Example #1
def test_and():

    x = Bits(8)(0b11001100)
    y = Bits(8)(0b11110000)
    assert x & y == 0b11000000
    assert x & 0b1010 == 0b00001000
    assert 0b1010 & x == 0b00001000
Example #2
def test_or():

    x = Bits(8)(0b11001100)
    y = Bits(8)(0b11110000)
    assert x | y == 0b11111100
    assert x | 0b1010 == 0b11001110
    assert 0b1010 | x == 0b11001110
Example #3
def test_index_array():

    data = range(2**4)

    # Indexing into an array
    x = Bits(4)(3)
    assert data[x] == 3

    # Note, this converts -2 to unsigned, so 14!
    y = Bits(4)(-2)
    assert data[y] == 14

    # Larger bitwidths work as long as the list is big enough
    a = Bits(8)(4)
    assert data[a] == 4

    # If not, regular indexing error
    b = Bits(8)(20)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # Same with negative that become out of range when converted to unsigned
    c = Bits(8)(-1)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Example #4
def test_slice_bounds_checking():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert x[1:5] == 0b10
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert x[-1:2] == 0b10
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert x[2:1] == 0b10
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        x[1:5] = 0b10
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        x[-1:2] = 0b10
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        x[2:1] = 0b10

    # FIXED
    # Bits objects constructed with another Bits object provided as a value
    # parameter end up having problems when writing to slices.  This is
    # because the mask used when writing to a subslice is often a negative
    # int in Python, and we don't allow operations on Bits to be performed
    # with negative values.  Current workaround is to force the value param
    # for the Bits constructor to be an int or a long.
    #with pytest.raises( AssertionError ):
    y = Bits(4)(Bits(4)(0))
    y[1:3] = 1
Example #5
def test_invert():

    x = Bits(4)(0b0001)
    assert ~x == 0b1110
    x = Bits(4)(0b1001)
    assert ~x == 0b0110
    x = Bits(16)(0b1111000011110000)
    assert ~x == 0b0000111100001111
def test_neg_assign():

  x = Bits(4)(-1)
  assert x        == 0b1111
  assert x.uint() == 0b1111
  x = Bits(4)(-2)
  assert x        == 0b1110
  assert x.uint() == 0b1110
Example #7
def test_sext():

    assert sext(Bits(4)(2), 8) == Bits(8)(0x02)
    assert sext(Bits(4)(4), 8) == Bits(8)(0x04)
    assert sext(Bits(4)(15), 8) == Bits(8)(0xff)

    assert sext(Bits(4)(-2), 8) == Bits(8)(0xfe)
    assert sext(Bits(4)(-4), 8) == Bits(8)(0xfc)
Example #8
def test_zext():

    assert zext(Bits(4)(2), 8) == Bits(8)(0x02)
    assert zext(Bits(4)(4), 8) == Bits(8)(0x04)
    assert zext(Bits(4)(15), 8) == Bits(8)(0x0f)

    assert zext(Bits(4)(-2), 8) == Bits(8)(0x0e)
    assert zext(Bits(4)(-4), 8) == Bits(8)(0x0c)
Example #9
def test_set_single_bit():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    x[3] = 0
    assert x.uint() == 0b0100
    x[2] = 1
    assert x.uint() == 0b0100
    x[1] = 1
    assert x.uint() == 0b0110
def test_set_single_bit():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  x[3] = 0
  assert x.uint() == 0b0100
  x[2] = 1
  assert x.uint() == 0b0100
  x[1] = 1
  assert x.uint() == 0b0110
def test_gt():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  assert x.uint() > y.uint()
  assert x.uint() > 2
  assert x > y.uint()
  assert x > 2
  assert x > y
  assert 9 > y
def test_lt():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  assert y.uint() < x.uint()
  assert y.uint() < 10
  assert y < x.uint()
  assert y < 10
  assert y < x
  assert 1 < y
Example #13
def test_lshift():

