Example #1
def calibrate_data(logger, params, raw_data, calib_data):
    """'Calibrate' raw data, using a user-supplied function."""
    start = calib_data.before(datetime.max)
    if start is None:
        start = datetime.min
    start = raw_data.after(start + SECOND)
    if start is None:
        return start
    del calib_data[start:]
    calibrator = Calib(params)
    day = None
    for data in raw_data[start:]:
        idx = data['idx']
        if idx.day != day:
            logger.info("calib: %s", idx.isoformat(' '))
            day = idx.day
        calib_data[idx] = calibrator.calib(data)
    return start
Example #2
def calibrate_data(logger, params, raw_data, calib_data):
    """'Calibrate' raw data, using a user-supplied function."""
    start = calib_data.before(datetime.max)
    if start is None:
        start = datetime.min
    start = raw_data.after(start + SECOND)
    if start is None:
        return start
    del calib_data[start:]
    calibrator = Calib(params)
    day = None
    for data in raw_data[start:]:
        idx = data['idx']
        if idx.day != day:
            logger.info("calib: %s", idx.isoformat(' '))
            day = idx.day
        calib_data[idx] = calibrator.calib(data)
    return start
Example #3
class RegularTasks(object):
    def __init__(self, params, calib_data, hourly_data, daily_data,
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('pywws.Tasks.RegularTasks')
        self.params = params
        self.calib_data = calib_data
        self.hourly_data = hourly_data
        self.daily_data = daily_data
        self.monthly_data = monthly_data
        # get directories
        self.work_dir = self.params.get('paths', 'work', '/tmp/weather')
        self.template_dir = self.params.get(
            'paths', 'templates', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/templates/'))
        self.graph_template_dir = self.params.get(
            'paths', 'graph_templates',
        # create calibration object
        self.calibrator = Calib(self.params)
        # create templater object
        self.templater = Template.Template(self.params, self.calib_data,
                                           self.hourly_data, self.daily_data,
        # create plotter objects
        self.plotter = Plot.GraphPlotter(self.params, self.calib_data,
                                         self.hourly_data, self.daily_data,
                                         self.monthly_data, self.work_dir)
        self.roseplotter = WindRose.RosePlotter(self.params, self.calib_data,
        # directory of service uploaders
        self.services = dict()
        # create a YoWindow object
        self.yowindow = YoWindow.YoWindow(self.calib_data)
        # get local time's offset from UTC, without DST
        now = self.calib_data.before(datetime.max)
        if not now:
            now = datetime.now()  # was kenmc utcnow
        time_offset = Local.utcoffset(now) - Local.dst(now)
        print "Time Offset = %s" % time_offset
        # get daytime end hour, in UTC
        self.day_end_hour = eval(params.get('config', 'day end hour', '21'))
        self.day_end_hour = (self.day_end_hour -
                             (time_offset.seconds / 3600)) % 24
        # convert config from underground/metoffice to new services
        for section in ('live', 'logged', 'hourly', '12 hourly', 'daily'):
            services = eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]'))
            for svc in ('underground', 'metoffice'):
                if self.params.get(section, svc) == 'True':
                    if svc not in services:
                self.params._config.remove_option(section, svc)
            self.params.set(section, 'services', str(services))
        # create service uploader objects
        for section in ('live', 'logged', 'hourly', '12 hourly', 'daily'):
            for service in eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]')):
                if service not in self.services:
                    self.services[service] = ToService(self.params,

    def has_live_tasks(self):
        yowindow_file = self.params.get('live', 'yowindow', '')
        if yowindow_file:
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'twitter', '[]')):
            return True
        for service in eval(self.params.get('live', 'services', '[]')):
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'plot', '[]')):
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'text', '[]')):
            return True
        return False

    def do_live(self, data):
        data = self.calibrator.calib(data)
        OK = True
        yowindow_file = self.params.get('live', 'yowindow', '')
        if yowindow_file:
            self.yowindow.write_file(yowindow_file, data)
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'twitter', '[]')):
            if not self.do_twitter(template, data):
                OK = False
        for service in eval(self.params.get('live', 'services', '[]')):
            self.services[service].RapidFire(data, True)
        uploads = []
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'plot', '[]')):
            upload = self.do_plot(template)
            if upload and upload not in uploads:
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'text', '[]')):
            upload = self.do_template(template, data)
            if upload not in uploads:
        if uploads:
            if not Upload.Upload(self.params, uploads):
                OK = False
            for file in uploads:
        return OK

