Example #1
# ##############################################################################
# This file contains the principle definition of the module.
#   The contents of this file will be hooked into the namespace in which it 
# is imported. In this case to import this module we would add the following 
# to main.py (in the module loading section): 
#    import modules.organization

from base import add_content_module
from base import register_data_models
from base.module import ContentModule

org_mod = ContentModule('organization', __name__)

# ##############################################################################
# main menu

org_mod.add_menu('About Us', 'organization.default' )

# ##############################################################################
# side panel menu

    'Organization/Officers', # Side panel title
        ( 'Update Offices', 'organization.update_offices' ), 
        ( 'Update Officers', 'organization.edit_officer' ),
        ( 'Edit About Us', 'organization.edit_aboutus')
Example #2
# ######################################################################3#######
# imports
from base import base_app, add_content_module, register_data_models, url_for
from base.module import ContentModule

# ######################################################################3#######
# Initialization
newsMod = ContentModule('news', __name__)

newsMod.add_menu('News', 'news.default' )
        ('Add Post', 'news.add_post'),
        ('List Posts', 'news.admin_list_posts')

import models
import views

# ######################################################################3#######
# Hooking into main website

add_content_module( newsMod )

# ######################################################################3#######
# Register data models
Example #3
from base import add_content_module
from base import register_data_models
from base import register_user_role
from base import url_for
from base.module import ContentModule

# ##############################################################################
# Define the ContentModule object which will hook into the main website
# the first argument specifies the modules 'name', and the second specifies the 
# package that contains the module.

seminar_mod = ContentModule('seminars', __name__)

# ##############################################################################
# Add a main menu entry

seminar_mod.add_menu('Seminars', 'seminars.default')

# ##############################################################################
# Add a side panel menu

    'Seminars', # Side panel title
        ( 'Add Seminar', 'seminars.add_seminar' ), 
        ( 'Edit Seminars', 'seminars.update_seminars' ),
        ( 'Edit Talks', 'seminars.update_talks' )
Example #4
# ######################################################################3#######
# imports
from base import base_app, add_content_module, register_data_models, url_for 
from base import register_user_role
from base.module import ContentModule

# ######################################################################3#######
# Initialization
articles_mod = ContentModule('articles', __name__)

articles_mod.add_menu('Articles', 'articles.default' )
        ('Add Article', 'articles.add_article'),
        ('Edit Articles', 'articles.update_articles')

import models
import views

# ######################################################################3#######
# Hooking into main website

add_content_module( articles_mod )

# ######################################################################3#######
Example #5
#    -> Update templates/js/css files
#    import modules.admin

from base import add_content_module
from base import register_data_models
from base import register_user_role
from base import url_for
from base.module import ContentModule
from base.utils.autoindex import AutoIndex

# ##############################################################################
# Define the ContentModule object 

admin_mod = ContentModule('ifadmin', __name__)

# ##############################################################################
# define aux objects

#templates_obj = AutoIndex(admin_mod, browse_root="static" )

# ##############################################################################
# Add admin side panel menu

    'Administration', # Side panel title
        # A link which will be in the side-menu
        # the format is: ([Name], [target])
Example #6
#    import modules.example

from base import add_content_module
from base import register_data_models
from base import url_for
from base.module import ContentModule

# ##############################################################################
# Define the ContentModule object which will hook into the main website
# the first argument specifies the modules 'name', and the second specifies the 
# package that contains the module.

example_mod = ContentModule('example', __name__)

# ##############################################################################
# Add a main menu entry
#      The display name in this case will be: Example
#        And the target for the link will be: url_for('example.default')
# Note: when we specify a link for a view in a module, we do so with the 
#       convention: [module name].[function name]
# Note: we can add more than one menu entry by calling this function again

example_mod.add_menu('Example', 'example.default')

# ##############################################################################
Example #7
# ##############################################################################
# Module: usertools
# Synop: A collection of views which allow the user to update his/her profile
#        and provides a sidepane menu including links for logout, and others
#        actions
# Menus:
#     Main menu: none
#     Side menu: user info access, and logout

from base import add_content_module, register_data_models, url_for
from base.module import ContentModule
from base.user import Role, User

usertools_mod = ContentModule('usertools', __name__)

    'User', # Side panel title
        ( 'Update Information', 'user_update' ),
        ( 'Logout', 'auth_logout' )

# attach module to website
add_content_module( usertools_mod )

register_data_models([User, Role])