Example #1
def find_old_tests(db, job_idx):
    Given a job index, return a list of all the test objects associated with
    it in the database, including labels, but excluding other "complex"
    data (attributes, iteration data, kernels).
    raw_tests = db.select("test_idx,subdir,test,started_time,finished_time",
                          "tests", {"job_idx": job_idx})
    if not raw_tests:
        return []

    test_ids = ", ".join(str(raw_test[0]) for raw_test in raw_tests)

    labels = db.select("test_id, testlabel_id", "test_labels_tests",
                       "test_id in (%s)" % test_ids)
    label_map = {}
    for test_id, testlabel_id in labels:
        label_map.setdefault(test_id, []).append(testlabel_id)

    tests = []
    for raw_test in raw_tests:
        tests.append(models.test(raw_test[1], raw_test[2], None, None, None,
                                 None, raw_test[3], raw_test[4],
                                 [], {}, label_map.get(raw_test[0], [])))
    return tests
Example #2
    def get_tko_test(self, test):
        """Creates a tko test from pb_test.

        Extracts data from pb_test by calling helper methods and
        creates a tko test using the models.test constructor.

        test: a pb_test where fields will be extracted from.

        @return a new instance of models.test
        fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(test, self.test_type_dict)

        fields_dict['kernel'] = self.get_tko_kernel(test.kernel)

        fields_dict['iterations'] = [self.get_tko_iteration(iteration)
                                     for iteration in test.iterations]

        fields_dict['attributes'] = dict((keyval.name, keyval.value)
                                         for keyval in test.attributes)

        fields_dict['labels'] = list(test.labels)

        return models.test(fields_dict['subdir'],
Example #3
    def get_tko_test(self, test):
        """Creates a tko test from pb_test.

        Extracts data from pb_test by calling helper methods and
        creates a tko test using the models.test constructor.

        test: a pb_test where fields will be extracted from.

        @return a new instance of models.test
        fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(test, self.test_type_dict)

        fields_dict['kernel'] = self.get_tko_kernel(test.kernel)

        fields_dict['iterations'] = [
            self.get_tko_iteration(iteration) for iteration in test.iterations

        fields_dict['attributes'] = dict(
            (keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in test.attributes)

        fields_dict['labels'] = list(test.labels)

        return models.test(fields_dict['subdir'], fields_dict['testname'],
                           fields_dict['status'], fields_dict['reason'],
                           fields_dict['kernel'], fields_dict['machine'],
                           fields_dict['attributes'], fields_dict['labels'])
    def setUp(self):
        tko_patches = []
        tko_patches.append(models.patch('New spec!', 'Reference?',

        tko_kernel = models.kernel('My Computer', tko_patches, '1234567')
        tko_time = datetime.now()

        tko_job = models.job('/tmp/', 'autotest', 'test', 'My Computer',
                             tko_time, tko_time, tko_time, 'root',
                             'www', 'No one', tko_time, {'1+1':2})

        tko_iteration = models.iteration(0, {'2+2':4, '3+3':6},
                                   {'4+4':8, '5+5':10, '6+6':12})

        tko_labels = ['unittest', 'dummy test', 'autotest']

        tko_test = models.test('/tmp/', 'mocktest', 'Completed', 'N/A',
                               tko_kernel, 'My Computer', tko_time,
                               tko_time, [tko_iteration,
                               tko_iteration, tko_iteration],
                               {'abc':'def'}, tko_labels)

        self.tko_job = tko_job
        self.tko_job.tests = [tko_test, tko_test, tko_test]

        self.pb_job = tko_pb2.Job()
        self.tag = '1-abc./.'
        self.expected_afe_job_id = '1'

        js = job_serializer.JobSerializer()
        js.set_pb_job(self.tko_job, self.pb_job, self.tag)
Example #5
    def setUp(self):
        tko_patches = []
        tko_patches.append(models.patch('New spec!', 'Reference?', 123456))

        tko_kernel = models.kernel('My Computer', tko_patches, '1234567')
        tko_time = datetime.now()