    def do_tasks(self):
        sections = ['logged']
        now = self.calib_data.before(datetime.max)
        if not now:
            now = datetime.now()
        threshold = now.replace(minute=(now.minute / 15) * 15,
        last_update = self.params.get_datetime('hourly', 'last update')
        if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
            # time to do hourly tasks
            # set 12 hourly threshold
            threshold -= timedelta(hours=(threshold.hour - self.day_end_hour) %
            last_update = self.params.get_datetime('12 hourly', 'last update')
            if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
                # time to do 12 hourly tasks
                sections.append('12 hourly')
            # set daily threshold
            threshold -= timedelta(hours=(threshold.hour - self.day_end_hour) %
            last_update = self.params.get_datetime('daily', 'last update')
            if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
                # time to do daily tasks
        OK = True
        for section in sections:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'twitter', '[]')):
                if not self.do_twitter(template):
                    OK = False
        for section in sections:
            yowindow_file = self.params.get(section, 'yowindow', '')
            if yowindow_file:
        all_services = list()
        for section in sections:
            for service in eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]')):
                if service not in all_services:
        for service in all_services:
        uploads = []
        for section in sections:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'plot', '[]')):
                upload = self.do_plot(template)
                if upload and upload not in uploads:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'text', '[]')):
                upload = self.do_template(template)
                if upload not in uploads:
        if uploads:
            if not Upload.Upload(self.params, uploads):
                OK = False
            for file in uploads:
        if OK:
            for section in sections:
                self.params.set(section, 'last update', now.isoformat(' '))
        return OK

    def do_twitter(self, template, data=None):
        import ToTwitter
        twitter = ToTwitter.ToTwitter(self.params)
        self.logger.info("Templating %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.template_dir, template)
        tweet = self.templater.make_text(input_file, live_data=data)
        return twitter.Upload(tweet[:140])

    def do_plot(self, template):
        self.logger.info("Graphing %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.graph_template_dir, template)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir,
        if self.plotter.DoPlot(input_file, output_file) == 0:
            return output_file
        elif self.roseplotter.DoPlot(input_file, output_file) == 0:
            return output_file
        return None

    def do_template(self, template, data=None):
        self.logger.info("Templating %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.template_dir, template)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, template)
        self.templater.make_file(input_file, output_file, live_data=data)
        return output_file
Example #4
class RegularTasks(object):
    def __init__(self, params, calib_data, hourly_data, daily_data, monthly_data):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('pywws.Tasks.RegularTasks')
        self.params = params
        self.calib_data = calib_data
        self.hourly_data = hourly_data
        self.daily_data = daily_data
        self.monthly_data = monthly_data
        # get directories
        self.work_dir = self.params.get('paths', 'work', '/tmp/weather')
        self.template_dir = self.params.get(
            'paths', 'templates', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/templates/'))
        self.graph_template_dir = self.params.get(
            'paths', 'graph_templates', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/graph_templates/'))
        # create calibration object
        self.calibrator = Calib(self.params)
        # create templater object
        self.templater = Template.Template(
            self.params, self.calib_data, self.hourly_data, self.daily_data,
        # create plotter objects
        self.plotter = Plot.GraphPlotter(
            self.params, self.calib_data, self.hourly_data, self.daily_data,
            self.monthly_data, self.work_dir)
        self.roseplotter = WindRose.RosePlotter(
            self.params, self.calib_data, self.hourly_data, self.daily_data,
            self.monthly_data, self.work_dir)
        # directory of service uploaders
        self.services = dict()
        # create a YoWindow object
        self.yowindow = YoWindow.YoWindow(self.calib_data)
        # get local time's offset from UTC, without DST
        now = self.calib_data.before(datetime.max)
        if not now:
            now = datetime.now() # was kenmc utcnow 
        time_offset = Local.utcoffset(now) - Local.dst(now)
	print "Time Offset = %s" % time_offset
        # get daytime end hour, in UTC
        self.day_end_hour = eval(params.get('config', 'day end hour', '21'))
        self.day_end_hour = (self.day_end_hour - (time_offset.seconds / 3600)) % 24
        # convert config from underground/metoffice to new services
        for section in ('live', 'logged', 'hourly', '12 hourly', 'daily'):
            services = eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]'))
            for svc in ('underground', 'metoffice'):
                if self.params.get(section, svc) == 'True':
                    if svc not in services:
                self.params._config.remove_option(section, svc)
            self.params.set(section, 'services', str(services))
        # create service uploader objects
        for section in ('live', 'logged', 'hourly', '12 hourly', 'daily'):
            for service in eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]')):
                if service not in self.services:
                    self.services[service] = ToService(
                        self.params, self.calib_data, service_name=service)

