Example #1
def run_count(bam_file, dexseq_gff, stranded, out_file, data):
    run dexseq_count on a BAM file
    assert file_exists(bam_file), "%s does not exist." % bam_file
    sort_order = bam._get_sort_order(bam_file, {})
    assert sort_order, "Cannot determine sort order of %s." % bam_file
    strand_flag = _strand_flag(stranded)
    assert strand_flag, "%s is not a valid strandedness value." % stranded
    if not dexseq_gff:
        logger.info("No DEXSeq GFF file was found, skipping exon-level counting.")
        return None
    elif not file_exists(dexseq_gff):
        logger.info("%s was not found, so exon-level counting is being "
                    "skipped." % dexseq_gff)
        return None

    dexseq_count = _dexseq_count_path()
    if not dexseq_count:
        logger.info("DEXseq is not installed, skipping exon-level counting.")
        return None

    sort_flag = "name" if sort_order == "queryname" else "pos"
    is_paired = bam.is_paired(bam_file)
    paired_flag = "yes" if is_paired else "no"
    bcbio_python = sys.executable

    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    cmd = ("{bcbio_python} {dexseq_count} -f bam -r {sort_flag} -p {paired_flag} "
           "-s {strand_flag} {dexseq_gff} {bam_file} {tx_out_file}")
    message = "Counting exon-level counts with %s and %s." % (bam_file, dexseq_gff)
    with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    return out_file
Example #2
def run_count(bam_file, dexseq_gff, stranded, out_file, data):
    run dexseq_count on a BAM file
    assert file_exists(bam_file), "%s does not exist." % bam_file
    sort_order = bam._get_sort_order(bam_file, {})
    assert sort_order, "Cannot determine sort order of %s." % bam_file
    strand_flag = _strand_flag(stranded)
    assert strand_flag, "%s is not a valid strandedness value." % stranded
    if not file_exists(dexseq_gff):
        logger.info("%s was not found, so exon-level counting is being "
                    "skipped." % dexseq_gff)
        return None

    dexseq_count = _dexseq_count_path()
    if not dexseq_count:
        logger.info("DEXseq is not installed, skipping exon-level counting.")
        return None

    sort_flag = "name" if sort_order == "queryname" else "pos"
    is_paired = bam.is_paired(bam_file)
    paired_flag = "yes" if is_paired else "no"
    bcbio_python = sys.executable

    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    cmd = (
        "{bcbio_python} {dexseq_count} -f bam -r {sort_flag} -p {paired_flag} "
        "-s {strand_flag} {dexseq_gff} {bam_file} {tx_out_file}")
    message = "Counting exon-level counts with %s and %s." % (bam_file,
    with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    return out_file
Example #3
def _prepare_bam_file(bam_file, tmp_dir, config):
    Pipe sort by name cmd in case sort by coordinates
    sort_mode = _get_sort_order(bam_file, config)
    if sort_mode != "queryname":
        bam_file = sort(bam_file, config, "queryname")
    return bam_file
Example #4
def _prepare_bam_file(bam_file, tmp_dir, config):
    Pipe sort by name cmd in case sort by coordinates
    sort_mode = _get_sort_order(bam_file, config)
    if sort_mode != "queryname":
        bam_file = sort(bam_file, config, "queryname")
    return bam_file
Example #5
def run_count(bam_file, dexseq_gff, stranded, out_file, data):
    run dexseq_count on a BAM file
    assert file_exists(bam_file), "%s does not exist." % bam_file
    sort_order = bam._get_sort_order(bam_file, {})
    assert sort_order, "Cannot determine sort order of %s." % bam_file
    strand_flag = _strand_flag(stranded)
    assert strand_flag, "%s is not a valid strandedness value." % stranded
    if not dexseq_gff:
            "No DEXSeq GFF file was found, skipping exon-level counting.")
        return None
    elif not file_exists(dexseq_gff):
        logger.info("%s was not found, so exon-level counting is being "
                    "skipped." % dexseq_gff)
        return None

    dexseq_count = _dexseq_count_path()
    if not dexseq_count:
        logger.info("DEXseq is not installed, skipping exon-level counting.")
        return None

    if dd.get_aligner(data) == "bwa":
            "Can't use DEXSeq with bwa alignments, skipping exon-level counting."
        return None

    sort_flag = "name" if sort_order == "queryname" else "pos"
    is_paired = bam.is_paired(bam_file)
    paired_flag = "yes" if is_paired else "no"

    anaconda = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.executable))
    r36_python = os.path.join(anaconda, "..", "envs", "r36", "bin", "python")

    if file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    cmd = (
        "{r36_python} {dexseq_count} -f bam -r {sort_flag} -p {paired_flag} "
        "-s {strand_flag} {dexseq_gff} {bam_file} {tx_out_file}")
    message = "Counting exon-level counts with %s and %s." % (bam_file,
    with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
        do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), message)
    return out_file