Example #1
 def test_comments_spaces_and_declarations(self):
     with codecs.open(
     ) as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
     res_dict = bib.get_entry_dict()
     expected_dict = {
         'Cesar2013': {
             'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
             'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
             'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
             'year': '2013',
             'journal': 'Nice Journal',
             'ID': 'Cesar2013',
             'pages': '12-23',
             'title': 'A great title',
             'comments': 'A comment',
             'author': 'Jean César',
             'volume': '12',
             'month': 'jan',
     self.assertEqual(res_dict, expected_dict)
     self.assertEqual(bib.preambles, ["Blah blah"])
Example #2
 def test_article_annotation(self):
     with codecs.open(
     ) as bibfile:
         bib = BibTexParser(bibfile.read())
         res_list = bib.get_entry_list()
         res_dict = bib.get_entry_dict()
         expected_list = [
                 'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                 'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                 'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                 'year': '2013',
                 'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                 'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                 'pages': '12-23',
                 'title': 'An amazing title',
                 'comments': 'A comment',
                 'author': 'Jean César',
                 'author+an': '1=highlight',
                 'volume': '12',
                 'month': 'jan',
         expected_dict = {
             'Cesar2013': {
                 'keyword': 'keyword1, keyword2',
                 'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
                 'abstract': 'This is an abstract. This line should be long enough to test\nmultilines... and with a french érudit word',
                 'year': '2013',
                 'journal': 'Nice Journal',
                 'ID': 'Cesar2013',
                 'pages': '12-23',
                 'title': 'An amazing title',
                 'comments': 'A comment',
                 'author': 'Jean César',
                 'author+an': '1=highlight',
                 'volume': '12',
                 'month': 'jan',
     self.assertEqual(res_list, expected_list)
     self.assertEqual(res_dict, expected_dict)