sky level, ok to set to 0 in legacypipe
            vals['EXTNAME'].append(os.path.basename(fn)[-8:-5]) #CCD id, ex) N16 for DECam
            vals['CCDNAME'][-1]= os.path.basename(fn)[-8:-5]
            vals['FILTER'][-1]= vals['FILTER'][-1].strip().lower()  #unique ptf band name
            vals['EXPNUM'].append(0) #default value givein in function "exposure_metadata"
            vals['CAMERA'].append('ptf') #default value givein in function "exposure_metadata"
            #diff naming convenctions between (DECaLS,PTF)
                    ('RA', 'OBJRA'),
                    ('DEC', 'OBJDEC'),
                    ('MJD-OBS', 'OBSMJD'),
                    ('PROPID', 'PTFPID'),
                   ('ARAWGAIN', 'GAIN'),
                   ('FWHM', 'MEDFWHM'),
            for decal,ptf in map: 
                try: vals[decal].append(F[hdu].read_header()[ptf])
                except AttributeError: print "WARNING, could not find ",decal,"or",ptf
            #for k,d in allkeys: print "FINAL vals: k= ",k,"vals[k]= ",vals[k]
    #header info now stord in val dict
    T = fits_table()
    for k,d in allkeys:
        T.set(k.lower().replace('-','_'), np.array(vals[k]))

    #finish naming conventions
    T.filter = np.array([s.split()[0] for s in T.filter])
    T.ra_bore  = np.array([hmsstring2ra (s) for s in T.ra ])
    T.dec_bore = np.array([dmsstring2dec(s) for s in T.dec])

    T.ra  = np.zeros(len(T))
    T.dec = np.zeros(len(T))
    for i in range(len(T)):
        W,H = T.width[i], T.height[i]

        wcs = Tan(T.crval1[i], T.crval2[i], T.crpix1[i], T.crpix2[i],
                  T.cd1_1[i], T.cd1_2[i], T.cd2_1[i], T.cd2_2[i], float(W), float(H))
        xc,yc = W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5
        rc,dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xc,yc)
        T.ra [i] = rc
        T.dec[i] = dc
    #anything with type int64 crashes fits.write()
    T.expnum= T.expnum.astype(np.int16)
    T.image_hdu= T.image_hdu.astype(np.int16)
    T.height= T.height.astype(np.int16)
    T.width= T.width.astype(np.int16)
    #for c in T.columns(): 
        #if type(T.get(c)[0]) is np.int64: T.c= T.c.astype(np.int16) #answer='yes'
        #print('column= ',c,"type= ",type(T.get(c)),"type is int64?",answer) 
    #sanity check  
    for c in T.columns(): print (c,T.get(c))
    return T
Example #35
def cutout_jpg(req):
    import tempfile
    import fitsio
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan
    from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs

    form = CutoutSearchForm(req.GET)
    if not form.is_valid():
        return HttpResponse('failed to parse request')
    ra = form.cleaned_data['ra']
    dec = form.cleaned_data['dec']
    if ra is None or dec is None:
        return HttpResponse('RA and Dec arguments are required')
    size = form.cleaned_data['size']
    if size is None:
        size = 100
        size = min(256, size)
    # Ignoring this for now...
    # bandstr = form.cleaned_data['bands']
    # bands = [int(c) for c in bandstr]
    # bands = [b for b in bands if b in [1,2,3,4]]
    version = form.cleaned_data['version']
    radius = size/2. * 2.75/3600.
    tiles = unwise_tiles_near_radec(ra, dec, radius)
    tiles = list(tiles)

    pixscale = 2.75 / 3600.
    cowcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in
                  [ra, dec, 0.5 + size/2., 0.5 + size/2.,
                   -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale,
                   size, size]])
    bands = [1,2]
    coims = [np.zeros((size,size), np.float32) for b in bands]
    con = np.zeros((size,size), int)
    for tile in tiles:
        coadd = tile.coadd
        dirnm = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, version, coadd[:3], coadd)
        base = os.path.join(dirnm, 'unwise-%s' % coadd)

        subwcs = None
        ims = []
        for band in bands:
            fn = str(base + '-w%i-img-m.fits' % band)
            if subwcs is None:
                wcs = Tan(fn)
                ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
                x = int(round(x-1.))
                y = int(round(y-1.))
                x0 = x - size/2
                x1 = x0 + size
                y0 = y - size/2
                y1 = y0 + size
                if x1 <= 0 or y1 <= 0:
                if x0 >= wcs.get_width() or y0 >= wcs.get_height():
                x0 = max(x0, 0)
                y0 = max(y0, 0)
                x1 = min(x1, wcs.get_width())
                y1 = min(y1, wcs.get_height())
                subwcs = wcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)

            if subwcs is None:
            img = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0][y0:y1, x0:x1]

        if subwcs is None:

            Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi,rims = resample_with_wcs(cowcs, subwcs, ims, 3)
        for rim,co in zip(rims, coims):
            co[Yo,Xo] += rim
        con[Yo,Xo] += 1

    for co in coims:
        co /= np.maximum(con, 1)

    rgb = np.zeros((size,size,3), np.uint8)
    lo,hi = -3,10
    scale = 10.
    rgb[:,:,2] = np.clip(255. * ((coims[1] / scale) - lo) / (hi-lo), 0, 255)
    rgb[:,:,1] = np.clip(255. * (((coims[0]+coims[1])/2. / scale) - lo) / (hi-lo), 0, 255)
    rgb[:,:,0] = np.clip(255. * ((coims[0] / scale) - lo) / (hi-lo), 0, 255)

    f,tempfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.jpg')

    # import matplotlib
    # matplotlib.use('Agg')
    # import pylab as plt
    # plt.imsave(tempfn, rgb, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

    from PIL import Image
    pic = Image.fromarray(rgb)
    return send_file(tempfn, 'image/jpeg', unlink=True)
Example #36
def get_unwise_tractor_image(basedir, tile, band, bandname=None, masked=True,
    masked: read "-m" images, or "-u"?

    bandname: PhotoCal band name to use: default: "w%i" % band

    if bandname is None:
        bandname = 'w%i' % band

    mu = 'm' if masked else 'u'

    # Allow multiple colon-separated unwise-coadd directories.
    basedirs = basedir.split(':')
    foundFiles = False
    for basedir in basedirs:
        thisdir = get_unwise_tile_dir(basedir, tile)
        base = os.path.join(thisdir, 'unwise-%s-w%i-' % (tile, band))

        imfn = base + 'img-%s.fits'       % mu
        ivfn = base + 'invvar-%s.fits.gz' % mu
        # ppfn = base + 'std-%s.fits.gz'    % mu
        nifn = base + 'n-%s.fits.gz'      % mu
        nufn = base + 'n-u.fits.gz'

        if not os.path.exists(imfn):
            print('Does not exist:', imfn)
        print('Reading', imfn)
        wcs = Tan(imfn)
        twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)

        F = fitsio.FITS(imfn)
        img = F[0]
        hdr = img.read_header()
        H,W = img.get_info()['dims']
        H,W = int(H), int(W)

        roi = interpret_roi(twcs, (H,W), **kwargs)
        if roi is None:
            # No overlap with ROI
            return None
        # interpret_roi returns None or a tuple; drop the second element in the tuple.
        roi,nil = roi
        (x0,x1,y0,y1) = roi

        wcs = wcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
        twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)
        roislice = (slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1))
        img = img[roislice]

        if not os.path.exists(ivfn) and os.path.exists(ivfn.replace('.fits.gz', '.fits')):
            ivfn = ivfn.replace('.fits.gz','.fits')
        if not os.path.exists(nifn) and os.path.exists(nifn.replace('.fits.gz', '.fits')):
            nifn = nifn.replace('.fits.gz','.fits')
        if not os.path.exists(nufn) and os.path.exists(nufn.replace('.fits.gz', '.fits')):
            nufn = nufn.replace('.fits.gz','.fits')

        if not (os.path.exists(ivfn) and os.path.exists(nifn) and os.path.exists(nufn)):
            print('Files do not exist:', ivfn, nifn, nufn)

        foundFiles = True

    if not foundFiles:
        raise IOError('unWISE files not found in ' + str(basedirs) + ' for tile ' + tile)

    print('Reading', ivfn)
    invvar = fitsio.FITS(ivfn)[0][roislice]

    if band == 4:
        # due to upsampling, effective invvar is smaller (the pixels
        # are correlated)
        invvar *= 0.25
    #print 'Reading', ppfn
    #pp = fitsio.FITS(ppfn)[0][roislice]
    print('Reading', nifn)
    nims = fitsio.FITS(nifn)[0][roislice]

    if nufn == nifn:
        nuims = nims
        print('Reading', nufn)
        nuims = fitsio.FITS(nufn)[0][roislice]

    #print 'Median # ims:', np.median(nims)
    good = (nims > 0)
    invvar[np.logical_not(good)] = 0.
    sig1 = 1./np.sqrt(np.median(invvar[good]))

    # Load the average PSF model (generated by wise_psf.py)
    psffn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'wise-psf-avg.fits')
    print('Reading', psffn)
    P = fits_table(psffn, hdu=band)
    psf = GaussianMixturePSF(P.amp, P.mean, P.var)

    sky = 0.
    tsky = ConstantSky(sky)

    # if opt.errfrac > 0:
    #     nz = (iv > 0)
    #     iv2 = np.zeros_like(invvar)
    #     iv2[nz] = 1./(1./invvar[nz] + (img[nz] * opt.errfrac)**2)
    #     print 'Increasing error estimate by', opt.errfrac, 'of image flux'
    #     invvar = iv2

    tim = Image(data=img, invvar=invvar, psf=psf, wcs=twcs,
                sky=tsky, photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band=bandname),
                name='unWISE %s W%i' % (tile, band))
    tim.sig1 = sig1
    tim.roi = roi
    tim.nims = nims
    tim.nuims = nuims
    tim.hdr = hdr

    if 'MJDMIN' in hdr and 'MJDMAX' in hdr:
        from tractor.tractortime import TAITime
        tim.mjdmin = hdr['MJDMIN']
        tim.mjdmax = hdr['MJDMAX']
        tim.time = TAITime(None, mjd=(tim.mjdmin + tim.mjdmax)/2.)

    return tim
Example #37
def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help='Output filename',
                        help='Merge sub-tables')
    parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='Plot results')
                        help='List of nexp files to process')

    opt = parser.parse_args()

    fns = opt.files

    if opt.merge:
        from astrometry.util.fits import merge_tables
        TT = []
        for fn in fns:
            T = fits_table(fn)
            print(fn, '->', len(T))
        T = merge_tables(TT)
        print('Wrote', opt.outfn)

    if opt.plot:
        T = fits_table(opt.files[0])
        import pylab as plt
        import matplotlib

        ax = [360, 0, -21, 36]

        def radec_plot():
            plt.xlabel('RA (deg)')
            plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 45))
            plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)')

            gl = np.arange(361)
            gb = np.zeros_like(gl)
            from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import lbtoradec
            rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb)
            plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=1)
            rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb + 10)
            plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1)
            rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb - 10)
            plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.93)

        # Map of the tile centers we want to observe...
        O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')
        O.cut(O.in_desi == 1)
        rr, dd = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ax[1], ax[0], 700),
                             np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], 200))
        from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec
        I, J, d = match_radec(O.ra, O.dec, rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), 1.)
        desimap = np.zeros(rr.shape, bool)
        desimap.flat[J] = True

        def desi_map():
            # Show the DESI tile map in the background.
            from astrometry.util.plotutils import antigray
                       extent=[ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]],

        for band in 'grz':
            N = T.get('nexp_%s' % band)
            I = np.flatnonzero(N > 0)
            #cm = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('jet', 6)
            #cm = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('winter', 5)
            cm = matplotlib.cm.viridis
            cm = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(cm, 5)
            cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.06)
            plt.colorbar(cax=cax, ticks=range(6))
            plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of exposures in %s' % band)
            plt.savefig('nexp-%s.png' % band)

                        c=T.get('nexp_%s' % band),
            plt.title('DECaLS DR3: PSF size, band %s' % band)
            plt.savefig('psfsize-%s.png' % band)

        return 0

        for col in ['nobjs', 'npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']:
            N = T.get(col)
            mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5)
            plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Number of objects of type %s' % col[1:])
            plt.savefig('nobjs-%s.png' % col[1:])

