Example #1
 def percent_surcharge(self):
         settings = get_shop_payment_settings()
     except KeyError:
         # happens GS profile application if registry entries not present
         # yet
         return Decimal('0')
     surcharge = settings.percent_surcharge
     if surcharge:
         return format_amount(Decimal(str(surcharge)))
         return ''
Example #2
 def costs(self):
         settings = get_shop_payment_settings()
     except KeyError:
         # happens GS profile application if registry entries not present
         # yet
         return Decimal('0')
     costs = settings.cash_on_delivery_costs
     if costs:
         costs = Decimal(str(costs))
         costs = Decimal('0')
     return format_amount(costs)
Example #3
 def costs(self):
         settings = get_shop_payment_settings()
     except KeyError:
         # happens GS profile application if registry entries not present
         # yet
         return Decimal('0')
     costs = settings.cash_on_delivery_costs
     if costs:
         costs = Decimal(str(costs))
         costs = Decimal('0')
     return format_amount(costs)
Example #4
 def gross(val):
     return format_amount(val + (val / Decimal(100) * shipping_vat))
Example #5
    def description(self):
        settings = get_shop_shipping_settings()
        currency = get_shop_settings().currency
        show_currency = get_shop_settings().show_currency
        if show_currency == 'symbol':
            currency = CURRENCY_LITERALS[currency]
        shipping_limit_from_gross = settings.shipping_limit_from_gross
        free_shipping_limit = Decimal(str(settings.free_shipping_limit))
        flat_shipping_cost = Decimal(str(settings.flat_shipping_cost))
        item_shipping_cost = Decimal(str(settings.item_shipping_cost))
        shipping_vat = Decimal(str(settings.shipping_vat))

        def gross(val):
            return format_amount(val + (val / Decimal(100) * shipping_vat))

        # no shipping costs
        if not flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
            return _(u"free_shipping", default=u"Free Shipping")
        # no free shipping limit
        if not free_shipping_limit:
            # flat and item costs defined
            if flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_flat_and_item",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or ${item} "
                                u"${currency} per item in cart")
                return Message(msg, mapping={
                    'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                    'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                    'currency': currency,
            # flat costs only
            if flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_flat_only",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}")
                return Message(msg, mapping={
                    'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                    'currency': currency,
            # item costs only
            if not flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_item_only",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart")
                return Message(msg, mapping={
                    'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                    'currency': currency,
        # free shipping above limit
        # flat and item costs defined
        if flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_and_item_gross",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or "
                                u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart. Free "
                                u"shipping if gross purchase price above "
                                u"${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_and_item_net",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or "
                                u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart. Free "
                                u"shipping if net purchase price above "
                                u"${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg, mapping={
                'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                'currency': currency,
        # flat costs only
        if flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_only_gross",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}. Free "
                                u"shipping if gross purchase price above "
                                u"${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_only_net",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}. Free "
                                u"shipping if net purchase price above "
                                u"${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg, mapping={
                'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                'currency': currency,
        # item costs only
        if not flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_item_only_gross",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in "
                                u"cart. Free shipping if gross purchase "
                                u"price above ${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_item_only_net",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in "
                                u"cart. Free shipping if net purchase "
                                u"price above ${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg, mapping={
                'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                'currency': currency,
Example #6
 def gross(val):
     return format_amount(val + (val / Decimal(100) * shipping_vat))
Example #7
    def description(self):
        settings = get_shop_shipping_settings()
        currency = get_shop_settings().currency
        show_currency = get_shop_settings().show_currency
        if show_currency == 'symbol':
            currency = CURRENCY_LITERALS[currency]
        shipping_limit_from_gross = settings.shipping_limit_from_gross
        free_shipping_limit = Decimal(str(settings.free_shipping_limit))
        flat_shipping_cost = Decimal(str(settings.flat_shipping_cost))
        item_shipping_cost = Decimal(str(settings.item_shipping_cost))
        shipping_vat = Decimal(str(settings.shipping_vat))

        def gross(val):
            return format_amount(val + (val / Decimal(100) * shipping_vat))

        # no shipping costs
        if not flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
            return _(u"free_shipping", default=u"Free Shipping")
        # no free shipping limit
        if not free_shipping_limit:
            # flat and item costs defined
            if flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_flat_and_item",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or ${item} "
                        u"${currency} per item in cart")
                return Message(msg,
                                   'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                                   'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                                   'currency': currency,
            # flat costs only
            if flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_flat_only",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}")
                return Message(msg,
                                   'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                                   'currency': currency,
            # item costs only
            if not flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
                msg = _(u"no_free_shipping_item_only",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart")
                return Message(msg,
                                   'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                                   'currency': currency,
        # free shipping above limit
        # flat and item costs defined
        if flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_and_item_gross",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or "
                        u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart. Free "
                        u"shipping if gross purchase price above "
                        u"${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_and_item_net",
                        default=u"Minimum ${flat} ${currency} or "
                        u"${item} ${currency} per item in cart. Free "
                        u"shipping if net purchase price above "
                        u"${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg,
                               'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                               'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                               'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                               'currency': currency,
        # flat costs only
        if flat_shipping_cost and not item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_only_gross",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}. Free "
                        u"shipping if gross purchase price above "
                        u"${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_flat_only_net",
                        default=u"Flat ${flat} ${currency}. Free "
                        u"shipping if net purchase price above "
                        u"${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg,
                               'flat': gross(flat_shipping_cost),
                               'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                               'currency': currency,
        # item costs only
        if not flat_shipping_cost and item_shipping_cost:
            # from gross
            if shipping_limit_from_gross:
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_item_only_gross",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in "
                        u"cart. Free shipping if gross purchase "
                        u"price above ${limit} ${currency}")
            # from net
                msg = _(u"free_shipping_limit_item_only_net",
                        default=u"${item} ${currency} per item in "
                        u"cart. Free shipping if net purchase "
                        u"price above ${limit} ${currency}")
            return Message(msg,
                               'item': gross(item_shipping_cost),
                               'limit': format_amount(free_shipping_limit),
                               'currency': currency,