Example #1
    def _preprocess(self, hp, x, y, fit=False):
        x = nest.flatten(x)
        q = queue.Queue()
        for input_node, data in zip(self.inputs, x):
            q.put((input_node, data))

        new_x = []
        while not q.empty():
            node, data = q.get()
            if self._is_model_inputs(node):
                new_x.append((self._node_to_id[node], data))
                if fit:
                    node.shape = utils.dataset_shape(data)

            for hypermodel in node.out_hypermodels:
                if isinstance(hypermodel, processor.HyperPreprocessor):
                    if fit:
                        hypermodel.fit(hp, data)
                        (hypermodel.outputs[0], hypermodel.transform(hp,
        # Sort by id.
        new_x = sorted(new_x, key=lambda a: a[0])

        # Remove the id from the list.
        return_x = []
        for node_id, data in new_x:
            self._nodes[node_id].shape = utils.dataset_shape(data)
        return return_x, y
Example #2
 def fit_before_convert(self, dataset):
     # If in tf.data.Dataset, must be encoded already.
     if isinstance(dataset, tf.data.Dataset):
         if not self.num_classes:
             shape = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)[0]
             # Single column with 0s and 1s.
             if shape == 1:
                 self.num_classes = 2
                 self.num_classes = shape
     if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame):
         dataset = dataset.values
     if isinstance(dataset, pd.Series):
         dataset = dataset.values.reshape(-1, 1)
     # Not label.
     if len(dataset.flatten()) != len(dataset):
         self.num_classes = dataset.shape[1]
     labels = set(dataset.flatten())
     if self.num_classes is None:
         self.num_classes = len(labels)
     if self.num_classes == 2:
         self.label_encoder = encoders.LabelEncoder()
     elif self.num_classes > 2:
         self.label_encoder = encoders.OneHotEncoder()
     elif self.num_classes < 2:
         raise ValueError(
             'Expect the target data for {name} to have '
             'at least 2 classes, but got {num_classes}.'.format(
                 name=self.name, num_classes=self.num_classes))
Example #3
 def set_node_shapes(self, dataset):
     # TODO: Set the shapes only if they are not provided by the user when
     #  initiating the HyperHead or Block.
     x_shapes, y_shapes = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)
     for x_shape, input_node in zip(x_shapes, self._model_inputs):
         input_node.shape = tuple(x_shape.as_list())
     for y_shape, output_node in zip(y_shapes, self.outputs):
         output_node.shape = tuple(y_shape.as_list())
         output_node.in_hypermodels[0].output_shape = output_node.shape
Example #4
    def set_io_shapes(self, dataset):
        """Set the input and output shapes to the nodes.

            dataset: tf.data.Dataset. The input dataset before preprocessing.
        # TODO: Set the shapes only if they are not provided by the user when
        #  initiating the HyperHead or Block.
        x_shapes, y_shapes = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)
        for x_shape, input_node in zip(x_shapes, self.inputs):
            input_node.shape = tuple(x_shape.as_list())
        for y_shape, output_node in zip(y_shapes, self.outputs):
            output_node.shape = tuple(y_shape.as_list())
            output_node.in_blocks[0].output_shape = output_node.shape
Example #5
    def set_io_shapes(self, dataset):
        """Set the input and output shapes to the nodes.

        # Arguments
            dataset: tf.data.Dataset. The input dataset before preprocessing.
        x_shapes, y_shapes = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)
        for x_shape, input_node in zip(x_shapes, self.inputs):
            if input_node.shape is None:
                input_node.shape = tuple(x_shape.as_list())
        for y_shape, output_node in zip(y_shapes, self.outputs):
            if output_node.shape is None:
                output_node.shape = tuple(y_shape.as_list())
            output_node.in_blocks[0].output_shape = output_node.shape
Example #6
    def fit(self, hp, data):
        shape = utils.dataset_shape(data)
        axis = tuple(range(len(shape) - 1))

        def sum_up(old_state, new_elem):
            return old_state + new_elem

        def sum_up_square(old_state, new_elem):
            return old_state + tf.square(new_elem)

        num_instance = data.reduce(np.float64(0), lambda x, _: x + 1)
        total_sum = data.reduce(np.float64(0), sum_up) / num_instance
        self.mean = tf.reduce_mean(total_sum, axis=axis)

        total_sum_square = data.reduce(np.float64(0), sum_up_square) / num_instance
        square_mean = tf.reduce_mean(total_sum_square, axis=axis)
        self.std = tf.sqrt(square_mean - tf.square(self.mean))
Example #7
 def _record_dataset_shape(self, dataset):
     self.output_shape = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)
Example #8
 def record_dataset_shape(self, dataset):
     self.shape = utils.dataset_shape(dataset)