Example #1
    def get_invitations_for_org(org_id, status=None, token_info: Dict = None):
        """Get invitations for an org."""
        org_model = OrgModel.find_by_org_id(org_id)
        if not org_model:
            return None

        if status:
            status = InvitationStatus[status]

        # If staff return full list
        if 'staff' in token_info.get('realm_access').get('roles'):
            return InvitationModel.find_pending_invitations_by_org(org_id)

        current_user: UserService = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token_info)
        current_user_membership: MembershipModel = \
            MembershipModel.find_membership_by_user_and_org(user_id=current_user.identifier, org_id=org_id)

        # If no active membership return empty array
        if current_user_membership is None or \
                current_user_membership.status != Status.ACTIVE.value:
            return []

        # Ensure either ADMIN or COORDINATOR
        if current_user_membership.membership_type_code == USER:
            return []

        return InvitationModel.find_invitations_by_org(org_id=org_id, status=status)
Example #2
    def get_invitations_for_org(org_id, status=None, **kwargs):
        """Get invitations for an org."""
        user_from_context: UserContext = kwargs['user_context']
        org_model = OrgModel.find_by_org_id(org_id)
        if not org_model:
            return None

        if status:
            status = InvitationStatus[status]

        # If staff return full list
        if user_from_context.is_staff():
            return InvitationModel.find_pending_invitations_by_org(org_id)

        current_user: UserService = UserService.find_by_jwt_token()
        current_user_membership: MembershipModel = \
            MembershipModel.find_membership_by_user_and_org(user_id=current_user.identifier, org_id=org_id)

        # If no active membership return empty array
        if current_user_membership is None or \
                current_user_membership.status != Status.ACTIVE.value:
            return []

        # Ensure either ADMIN or COORDINATOR
        if current_user_membership.membership_type_code == USER:
            return []

        return InvitationModel.find_invitations_by_org(org_id=org_id,
Example #3
    def get(user_id):
        """Get info related to the user.

        Currently returns the org details associated with the user.But later can be extended to applications etc
        token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info

        # TODO make this check better.may be read from DB or something
        if token.get('sub', None) != user_id:
            return {
                'message': 'Unauthorized'
            }, http_status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED

            user = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token)
            if not user:
                response, status = json.dumps([]), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
                all_settings = UserSettingsService.fetch_user_settings(
                response, status = jsonify(
                        many=True).dump(all_settings)), http_status.HTTP_200_OK

        except BusinessException:
            response, status = json.dumps([]), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
        return response, status
Example #4
 def get():
     """Return the user profile associated with the JWT in the authorization header."""
     token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info
         response, status = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token).as_dict(), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
     except BusinessException as exception:
         response, status = {'code': exception.code, 'message': exception.message}, exception.status_code
     return response, status
Example #5
    def get(org_id):
        """Get the membership for the given org and user."""
        token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info

            user = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token)
            if not user:
                response, status = {'message': 'User not found.'}, http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
                membership = MembershipService \
                    .get_membership_for_org_and_user_all_status(org_id=org_id, user_id=user.identifier)
                response, status = MembershipSchema(exclude=['org']).dump(membership), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
        except BusinessException as exception:
            response, status = {'code': exception.code, 'message': exception.message}, exception.status_code
        return response, status
Example #6
    def get():
        """Get a list of orgs that the current user is associated with."""
        token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info

            user = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token)
            if not user:
                response, status = {'message': 'User not found.'}, http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
                all_orgs = OrgService.get_orgs(user.identifier)
                orgs = OrgSchema().dump(
                    all_orgs, many=True)
                response, status = jsonify({'orgs': orgs}), http_status.HTTP_200_OK

        except BusinessException as exception:
            response, status = {'code': exception.code, 'message': exception.message}, exception.status_code
        return response, status
Example #7
    def get():
        """Get a list of orgs that the current user is associated with."""
        token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info
        if not token:
            return {
                'message': 'Authorization required.'
            }, http_status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED

            user = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token)
            if not user:
                response, status = {
                    'message': 'User not found.'
                }, http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
                response, status = jsonify(
                    user.get_orgs()), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
        except BusinessException as exception:
            response, status = {
                'code': exception.code,
                'message': exception.message
            }, exception.status_code
        return response, status
Example #8
    def get():
        """Get a list of orgs that the current user is associated with."""
        token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info

            user = UserService.find_by_jwt_token(token)
            if not user:
                response, status = {'message': 'User not found.'}, http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
                # response, status = jsonify(user.get_orgs()), http_status.HTTP_200_OK
                all_orgs = OrgService.get_orgs(user.identifier)
                exclude_fields = []
                # only approved users should see entities..
                # TODO when endpoints are separated into afilliations endpoint, this logic can be removed
                if all_orgs:
                    if all_orgs[0].members and all_orgs[0].members[0].status != Status.ACTIVE.value:
                orgs = OrgSchema(exclude=exclude_fields).dump(
                    all_orgs, many=True)
                response, status = jsonify({'orgs': orgs}), http_status.HTTP_200_OK

        except BusinessException as exception:
            response, status = {'code': exception.code, 'message': exception.message}, exception.status_code
        return response, status