Example #1
def load_dumps(regex=""):
    >>> D = load_dumps()         #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Input files:
    >>> D
    [Dump of test-0xff000000.bin]
    bins, loadaddrs, idcs = GetInputFiles(regex)
    D = {}
    for b,a in loadaddrs.iteritems():
        D[b] = Dump(bin=b, RAWASM = disasm_dump(b,a))
        D[b].loadaddr = a

    for b in bins:
        D[b].FUNCS = {}
        D[b].FUNCENDS = {}
        D[b].WHICHFUNC = {}
        D[b].A2N = {}
        D[b].N2A = {}

    for b,i in idcs.iteritems(): # this needs cleanup
        D[b].A2N, D[b].N2A, D[b].FUNCS = cache.access(i, idc.parse)
        D[b].idc = i

    for b,a in loadaddrs.iteritems():
        D[b]._loadednames = {}
        D[b].ROM, D[b].MNEF, D[b].ARGS, refs, D[b].DISASM = cache.access(b, lambda b: parse_disasm(D[b]))
        D[b].minaddr = min(D[b].ROM)
        D[b].maxaddr = max(D[b].ROM)
        D[b].REFLIST = list(refs.iteritems())
        D[b].A2REFS, D[b].REF2AS = cache.access(b, lambda b: index_refs(refs, D[b].ROM))
    for b,a in loadaddrs.iteritems():
        D[b].STRINGS # compute them

    if len(D) == 1:
        print "Auto-selecting dump %s" % D[bins[0]].bin

    return sorted(D.values(), key=lambda x: x.bin)
Example #2
def disasm_dump(bin, addr):
    """ Disassemble a file using arm-elf-objdump; return the output as plain text
    >>> print disasm_dump("test-0xff000000.bin", 0xff000000)  #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Disassembling test-0xff000000.bin <ff000000>... ok
    tmp.elf:     file format elf32-littlearm
    Disassembly of section .data:
    ff000000 <_binary_test_0xff000000_bin_start>:
    ff000000:	e3a01000 	mov	r1, #0	; 0x0
    ff000004:	e59f2001 	ldr	r2, [pc, #1]	; ff00000d <_binary_test_0xff000000_bin_start+0xd>
    ff000008:	e3a02004 	mov	r2, #4	; 0x4
    ff00000c:	e0810002 	add	r0, r1, r2
    ff000010:	eafffffa 	b	ff000000 <_binary_test_0xff000000_bin_start>
    return cache.access((bin,addr), lambda x: disasm_work(*x))
Example #3
 def MakeFunction(dump,start,end=None,name=None):
     >>> d = load_dumps()[0]   #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     Input files:
     >>> d.MakeFunction(1, 10, "myfun")
     >>> d.MakeFunction(1, 10, "myfun")
     Overwriting name myfun
     if end is None:
         end = cache.access(start, emusym.GuessFunction)
         if end is None:
             print "Could not guess end address for function %x => skipping" % start
         end += 4
     f,e = start,end
     n = funcname(dump,f)
     dump.FUNCS[f] = e
     dump.FUNCENDS[e] = f
     for a in range(f,e-3):
         dump.WHICHFUNC[a] = f
     if name:
Example #4
 def _get_strings(self): 
     #return self._get_strings_work()
     return cache.access(self.bin, lambda x: self._get_strings_work())
Example #5
def GetMnem(ea):
    return GetMnem_w(ea)
    return cache.access((_d,ea), lambda x: GetMnem_w(ea))
error = 0
access_time = 0
page_fault = 0  # counter for number of times address isn't in cache
counter = 0  # index for cache_valid

# open the first parameter as a file, reach each line and find its virtual address
# simulate using the address by seeing if it is already a valid entry in the cache
# keep count of the number of times it isn't within the cache (cache miss)
# if it isn't in the cache, which will have a limited size of 16 ways
#   then give it an entry
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as cache_file:
    for line in cache_file:
            x = line.split()
            rw = x[1]  # read/write instruction, USEFUL FOR A WRITE BACK-POLICY
            va = x[2]  # virtual address, CONVERT TO INTEGER
            dc = str(int(
                va, 16))  # decimal value of virtual address, USEFUL SOMEHOW?
            # address is assumed 64-bit, 6 is offset, # of bits = set index,
            # the rest is the tag
            page_fault, access_time = access(rw, va, access_time)
        except IndexError:
            error += 1
        except ValueError:
            error += 1
# print("~~"*10, "Output", "~~"*10)
# print("page fault:", page_fault, "- Total accesses:", access_time)
print("Cache miss rate: {:0.2%}".format(page_fault / access_time))