        Ntot = T.nobjs
        for col in ['npsf', 'nsimp', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp']:
            N = T.get(col) / Ntot.astype(np.float32)
            mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5)
            plt.title('DECaLS DR3: Fraction of objects of type %s' % col[1:])
            plt.savefig('fobjs-%s.png' % col[1:])

        return 0

    # fnpats = opt.files
    # fns = []
    # for pat in fnpats:
    #     pfns = glob(pat)
    #     fns.extend(pfns)
    #     print('Pattern', pat, '->', len(pfns), 'files')
    #fns = glob('coadd/*/*/*-nexp*')
    #fns = glob('coadd/000/*/*-nexp*')
    #fns = glob('coadd/000/0001*/*-nexp*')
    print(len(fns), 'nexp files')

    brickset = set()
    bricklist = []
    gn = []
    rn = []
    zn = []

    gnhist = []
    rnhist = []
    znhist = []

    nnhist = 6

    gdepth = []
    rdepth = []
    zdepth = []

    ibricks = []
    nsrcs = []
    npsf = []
    nsimp = []
    nexp = []
    ndev = []
    ncomp = []

    gpsfsize = []
    rpsfsize = []
    zpsfsize = []
    ebv = []
    gtrans = []
    rtrans = []
    ztrans = []

    bricks = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz')

    #sfd = SFDMap()

    W = H = 3600
    # H=3600
    # xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))
    unique = np.ones((H, W), bool)
    tlast = 0

    for fn in fns:
        print('File', fn)
        words = fn.split('/')
        dirprefix = '/'.join(words[:-4])
        print('Directory prefix:', dirprefix)
        words = words[-4:]
        brick = words[2]
        print('Brick', brick)
        if not brick in brickset:

            gnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)])
            rnhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)])
            znhist.append([0 for i in range(nnhist)])

            index = -1
            ibrick = np.nonzero(bricks.brickname == brick)[0][0]
            tfn = os.path.join(dirprefix, 'tractor', brick[:3],
                               'tractor-%s.fits' % brick)
            print('Tractor filename', tfn)
            T = fits_table(tfn,
                               'brick_primary', 'type', 'decam_psfsize', 'ebv',
            types = Counter([t.strip() for t in T.type])
            print('N sources', nsrcs[-1])

            gpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 1]))
            rpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 2]))
            zpsfsize.append(np.median(T.decam_psfsize[:, 4]))

            gtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 1]))
            rtrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 2]))
            ztrans.append(np.median(T.decam_mw_transmission[:, 4]))

            br = bricks[ibrick]

            print('Computing unique brick pixels...')
            #wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
            #W,H = int(wcs.get_width()), int(wcs.get_height())

            pixscale = 0.262 / 3600.
            wcs = Tan(br.ra, br.dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale, 0.,
                      0., pixscale, float(W), float(H))
            import time

            t0 = time.clock()

            unique[:, :] = True

            find_unique_pixels(wcs, W, H, unique, br.ra1, br.ra2, br.dec1,

            # for i in range(W/2):
            #     allin = True
            #     lo,hi = i, W-i-1
            #     # one slice per side
            #     side = slice(lo,hi+1)
            #     top = (lo, side)
            #     bot = (hi, side)
            #     left  = (side, lo)
            #     right = (side, hi)
            #     for slc in [top, bot, left, right]:
            #         #print('xx,yy', xx[slc], yy[slc])
            #         rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx[slc]+1, yy[slc]+1)
            #         U = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2)
            #         #print('Pixel', i, ':', np.sum(U), 'of', len(U), 'pixels are unique')
            #         allin *= np.all(U)
            #         unique[slc] = U
            #     if allin:
            #         print('Scanned to pixel', i)
            #         break

            t1 = time.clock()
            U = np.flatnonzero(unique)
            t2 = time.clock()
            print(len(U), 'of', W * H, 'pixels are unique to this brick')

            # #t3 = time.clock()
            #rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx+1, yy+1)
            # #t4 = time.clock()
            # #u = (rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) * (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2)
            # #t5 = time.clock()
            # #U2 = np.flatnonzero(u)
            #U2 = np.flatnonzero((rr >= br.ra1 ) * (rr < br.ra2 ) *
            #                    (dd >= br.dec1) * (dd < br.dec2))
            #assert(np.all(U == U2))
            #assert(len(U) == len(U2))
            # #t6 = time.clock()
            # print(len(U2), 'of', W*H, 'pixels are unique to this brick')

            #print(t0-tlast, 'other time')
            #tlast = time.clock() #t2
            #print('t1:', t1-t0, 't2', t2-t1)

            # #print('t4:', t4-t3, 't5', t5-t4, 't6', t6-t5)

            index = bricklist.index(brick)
            assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1)

        index = bricklist.index(brick)
        assert (index == len(bricklist) - 1)

        filepart = words[-1]
        filepart = filepart.replace('.fits.gz', '')
        print('File:', filepart)
        band = filepart[-1]
        assert (band in 'grz')

        nlist, nhist = dict(g=(gn, gnhist), r=(rn, rnhist),
                            z=(zn, znhist))[band]

        upix = fitsio.read(fn).flat[U]
        med = np.median(upix)
        print('Band', band, ': Median', med)
        nlist[index] = med

        hist = nhist[index]
        for i in range(nnhist):
            if i < nnhist - 1:
                hist[i] = np.sum(upix == i)
                hist[i] = np.sum(upix >= i)
        assert (sum(hist) == len(upix))
        print('Number of exposures histogram:', hist)

    ibricks = np.array(ibricks)

    print('Maximum number of sources:', max(nsrcs))

    T = fits_table()
    T.brickname = np.array(bricklist)
    T.ra = bricks.ra[ibricks]
    T.dec = bricks.dec[ibricks]
    T.nexp_g = np.array(gn).astype(np.int16)
    T.nexp_r = np.array(rn).astype(np.int16)
    T.nexp_z = np.array(zn).astype(np.int16)
    T.nexphist_g = np.array(gnhist).astype(np.int32)
    T.nexphist_r = np.array(rnhist).astype(np.int32)
    T.nexphist_z = np.array(znhist).astype(np.int32)
    T.nobjs = np.array(nsrcs).astype(np.int16)
    T.npsf = np.array(npsf).astype(np.int16)
    T.nsimp = np.array(nsimp).astype(np.int16)
    T.nexp = np.array(nexp).astype(np.int16)
    T.ndev = np.array(ndev).astype(np.int16)
    T.ncomp = np.array(ncomp).astype(np.int16)
    T.psfsize_g = np.array(gpsfsize).astype(np.float32)
    T.psfsize_r = np.array(rpsfsize).astype(np.float32)
    T.psfsize_z = np.array(zpsfsize).astype(np.float32)
    T.ebv = np.array(ebv).astype(np.float32)
    T.trans_g = np.array(gtrans).astype(np.float32)
    T.trans_r = np.array(rtrans).astype(np.float32)
    T.trans_z = np.array(ztrans).astype(np.float32)
Example #38
def main():
    ra = 126.925
    dec = 21.4833
    itune1 = 5
    itune2 = 5
    ntune = 2
    run = [4517,4576,4576]
    field = [103,99,100]
    camcol = [2,6,6]

    bandname = 'r'
    flipBands = ['r']

    rerun = 0

    TI = []
    sources = []

    table = pyfits.open("J082742.02+212844.7-r.fits")

    header = table[0].header
    data = table[0].data
    skyobj = ba.ConstantSky(header['skyval'])
    psffn = 'J082742.02+212844.7-r-bpsf.fits.gz'
    psfimg = pyfits.open(psffn)[0].data
    print 'PSF image shape', psfimg.shape
    # number of Gaussian components
    PS = psfimg.shape[0]
    K = 3
    w,mu,sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
    II = psfimg.copy()
    II /= II.sum()
    # HACK
    II = np.maximum(II, 0)
    print 'Multi-Gaussian PSF fit...'
    xm,ym = -(PS/2), -(PS/2)
    em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
    print 'w,mu,sig', w,mu,sig
    psf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)

    sources = []
#    for run,camcol,field in zip(run,camcol,field):
#        sources.append(st.get_tractor_sources(run,camcol,field,bandname,bands=bands))
    wcs = Tan("J082742.02+212844.7-r.fits",0)
    wcs = FitsWcs(wcs)
    photocal = ba.NasaSloanPhotoCal(bandname) #Also probably not right
    TI.append(en.Image(data=data,invvar=invvar,sky=skyobj,psf=psf,wcs=wcs,photocal=photocal,name = "NASA-Sloan Test"))
    lvl = logging.DEBUG
    tims = [TI[0]]
    tractor = st.SDSSTractor(tims)
    for source in sources:

    zr = np.array([-5.,+5.])# * info['skysig']

    print bands

    prefix = 'ngc2595'
#    saveAll('initial-'+prefix, tractor,zr,flipBands,debug=True)
    bright = None
    lowbright = 1000

    for timg,sources in zip(tims,sources):
        wcs = timg.getWcs()
        xtr,ytr = wcs.positionToPixel(RaDecPos(ra,dec))
        print xtr,ytr

        xt = xtr 
        yt = ytr
        r = 250.
        for src in sources:
            xs,ys = wcs.positionToPixel(src.getPosition(),src)
            if (xs-xt)**2+(ys-yt)**2 <= r**2:
                print "Removed:", src
                print xs,ys

#    saveAll('removed-'+prefix, tractor,zr,flipBands,debug=True)
    newShape = sg.GalaxyShape(30.,1.,0.)
    newBright = ba.Mags(r=15.0,g=15.0,u=15.0,z=15.0,i=15.0)
    EG = st.ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(ra,dec),newBright,newShape)
    print EG


    for i in range(itune1):
        if (i % 5 == 0):
        saveAll('itune1-%d-' % (i+1)+prefix,tractor,zr,flipBands,debug=True)
        plotInvvar('itune1-%d-' % (i+1)+prefix,tractor)
    CGPos = EG.getPosition()
    CGShape = EG.getShape()
    EGBright = EG.getBrightness()
    print EGBright
    CGg = EGBright[0]*1.25
    CGi = EGBright[1]*1.25
    CGr = EGBright[2]*1.25
    CGu = EGBright[3]*1.25
    CGz = EGBright[4]*1.25
    CGBright = ba.Mags(r=CGr,g=CGg,u=CGu,z=CGz,i=CGi)
    print EGBright
    print CGBright

    CG = st.CompositeGalaxy(CGPos,CGBright,CGShape,CGBright,CGShape)

    for i in range(itune2):
        if (i % 5 == 0):
        saveAll('itune2-%d-' % (i+1)+prefix,tractor,zr,flipBands,debug=True)
        plotInvvar('itune2-%d-' % (i+1)+prefix,tractor)

    for i in range(ntune):
        saveAll('ntune-%d-' % (i+1)+prefix,tractor,zr,flipBands,debug=True)

Example #39
        if not os.path.exists(qfn):
            if not os.path.exists(hfn):
                print('Reading', fn)
                halfsize(fn, hfn)
                #print('Wrote', hfn)
            halfsize(hfn, qfn)
            #print('Wrote', qfn)
        fn = qfn

        #fn = os.path.join('wise-coadds', brick[:2], brick[:4], '%s_ac51' % brick,
        #                  '%s_ac51-w%i-int-3.fits' % (brick, band))
        print('Reading', fn)
        I = fitsio.read(fn)
        bwcs = Tan(fn, 0)
        bh,bw = I.shape
        print('Image shape', bh,bw)

        xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(bw), np.arange(bh))
        rr,dd = bwcs.pixelxy2radec(xx, yy)
        #print('RA,Dec range', rr.min(), rr.max(), dd.min(), dd.max())
        ll,bb = radectolb(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel())
        #print('L,B range', ll.min(), ll.max(), bb.min(), bb.max())
        ll = ll.reshape(rr.shape)
        bb = bb.reshape(rr.shape)
        ok,ox,oy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ll, bb)
        #print('Unique ok:', np.unique(ok))
Example #40
def exposure_metadata(filenames, hdus=None, trim=None):
    Creates a CCD table row object by reading metadata from a FITS
    file header.

    filenames : list of strings
        Filenames to read
    hdus : list of integers; None to read all HDUs
        List of FITS extensions (HDUs) to read
    trim : string
        String to trim off the start of the *filenames* for the
        *image_filename* table entry

