Example #1
def run(filename):
    This function runs an mdl script
    color = [255, 255, 255]
    tmp = TransMatrix()

    p = mdl.parseFile(filename)
    #print p
    if p:
        (commands, symbols) = p
        print "Parsing failed."

    frames = None
    basename = 'anim'
    varying = False
    # pass 1
    for command in commands:
        cmd = command[0]
        args = command[1:]
        if cmd == 'frames':
            frames = args[0]
        elif cmd == 'basename':
            basename = args[0]
        elif cmd == 'vary':
            varying = True

    if varying:
        if frames is None:
            err('Frames not set.')
        if basename == 'anim':
            warn('Basename not set, using default of anim.')
        # pass 2
        upd = lambda d, n: 0 if d.update(n) else d
        frameList = [
            upd({k: v[1]
                 for k, v in symbols.iteritems() if v[0] == 'knob'}, {None: 1})
            for _ in range(frames)
        for command in commands:
            cmd = command[0]
            args = command[1:]
            if cmd == 'set':
                for frame in frameList:
                    frame[args[0]] = args[1]
            elif cmd == 'setall':
                for frame in frameList:
                    for key in frame.keys():
                        frame[key] = args[0]
            elif cmd == 'vary':
                val = args[3]
                inc = (1. * args[4] - args[3]) / (args[2] - args[1])
                for frid in range(args[1], args[2] + 1):
                    frameList[frid][args[0]] = val
                    val += inc
        imgs = []
        # pass for each frame
        print 'Pass 2 complete, beginning image rendering...'
        a = time.time()
        for frame in frameList:
            objects = runFrame(frame, commands)
            img = Image(500, 500)
            draw(objects, img)
        print 'Images rendered in %f ms' % (int(
            (time.time() - a) * 1000000) / 1000.)
        print 'Saving images...'
        a = time.time()
        for i in range(len(imgs)):
            imgs[i].savePpm('anim/%s%03d.ppm' % (basename, i))
        print 'Images saved in %f ms' % (int(
            (time.time() - a) * 1000000) / 1000.)
        print 'Creating animation... (converting to gif)'
        a = time.time()
        makeAnimation(basename, 'ppm')
        print 'Animation created in %f ms' % (int(
            (time.time() - a) * 1000000) / 1000.)
        # clearAnim()

        cstack = [TransMatrix()]
        frc = 0
        img = Image(500, 500)
        objects = []
        for command in commands:
            inp = command[0]
            if inp == 'line':
                edges = edgemtx()
                addEdge(edges, *command[1:7])
                edges = cstack[-1] * edges
                objects.append((EDGE, edges))
                #drawEdges(cstack[-1] * edges, img)
            elif inp == 'ident':
                cstack[-1] = TransMatrix()
            elif inp == 'scale':
                cstack[-1] *= transform.S(*command[1:4])
            elif inp == 'move':
                cstack[-1] *= transform.T(*command[1:4])
            elif inp == 'rotate':
                cstack[-1] *= transform.R(*command[1:3])
            elif inp == 'display':
                drawObjects(objects, img)
            elif inp == 'save':
                drawObjects(objects, img)
                if inp[-4:] == '.ppm':
            elif inp == 'saveframe':
                drawObjects(objects, img)
                img.flipUD().savePpm('%s%d.ppm' % (command[1], frc))
                frc += 1
            elif inp == 'circle':
                edges = edgemtx()
                addCircle(*(edges, ) + command[1:5] + (.01, ))
                edges = cstack[-1] * edges
                objects.append((EDGE, edges))
                #drawEdges(cstack[-1] * edges, img)
            elif inp == 'bezier':
                edges = edgemtx()
                addBezier(*(edges, ) + command[1:9] + (.01, ))
                edges = cstack[-1] * edges
                objects.append((EDGE, edges))
                #drawEdges(cstack[-1] * edges, img)
            elif inp == 'hermite':
                edges = edgemtx()
                addHermite(*(edges, ) + command[1:9] + (.01, ))
                edges = cstack[-1] * edges
                objects.append((EDGE, edges))
                #drawEdges(cstack[-1] * edges, img)
            elif inp == 'clear':
                img = Image(500, 500)
            elif inp == 'clearstack':
                cstack = [TransMatrix()]
            elif inp == 'box':
                polys = edgemtx()
                shape.addBox(*(polys, ) + command[1:7])
                polys = cstack[-1] * polys
                objects.append((POLY, polys))
                #drawTriangles(cstack[-1] * polys, img, wireframe=True)
            elif inp == 'sphere':
                polys = edgemtx()
                shape.addSphere(*(polys, ) + command[1:5] + (.05, ))
                polys = cstack[-1] * polys
                objects.append((POLY, polys))
                #drawTriangles(cstack[-1] * polys, img, wireframe=True)
            elif inp == 'torus':
                polys = edgemtx()
                shape.addTorus(*(polys, ) + command[1:6] + (.05, .05))
                polys = cstack[-1] * polys
                objects.append((POLY, polys))
                #drawTriangles(cstack[-1] * polys, img, wireframe=True)
            elif inp == 'push':
            elif inp == 'pop':
Example #2
     trans = S(*iparse(inp)) * trans
 elif inp == 'move':
     inp = raw_input('')
     trans = T(*iparse(inp)) * trans
 elif inp == 'rotate':
     inp = raw_input('')
     axis, t = (i.strip() for i in inp.split(' '))
     trans = R(axis.lower(), float(t)) * trans
 elif inp == 'apply':
     print edges
     edges = trans * edges
     print edges
 elif inp == 'display':
     img = Image(500, 500)
     drawEdges(edges, img)
 elif inp == 'save':
     inp = raw_input('').strip()
     img = Image(500, 500)
     drawEdges(edges, img)
     if inp[-4:] == '.ppm':
 elif inp == 'saveframe':
     inp = raw_input('').strip()
     img = Image(500, 500)
     drawEdges(projected(edges, cam), img)
     img.flipUD().savePpm('%s%d.ppm' % (inp, frc))
     frc += 1
 elif inp == 'circle':