    x = Bits(8)(0b1100)
    y = Bits(8)(4)
    assert x << y == 0b11000000
    assert x << 4 == 0b11000000
    assert x << 6 == 0b00000000
    assert y << x == 0b00000000
    assert y << 0 == 0b00000100
    assert y << 1 == 0b00001000
Example #14
def test_set_slice():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    x[:] = 0b0010
    assert x.uint() == 0b0010
    x[2:4] = 0b11
    assert x.uint() == 0b1110
    x[0:1] = 0b1
    assert x.uint() == 0b1111
    x[1:3] = 0b10
    assert x.uint() == 0b1101
    # check open ended ranges
    x[1:] = 0b001
    assert x.uint() == 0b0011
    x[:3] = 0b110
    assert x.uint() == 0b0110

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x[1:3] = 0b110

    x[:] = 0b1111
    assert x.uint() == 0b1111

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x[:] = 0b10000

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        x[::2] = 0b00
        assert x == 0b1010
Example #15
def test_xor():

    x = Bits(8)(0b11001100)
    y = Bits(8)(0b11110000)
    assert x ^ y == 0b00111100
    assert x ^ 0b1010 == 0b11000110
    assert 0b1010 ^ x == 0b11000110
    a = Bits(1)(1)
    b = Bits(1)(0)
    c = Bits(1)(1)
    assert (a ^ b) ^ c == 0
Example #16
def test_slice_bits():

    data = Bits(8)(0b1101)

    # Indexing into a bits
    x = Bits(4)(2)
    assert data[:] == 0b1101
    assert data[x:] == 0b11
    assert data[:x] == 0b01
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert data[x:x] == 0b1
def test_return_type():

  x = Bits(8)(0b1100)

  Bits1 = Bits(1)
  Bits4 = Bits(4)

  assert isinstance( x.uint(), int  )
  assert isinstance( x.int(),  int  )
  assert isinstance( x[1:2],   Bits1 )
  assert isinstance( x[0:4],   Bits4 )
  assert isinstance( x[2],     Bits1 )
Example #18
def test_rshift():

    x = Bits(8)(0b11000000)
    y = Bits(8)(4)
    assert x >> y == 0b00001100
    assert x >> 7 == 0b00000001
    assert x >> 8 == 0b00000000
    assert x >> 10 == 0b00000000
    x = Bits(8)(2)
    assert y >> x == 0b00000001
    assert y >> 0 == 0b00000100
    assert y >> 2 == 0b00000001
    assert y >> 5 == 0b00000000
def test_set_slice():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  x[:] = 0b0010
  assert x.uint() == 0b0010
  x[2:4] = 0b11
  assert x.uint() == 0b1110
  x[0:1] = 0b1
  assert x.uint() == 0b1111
  x[1:3] = 0b10
  assert x.uint() == 0b1101
  # check open ended ranges
  x[1:] = 0b001
  assert x.uint() == 0b0011
  x[:3] = 0b110
  assert x.uint() == 0b0110

  with pytest.raises( ValueError ):
    x[1:3] = 0b110

  x[:]   = 0b1111
  assert x.uint() == 0b1111

  with pytest.raises( ValueError ):
    x[:]   = 0b10000

  with pytest.raises( IndexError ):
    x[::2] = 0b00
    assert x == 0b1010
Example #20
def test_ne():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
    # TODO: check width?
    assert x.uint() != y.uint()
    assert x != y
    # added for bug
    z = Bits(1)(0)
    assert z.uint() != 1L
    assert z != 1L
    assert 5 != x

    assert z != None
    assert Bits(4)(0) != None
Example #21
def test_str():

    assert Bits(4)(0x2).__str__() == "2"
    assert Bits(8)(0x1f).__str__() == "1f"
    assert Bits(32)(0x0000beef).__str__() == "0000beef"
    # FIXED
    # Bits objects constructed with another Bits object provided as a value
    # parameter end up having problems when printed. This is because the
    # internal ._uint field is expected to be an int/long, but is instead
    # a Bits object, which cannot be formatted as expected. Current
    # workaround is to force the value param for the Bits constructor to be
    # an int or a long.
    #with pytest.raises( ValueError ):
    #with pytest.raises( AssertionError ):
    #  assert Bits(4)( Bits(32)(2) ).__str__() == "2"
    assert Bits(4)(Bits(32)(2)).__str__() == "2"
Example #22
def test_get_single_bit():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    assert x[3] == 1
    assert x[2] == 1
    assert x[1] == 0
    assert x[0] == 0
Example #23
def test_int():