    A table that looks like the CCDs table.
    nan = np.nan
    primkeys = [('FILTER',''),
                ('RA', nan),
                ('DEC', nan),
                ('AIRMASS', nan),
                ('DATE-OBS', ''),
                ('EXPTIME', nan),
                ('EXPNUM', 0),
                ('MJD-OBS', 0),
                ('PROPID', ''),
                ('INSTRUME', ''),
                ('SEEING', nan),
    hdrkeys = [('AVSKY', nan),
               ('ARAWGAIN', nan),
               ('FWHM', nan),

    otherkeys = [('IMAGE_FILENAME',''), ('IMAGE_HDU',0),

    allkeys = primkeys + hdrkeys + otherkeys

    vals = dict([(k,[]) for k,d in allkeys])

    for i,fn in enumerate(filenames):
        print('Reading', (i+1), 'of', len(filenames), ':', fn)
        F = fitsio.FITS(fn)
        primhdr = F[0].read_header()
        expstr = '%08i' % primhdr.get('EXPNUM')

        cpfn = fn
        if trim is not None:
            cpfn = cpfn.replace(trim, '')
        print('CP fn', cpfn)

        if hdus is not None:
            hdulist = hdus
            hdulist = range(1, len(F))

        for hdu in hdulist:
            hdr = F[hdu].read_header()

            info = F[hdu].get_info()
            #'extname': 'S1', 'dims': [4146L, 2160L]
            H,W = info['dims']

            for k,d in primkeys:
                vals[k].append(primhdr.get(k, d))
            for k,d in hdrkeys:
                vals[k].append(hdr.get(k, d))


    T = fits_table()
    for k,d in allkeys:
        T.set(k.lower().replace('-','_'), np.array(vals[k]))

    # DECam: INSTRUME = 'DECam'
    T.rename('instrume', 'camera')
    T.camera = np.array([t.lower().strip() for t in T.camera])
    #T.rename('extname', 'ccdname')
    T.ccdname = np.array([t.strip() for t in T.extname])
    T.filter = np.array([s.split()[0] for s in T.filter])
    T.ra_bore  = np.array([hmsstring2ra (s) for s in T.ra ])
    T.dec_bore = np.array([dmsstring2dec(s) for s in T.dec])

    T.ra  = np.zeros(len(T))
    T.dec = np.zeros(len(T))
    for i in range(len(T)):
        W,H = T.width[i], T.height[i]

        wcs = Tan(T.crval1[i], T.crval2[i], T.crpix1[i], T.crpix2[i],
                  T.cd1_1[i], T.cd1_2[i], T.cd2_1[i], T.cd2_2[i], float(W), float(H))
        xc,yc = W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5
        rc,dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(xc,yc)
        T.ra [i] = rc
        T.dec[i] = dc

    return T
Example #41
def main():
    This function generates the plots in the paper.

    Some files and directories are assumed to exist in the current directory:

    * WISE atlas tiles, from http://unwise.me/data/allsky-atlas.fits
    * unwise-neo1-coadds, from http://unwise.me/data/neo1/
    * unwise-neo1-coadds-half, unwise-neo1-coadds-quarter: directories

    # First, create the WCS into which we want to render
    # degrees width to render in galactic coords
    # |l| < 60
    # |b| < 30
    width = 120
    # ~2 arcmin per pixel
    W = int(width * 60.) / 2
    H = W/2
    zoom = 360. / width
    wcs = anwcs_create_hammer_aitoff(0., 0., zoom, W, H, 0)

    # Select WISE tiles that overlap.  This atlas table is available
    # from http://unwise.me/data/allsky-atlas.fits

    # Select WISE tiles that overlap.
    T = fits_table('allsky-atlas.fits')
    print(len(T), 'tiles total')
    T.ll,T.bb = radectolb(T.ra, T.dec)
    I = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_or(T.ll < width+1,
                                     T.ll > (360-width-1)) *
                                     (T.bb > -width/2-1) * (T.bb < width/2+1))
    print(len(I), 'tiles in L,B range')

    # Create a coadd for each WISE band
    lbpat = 'unwise-neo1-w%i-lb.fits'
    imgs = []
    for band in [1,2]:
        outfn = lbpat % (band)
        if os.path.exists(outfn):
            print('Exists:', outfn)
            img = fitsio.read(outfn)

        coimg  = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32)
        conimg = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32)

        for i,brick in enumerate(T.coadd_id):
            # We downsample by 2, twice, just to make repeat runs a
            # little faster.
            # unWISE
            fn = os.path.join('unwise-neo1-coadds', brick[:3], brick,
                              'unwise-%s-w%i-img-u.fits' % (brick, band))
            qfn = os.path.join('unwise-neo1-coadds-quarter',
                               'unwise-%s-w%i.fits' % (brick, band))
            hfn = os.path.join('unwise-neo1-coadds-half',
                               'unwise-%s-w%i.fits' % (brick, band))

            if not os.path.exists(qfn):
                if not os.path.exists(hfn):
                    print('Reading', fn)
                    halfsize(fn, hfn)
                halfsize(hfn, qfn)
            fn = qfn

            print('Reading', fn)
            img = fitsio.read(fn)
            bwcs = Tan(fn, 0)
            bh,bw = img.shape

            # Coadd each unWISE pixel into the nearest target pixel.
            xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(bw), np.arange(bh))
            rr,dd = bwcs.pixelxy2radec(xx, yy)
            ll,bb = radectolb(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel())
            ll = ll.reshape(rr.shape)
            bb = bb.reshape(rr.shape)
            ok,ox,oy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ll, bb)
            ox = np.round(ox - 1).astype(int)
            oy = np.round(oy - 1).astype(int)
            K = (ox >= 0) * (ox < W) * (oy >= 0) * (oy < H) * ok

            #print('ok:', np.unique(ok), 'x', ox.min(), ox.max(), 'y', oy.min(), oy.max())
            if np.sum(K) == 0:
                # no overlap
                print('No overlap')
            np.add.at( coimg, (oy[K], ox[K]), img[K])
            np.add.at(conimg, (oy[K], ox[K]), 1)

        img = coimg / np.maximum(conimg, 1)

        # Hack -- write and then read FITS WCS header.
        fn = 'wiselb.wcs'
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
        hdr['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-AIT'
        hdr['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-AIT'

        fitsio.write(outfn, img, header=hdr, clobber=True)
        fitsio.write(outfn.replace('.fits', '-n.fits'), conimg,
                     header=hdr, clobber=True)

    w1,w2 = imgs

    # Get/confirm L,B bounds...
    H,W = w1.shape
    print('Image size', W, 'x', H)
    ok,l1,b1 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, (H+1)/2.)
    ok,l2,b2 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, (H+1)/2.)
    ok,l3,b3 = wcs.pixelxy2radec((W+1)/2., 1)
    ok,l4,b4 = wcs.pixelxy2radec((W+1)/2., H)
    print('L,B', (l1,b1), (l2,b2), (l3,b3), (l4,b4))
    llo,lhi = l2,l1+360
    blo,bhi = b3,b4
    # Set plot sizes
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,5))
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.1, top=0.95)

    plt.figure(2, figsize=(5,5))
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.11, right=0.96, bottom=0.1, top=0.95)

    suffix = '.pdf'
    rgb = wise_rgb(w1, w2)
    xlo,ylo = 0,0
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo, ylo, lticks=[60,30,0,330,300], bticks=[-30,-15,0,15,30])
    plt.savefig('xbulge-00' + suffix)

    # Compute the median of each row as a crude way of suppressing the
    # Galactic plane
    medy1 = np.median(w1, axis=1)
    medy2 = np.median(w2, axis=1)

    rgb = wise_rgb(w1 - medy1[:,np.newaxis],
                   w2 - medy2[:,np.newaxis])

    # Zoom in a bit for Galactic plane subtracted version
    lhi,llo,blo,bhi = 40, 320, -20, 20
    okxy = np.array([wcs.radec2pixelxy(l,b) for l,b in [
            (llo, blo), (llo, bhi), (lhi, blo), (lhi, bhi)]])
    xlo = int(np.floor(min(okxy[:,-2])))
    xhi = int(np.ceil (max(okxy[:,-2])))
    ylo = int(np.floor(min(okxy[:,-1])))
    yhi = int(np.ceil (max(okxy[:,-1])))
    plt.imshow(rgb[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, :],origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    #lbticks(wcs, xlo, ylo, lticks=[40,20,0,340,320], bticks=[-20,-10,0,10,20])
    lbticks(wcs, xlo, ylo, lticks=[30,15,0,345,330], bticks=[-20,-10,0,10,20])
    plt.savefig('xbulge-01' + suffix)

    # Zoom in on the core
    lhi,llo,blo,bhi = 15, 345, -15, 15
    ok,x1,y1 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(llo, blo)
    ok,x2,y2 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(llo, bhi)
    ok,x3,y3 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(lhi, blo)
    ok,x4,y4 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(lhi, bhi)

    xlo = int(np.floor(min(x1,x2,x3,x4)))
    xhi = int(np.ceil (max(x1,x2,x3,x4)))
    ylo = int(np.floor(min(y1,y2,y3,y4)))
    yhi = int(np.ceil (max(y1,y2,y3,y4)))
    print('xlo,ylo', xlo, ylo)

    w1 = w1[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]
    w2 = w2[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi]


    # Apply color cut
    w1mag = -2.5*(np.log10(w1) - 9.)
    w2mag = -2.5*(np.log10(w2) - 9.)
    cc = w1mag - w2mag
    goodcolor = np.isfinite(cc)
    mlo,mhi = np.percentile(cc[goodcolor], [5,95])
    print('W1 - W2 color masks:', mlo,mhi)
    mask = goodcolor * (cc > mlo) * (cc < mhi)

    rgb = wise_rgb(w1, w2)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-data' + suffix)

    rgb = wise_rgb(w1 * mask, w2 * mask)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.title('Data (masked)')
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-masked' + suffix)
    ie = mask.astype(np.float32)

    from tractor import (Image, NCircularGaussianPSF, LinearPhotoCal, Tractor,
                         PixPos, Fluxes)
    from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy, GalaxyShape

    # Create Tractor images
    tim1 = Image(data=w1 * mask, inverr=ie,
                 photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., 'w1'))
    tim2 = Image(data=w2 * mask, inverr=ie,
                 photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., 'w2'))
    H,W = w1.shape
    gal = ExpGalaxy(PixPos(W/2, H/2), Fluxes(w1=w1.sum(), w2=w2.sum()),
                    GalaxyShape(200, 0.4, 90.))
    tractor = Tractor([tim1, tim2],[gal])

    # fitsio.write('data-w1.fits', w1 * mask, clobber=True)
    # fitsio.write('data-w2.fits', w2 * mask, clobber=True)
    # fitsio.write('mask.fits', mask.astype(np.uint8), clobber=True)

    # Optimize galaxy model
    for step in range(50):
        dlnp,x,alpha = tractor.optimize()
        print('dlnp', dlnp)
        print('x', x)
        print('alpha', alpha)
        print('Galaxy', gal)
        if dlnp == 0:

    # Get galaxy model images, compute residuals
    mod1 = tractor.getModelImage(0)
    resid1 = w1 - mod1
    mod2 = tractor.getModelImage(1)
    resid2 = w2 - mod2

    rgb = wise_rgb(mod1, mod2)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-model' + suffix)

    rgb = resid_rgb(resid1, resid2)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-resid' + suffix)

    rgb = resid_rgb(resid1*mask, resid2*mask)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.title('Residuals (masked)')
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-residmasked' + suffix)

    # fitsio.write('resid1.fits', resid1, clobber=True)
    # fitsio.write('resid2.fits', resid2, clobber=True)

    # Compute median-smoothed residuals
    fr1 = np.zeros_like(resid1)
    fr2 = np.zeros_like(resid2)
    median_smooth(resid1, np.logical_not(mask), 25, fr1)
    median_smooth(resid2, np.logical_not(mask), 25, fr2)

    rgb = resid_rgb(fr1, fr2)
    plt.imshow(rgb, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    lbticks(wcs, xlo,ylo)
    plt.title('Residuals (smoothed)')
    plt.savefig('xbulge-fit-smooth2' + suffix)
Example #42
def main(outfn='ccds-annotated.fits', ccds=None):
    decals = Decals()
    if ccds is None:
        ccds = decals.get_ccds()

    # File from the "observing" svn repo:
    # https://desi.lbl.gov/svn/decam/code/observing/trunk
    tiles = fits_table('decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')

    #ccds.cut(np.array([name in ['N15', 'N16', 'N21', 'N9']
    #                   for name in ccds.ccdname]) *
    #                   ccds.expnum == 229683)

    I = decals.photometric_ccds(ccds)
    ccds.photometric = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.photometric[I] = True

    I = decals.apply_blacklist(ccds)
    ccds.blacklist_ok = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.blacklist_ok[I] = True

    ccds.good_region = np.empty((len(ccds), 4), np.int16)
    ccds.good_region[:,:] = -1

    ccds.ra0  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra1  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra2  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra3  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.dra  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ddec = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ra_center  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.sig1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.meansky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.stdsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.maxsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.minsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.pixscale_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_max  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_min  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.psfnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psfnorm_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    gaussgalnorm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    # 2nd moments
    ccds.psf_mx2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_my2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_mxy = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_a = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_b = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_theta = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_ell   = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.humidity = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.outtemp  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.tileid   = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int32)
    ccds.tilepass = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.uint8)
    ccds.tileebv  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    plvers = []

    for iccd,ccd in enumerate(ccds):
        im = decals.get_image_object(ccd)
        print('Reading CCD %i of %i:' % (iccd+1, len(ccds)), im)

