Example #1
    def get(self):
        schema = VendorSchema(many=True)

        if request.args.get("entity"):
            entity = Entity.get(uuid=request.args.get("entity"))
            if entity:
                query = entity.vendors.all()
                query = {}
        elif request.args.get("vendor"):
            vendor = Vendor.get(uuid=request.args.get("vendor"))
            if vendor:
                query = vendor.entities.all()
                query = {}
            from autoshop.commons.dbaccess import query

            sql = """ c.vendor_id, v.uuid as vendor_uuid, v.name as vendor,
            c.entity_id, e.uuid as entity_uuid, e.name as entity
            FROM entity_vendors c INNER JOIN entity e on e.id=c.entity_id
            INNER JOIN vendor v on v.id=c.vendor_id

            data = query(sql)
            return jsonify(data)
            # return [] if data is None else data

        return schema.dump(query).data
Example #2
 def balance(self):
     """Get the account balance."""
         return query(" balance from account_balances where id=" +
     except Exception:
         return 0
Example #3
 def quantity(self):
     """Get the item balance."""
         return query(
             " quantity from item_balances where uuid='" + str(self.uuid) + "'"
     except Exception:
         return 0
Example #4
    def credit_account(self):

        sql = (
            """ name FROM item_accounts where item_accounts.uuid ='"""
            + str(self.credit)
            + """'"""

        data = query(sql)
        return data if data is None else data[0]["name"]
Example #5
 def creator(self):
         sql = (""" first_name + ' ' + last_name as username
         FROM users
         where users.id = """ + str(self.created_by) + """
         data = query(sql)
         return data if data is None else data[0]["username"]
     except Exception:
         return ""
Example #6
    def name(self):
        Get the limits per category..
        this is the summation of all entries under a category
        sql = (""" name FROM accounts INNER JOIN account_holders on
        account_holders.uuid=accounts.owner_id where accounts.id =
        """ + str(self.id) + """""")

        data = query(sql)
        return data if data is None else data[0]["name"]
Example #7
 def company(self):
         if self.company_id == "system":
             return "System"
             sql = (""" name
             FROM account_holders
             where uuid = '""" + self.company_id + """'
             data = query(sql)
             return data[0]["name"]
     except Exception:
         return ""
Example #8
    def get(self):
        sql = """ V.entry_id,account_id,B.uuid,H.name, V.reference, V.tran_type,V.tran_category,
        V.date_created,amount, e.name as entity_id FROM account_ledgers AS V
        inner join accounts AS B on B.id=V.account_id inner join account_holders H on
        B.owner_id=H.uuid inner join entity e on e.uuid=V.entity_id """

        if request.args.get("company") is not None:
            where = " where entity_id='" + request.args.get("company") + "'"
            sql = sql + where

        order_by = " order by V.date_created desc,  V.entry_id desc, V.amount desc"
        sql = sql + order_by

        response = query(sql)
        return response, 200
Example #9
    def get(self, account_id):
        sql = (""" 0 as entry_id,'' as tran_type,'credit' as tran_category,
                (select date_created from accounts where id=""" +
               str(account_id) + """)
                as date_created,0 as amount,0 as balance
                select entry_id,tran_type,tran_category,date_created,amount,
                (select sum(amount) from account_ledgers b where account_id="""
               + str(account_id) + """
                and b.entry_id<=a.entry_id ) as balance from account_ledgers a
                where account_id=""" + str(account_id) + """
                order by entry_id desc""")

        response = query(sql)
        return response, 200
Example #10
    def get(self):
        sql = """ V.entry_id,account_id,B.uuid,B.name, V.reference,
        V.date_created,quantity,amount, e.name as entity_id FROM item_ledger AS V
        inner join item_accounts AS B on B.uuid=V.account_id
        inner join item I on B.uuid=I.uuid
        inner join entity e on e.uuid=I.entity_id """

        if request.args.get("company") is not None:
            where = " where entity_id='" + request.args.get("company") + "'"
            sql = sql + where

        order_by = " order by V.date_created desc,  V.entry_id desc, V.amount desc"
        sql = sql + order_by

        response = query(sql)
        return response, 200
Example #11
    def no_of_wallets(self):
        Get the limits per category..
        this is the summation of all entries under a category
        sql = (""" accounts.id,account_ledgers.category,category.name,
        COALESCE(sum(account_ledgers.amount), 0.0) as balance FROM accounts
        LEFT OUTER JOIN account_ledgers ON accounts.id = account_ledgers.account_id
        INNER JOIN category on category.uuid=account_ledgers.category
        where accounts.id = """ + str(self.id) + """
        GROUP BY accounts.id,account_ledgers.category,category.name""")

        wallets = query(sql)
        if wallets is None:
            return 0
        return len(wallets)
Example #12
    def get(self, item_id):

        sql = (""" 0 as entry_id,'' as tran_type,'credit' as tran_category,
                (select date_created from item where uuid='""" + str(item_id) +
                as date_created,0 as quantity,0 as balance
                select entry_id,'' as tran_type,tran_category,date_created,quantity,
                (select sum(quantity) from item_ledger b where account_id='"""
               + str(item_id) + """'
                and b.entry_id<=a.entry_id ) as balance from item_ledger a
                where account_id='""" + str(item_id) + """'
                order by entry_id desc""")

        response = query(sql)
        return response, 200
Example #13
    def wallets(self):
        Get the limits per category..
        this is the summation of all entries under a category
        sql = (
            """ accounts.id,account_ledgers.category,vehicle.registration_no,
        COALESCE(sum(account_ledgers.amount), 0.0) as balance FROM accounts
        LEFT OUTER JOIN account_ledgers ON accounts.id = account_ledgers.account_id
        INNER JOIN vehicle on vehicle.uuid=account_ledgers.category where
        acc_type='customer' and accounts.id = """ + str(self.id) + """
        GROUP BY accounts.id,account_ledgers.category,vehicle.registration_no """

        wallets = query(sql)
        if not wallets:
            return []
        return wallets
Example #14
    def get(self):
        sql = request.args.get("sql")

        response = query(sql)
        return response, 200