    assert Bits(4)(0).int() == 0
    assert Bits(4)(2).int() == 2
    assert Bits(4)(4).int() == 4
    assert Bits(4)(15).int() == -1
    assert Bits(4)(-1).int() == -1
    assert Bits(4)(-2).int() == -2
    assert Bits(4)(-4).int() == -4
    assert Bits(4)(-8).int() == -8
Example #24
def test_mult():

    x = Bits(8)(0b00000000)
    y = Bits(8)(0b00000000)
    assert x * y == 0b0000000000000000
    assert x * 0b1000 == 0b0000000000000000
    x = Bits(8)(0b11111111)
    y = Bits(8)(0b11111111)
    assert x * y == 0b0000000000000001111111000000001
    assert x * 0b11111111 == 0b0000000000000001111111000000001
    assert 0b11111111 * x == 0b0000000000000001111111000000001

    # TODO: Currently fails as the second operand is larger than the Bits
    # object x. Should update the test when we define the behaviour
    #assert x * 0b1111111111 == 0b0000000000000001111111000000001

    y = Bits(8)(0b10000000)
    assert x * y == 0b0000000000000000111111110000000
Example #25
def test_reduce_or():

    assert reduce_or(Bits(2)(0b11)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(2)(0b01)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(2)(0b10)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(2)(0b00)) == 0

    assert reduce_or(Bits(4)(0b1111)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(4)(0b1010)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(4)(0b0101)) == 1
    assert reduce_or(Bits(4)(0b0000)) == 0
Example #26
def main():
    equivalent([32], alphanum.numbers_to_data, bits.Bits(32))

    equivalent(0, alphanum.data_to_numbers, [])
    equivalent(1, alphanum.data_to_numbers, [1])
    equivalent(65, alphanum.data_to_numbers, [1, 1])

    equivalent(1000, base16(bits.data_to_numbers), [3, 14, 8])

    equivalent(5, washers.data_to_base4, "11")
    equivalent(18, washers.data_to_base4, "102")
    equivalent(26, washers.data_to_base4, "122")

    equivalent("11", washers.base4_to_data, 5)
    equivalent("102", washers.base4_to_data, 18)
    equivalent("122", washers.base4_to_data, 26)

    equivalent(Bits(0b11001100), base16(bits.data_to_numbers), [12, 12])

    equivalent("1", washers.base4_to_numbers, [1])
    equivalent("000", washers.base4_to_numbers, [0, 0, 0])

    def base_64_to_offset(letters):
        return bip39.numbers_to_offsets(alphanum.base64_to_numbers(letters))

    equivalent('AAAAAAAAAA', base_64_to_offset, [0])
    equivalent('AAAAAAAAAB', base_64_to_offset, [1])
    equivalent('AAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAA', base_64_to_offset, [1])
    equivalent('AAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAC', base_64_to_offset, [1, 2])
    equivalent('//////////', base_64_to_offset, [2047])
    equivalent('///////////////////+', base_64_to_offset, [2047, 2046])

    def offset_by_0(word):
        return bip39.offset_by(word, 0)

    def offset_by_1(word):
        return bip39.offset_by(word, 1)

    def offset_by_2047(word):
        return bip39.offset_by(word, 2047)

    equivalent('abandon', offset_by_0, 'abandon')
    equivalent('abandon', offset_by_1, 'ability')
    equivalent('abandon', offset_by_2047, 'zoo')
    equivalent('bread', offset_by_2047, 'brave')

    mnemonic = [
        'merit', 'average', 'fragile', 'smart', 'end', 'mom', 'knock', 'bid',
        'era', 'crisp', 'romance', 'grace'

    bitstream = bip39.mnemonic_to_bitstream(mnemonic)