        X = im.get_good_image_subregion()
        for i,x in enumerate(X):
            if x is not None:
                ccds.good_region[iccd,i] = x

        W,H = ccd.width, ccd.height

        psf = None
        wcs = None
        sky = None
            tim = im.get_tractor_image(pixPsf=True, splinesky=True,
                                       subsky=False, pixels=False)
            import traceback

        if tim is None:

        psf = tim.psf
        wcs = tim.wcs.wcs
        sky = tim.sky
        hdr = tim.primhdr

        # print('Got PSF', psf)
        # print('Got sky', type(sky))
        # print('Got WCS', wcs)

        ccds.humidity[iccd] = hdr.get('HUMIDITY')
        ccds.outtemp[iccd]  = hdr.get('OUTTEMP')

        ccds.sig1[iccd] = tim.sig1

        obj = hdr.get('OBJECT')
        # parse 'DECaLS_15150_r'
        words = obj.split('_')
        tile = None
        if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == 'DECaLS':
                tileid = int(words[1])
                tile = tiles[tileid - 1]
                if tile.tileid != tileid:
                    I = np.flatnonzero(tile.tileid == tileid)
                    tile = tiles[I[0]]

        if tile is not None:
            ccds.tileid  [iccd] = tile.tileid
            ccds.tilepass[iccd] = tile.get('pass')
            ccds.tileebv [iccd] = tile.ebv_med

        # Instantiate PSF on a grid
        S = 32
        xx = np.linspace(1+S, W-S, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1+S, H-S, 5)
        xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        psfnorms = []
        galnorms = []
        for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            p = im.psf_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
            g = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
        ccds.psfnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(psfnorms)
        ccds.psfnorm_std [iccd] = np.std (psfnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(galnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_std [iccd] = np.std (galnorms)

        # PSF in center of field
        cx,cy = (W+1)/2., (H+1)/2.
        p = psf.getPointSourcePatch(cx, cy).patch
        ph,pw = p.shape
        px,py = np.meshgrid(np.arange(pw), np.arange(ph))
        psum = np.sum(p)
        # print('psum', psum)
        p /= psum
        # centroids
        cenx = np.sum(p * px)
        ceny = np.sum(p * py)
        # print('cenx,ceny', cenx,ceny)
        # second moments
        x2 = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)**2)
        y2 = np.sum(p * (py - ceny)**2)
        xy = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)*(py - ceny))
        # semi-major/minor axes and position angle
        theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(2 * xy, x2 - y2) / 2.)
        theta = np.abs(theta) * np.sign(xy)
        s = np.sqrt(((x2 - y2)/2.)**2 + xy**2)
        a = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. + s)
        b = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. - s)
        ell = 1. - b/a

        # print('PSF second moments', x2, y2, xy)
        # print('PSF position angle', theta)
        # print('PSF semi-axes', a, b)
        # print('PSF ellipticity', ell)

        ccds.psf_mx2[iccd] = x2
        ccds.psf_my2[iccd] = y2
        ccds.psf_mxy[iccd] = xy
        ccds.psf_a[iccd] = a
        ccds.psf_b[iccd] = b
        ccds.psf_theta[iccd] = theta
        ccds.psf_ell  [iccd] = ell

        # Galaxy norm using Gaussian approximation of PSF.
        realpsf = tim.psf
        tim.psf = im.read_psf_model(0, 0, gaussPsf=True,
        gaussgalnorm[iccd] = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=cx, y=cy)
        tim.psf = realpsf
        # Sky
        mod = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.float32)
        ccds.meansky[iccd] = np.mean(mod)
        ccds.stdsky[iccd]  = np.std(mod)
        ccds.maxsky[iccd]  = mod.max()
        ccds.minsky[iccd]  = mod.min()

        # WCS
        ccds.ra0[iccd],ccds.dec0[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
        ccds.ra1[iccd],ccds.dec1[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, H)
        ccds.ra2[iccd],ccds.dec2[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H)
        ccds.ra3[iccd],ccds.dec3[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, 1)

        midx, midy = (W+1)/2., (H+1)/2.
        rc,dc  = wcs.pixelxy2radec(midx, midy)
        ra,dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec([1,W,midx,midx], [midy,midy,1,H])
        ccds.dra [iccd] = max(degrees_between(ra, dc+np.zeros_like(ra),
                                              rc, dc))
        ccds.ddec[iccd] = max(degrees_between(rc+np.zeros_like(dec), dec,
                                              rc, dc))
        ccds.ra_center [iccd] = rc
        ccds.dec_center[iccd] = dc

        # Compute scale change across the chip
        # how many pixels to step
        step = 10
        xx = np.linspace(1+step, W-step, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1+step, H-step, 5)
        xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        pixscale = []
        for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            sx = [x-step, x-step, x+step, x+step, x-step]
            sy = [y-step, y+step, y+step, y-step, y-step]
            sr,sd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(sx, sy)
            rc,dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            # project around a tiny little TAN WCS at (x,y), with 1" pixels
            locwcs = Tan(rc, dc, 0., 0., 1./3600, 0., 0., 1./3600, 1., 1.)
            ok,lx,ly = locwcs.radec2pixelxy(sr, sd)
            #print('local x,y:', lx, ly)
            A = polygon_area((lx, ly))
            pixscale.append(np.sqrt(A / (2*step)**2))
        # print('Pixel scales:', pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_mean[iccd] = np.mean(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_min[iccd] = min(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_max[iccd] = max(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_std[iccd] = np.std(pixscale)

    ccds.plver = np.array(plvers)

    sfd = tractor.sfd.SFDMap()
    allbands = 'ugrizY'
    filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands]
    wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4']
    ebv,ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, ccds.ra_center,
                             ccds.dec_center, get_ebv=True)
    ext = ext.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.decam_extinction = ext[:,:len(allbands)]
    ccds.wise_extinction = ext[:,len(allbands):]

    # Depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.psfnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.psfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Depth using Gaussian FWHM.
    psf_sigma = ccds.fwhm / 2.35
    gnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma)
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gausspsfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Gaussian galaxy depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gaussgalnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gaussgaldepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

Example #43
def main():
    ps = PlotSequence('cov')

    survey = LegacySurveyData()

    ra, dec = 242.0, 10.2

    fn = 'coverage-ccds.fits'
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        ccds = survey.get_ccds()
        ccds.cut(ccds.filter == 'r')
        ccds.cut(ccds.propid == '2014B-0404')
        ccds.cut(np.hypot(ccds.ra_bore - ra, ccds.dec_bore - dec) < 2.5)
        print(np.unique(ccds.expnum), 'unique exposures')
        print('propids', np.unique(ccds.propid))
        ccds = fits_table(fn)

    for e in np.unique(ccds.expnum):
        I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum == e)
        plt.plot(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], '.')

    degw = 3.0
    pixscale = 10.

    W = degw * 3600 / 10.
    H = W

    hi = 6
    cmap = cmap_discretize('jet', hi + 1)

    wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale / 3600., 0., 0.,
              pixscale / 3600., float(W), float(H))

    r0, d0 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
    r1, d1 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H)
    extent = [min(r0, r1), max(r0, r1), min(d0, d1), max(d0, d1)]

    for expnums in [
        [348666, 348710, 348686],
        [348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668],
            348683, 348687, 347333, 348686, 348685, 348692, 348694, 348659,
            348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668, 348707, 348709,
            348708, 348710, 348711, 348716, 348717

        nexp = np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8)

        for ccd in ccds:
            if expnums is not None and not ccd.expnum in expnums:

            ccdwcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd)
            r, d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
            ok, x0, y0 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d)
            r, d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(ccd.width, ccd.height)
            ok, x1, y1 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d)
            xlo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(x0, x1))) - 1, 0, W - 1)
            xhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(x0, x1))) - 1, 0, W - 1)
            ylo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(y0, y1))) - 1, 0, H - 1)
            yhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(y0, y1))) - 1, 0, H - 1)
            nexp[ylo:yhi + 1, xlo:xhi + 1] += 1

                   vmax=hi + 0.5,
        plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi + 1))

    O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')
    O.cut(np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) < 2.5)

    for p in [1, 2, 3]:
        print('Pass', p, 'exposures:', O.r_expnum[O.get('pass') == p])

    O.cut(O.get('pass') == 2)
    print(len(O), 'pass 2 nearby')

    d = np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec)
    print('Dists:', d)

    I = np.flatnonzero(d < 0.5)
    assert (len(I) == 1)
    ocenter = O[I[0]]
    print('Center expnum', ocenter.r_expnum)

    I = np.flatnonzero(d >= 0.5)

    #center = ccds[ccds.expnum == ocenter.r_expnum]
    #p2 = ccds[ccds.

    ok, xc, yc = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ocenter.ra, ocenter.dec)

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W) + 1, np.arange(H) + 1)
    c_d2 = (xc - xx)**2 + (yc - yy)**2

    best = np.ones((H, W), bool)

    for o in O:
        ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(o.ra, o.dec)
        d2 = (x - xx)**2 + (y - yy)**2
        best[d2 < c_d2] = False
        del d2

    del c_d2, xx, yy

    # plt.clf()
    # plt.imshow(best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray',
    #            vmin=0, vmax=1)
    # ps.savefig()

    plt.imshow(nexp * best,
               vmax=hi + 0.5,
    plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(hi + 1))

    n, b, p = plt.hist(np.clip(nexp[best], 0, hi),
                       range=(-0.5, hi + 0.5),
                       bins=hi + 1)
    plt.xlim(-0.5, hi + 0.5)

    print('b', b)
    print('n', n)
    print('fracs', np.array(n) / np.sum(n))

          ', '.join(['%.1f' % f for f in 100. * np.array(n) / np.sum(n)]))
Example #44
def _simplewcs(gal):
    '''Build a simple WCS object for a single galaxy.'''
    diam = np.ceil(gal['RADIUS'] / PIXSCALE).astype('int16')  # [pixels]
    galwcs = Tan(gal['RA'], gal['DEC'], diam / 2 + 0.5, diam / 2 + 0.5,
                 -PIXSCALE, 0.0, PIXSCALE, 0.0, float(diam), float(diam))
    return galwcs
Example #45
def cutout_fits(req):
    import tempfile
    import fitsio
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan

    form = CutoutSearchForm(req.GET)
    if not form.is_valid():
        return HttpResponse('failed to parse request')
    ra = form.cleaned_data['ra']
    dec = form.cleaned_data['dec']
    if ra is None or dec is None:
        return HttpResponse('RA and Dec arguments are required')
    size = form.cleaned_data['size']
    if size is None:
        size = 100
        size = min(256, size)
    bandstr = form.cleaned_data['bands']
    bands = [int(c) for c in bandstr]
    bands = [b for b in bands if b in [1,2,3,4]]

    version = form.cleaned_data['version']

    if version == 'neo1':
        bands = [b for b in bands if b in [1,2]]

    radius = size/2. * 2.75/3600.
    tiles = unwise_tiles_near_radec(ra, dec, radius)
    tiles = list(tiles)

    # Create a temp dir in which to place cutouts
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    fns = []

    filetypes = []
    types = ['img_m', 'invvar_m', 'n_m', 'std_m']
    for t in types:
        if form.cleaned_data['file_' + t]:
    # If none specified, include all filetypes.
    if len(filetypes) == 0:
        filetypes = types
    for tile in tiles:
        coadd = tile.coadd
        dirnm = os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, version, coadd[:3], coadd)
        base = os.path.join(dirnm, 'unwise-%s' % coadd)
        w1fn = str(base + '-w1-img-m.fits')
        wcs = Tan(w1fn, 0)
        ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
        x = int(round(x-1.))
        y = int(round(y-1.))
        x0 = x - size/2
        x1 = x0 + size
        y0 = y - size/2
        y1 = y0 + size
        if x1 <= 0 or y1 <= 0:
        if x0 >= wcs.get_width() or y0 >= wcs.get_height():
        x0 = max(x0, 0)
        y0 = max(y0, 0)
        x1 = min(x1, wcs.get_width())
        y1 = min(y1, wcs.get_height())

        hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
        subwcs = wcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)

        for band in bands:
            for ft in filetypes:
                pat = { 'img_m':    '-w%i-img-m.fits',
                        'invvar_m': '-w%i-invvar-m.fits.gz',
                        'n_m':      '-w%i-n-m.fits.gz',
                        'std_m':    '-w%i-std-m.fits.gz' }[ft]
                fn = str(base + pat % band)
                img = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0][y0:y1, x0:x1]
                basefn = os.path.basename(fn)
                outfn = os.path.join(tempdir, basefn)
                fitsio.write(outfn, img, header=hdr)

    fns.extend([';', 'rm', '-R', tempdir])

    return tar_files(req, fns, 'cutouts-fits_%.4f_%.4f.tar.gz' % (ra, dec),
Example #46
    def _computeTransformation(self, img, ylo=0, yhi=-1):
        Pre-compute the "grid-spread function" transformation matrix
        for this parameter grid to the given image pixels.