    def has_live_tasks(self):
        yowindow_file = self.params.get('live', 'yowindow', '')
        if yowindow_file:
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'twitter', '[]')):
            return True
        for service in eval(self.params.get('live', 'services', '[]')):
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'plot', '[]')):
            return True
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'text', '[]')):
            return True
        return False

    def do_live(self, data):
        data = self.calibrator.calib(data)
        OK = True
        yowindow_file = self.params.get('live', 'yowindow', '')
        if yowindow_file:
            self.yowindow.write_file(yowindow_file, data)
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'twitter', '[]')):
            if not self.do_twitter(template, data):
                OK = False
        for service in eval(self.params.get('live', 'services', '[]')):
            self.services[service].RapidFire(data, True)
        uploads = []
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'plot', '[]')):
            upload = self.do_plot(template)
            if upload and upload not in uploads:
        for template in eval(self.params.get('live', 'text', '[]')):
            upload = self.do_template(template, data)
            if upload not in uploads:
        if uploads:
            if not Upload.Upload(self.params, uploads):
                OK = False
            for file in uploads:
        return OK

    def do_tasks(self):
        sections = ['logged']
        now = self.calib_data.before(datetime.max)
        if not now:
            now = datetime.now()
        threshold = now.replace(minute=(now.minute/15)*15, second=0, microsecond=0)
        last_update = self.params.get_datetime('hourly', 'last update')
        if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
            # time to do hourly tasks
            # set 12 hourly threshold
            threshold -= timedelta(hours=(threshold.hour - self.day_end_hour) % 12)
            last_update = self.params.get_datetime('12 hourly', 'last update')
            if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
                # time to do 12 hourly tasks
                sections.append('12 hourly')
            # set daily threshold
            threshold -= timedelta(hours=(threshold.hour - self.day_end_hour) % 24)
            last_update = self.params.get_datetime('daily', 'last update')
            if (not last_update) or (last_update < threshold):
                # time to do daily tasks
        OK = True
        for section in sections:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'twitter', '[]')):
                if not self.do_twitter(template):
                    OK = False
        for section in sections:
            yowindow_file = self.params.get(section, 'yowindow', '')
            if yowindow_file:
        all_services = list()
        for section in sections:
            for service in eval(self.params.get(section, 'services', '[]')):
                if service not in all_services:
        for service in all_services:
        uploads = []
        for section in sections:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'plot', '[]')):
                upload = self.do_plot(template)
                if upload and upload not in uploads:
            for template in eval(self.params.get(section, 'text', '[]')):
                upload = self.do_template(template)
                if upload not in uploads:
        if uploads:
            if not Upload.Upload(self.params, uploads):
                OK = False
            for file in uploads:
        if OK:
            for section in sections:
                self.params.set(section, 'last update', now.isoformat(' '))
        return OK

    def do_twitter(self, template, data=None):
        import ToTwitter
        twitter = ToTwitter.ToTwitter(self.params)
        self.logger.info("Templating %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.template_dir, template)
        tweet = self.templater.make_text(input_file, live_data=data)
        return twitter.Upload(tweet[:140])

    def do_plot(self, template):
        self.logger.info("Graphing %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.graph_template_dir, template)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.splitext(template)[0])
        if self.plotter.DoPlot(input_file, output_file) == 0:
            return output_file
        elif self.roseplotter.DoPlot(input_file, output_file) == 0:
            return output_file
        return None

    def do_template(self, template, data=None):
        self.logger.info("Templating %s", template)
        input_file = os.path.join(self.template_dir, template)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, template)
        self.templater.make_file(input_file, output_file, live_data=data)
        return output_file