    equivalent(deepcopy(bitstream), bip39.bitstream_to_mnemonic, mnemonic)
    equivalent(mnemonic, bip39.mnemonic_to_bitstream, deepcopy(bitstream))
Example #27
def test_uint():

    assert Bits(4)(0).uint() == 0
    assert Bits(4)(2).uint() == 2
    assert Bits(4)(4).uint() == 4
    assert Bits(4)(15).uint() == 15
    assert Bits(4)(-1).uint() == 15
    assert Bits(4)(-2).uint() == 14
    assert Bits(4)(-4).uint() == 12
Example #28
def test_gt():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
    assert x.uint() > y.uint()
    assert x.uint() > 2
    assert x > y.uint()
    assert x > 2
    assert x > y
    assert 9 > y
Example #29
def test_bad_constructor():

    from bits import BitsN

    # Correct instantiation of a BitsN object using the Bits factory

    y = Bits(3)

    # Incorrect instantiation of a BitsN object using BitsN directly

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        x = BitsN(5)
Example #30
def test_lt():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
    assert y.uint() < x.uint()
    assert y.uint() < 10
    assert y < x.uint()
    assert y < 10
    assert y < x
    assert 1 < y
def test_constructor():

  Bits4 = Bits(4)

  assert Bits4( 2).uint() == 2
  assert Bits4( 4).uint() == 4
  assert Bits4(15).uint() == 15

  assert Bits4(-2).uint() == 0b1110
  assert Bits4(-4).uint() == 0b1100

  # Bits(N) returns a class, Bits(N)(value) creates an instance!

  with pytest.raises( AssertionError ):
    assert Bits4 == Bits(4)(0)

  with pytest.raises( AssertionError ):
    assert Bits(4) == Bits(4)(0)

  # Bits(N) returns a class, not an instance!
  # Does not have methods until instantiated!

  with pytest.raises( TypeError ):
    assert Bits4.uint() == 0

  with pytest.raises( TypeError ):
    assert Bits(4).uint() == 0

  # Sanity checks of subclassing. Note that all types (classes) are
  # objects, but object instances are objects, but not **not** types!

  assert     isinstance( Bits4,      type   )
  assert     isinstance( Bits4,      object )
  assert not isinstance( Bits4(0),   type   )
  assert     isinstance( Bits4(0),   object )

  assert     isinstance( Bits(4),    type   )
  assert     isinstance( Bits(4),    object )
  assert not isinstance( Bits(4)(0), type   )
  assert     isinstance( Bits(4)(0), object )
Example #32
def test_add():

    x, y = [Bits(4)(4)] * 2

    # simple (no overflow condition)
    assert x + y == 8
    assert x + Bits(4)(4) == 8
    assert x + 4 == 8

    # don't extend bitwidth if added to int: overflow!
    assert (x + 14).nbits == x.nbits
    assert x + 14 == 2 and (x + 14).nbits == 4
    assert 14 + x == 2 and (14 + x).nbits == 4

    # infer wider bitwidth if both operands are Bits: no overflow possible!
    y = Bits(4)(14)
    assert x + y == 18 and (x + y).nbits == 5
    assert y + x == 18 and (x + y).nbits == 5

    a = Bits(4)(1)
    b = Bits(4)(1)
    c = Bits(1)(1)
    assert a + b + 1 == 3
    assert a + b + c == 3
    assert c + b + a == 3
Example #33
def test_index_bits():

    data = Bits(8)(0b11001010)

    # Indexing into a bits
    x = Bits(4)(3)
    assert data[x] == 1

    # Note, this converts -8 to unsigned, so 8! Out of range!
    y = Bits(4)(-8)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # Larger bitwidths work as long as the list is big enough
    a = Bits(8)(4)
    assert data[a] == 0

    # If not, regular indexing error
    b = Bits(8)(20)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # Same with negative that become out of range when converted to unsigned
    c = Bits(8)(-1)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Example #34
def test_constructor_bounds_checking():