        The result is a home-brewed sparse matrix representation: a
        dictionary mapping from model grid pixel indices (integers) to
        the tuple (I, G, nz, NZI), where:

        I: numpy index array (integers) in the image
        G: grid weights for those pixels
        nz = ((x0,y0), (h,w)): the subimage with non-zero weights
        NZI: numpy index array (integers) within the "nz" subimage
        imwcs = img.getWcs()
        H,W = self.shape
        if yhi == -1:
            yhi = H
        Ngrid = W*H
        iH,iW = img.shape
        Nim = iW*iH
        Lorder = 2
        S = (Lorder * 2 + 3)

        if False:
            i0 = S/2
            print('Image', img.name)
            print('Image PSF', img.getPsf())
            psfw = img.getPsf().getRadius()
            scale = img.getWcs().pixel_scale() / self.wcs.pixel_scale()
            print('Image pixel scale', img.getWcs().pixel_scale())
            print('Model pixel scale', self.wcs.pixel_scale())
            print('PSF extent', psfw, 'pixels')
            print('pixel scale factor', scale)
            print('->', psfw * scale, 'model pixels')
            print('Increasing S from', S)
            S += int(np.ceil(psfw*scale)) * 2
            print('to', S)
            i0 = S/2

        cmock = np.zeros((S,S), np.float32)
        cmock[i0,i0] = 1.

        if True:
            spsf = img.getPsf().scale(scale)
            print('Scaled PSF', spsf)
            cmock = spsf.applyTo(cmock)
            #print 'cmock'
            #print cmock

        cwcs = Tan(self.wcs)
        cwcs.set_imagesize(S, S)
        cx0,cy0 = self.wcs.crpix[0], self.wcs.crpix[1]
        rim = np.zeros((iH,iW), np.float32)

        X = {}
        for i in range(ylo, yhi):
            print('Precomputing matrix for image', img.name, 'model row', i)
            for j in range(W):
                #print 'Precomputing matrix for grid pixel', j,i
                cwcs.set_crpix(cx0 - j + i0, cy0 - i + i0)
                rim[:,:] = 0
                weighted = 1
                res = tan_wcs_resample(cwcs, imwcs.wcs, cmock, rim,
                                       weighted, Lorder)
                assert(res == 0)

                if False:
                    outimg = img.getPsf().applyTo(rim).ravel()
                    outimg = rim.ravel()

                I = np.flatnonzero((outimg > 0) *
                                   (img.getInvError().ravel() > 0))

                if len(I) == 0:

                #if True:
                #   sumr.ravel()[I] += outimg[I]

                xx,yy = (I % iW), (I / iW)
                x0,y0 = xx.min(), yy.min()
                nzh,nzw = 1 + yy.max() - y0, 1 + xx.max() - x0
                NZ = ((x0, y0), (nzh, nzw))
                NZI = (xx - x0) + (yy - y0) * nzw

                X[i*W+j] = (I, outimg[I], NZ, NZI)

        # if True:
        #   print 'sumr range', sumr.min(), sumr.max()
        #   sumr[sumr == 0] = 1.
        #   mn,mx = 0.,0.
        #   for (I, outim, NZ, NZI) in X.values():
        #       outim /= sumr.ravel()[I]
        #       mx = max(outim.max(), mx)
        #       mn = max(outim.min(), mn)
        #   print 'Min,Max grid-spread function:', mn,mx

        return X
Example #47
from legacypipe.survey import GaiaSource, GaiaPosition
from astrometry.util.util import Tan
from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import mjdtodate
from tractor import TAITime

#ra,dec = 357.3060, 2.3957
#ccd1 = ccds[(ccds.expnum == 563212) * (ccds.ccdname == 'N17')]
ra, dec = 124.0317, 1.3028
expnum, ccdname = 393203, 'N11'

survey = LegacySurveyData()

W, H = 200, 200
pixscale = 0.262
cd = pixscale / 3600.
targetwcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2., H / 2., -cd, 0., 0., cd, float(W), float(H))

rr, dd = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec([1, W, W, 1, 1], [1, 1, H, H, 1])
targetrd = np.vstack((rr, dd)).T

ccds = survey.ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs)
print(len(ccds), 'CCDs touching WCS')

print('MJDs', ccds.mjd_obs)

ccd1 = ccds[(ccds.expnum == expnum) * (ccds.ccdname == ccdname)]
print('CCD1:', ccd1)
im1 = survey.get_image_object(ccd1[0])
print('Im:', im1)
TT = []
for b in bricks[I]:
    fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname)
    print('Reading', fn)
    T = fits_table(fn)
    print('Read', len(T))
    T.cut((T.ra >= ralo) * (T.ra <= rahi) * (T.dec >= declo) * (T.dec <= dechi))
    print(len(T), 'survive cut')
    if len(T) == 0:
T = TT = merge_tables(TT)

pixscale = dra / 1000.
W,H = int(np.ceil(2.*dra / pixscale)), int(np.ceil(2.*ddec / pixscale))
wcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W+1.)/2., (H+1.)/2., -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H))
print('WCS radec bounds:', wcs.radec_bounds())

idmap = dict([((b,oid),i) for i,(b,oid) in enumerate(zip(T.brickname, T.objid))])
bands = 'grz'
lightcurves = dict([(b, [[] for i in range(len(T))]) for b in bands])

#ccds = survey.get_ccds_readonly()
#I = np.flatnonzero((ccds.ra1  <= rahi ) * (ccds.ra2  >= ralo) *
#                   (ccds.dec1 <= dechi) * (ccds.dec2 >= declo))
ccds = survey.ccds_touching_wcs(wcs)
print(len(ccds), 'ccds overlap ROI')

I = survey.photometric_ccds(ccds)
print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'CCDs that are photometric')
Example #49
	def run(self):
		tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
		tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([
			pyfits.Column(name='X', format='E', array=self.sources_list[:, 1]),
			pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='E', array=self.sources_list[:, 0]),
			pyfits.Column(name='FLUX', format='E', array=self.sources_list[:, 2])
		prihdr = pyfits.Header()
		prihdr['IMAGEW'] = self.field_w
		prihdr['IMAGEH'] = self.field_h
		prihdr['ANRUN'] = True
		prihdr['ANVERUNI'] = True
		prihdr['ANVERDUP'] = False
		prihdr['ANCRPIXC'] = True
		prihdr['ANTWEAK'] = False
		prihdr['ANTWEAKO'] = 0
		prihdr['ANSOLVED'] = tmp_dir + '/field.solved'
		#prihdr['ANMATCH'] = tmp_dir + '/field.match'
		prihdr['ANRDLS'] = tmp_dir + '/field.rdls'
		prihdr['ANWCS'] = tmp_dir + '/field.wcs'
		if self.field_corr is not None:
			prihdr['ANCORR'] = tmp_dir + '/field.corr'
		prihdr['ANCANCEL'] = tmp_dir + '/field.solved'
		prihdr['ANPOSERR'] = self.field_w / 400.0
		if self.ra is not None:
			prihdr['ANERA'] = self.ra
			prihdr['ANEDEC'] = self.dec
			if self.radius is not None and self.radius > 0:
				prihdr['ANERAD'] = self.radius
		prihdr['ANDPL1'] = 1
		prihdr['ANDPU1'] = 20
		if self.field_deg is not None:
			prihdr['ANAPPL1'] = self.field_deg * 0.95 * 3600 / self.field_w
			prihdr['ANAPPU1'] = self.field_deg * 1.05 * 3600 / self.field_w
		if self.radius is not None and self.radius > 0 and self.radius < 5:
			prihdr['ANODDSSL'] = 1e6
			prihdr['ANODDSSL'] = 1e8
		prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr)
		thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu])
		thdulist.writeto(tmp_dir + '/field.axy', clobber=True)
		if self.radius is not None and self.radius > 0 and self.radius < 5:
			conf_list = ['conf-all']
			conf_list = ['conf-41', 'conf-42-1', 'conf-42-2' ]
		self.cancel_file = tmp_dir + '/field.solved'
		solved = None
		global engines
		for conf in conf_list:
			engine = engines.get(conf)
			engine.solve(tmp_dir + '/field.axy')
		while True:
			running = False
			for engine in self.engines:
				if not engine.check():
					running = True
			if not running:
		if os.path.exists(tmp_dir + '/field.wcs'):
			solved = tmp_dir + '/field'

		self.cancel_file = None

		if solved is None or not os.path.exists(solved + ".wcs"):
			self.ra = None
			self.dec = None
			self.field_deg = None
		self.wcs = Tan(solved + ".wcs", 0)
		self.ra, self.dec = self.wcs.radec_center()
		self.field_deg = self.field_w * self.wcs.pixel_scale() / 3600
		ind = pyfits.open(solved + '.rdls')
		tbdata = ind[1].data
		self.ind_sources = []
		self.ind_radec = []
		for l in tbdata:
			ok, x, y = self.wcs.radec2pixelxy(l['ra'], l['dec'])
			x = np.clip(int(x), 0, self.field_w - 1)
			y = np.clip(int(y), 0, self.field_h - 1)
			self.ind_radec.append((l['ra'], l['dec']))
		if self.field_corr is not None:
			corr = pyfits.open(solved + '.corr')
			for l in corr[1].data:
				self.field_corr.append((l['field_x'], l['field_y'], l['index_x'], l['field_y']))
		self.solved = True
Example #50
    # plt.plot(x, L2, 'b-')
    # plt.savefig('l1.png')

    x = np.linspace(-3.5, 4.5, 8192).astype(np.float32)
    L1 = np.zeros_like(x)
    L2 = np.zeros_like(x)
    lanczos3_filter(x, L1)
    lanczos3_filter_table(x, L2, 1)
    print 'L2 - L1 RMS:', np.sqrt(np.mean((L2-L1)**2))
    if True:
        ra,dec = 0.,0.,
        pixscale = 1e-3
        W,H = 10,1

        cowcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W+1)/2., (H+1)/2.,
                    -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, W, H)
        dx,dy = 0.25, 0.
        wcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W+1)/2. + dx, (H+1)/2. + dy,
                  -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, W, H)

        pix = np.zeros((H,W), np.float32)
        pix[0,W/2] = 1.
        Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi,(cpix,) = resample_with_wcs(cowcs, wcs, [pix], 3)
        print 'C', cpix
        Yo2,Xo2,Yi2,Xi2,(pypix,) = resample_with_wcs(cowcs, wcs, [pix], 3, cinterp=False, table=False)
        print 'Py', pypix

        print 'RMS', np.sqrt(np.mean((cpix - pypix)**2))
Example #51
def wise_cutouts(ra, dec, radius, ps, pixscale=2.75, tractor_base=".", unwise_dir="unwise-coadds"):
    radius in arcsec.
    pixscale: WISE pixel scale in arcsec/pixel;
        make this smaller than 2.75 to oversample.

    npix = int(np.ceil(radius / pixscale))
    print("Image size:", npix)
    W = H = npix
    pix = pixscale / 3600.0
    wcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W + 1) / 2.0, (H + 1) / 2.0, -pix, 0.0, 0.0, pix, float(W), float(H))
    # Find DECaLS bricks overlapping
    decals = Decals()
    B = bricks_touching_wcs(wcs, decals=decals)
    print("Found", len(B), "bricks overlapping")

    TT = []
    for b in B.brickname:
        fn = os.path.join(tractor_base, "tractor", b[:3], "tractor-%s.fits" % b)
        T = fits_table(fn)
        print("Read", len(T), "from", b)
        primhdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
    T = merge_tables(TT)
    print("Total of", len(T), "sources")
    print(len(T), "primary")
    margin = 20
    ok, xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec)
    I = np.flatnonzero((xx > -margin) * (yy > -margin) * (xx < W + margin) * (yy < H + margin))
    print(len(T), "within ROI")

