Example #1
    def calcfp(
    ):  # Current Flight Plan calculations, which actualize based on flight condition
        """Do flight plan calculations"""
        #        self.delwpt("T/D")
        #        self.delwpt("T/C")

        # Direction to waypoint
        self.nwp = len(self.wpname)

        # Create flight plan calculation table
        self.wpdirfrom = self.nwp * [0.]
        self.wpdistto = self.nwp * [0.]
        self.wpialt = self.nwp * [-1]
        self.wptoalt = self.nwp * [-999.]
        self.wpxtoalt = self.nwp * [1.]  # Avoid division by zero
        self.wpirta = self.nwp * [-1]
        self.wptorta = self.nwp * [-999.]
        self.wpxtorta = self.nwp * [1.]  #[m] Avoid division by zero

        # No waypoints: make empty variables to be safe and return: nothing to do
        if self.nwp == 0:

        # Calculate lateral leg data
        # LNAV: Calculate leg distances and directions

        for i in range(0, self.nwp - 1):
            qdr, dist = geo.qdrdist(self.wplat[i], self.wplon[i],
                                    self.wplat[i + 1], self.wplon[i + 1])
            self.wpdirfrom[i] = qdr
            self.wpdistto[i + 1] = dist  #[nm]  distto is in nautical miles

        if self.nwp > 1:
            self.wpdirfrom[-1] = self.wpdirfrom[-2]

        # Calculate longitudinal leg data
        # VNAV: calc next altitude constraint: index, altitude and distance to it
        ialt = -1  # index to waypoint with next altitude constraint
        toalt = -999.  # value of next altitude constraint
        xtoalt = 0.  # distance to next altitude constraint from this wp
        for i in range(self.nwp - 1, -1, -1):

            # waypoint with altitude constraint (dest of al specified)
            if self.wptype[i] == Route.dest:
                ialt = i
                toalt = 0.
                xtoalt = 0.  # [m]

            elif self.wpalt[i] >= 0:
                ialt = i
                toalt = self.wpalt[i]
                xtoalt = 0.  # [m]

            # waypoint with no altitude constraint:keep counting
                if i != self.nwp - 1:
                    xtoalt = xtoalt + self.wpdistto[
                        i + 1] * nm  # [m] xtoalt is in meters!
                    xtoalt = 0.0

            self.wpialt[i] = ialt
            self.wptoalt[i] = toalt  #[m]
            self.wpxtoalt[i] = xtoalt  #[m]

        # RTA: calc next rta constraint: index, altitude and distance to it
        # If any RTA.
        if any(array(self.wprta) >= 0.0):
            #print("Yes, I found RTAs")
            irta = -1  # index of wp
            torta = -999.  # next rta value
            xtorta = 0.  # distance to next rta
            for i in range(self.nwp - 1, -1, -1):

                # waypoint with rta: reset counter, update rts
                if self.wprta[i] >= 0:
                    irta = i
                    torta = self.wprta[i]
                    xtorta = 0.  # [m]

                # waypoint with no altitude constraint:keep counting
                    if i != self.nwp - 1:
                        # No speed or rta constraint: add to xtorta
                        if self.wpspd[i] <= 0.0:
                            xtorta = xtorta + self.wpdistto[
                                i + 1] * nm  # [m] xtoalt is in meters!
                            # speed constraint on this leg: shift torta to account for this
                            # altitude unknown
                            if self.wptoalt[i] > 0.:
                                alt = toalt
                                # TODO: current a/c altitude would be better guess, but not accessible here
                                # as we do not know aircraft index for this route
                                alt = 10000. * ft  # default to minimize errors, when no alt constraints are present
                            legtas = casormach2tas(self.wpspd[i], alt)
                            #TODO: account for wind at this position vy adding wind vectors to waypoints?

                            # xtorta stays the same! This leg will not be available for RTA scheduling, so distance
                            # is not in xtorta. Therefore we need to subtract legtime to ignore this leg for the RTA
                            # scheduling
                            legtime = self.wpdistto[i + 1] / legtas
                            torta = torta - legtime
                        xtorta = 0.0
                        torta = -999.0

                self.wpirta[i] = irta
                self.wptorta[i] = torta  # [s]
                self.wpxtorta[i] = xtorta  # [m]
Example #2
    def creconfs(self,
        ''' Create an aircraft in conflict with target aircraft.

            - acid: callsign of new aircraft
            - actype: aircraft type of new aircraft
            - targetidx: id (callsign) of target aircraft
            - dpsi: Conflict angle (angle between tracks of ownship and intruder) (deg)
            - cpa: Predicted distance at closest point of approach (NM)
            - tlosh: Horizontal time to loss of separation ((hh:mm:)sec)
            - dH: Vertical distance (ft)
            - tlosv: Vertical time to loss of separation
            - spd: Speed of new aircraft (CAS/Mach, kts/-)
        latref = self.lat[targetidx]  # deg
        lonref = self.lon[targetidx]  # deg
        altref = self.alt[targetidx]  # m
        trkref = radians(self.trk[targetidx])
        gsref = self.gs[targetidx]  # m/s
        tasref = self.tas[targetidx]  # m/s
        vsref = self.vs[targetidx]  # m/s
        cpa = dcpa * nm
        pzr = bs.settings.asas_pzr * nm
        pzh = bs.settings.asas_pzh * ft
        trk = trkref + radians(dpsi)

        if dH is None:
            acalt = altref
            acvs = 0.0
            acalt = altref + dH
            tlosv = tlosh if tlosv is None else tlosv
            acvs = vsref - np.sign(dH) * (abs(dH) - pzh) / tlosv

        if spd:
            # CAS or Mach provided: convert to groundspeed, assuming that
            # wind at intruder position is similar to wind at ownship position
            tas = tasref if spd is None else casormach2tas(spd, acalt)
            tasn, tase = tas * cos(trk), tas * sin(trk)
            wn, we = self.wind.getdata(latref, lonref, acalt)
            gsn, gse = tasn + wn, tase + we
            # Groundspeed is the same as ownship
            gsn, gse = gsref * cos(trk), gsref * sin(trk)

        # Horizontal relative velocity vector
        vreln, vrele = gsref * cos(trkref) - gsn, gsref * sin(trkref) - gse
        # Relative velocity magnitude
        vrel = sqrt(vreln * vreln + vrele * vrele)
        # Relative travel distance to closest point of approach
        drelcpa = tlosh * vrel + (0 if cpa > pzr else sqrt(pzr * pzr -
                                                           cpa * cpa))
        # Initial intruder distance
        dist = sqrt(drelcpa * drelcpa + cpa * cpa)
        # Rotation matrix diagonal and cross elements for distance vector
        rd = drelcpa / dist
        rx = cpa / dist
        # Rotate relative velocity vector to obtain intruder bearing
        brn = degrees(atan2(-rx * vreln + rd * vrele, rd * vreln + rx * vrele))

        # Calculate intruder lat/lon
        aclat, aclon = geo.kwikpos(latref, lonref, brn, dist / nm)
        # convert groundspeed to CAS, and track to heading using actual
        # intruder position
        wn, we = self.wind.getdata(aclat, aclon, acalt)
        tasn, tase = gsn - wn, gse - we
        acspd = tas2cas(sqrt(tasn * tasn + tase * tase), acalt)
        achdg = degrees(atan2(tase, tasn))

        # Create and, when necessary, set vertical speed
        self.cre(acid, actype, aclat, aclon, achdg, acalt, acspd)
        self.ap.selaltcmd(len(self.lat) - 1, altref, acvs)
        self.vs[-1] = acvs