Example #1
    def __init__(self, **kw):

        self.Nel = kw.get("Nel", 2)  # number of interacting electrons
        self.spin = kw.get("M", 0)  # spin of the system
        self.indi = kw.get("indi", 8)  # spin of the system

        # initialize properties of parent class which is the class of
        # two-electron integrals

        self.pth = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
        pth = self.pth + "/dis_scr/"
        self.int2e = of(pth + "!int2e" + str(self.indi) + ".dat")
        self.Norb = norb(np.size(np.diag(self.int2e)))

        # verify whether spin is consistent with number of electron

        if ((0.5 * self.Nel + self.spin) % 1 != 0) | ((0.5 * self.Nel - self.spin) % 1 != 0):
            sys.exit("Cann't get desired magnitude of the spin projection")

        self.E = of(pth + "!E" + str(self.indi) + ".dat")[0 : self.Norb]
        self.exch = -of(pth + "!exch" + str(self.indi) + ".dat")[0 : self.Norb, 0 : self.Norb]

        self.exch = self.exch + np.diag(self.E)

        # print np.diag(self.E)
        # self.Norb = 4

        # initialize all possible alpha and betha strings
        self.cs = ConfSet(Nel=self.Nel, Norb=self.Norb, spin=self.spin)

        # initialize configuration interaction matrix by zeros
        self._M = np.zeros((self.cs.num_conf, self.cs.num_conf))
        self._sym = np.zeros((self.cs.num_conf, self.cs.num_conf), dtype="S250")