    # Pull out DECaLS coadds (image, model, resid).
    dwcs = wcs.scale(2.0 * pixscale / 0.262)
    dh, dw = dwcs.shape
    print("DECaLS resampled shape:", dh, dw)
    tags = ["image", "model", "resid"]
    coimgs = [np.zeros((dh, dw, 3), np.uint8) for t in tags]

    for b in B.brickname:
        fn = os.path.join(tractor_base, "coadd", b[:3], b, "decals-%s-image-r.fits" % b)
        bwcs = Tan(fn)
            Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(dwcs, bwcs)
        except ResampleError:
        if len(Yo) == 0:
        print("Resampling", len(Yo), "pixels from", b)
        xl, xh, yl, yh = Xi.min(), Xi.max(), Yi.min(), Yi.max()
            "python legacypipe/runbrick.py -b %s --zoom %i %i %i %i --outdir cluster --pixpsf --splinesky --pipe --no-early-coadds"
            % (b, xl - 5, xh + 5, yl - 5, yh + 5)
            + " -P 'pickles/cluster-%(brick)s-%%(stage)s.pickle'"
        for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
            fn = os.path.join(tractor_base, "coadd", b[:3], b, "decals-%s-%s.jpg" % (b, tag))
            img = plt.imread(fn)
            img = np.flipud(img)
            coimgs[i][Yo, Xo, :] = img[Yi, Xi, :]

    tt = dict(image="Image", model="Model", resid="Resid")
    for img, tag in zip(coimgs, tags):
        dimshow(img, ticks=False)
        plt.title("DECaLS grz %s" % tt[tag])

    # Find unWISE tiles overlapping
    tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(wcs)
    print("Cut to", len(tiles), "unWISE tiles")

    # Here we assume the targetwcs is axis-aligned and that the
    # edge midpoints yield the RA,Dec limits (true for TAN).
    r, d = wcs.pixelxy2radec(np.array([1, W, W / 2, W / 2]), np.array([H / 2, H / 2, 1, H]))
    # the way the roiradec box is used, the min/max order doesn't matter
    roiradec = [r[0], r[1], d[2], d[3]]

    ra, dec = T.ra, T.dec

    T.shapeexp = np.vstack((T.shapeexp_r, T.shapeexp_e1, T.shapeexp_e2)).T
    T.shapedev = np.vstack((T.shapedev_r, T.shapedev_e1, T.shapedev_e2)).T
    srcs = read_fits_catalog(T, ellipseClass=EllipseE)

    wbands = [1, 2]
    wanyband = "w"

    for band in wbands:
        T.wise_flux[:, band - 1] *= 10.0 ** (primhdr["WISEAB%i" % band] / 2.5)

    coimgs = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands]
    comods = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands]
    con = [np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8) for b in wbands]

    for iband, band in enumerate(wbands):
        print("Photometering WISE band", band)
        wband = "w%i" % band

        for i, src in enumerate(srcs):
            # print('Source', src, 'brightness', src.getBrightness(), 'params', src.getBrightness().getParams())
            # src.getBrightness().setParams([T.wise_flux[i, band-1]])
            src.setBrightness(NanoMaggies(**{wanyband: T.wise_flux[i, band - 1]}))
            # print('Set source brightness:', src.getBrightness())

        # The tiles have some overlap, so for each source, keep the
        # fit in the tile whose center is closest to the source.
        for tile in tiles:
            print("Reading tile", tile.coadd_id)

            tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradec)
            if tim is None:
                print("Actually, no overlap with tile", tile.coadd_id)
            print("Read image with shape", tim.shape)

            # Select sources in play.
            wisewcs = tim.wcs.wcs
            H, W = tim.shape
            ok, x, y = wisewcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
            x = (x - 1.0).astype(np.float32)
            y = (y - 1.0).astype(np.float32)
            margin = 10.0
            I = np.flatnonzero((x >= -margin) * (x < W + margin) * (y >= -margin) * (y < H + margin))
            print(len(I), "within the image + margin")

            subcat = [srcs[i] for i in I]
            tractor = Tractor([tim], subcat)
            mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)

            # plt.clf()
            # dimshow(tim.getImage(), ticks=False)
            # plt.title('WISE %s %s' % (tile.coadd_id, wband))
            # ps.savefig()

            # plt.clf()
            # dimshow(mod, ticks=False)
            # plt.title('WISE %s %s' % (tile.coadd_id, wband))
            # ps.savefig()

                Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(wcs, tim.wcs.wcs)
            except ResampleError:
            if len(Yo) == 0:
            print("Resampling", len(Yo), "pixels from WISE", tile.coadd_id, band)

            coimgs[iband][Yo, Xo] += tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi]
            comods[iband][Yo, Xo] += mod[Yi, Xi]
            con[iband][Yo, Xo] += 1

    for img, mod, n in zip(coimgs, comods, con):
        img /= np.maximum(n, 1)
        mod /= np.maximum(n, 1)

    for band, img, mod in zip(wbands, coimgs, comods):
        lo, hi = np.percentile(img, [25, 99])
        dimshow(img, vmin=lo, vmax=hi, ticks=False)
        plt.title("WISE W%i Data" % band)

        dimshow(mod, vmin=lo, vmax=hi, ticks=False)
        plt.title("WISE W%i Model" % band)

        resid = img - mod
        mx = np.abs(resid).max()
        dimshow(resid, vmin=-mx, vmax=mx, ticks=False)
        plt.title("WISE W%i Resid" % band)

    # kwa = dict(mn=-0.1, mx=2., arcsinh = 1.)
    kwa = dict(mn=-0.1, mx=2.0, arcsinh=None)
    rgb = _unwise_to_rgb(coimgs, **kwa)
    dimshow(rgb, ticks=False)
    plt.title("WISE W1/W2 Data")

    rgb = _unwise_to_rgb(comods, **kwa)
    dimshow(rgb, ticks=False)
    plt.title("WISE W1/W2 Model")

    kwa = dict(mn=-1, mx=1, arcsinh=None)
    rgb = _unwise_to_rgb([img - mod for img, mod in zip(coimgs, comods)], **kwa)
    dimshow(rgb, ticks=False)
    plt.title("WISE W1/W2 Resid")
Example #52
def get_unwise_tractor_image(basedir,
    masked: read "-m" images, or "-u"?

    bandname: PhotoCal band name to use: default: "w%i" % band

    if bandname is None:
        bandname = 'w%i' % band

    mu = 'm' if masked else 'u'

    thisdir = get_unwise_tile_dir(basedir, tile)
    base = os.path.join(thisdir, 'unwise-%s-w%i-' % (tile, band))

    imfn = base + 'img-%s.fits' % mu
    ivfn = base + 'invvar-%s.fits.gz' % mu
    #ppfn = base + 'std-%s.fits.gz'    % mu
    nifn = base + 'n-%s.fits.gz' % mu

    print 'Reading', imfn
    wcs = Tan(imfn)
    twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)

    img = fitsio.FITS(imfn)[0]
    H, W = img.get_info()['dims']
    H, W = int(H), int(W)

    roi, nil = interpret_roi(twcs, (H, W), **kwargs)
    if roi is None:
        # No overlap with ROI
        return None

    (x0, x1, y0, y1) = roi
    twcs.setX0Y0(x0, y0)
    roislice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1))

    img = img[roislice]
    print 'Reading', ivfn
    invvar = fitsio.FITS(ivfn)[0][roislice]
    #print 'Reading', ppfn
    #pp = fitsio.FITS(ppfn)[0][roislice]
    print 'Reading', nifn
    nims = fitsio.FITS(nifn)[0][roislice]
    #print 'Median # ims:', np.median(nims)
    good = (nims > 0)
    invvar[np.logical_not(good)] = 0.
    sig1 = 1. / np.sqrt(np.median(invvar[good]))

    # Load the average PSF model (generated by wise_psf.py)
    psffn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'wise-psf-avg.fits')
    print 'Reading', psffn
    P = fits_table(psffn, hdu=band)
    psf = GaussianMixturePSF(P.amp, P.mean, P.var)

    sky = 0.
    tsky = ConstantSky(sky)

    # if opt.errfrac > 0:
    #     nz = (iv > 0)
    #     iv2 = np.zeros_like(invvar)
    #     iv2[nz] = 1./(1./invvar[nz] + (img[nz] * opt.errfrac)**2)
    #     print 'Increasing error estimate by', opt.errfrac, 'of image flux'
    #     invvar = iv2

    tim = Image(data=img,
                photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band=bandname),
                name='unWISE %s W%i' % (tile, band),
    tim.sig1 = sig1
    tim.roi = roi
    tim.nims = nims
    return tim
Example #53
def create_tractor(opt):
	Brittle function to read Groves data sample and make the
	things we need for fitting.
	# issues:
	- Need to read the WCS too.
	- Need, for each image, to construct the rectangular
	nearest-neighbor interpolation indices to image 0.
	- Can I just blow up the SPIRE images with interpolation?
	dataList = [
		('m31_brick15_PACS100.fits',   7.23,  7.7),
		('m31_brick15_PACS160.fits',   3.71, 12.0),
		('m31_brick15_SPIRE250.fits',  None, 18.0),
		('m31_brick15_SPIRE350.fits',  None, 25.0),
		('m31_brick15_SPIRE500.fits',  None, 37.0),

	# From Groves via Rix:
	# PSF FWHMs: 6.97, 11.01, 18.01, 24.73, 35.98

	# Within the region Ive selected I found temperatures between 15
	# and 21 K, averaging 17 K, and Beta= 1.5 to 2.5 (with a larger
	# uncertainty), averaging around 2.0.

	if opt.no100:
		dataList = dataList[1:]

	print 'Reading images...'
	tims = []
	for i, (fn, noise, fwhm) in enumerate(dataList):
		print 'Reading', fn
		P = pyfits.open(fn)
		image = P[0].data.astype(np.float32)
		#wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
		H,W = image.shape
		hdr = P[0].header
		wcs = Tan(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'],
				  hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2'],
				  hdr['CDELT1'], 0., 0., hdr['CDELT2'], W, H)
		assert(hdr['CROTA2'] == 0.)
		if noise is None:
			noise = float(hdr['NOISE'])
		print 'Noise', noise
		print 'Median image value', np.median(image)
		invvar = np.ones_like(image) / (noise**2)

		skyval = np.percentile(image, 5)
		sky = ConstantSky(skyval)

		lam = float(hdr['FILTER'])
		print 'Lambda', lam
		# calibrated, yo
		assert(hdr['BUNIT'] == 'MJy/Sr')
		# "Filter" is in *microns* in the headers; convert to *m* here, to match "lam0"
		pcal = DustPhotoCal(lam * 1e-6, wcs.pixel_scale())
		#nm = '%s %i' % (hdr['INSTRUME'], lam)
		nm = fn.replace('.fits', '')
		#zr = noise * np.array([-3, 10]) + skyval
		zr = np.array([np.percentile(image.ravel(), p) for p in [1, 99]])
		print 'Pixel scale:', wcs.pixel_scale()
		# meh
		sigma = fwhm / wcs.pixel_scale() / 2.35
		print 'PSF sigma', sigma, 'pixels'
		psf = NCircularGaussianPSF([sigma], [1.])
		twcs = FitsWcs(wcs)
		tim = Image(data=image, invvar=invvar, psf=psf, wcs=twcs,
					sky=sky, photocal=pcal, name=nm)
		tim.zr = zr

		# plt.clf()
		# plt.hist(image.ravel(), 100)
		# plt.title(nm)
		# plt.savefig('im%i-hist.png' % i)

	radecbounds = []
	for tim in tims:
		H,W = tim.shape
		twcs = tim.getWcs()
		rds = []
		for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,0.5)]:
			rd = twcs.pixelToPosition(x,y)
		rds = np.array(rds)
	rd = np.vstack(radecbounds)
	#print 'rd', rd.shape
	ramin,decmin = rd.min(axis=0)
	ramax,decmax = rd.max(axis=0)

	dr,dd = ramax-ramin, decmax-decmin
	plotrange = (ramin - 0.05*dr, ramax + 0.05*dr, decmin - 0.05*dd, decmax + 0.05*dd)

	for rds,c in zip(radecbounds, ['b','g','y',(1,0.5,0),'r']):
		plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], '-', color=c, lw=2, alpha=0.5)
	plt.savefig('radec1%s.png' % opt.suffix)

	print 'Creating dust sheet...'
	N = opt.gridn

	# Build a WCS for the dust sheet to match the first image
	# (assuming it's square and axis-aligned)
	#wcs = tims[0].getWcs().wcs
	#r,d = wcs.radec_center()
	#H,W = tims[0].shape
	#scale = wcs.pixel_scale()
	#scale *= float(W)/max(1, N-1) / 3600.
	#c = float(N)/2. + 0.5
	#dwcs = Tan(r, d, c, c, scale, 0, 0, scale, N, N)