        tko_job = models.job('/tmp/', 'autotest', 'test', 'My Computer',
                             tko_time, tko_time, tko_time, 'root', 'www',
                             'No one', tko_time, {'1+1': 2})
        tko_job.afe_parent_job_id = '111'
        tko_job.build_version = 'R1-1.0.0'
        tko_job.suite = 'bvt'
        tko_job.board = 'alex'
        tko_job.index = 2

        tko_iteration = models.iteration(0, {
            '2+2': 4,
            '3+3': 6
        }, {
            '4+4': 8,
            '5+5': 10,
            '6+6': 12

        tko_labels = ['unittest', 'dummy test', 'autotest']

        # See the comment about the models.test constructor in
        # job_serializer.py, where the models.test constructor is used.
        tko_test = models.test('/tmp/', 'mocktest', 'Completed', 'N/A',
                               tko_kernel, 'My Computer', tko_time, tko_time,
                               [tko_iteration, tko_iteration, tko_iteration],
                               {'abc': 'def'}, [], tko_labels)
        tko_test.test_idx = 3
        self.tko_job = tko_job
        self.tko_job.tests = [tko_test, tko_test, tko_test]

        self.pb_job = tko_pb2.Job()
        self.tag = '1-abc./.'
        self.expected_afe_job_id = '1'

        js = job_serializer.JobSerializer()
        js.set_pb_job(self.tko_job, self.pb_job, self.tag)
    def get_tko_test(self, test):
        """Creates a tko test from pb_test.

        Extracts data from pb_test by calling helper methods and
        creates a tko test using the models.test constructor.

        test: a pb_test where fields will be extracted from.

        @return a new instance of models.test
        fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(test, self.test_type_dict)

        fields_dict['kernel'] = self.get_tko_kernel(test.kernel)

        fields_dict['iterations'] = [
            self.get_tko_iteration(iteration) for iteration in test.iterations

        fields_dict['attributes'] = dict(
            (keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in test.attributes)

        fields_dict['labels'] = list(test.labels)

        # The constructor for models.test accepts a "perf_values" list that
        # represents performance values of the test.  The empty list argument
        # in the constructor call below represents this value and makes this
        # code adhere properly to the models.test constructor argument list.
        # However, the effect of the empty list is that perf values are
        # ignored in the job_serializer module.  This is ok for now because
        # autotest does not use the current module.  If job_serializer is used
        # in the future, we need to modify the "tko.proto" protobuf file to
        # understand the notion of perf_values, then modify this file
        # accordingly to use it.
        return models.test(fields_dict['subdir'], fields_dict['testname'],
                           fields_dict['status'], fields_dict['reason'],
                           fields_dict['kernel'], fields_dict['machine'],
                           fields_dict['attributes'], [],
    def setUp(self):
        tko_patches = []
        tko_patches.append(models.patch('New spec!', 'Reference?', 123456))

        tko_kernel = models.kernel('My Computer', tko_patches, '1234567')
        tko_time = datetime.now()

        tko_job = models.job('/tmp/', 'autotest', 'test', 'My Computer',
                             tko_time, tko_time, tko_time, 'root', 'www',
                             'No one', tko_time, {'1+1': 2})

        tko_iteration = models.iteration(0, {
            '2+2': 4,
            '3+3': 6
        }, {
            '4+4': 8,
            '5+5': 10,
            '6+6': 12

        tko_labels = ['unittest', 'dummy test', 'autotest']

        tko_test = models.test('/tmp/', 'mocktest', 'Completed', 'N/A',
                               tko_kernel, 'My Computer', tko_time, tko_time,
                               [tko_iteration, tko_iteration, tko_iteration],
                               {'abc': 'def'}, tko_labels)

        self.tko_job = tko_job
        self.tko_job.tests = [tko_test, tko_test, tko_test]

        self.pb_job = tko_pb2.Job()
        self.tag = '1-abc./.'
        self.expected_afe_job_id = '1'

        js = job_serializer.JobSerializer()
        js.set_pb_job(self.tko_job, self.pb_job, self.tag)