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #35
def test_get_slice():

    x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
    assert x[:] == 0b1100
    assert x[2:4] == 0b11
    assert x[0:1] == 0b0
    assert x[1:3] == 0b10
    # check open ended ranges
    assert x[1:] == 0b110
    assert x[:3] == 0b100

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert x[::2] == 0b01
Example #36
def test_sub():

    x, y = [Bits(4)(5), Bits(4)(4)]

    # simple (no overflow condition)
    assert x - y == 1
    assert x - Bits(4)(4) == 1
    assert x - 4 == 1

    y = Bits(4)(5)
    assert x - y == 0 and (x - y).nbits == 5
    assert x - 5 == 0 and (x - 5).nbits == 4

    # infer wider bitwidth if both operands are Bits: no overflow possible!
    y = Bits(4)(7)
    assert x - y == 0b11110 and (x - y).nbits == 5
    assert y - x == 0b00010 and (x - y).nbits == 5

    # don't extend bitwidth if added to int: overflow!
    assert x - 7 == 0b1110 and (x - 7).nbits == 4
    assert 7 - x == 0b0010 and (7 - x).nbits == 4
    assert 9 - x == 0b0100 and (9 - x).nbits == 4
Example #37
def test_neg_assign():

    x = Bits(4)(-1)
    assert x == 0b1111
    assert x.uint() == 0b1111
    x = Bits(4)(-2)
    assert x == 0b1110
    assert x.uint() == 0b1110
def test_lte():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  z = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  assert y.uint() <= x.uint()
  assert y.uint() <= 10
  assert y.uint() <= z.uint()
  assert y.uint() <= 0b0011
  assert y <= x.uint()
  assert y <= 10
  assert y <= z.uint()
  assert y <= 0b0011
  assert y <= x
  assert y <= z
  assert z <= x
  assert z <= z
  assert 1 <= y
  assert 3 <= y
def test_gte():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  z = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  assert x.uint() >= y.uint()
  assert x.uint() >= 2
  assert x.uint() >= z.uint()
  assert x.uint() >= 0b1100
  assert x >= y.uint()
  assert x >= 2
  assert x >= z.uint()
  assert x >= 0b1100
  assert x >= y
  assert x >= z
  assert z >= y
  assert z >= x
  assert x >= x
  assert 5 >= y
  assert 3 <= y
def test_ne():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1100)
  y = Bits(4)(0b0011)
  # TODO: check width?
  assert x.uint() != y.uint()
  assert x != y
  # added for bug
  z = Bits(1)(0)
  assert z.uint() != 1L
  assert z != 1L
  assert 5 != x

  assert z != None
  assert Bits(4)(0) != None
def test_eq():

  x = Bits(4)(0b1010)
  assert x.uint() == x.uint()
  # Compare objects by value, not id
  assert x == x
  # Check the value
  assert x.uint() == 0b1010
  assert x.uint() == 0xA
  assert x.uint() == 10
  # Checking the equality operator
  assert x == 0b1010
  assert x == 0xA
  assert x == 10
  # Checking comparison with another bit container
  y = Bits(4)(0b1010)
  assert x.uint() == y.uint()
  assert x == y
  y = Bits( 8  )(0b1010)
  assert x.uint() == y.uint()
  # TODO: How should equality between Bits objects work?
  #       Just same value or same value and width?
  #assert x == y
  # Check the negatives
  x = Bits(4)(-1)
  assert x.uint() == 0b1111
  assert x.uint() == 0xF
  assert x.uint() == 15
  # Checking the equality operator
  assert x == 0b1111
  assert x == 0xF
  assert x == 15
  assert x.uint() == Bits(4)(-1).uint()
  assert x == Bits(4)(-1).uint()
  assert 15 == x

  assert not x == None
  assert not Bits(4)(0) == None
def test_compare_uint_neg():

  x = Bits(4)(2)
  assert x.uint() != -1
  assert x.uint()  > -1
  assert x.uint() >= -1
def test_compare_int_neg():

  x = Bits(4)(-2)
  assert x.int() == -2
  assert x.int()  < -1
  assert x.int() <= -1