	# Build an axis-aligned WCS that contains all the images.

	r,d = (ramin + ramax) / 2., (decmin + decmax) / 2.
	# HACK -- ignore pole issues
	scale = max((ramax - ramin) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(d)), decmax - decmin) / float(N)
	scale *= float(N) / float(max(1, N-1))

	scale *= (1. / opt.zoom)

	cpix = float(N)/2. + 0.5
	dwcs = Tan(r, d, cpix, cpix, scale, 0, 0, scale, N, N)

	pixscale = dwcs.pixel_scale()
	logsa = np.log(1e-3)

	H,W = N,N
	logsa = np.zeros((H,W)) + logsa
	logt = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(17.)
	emis = np.zeros((H,W)) + 2.

	ds = DustSheet(logsa, logt, emis, dwcs)

	rds = ds.getRaDecCorners(0.5)
	plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], 'k-', lw=1, alpha=1)
	plt.savefig('radec2%s.png' % opt.suffix)

	# plot grid of sample points.
	rds = []
	H,W = N,N
	for y in range(N):
		for x in range(N):
			r,d = dwcs.pixelxy2radec(x+1, y+1)
	rds = np.array(rds)
	plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], 'k.', lw=1, alpha=0.5)
	plt.savefig('radec3%s.png' % opt.suffix)

	#print 'DustSheet:', ds
	#print 'np', ds.numberOfParams()
	#print 'pn', ds.getParamNames()
	#print 'p', ds.getParams()

	# print 'PriorChi:', ds.getLogPriorChi()
	# ra,ca,va,pb = ds.getLogPriorChi()
	# print 'ra', ra
	# print 'ca', ca
	# print 'va', va
	# print 'pb', pb
	# for ri,ci,vi,bi in zip(ra,ca,va,pb):
	# 	print
	# 	print 'ri', ri
	# 	print 'ci', ci
	# 	print 'vi', vi
	# 	print 'bi', bi

	cat = Catalog()
	tractor = Tractor(Images(*tims), cat)
	return tractor
Example #54
def plotarea(ra, dec, radius, ngcnum, tims=None, rds=[]):
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan

    W, H = 512, 512
    scale = (radius * 60.0 * 4) / float(W)
    print "SDSS jpeg scale", scale
    imgfn = "sdss-mosaic-ngc%04i.png" % ngcnum
    if not os.path.exists(imgfn):
        url = (
            "http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/DR8/ImgCutout/getjpeg.aspx?" + "ra=%f&dec=%f&scale=%f&width=%i&height=%i"
        ) % (ra, dec, scale, W, H)
        f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        of, tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".jpg")
        of = open(tmpfn, "wb")
        cmd = "jpegtopnm %s | pnmtopng > %s" % (tmpfn, imgfn)
    # Create WCS header for it
    cd = scale / 3600.0
    args = (ra, dec, W / 2.0 + 0.5, H / 2.0 + 0.5, -cd, 0.0, 0.0, -cd, W, H)
    wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in args])

    I = plt.imread(imgfn)
    plt.imshow(I, interpolation="nearest", origin="lower")
    x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
    R = radius * 60.0 / scale
    ax = plt.axis()
    plt.gca().add_artist(matplotlib.patches.Circle(xy=(x, y), radius=R, color="g", lw=3, alpha=0.5, fc="none"))
    if tims is not None:
        print "Plotting outlines of", len(tims), "images"
        for tim in tims:
            H, W = tim.shape
            twcs = tim.getWcs()
            px, py = [], []
            for x, y in [(1, 1), (W, 1), (W, H), (1, H), (1, 1)]:
                rd = twcs.pixelToPosition(x, y)
                xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(rd.ra, rd.dec)
                print "x,y", x, y
                x1, y1 = twcs.positionToPixel(rd)
                print "  x1,y1", x1, y1
                print "  r,d", rd.ra, rd.dec,
                print "  xx,yy", xx, yy
            plt.plot(px, py, "g-", lw=3, alpha=0.5)

            # plot full-frame image outline too
            # px,py = [],[]
            # W,H = 2048,1489
            # for x,y in [(1,1),(W,1),(W,H),(1,H),(1,1)]:
            #     r,d = twcs.pixelToRaDec(x,y)
            #     xx,yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r,d)
            #     px.append(xx)
            #     py.append(yy)
            # plt.plot(px, py, 'g-', lw=1, alpha=1.)

    if rds is not None:
        px, py = [], []
        for ra, dec in rds:
            print "ra,dec", ra, dec
            xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec)
        plt.plot(px, py, "go")

    fn = "ngc-%04i.png" % ngcnum
    print "saved", fn
Example #55
def check_priors():

    import logging
    import sys
    lvl = logging.DEBUG
    logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout)

    if True:
        # Check two-pixel priors: smoothness.
        H,W = 1,2
        logsa = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(1e-3)
        logt  = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(17.)
        emis  = np.zeros((H,W)) + 2.
        dwcs = Tan(11.2, 41.9, 1, 1, 1e-3, 0, 0, 1e-3, W, H)

        ds = DustSheet(logsa, logt, emis, dwcs)
        cat = Catalog()
        tractor = Tractor()

        p0 = tractor.getParams()
        print('lnp0', tractor.getLogProb())

        if True:
            # check getLogProb()
            for j,xx in enumerate([
                np.linspace(np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(10.), np.log(20.), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(10.), np.log(20.), 20),
                np.linspace(0., 4., 20),
                np.linspace(0., 4., 20),
                pp = []
                for x in xx:
                    tractor.setParam(j, x)
                    p = tractor.getLogProb()
                tractor.setParam(j, p0[j])
                plt.plot(xx, pp, 'ro-')
            plt.savefig('p%i.png' % (20 + j))

            # set the absolute priors to have little effect and repeat.
            ds.prior_logt_std = np.log(100.)
            ds.prior_emis_std = np.log(100.)
            for j,xx in enumerate([
                np.linspace(np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(10.), np.log(20.), 20),
                np.linspace(np.log(10.), np.log(20.), 20),
                np.linspace(0., 4., 20),
                np.linspace(0., 4., 20),
                pp = []
                for x in xx:
                    tractor.setParam(j, x)
                    p = tractor.getLogProb()
                tractor.setParam(j, p0[j])
                plt.plot(xx, pp, 'ro-')
                plt.savefig('p%i.png' % (30 + j))

            # revert the priors
            ds.prior_logt_std = np.log(1.2)
            ds.prior_emis_std = np.log(0.5)

        # check getLogPriorChi.
        for j,(ip,val) in enumerate([
            (0, np.log(1e-1)),
            (1, np.log(1e-5)),
            (2, np.log(5.)),
            (3, np.log(5.)),
            (2, np.log(30.)),
            (3, np.log(30.)),
            (4, 1.),
            (5, 1.),
            (4, 3.),
            (5, 3.),
            print('Setting', ds.getParamNames()[ip], 'from', p0[ip], 'to', val)

            tractor.setParam(ip, val)
            xx = [val]
            xxall = [tractor.getParams()]
            pp = [tractor.getLogProb()]
            for i in range(10):
            plt.plot(xx, pp, 'ro-')
            plt.axvline(val, color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
            plt.savefig('p%i.png' % (j+40))

            xxall = np.vstack(xxall)
            print('xxall', xxall.shape)
            for i in range(6):
                #plt.plot(xxall[:,i], pp, 'ro-')
                #if i == ip:
                #       plt.axvline(xxall[0,i], color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
                c = 'b'
                if i == ip:
                    c = 'r'
                plt.plot(xxall[:,i], 'o-', color=c)
            plt.savefig('p%i.png' % (j+50))

    if False:
        # Check single-pixel priors: getLogPrior()
        N = 1

        H,W = N,N
        logsa = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(1e-3)
        logt  = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(17.)
        emis  = np.zeros((H,W)) + 2.
        dwcs = Tan(11.2, 41.9, 1, 1, 1e-3, 0, 0, 1e-3, N, N)

        ds = DustSheet(logsa, logt, emis, dwcs)
        cat = Catalog()
        tractor = Tractor()

        p0 = tractor.getParams()
        print('lnp0', tractor.getLogProb())

        # no prior on solid angle
        # N(log(17.), log(1.2)) on T
        # N(2, 0.5) on emis
        for j,xx in enumerate([
            np.linspace(np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1), 20),
            np.linspace(np.log(10.), np.log(20.), 20),
            np.linspace(0., 4., 20),
            pp = []
            for x in xx:
                tractor.setParam(j, x)
                p = tractor.getLogProb()
            tractor.setParam(j, p0[j])
            plt.plot(xx, pp, 'ro-')
            plt.savefig('p%i.png' % j)

        # Check single-pixel priors: getPriorChi()
        for j,(ip,val) in enumerate([
            (0, 1e-2),
            (1, np.log(5.)),
            (1, np.log(30.)),
            (2, 1.),
            (2, 3.),
            print('Setting', ds.getParamNames()[ip], 'to', val)

            tractor.setParam(ip, val)
            xx = [val]
            pp = [tractor.getLogProb()]
            for i in range(10):
            plt.plot(xx, pp, 'ro-')
            plt.savefig('p%i.png' % (j+10))
Example #56
def main():
    ps = PlotSequence('cov')
    survey = LegacySurveyData()

    ra,dec = 242.0, 10.2
    fn = 'coverage-ccds.fits'
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        ccds = survey.get_ccds()
        ccds.cut(ccds.filter == 'r')
        ccds.cut(ccds.propid == '2014B-0404')
        ccds.cut(np.hypot(ccds.ra_bore - ra, ccds.dec_bore - dec) < 2.5)
        print(np.unique(ccds.expnum), 'unique exposures')
        print('propids', np.unique(ccds.propid))
        ccds = fits_table(fn)

    for e in np.unique(ccds.expnum):
        I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum == e)
        plt.plot(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], '.')

    degw = 3.0
    pixscale = 10.

    W = degw * 3600 / 10.
    H = W

    hi = 6
    cmap = cmap_discretize('jet', hi+1)

    wcs = Tan(ra, dec, W/2.+0.5, H/2.+0.5,
              -pixscale/3600., 0., 0., pixscale/3600., float(W), float(H))

    r0,d0 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1,1)
    r1,d1 = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W,H)
    extent = [min(r0,r1),max(r0,r1), min(d0,d1),max(d0,d1)]
    for expnums in [ [348666], [348666,348710, 348686], 
                     [348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668],
                     [348683, 348687, 347333, 348686, 348685, 348692, 348694,
                      348659, 348667, 348658, 348666, 348665, 348669, 348668,
                      348707, 348709, 348708, 348710, 348711, 348716, 348717],

        nexp = np.zeros((H,W), np.uint8)

        for ccd in ccds:
            if expnums is not None and not ccd.expnum in expnums:

            ccdwcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd)
            r,d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
            ok,x0,y0 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d)
            r,d = ccdwcs.pixelxy2radec(ccd.width, ccd.height)
            ok,x1,y1 = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d)
            xlo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(x0,x1))) - 1, 0, W-1)
            xhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(x0,x1))) - 1, 0, W-1)
            ylo = np.clip(int(np.round(min(y0,y1))) - 1, 0, H-1)
            yhi = np.clip(int(np.round(max(y0,y1))) - 1, 0, H-1)
            nexp[ylo:yhi+1, xlo:xhi+1] += 1

        plt.imshow(nexp, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
                   vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi+0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent)

    O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')
    O.cut(np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec) < 2.5)

    for p in [1,2,3]:
        print('Pass', p, 'exposures:', O.r_expnum[O.get('pass') == p])

    O.cut(O.get('pass') == 2)
    print(len(O), 'pass 2 nearby')

    d = np.hypot(O.ra - ra, O.dec - dec)
    print('Dists:', d)

    I = np.flatnonzero(d < 0.5)
    assert(len(I) == 1)
    ocenter = O[I[0]]
    print('Center expnum', ocenter.r_expnum)
    I = np.flatnonzero(d >= 0.5)

    #center = ccds[ccds.expnum == ocenter.r_expnum]
    #p2 = ccds[ccds.

    ok,xc,yc = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ocenter.ra, ocenter.dec)
    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W)+1, np.arange(H)+1)
    c_d2 = (xc - xx)**2 + (yc - yy)**2

    best = np.ones((H,W), bool)

    for o in O:
        ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(o.ra, o.dec)
        d2 = (x - xx)**2 + (y - yy)**2
        best[d2 < c_d2] = False
        del d2
    del c_d2,xx,yy
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.imshow(best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray',
    #            vmin=0, vmax=1)
    # ps.savefig()

    plt.imshow(nexp * best, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
               vmin=-0.5, vmax=hi+0.5, cmap=cmap, extent=extent)

    n,b,p = plt.hist(np.clip(nexp[best], 0, hi), range=(-0.5,hi+0.5), bins=hi+1)
    plt.xlim(-0.5, hi+0.5)

    print('b', b)
    print('n', n)
    print('fracs', np.array(n) / np.sum(n))

    print('pcts', ', '.join(['%.1f' % f for f in 100. * np.array(n)/np.sum(n)]))
Example #57
def create_tractor(opt):
    Brittle function to read Groves data sample and make the
    things we need for fitting.
    # issues:
    - Need to read the WCS too.
    - Need, for each image, to construct the rectangular
    nearest-neighbor interpolation indices to image 0.
    - Can I just blow up the SPIRE images with interpolation?
    dataList = [
        ('m31_brick15_PACS100.fits',  'PACS 100',  7.23,  7.7),
        ('m31_brick15_PACS160.fits',  'PACS 160',  3.71, 12.0),
        ('m31_brick15_SPIRE250.fits', 'SPIRE 250', None, 18.0),
        ('m31_brick15_SPIRE350.fits', 'SPIRE 350', None, 25.0),
        ('m31_brick15_SPIRE500.fits', 'SPIRE 500', None, 37.0),

    # From Groves via Rix:
    # PSF FWHMs: 6.97, 11.01, 18.01, 24.73, 35.98

    # Within the region Ive selected I found temperatures between 15
    # and 21 K, averaging 17 K, and Beta= 1.5 to 2.5 (with a larger
    # uncertainty), averaging around 2.0.

    if opt.no100:
        dataList = dataList[1:]

    print('Reading images...')
    tims = []
    for i, (fn, nm, noise, fwhm) in enumerate(dataList):
        print('Reading', fn)
        P = pyfits.open(fn)
        image = P[0].data.astype(np.float32)
        #wcs = Tan(fn, 0)
        H,W = image.shape
        hdr = P[0].header
        wcs = Tan(hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'],
                  hdr['CRPIX1'], hdr['CRPIX2'],
                  hdr['CDELT1'], 0., 0., hdr['CDELT2'], W, H)
        assert(hdr['CROTA2'] == 0.)
        if noise is None:
            noise = float(hdr['NOISE'])
        print('Noise', noise)
        print('Median image value', np.median(image))
        inverr = np.ones_like(image) / noise

        skyval = np.percentile(image, 5)
        sky = ConstantSky(skyval)

        lam = float(hdr['FILTER'])
        print('Lambda', lam)
        # calibrated, yo
        assert(hdr['BUNIT'] == 'MJy/Sr')
        # "Filter" is in *microns* in the headers; convert to *m* here, to match "lam0"
        pcal = DustPhotoCal(lam * 1e-6, wcs.pixel_scale())
        #nm = '%s %i' % (hdr['INSTRUME'], lam)
        #nm = fn.replace('.fits', '')
        #zr = noise * np.array([-3, 10]) + skyval
        zr = np.array([np.percentile(image.ravel(), p) for p in [1, 99]])
        print('Pixel scale:', wcs.pixel_scale())
        # meh
        sigma = fwhm / wcs.pixel_scale() / 2.35
        print('PSF sigma', sigma, 'pixels')
        psf = NCircularGaussianPSF([sigma], [1.])
        twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs)
        tim = Image(data=image, inverr=inverr, psf=psf, wcs=twcs,
                    sky=sky, photocal=pcal, name=nm)
        print('created', tim)
        tim.zr = zr

        # plt.clf()
        # plt.hist(image.ravel(), 100)
        # plt.title(nm)
        # plt.savefig('im%i-hist.png' % i)

    radecbounds = []
    for tim in tims:
        H,W = tim.shape
        twcs = tim.getWcs()
        rds = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,0.5)]:
            rd = twcs.pixelToPosition(x-1, y-1)
        rds = np.array(rds)
    rd = np.vstack(radecbounds)
    #print 'rd', rd.shape
    ramin,decmin = rd.min(axis=0)
    ramax,decmax = rd.max(axis=0)

    dr,dd = ramax-ramin, decmax-decmin
    plotrange = (ramin - 0.05*dr, ramax + 0.05*dr, decmin - 0.05*dd, decmax + 0.05*dd)

    for rds,c in zip(radecbounds, ['b','g','y',(1,0.5,0),'r']):
        plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], '-', color=c, lw=2, alpha=0.5)
    plt.savefig('radec1%s.png' % opt.suffix)

    print('Creating dust sheet...')
    N = opt.gridn

    # Build a WCS for the dust sheet to match the first image
    # (assuming it's square and axis-aligned)
    #wcs = tims[0].getWcs().wcs
    #r,d = wcs.radec_center()
    #H,W = tims[0].shape
    #scale = wcs.pixel_scale()
    #scale *= float(W)/max(1, N-1) / 3600.
    #c = float(N)/2. + 0.5
    #dwcs = Tan(r, d, c, c, scale, 0, 0, scale, N, N)

    # Build an axis-aligned WCS that contains all the images.

    r,d = (ramin + ramax) / 2., (decmin + decmax) / 2.
    # HACK -- ignore pole issues
    scale = max((ramax - ramin) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(d)), decmax - decmin) / float(N)
    scale *= float(N) / float(max(1, N-1))

    scale *= (1. / opt.zoom)

    cpix = float(N)/2. + 0.5
    dwcs = Tan(r, d, cpix, cpix, scale, 0, 0, scale, N, N)

    pixscale = dwcs.pixel_scale()
    logsa = np.log(1e-3)

    H,W = N,N
    logsa = np.zeros((H,W)) + logsa
    logt = np.zeros((H,W)) + np.log(17.)
    emis = np.zeros((H,W)) + 2.

    ds = DustSheet(logsa, logt, emis, dwcs)

    rds = ds.getRaDecCorners(0.5)
    plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], 'k-', lw=1, alpha=1)
    plt.savefig('radec2%s.png' % opt.suffix)

    # plot grid of sample points.
    rds = []
    H,W = N,N
    for y in range(N):
        for x in range(N):
            r,d = dwcs.pixelxy2radec(x+1, y+1)
    rds = np.array(rds)
    plt.plot(rds[:,0], rds[:,1], 'k.', lw=1, alpha=0.5)
    plt.savefig('radec3%s.png' % opt.suffix)

    #print 'DustSheet:', ds
    #print 'np', ds.numberOfParams()
    #print 'pn', ds.getParamNames()
    #print 'p', ds.getParams()

    # print 'PriorChi:', ds.getLogPriorChi()
    # ra,ca,va,pb = ds.getLogPriorChi()
    # print 'ra', ra
    # print 'ca', ca
    # print 'va', va
    # print 'pb', pb
    # for ri,ci,vi,bi in zip(ra,ca,va,pb):
    #   print
    #   print 'ri', ri
    #   print 'ci', ci
    #   print 'vi', vi
    #   print 'bi', bi

    cat = Catalog()
    tractor = Tractor(Images(*tims), cat)
    return tractor
Example #58
def dojob(job, userimage, log=None):
    jobdir = job.make_dir()
    #print 'Created job dir', jobdir
    #log = create_job_logger(job)
    #jobdir = job.get_dir()
    if log is None:
        log = create_job_logger(job)
    log.msg('Starting Job processing for', job)
    #os.chdir(dirnm) - not thread safe (working directory is global)!
    log.msg('Creating directory', jobdir)
    axyfn = 'job.axy'
    axypath = os.path.join(jobdir, axyfn)
    sub = userimage.submission
    log.msg('submission id', sub.id)
    df = userimage.image.disk_file
    img = userimage.image

    # Build command-line arguments for the augment-xylist program, which
    # detects sources in the image and adds processing arguments to the header
    # to produce a "job.axy" file.
    slo,shi = sub.get_scale_bounds()
    # Note, this must match Job.get_wcs_file().
    wcsfile = 'wcs.fits'
    axyflags = []
    axyargs = {
        '--out': axypath,
        '--scale-low': slo,
        '--scale-high': shi,
        '--scale-units': sub.scale_units,
        '--wcs': wcsfile,
        '--rdls': 'rdls.fits',
        '--pixel-error': sub.positional_error,
        '--ra': sub.center_ra,
        '--dec': sub.center_dec,
        '--radius': sub.radius,
        '--downsample': sub.downsample_factor,
        # tuning-up maybe fixed; if not, turn it off with:
        #'--odds-to-tune': 1e9,

        # Other things we might want include...
        # --invert
        # -g / --guess-scale: try to guess the image scale from the FITS headers
        # --crpix-x <pix>: set the WCS reference point to the given position
        # --crpix-y <pix>: set the WCS reference point to the given position
        # -w / --width <pixels>: specify the field width
        # -e / --height <pixels>: specify the field height
        # -X / --x-column <column-name>: the FITS column name
        # -Y / --y-column <column-name>

    if hasattr(img,'sourcelist'):
        # image is a source list; use --xylist
        axyargs['--xylist'] = img.sourcelist.get_fits_path()
        w,h = img.width, img.height
        if sub.image_width:
            w = sub.image_width
        if sub.image_height:
            h = sub.image_height
        axyargs['--width' ] = w
        axyargs['--height'] = h
        axyargs['--image'] = df.get_path()

    # UGLY
    if sub.parity == 0:
        axyargs['--parity'] = 'pos'
    elif sub.parity == 1:
        axyargs['--parity'] = 'neg'

    if sub.tweak_order == 0:
        axyargs['--tweak-order'] = '%i' % sub.tweak_order

    if sub.use_sextractor:

    if sub.crpix_center:

    if sub.invert:
    cmd = 'augment-xylist '
    for (k,v) in axyargs.items():
        if v:
            cmd += k + ' ' + str(v) + ' '
    for k in axyflags:
        cmd += k + ' '

    log.msg('running: ' + cmd)
    (rtn, out, err) = run_command(cmd)
    if rtn:
        log.msg('out: ' + out)
        log.msg('err: ' + err)
        logmsg('augment-xylist failed: rtn val', rtn, 'err', err)
        raise Exception

    log.msg('created axy file', axypath)
    # shell into compute server...
    logfn = job.get_log_file()
    # the "tar" commands both use "-C" to chdir, and the ssh command
    # and redirect uses absolute paths.
    cmd = ('(echo %(jobid)s; '
           'tar cf - --ignore-failed-read -C %(jobdir)s %(axyfile)s) | '
           'ssh -x -T %(sshconfig)s 2>>%(logfile)s | '
           'tar xf - --atime-preserve -m --exclude=%(axyfile)s -C %(jobdir)s '
           '>>%(logfile)s 2>&1' %
           dict(jobid='job-%s-%i' % (settings.sitename, job.id),
                axyfile=axyfn, jobdir=jobdir,
    log.msg('command:', cmd)
    w = os.system(cmd)
    if not os.WIFEXITED(w):
        log.msg('Solver failed (sent signal?)')
        logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id)
        raise Exception
    rtn = os.WEXITSTATUS(w)
    if rtn:
        log.msg('Solver failed with return value %i' % rtn)
        logmsg('Call to solver failed for job', job.id, 'with return val', rtn)
        raise Exception

    log.msg('Solver completed successfully.')

    # Solved?
    wcsfn = os.path.join(jobdir, wcsfile)
    log.msg('Checking for WCS file', wcsfn)
    if os.path.exists(wcsfn):
        log.msg('WCS file exists')
        # Parse the wcs.fits file
        wcs = Tan(wcsfn, 0)
        # Convert to database model...
        tan = TanWCS(crval1=wcs.crval[0], crval2=wcs.crval[1],
                     crpix1=wcs.crpix[0], crpix2=wcs.crpix[1],
                     cd11=wcs.cd[0], cd12=wcs.cd[1],
                     cd21=wcs.cd[2], cd22=wcs.cd[3],
                     imagew=img.width, imageh=img.height)
        log.msg('Created TanWCS:', tan)

        # Find field's healpix nside and index
        ra, dec, radius = tan.get_center_radecradius()
        nside = anutil.healpix_nside_for_side_length_arcmin(radius*60)
        nside = int(2**round(math.log(nside, 2)))
        healpix = anutil.radecdegtohealpix(ra, dec, nside)
        sky_location, created = SkyLocation.objects.get_or_create(nside=nside, healpix=healpix)
        log.msg('SkyLocation:', sky_location)

        # Find bounds for the Calibration object.
        r0,r1,d0,d1 = wcs.radec_bounds()
        # Find cartesian coordinates
        ra *= math.pi/180
        dec *= math.pi/180
        tempr = math.cos(dec)
        x = tempr*math.cos(ra)
        y = tempr*math.sin(ra)
        z = math.sin(dec)
        r = radius/180*math.pi

        calib = Calibration(raw_tan=tan, ramin=r0, ramax=r1, decmin=d0, decmax=d1,
        log.msg('Created Calibration', calib)
        job.calibration = calib
        job.save() # save calib before adding machine tags
        job.status = 'S'
        job.status = 'F'
    log.msg('Finished job', job.id)
    logmsg('Finished job',job.id)
    return job.id