Example #1
    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
     super(Node, self).__init__()
     self.uri = uri
     self.control_uri = control_uri
     self.attributes = attributes
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     _log.debug("Calvin init 1")
     self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 2")
     self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 3")
     self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 4")
     self.sched = scheduler.Scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 5")
     self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
     self.async_msg_ids = {}
     _log.debug("Calvin init 6")
     self.storage = storage.Storage()
     _log.debug("Calvin init 7")
     self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 8")
     self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
     self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 9")
     self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 10")
     # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
     async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
     _log.debug("Calvin init 11")
Example #3
    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_uri = attributes.pop('external_uri', self.uri) \
            if attributes else self.uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
        self.id = certificate.obtain_cert_node_info(self.node_name)['id']
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
            self.domain = _conf.get("security", "security_domain_name")
            # cert_name is the node's certificate filename (without file extension)
            self.cert_name = certificate.get_own_cert_name(self.node_name)
            self.domain = None
            self.cert_name = None
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
Example #4
 def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
     super(Node, self).__init__()
     self.uri = uri
     self.control_uri = control_uri
     self.attributes = attributes
     self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
     self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
     self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
     self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
     _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
     self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
     self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
     self.async_msg_ids = {}
     self.storage = storage.Storage()
     self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
     self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
     self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
     self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
     # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
     # FIXME: Don't use delayed call in calvin-tiny
     async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None, self_start=True):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        hb_timeout = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_timeout') or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT
        self.heartbeat_timeout = float(hb_timeout)
        hb_delay = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_delay') or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_DELAY
        self.heartbeat_delay = float(hb_delay)
        self.heartbeat_addr = self._clean_addr()
        self.heartbeat_port = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_port') or int(self._clean_uri().split(":")[1]) + DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PORT_DIFF
        rr_delay = _conf.get('global', 'resource_reporter_delay') or 0.25
        self.resource_reporter_delay = float(rr_delay)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        self.resource_manager = ResourceManager()

        self.app_monitor = AppMonitor(self, self.app_manager, self.storage)
        self.lost_node_handler = LostNodeHandler(self, self.resource_manager, self.pm, self.am, self.storage)

        self.heartbeat_actor = None
        self.outgoing_heartbeats = defaultdict(list)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        if self_start:
            async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
    def _create_servers(self, count, extra_uris=None):
        #import logging

        if hasattr(self, '_networks') and self._networks:
            raise Exception("Trying to create multiple times without stop!")

        if not extra_uris:
            extra_uris = []

        self._networks = []
        self._ports = []
        _conf.set('global', 'storage_type', 'test_local')
        #_conf.set('global', 'storage_proxy', 'local')
        global_storage = storage_factory.get("test_local", None)

        for a in range(count):
            node1 = create_node(global_storage)
            network1 = CalvinNetwork(node1)

            cb, d = create_callback()
            res = yield d
            assert res[0][0]

            for fname in ['_join_finished', '_join_failed', '_server_started', '_server_stopped', '_recv_handler', '_peer_connection_failed', '_peer_disconnected']:
                _o = getattr(network1, fname)
                setattr(network1, fname, snoop_f(_o))
            assert network1._server_started.call_count == 0

            network1.register(['calvinip'], ['json'])

            # Wait for everything to settle
            start = network1._server_started.side_effect_ds[-1]
            yield start

            #yield threads.deferToThread(time.sleep, .05)
            assert network1._server_started.call_count == 1

            # get listening ports
            net1_port = network1._server_started.call_args[0][1]
            node1._set_uris(node1, extra_uris + ["calvinip://" % net1_port], -1)
            cb, d = create_callback()
            node1.storage.add_node(node1, cb=CalvinCB(cb))
            res = yield d
            assert res[1]['value']
Example #7
    def __init__(self, uris, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.quitting = False

        # Warn if its not a uri
        if not isinstance(uris, list):
            _log.error("Calvin uris must be a list %s" % uris)
            raise TypeError("Calvin uris must be a list!")

        # Uris
        self.uris = uris
        if attributes:
            ext_uris = attributes.pop('external_uri', None)
        if ext_uris is not None:
            self.uris += ext_uris

        # Control uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri

            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
            security_dir = _conf.get("security", "security_dir")
            self.runtime_credentials = RuntimeCredentials(self.node_name, node=self, security_dir=security_dir)
            self.id = self.runtime_credentials.get_node_id()
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug("No runtime credentials, err={}".format(err))
            self.runtime_credentials = None
            self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("Node")
        self.certificate_authority = certificate_authority.CertificateAuthority(self)
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.rm = replicationmanager.ReplicationManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()

        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)
        calvinsys = get_calvinsys()
        calvinlib = get_calvinlib()

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
Example #8
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is a list of server connection points
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uris, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.quitting = False

        # Warn if its not a uri
        if not isinstance(uris, list):
            _log.error("Calvin uris must be a list %s" % uris)
            raise TypeError("Calvin uris must be a list!")

        # Uris
        self.uris = uris
        if attributes:
            ext_uris = attributes.pop('external_uri', None)
        if ext_uris is not None:
            self.uris += ext_uris

        # Control uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri

            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
            security_dir = _conf.get("security", "security_dir")
            self.runtime_credentials = RuntimeCredentials(self.node_name, node=self, security_dir=security_dir)
            self.id = self.runtime_credentials.get_node_id()
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug("No runtime credentials, err={}".format(err))
            self.runtime_credentials = None
            self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("Node")
        self.certificate_authority = certificate_authority.CertificateAuthority(self)
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.rm = replicationmanager.ReplicationManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()

        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)
        calvinsys = get_calvinsys()
        calvinlib = get_calvinlib()

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_properties=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_properties=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
        if port_properties is None and port_dir is not None:
            port_properties = {'direction': port_dir}
        if peer_port_properties is None and peer_port_dir is not None:
            peer_port_properties = {'direction': peer_port_dir}
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
        if not cb:
            callback = CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb")
            callback = CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb)

        self.network.join(peers, callback=callback)

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None):
        # TODO requirements should be input to am.new
        # TODO: make it possible to use security/credentials here.
        actor_def, signer = self.am.lookup_and_verify(actor_type)
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                               signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None,
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, actor_id,
                                 deploy_info = deploy_args['deploy_info'] if 'deploy_info' in deploy_args else None)
        return actor_id

    def calvinsys(self):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        # @TODO: Write node capabilities to storage
        return self._calvinsys

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        interfaces = _conf.get(None, 'transports')
        self.network.register(interfaces, ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

        # Start control API
        proxy_control_uri = _conf.get(None, 'control_proxy')
        _log.debug("Start control API on %s with uri: %s and proxy: %s" % (self.id, self.control_uri, proxy_control_uri))
        if proxy_control_uri is not None:
            self.control.start(node=self, uri=proxy_control_uri, tunnel=True)
            if self.control_uri is not None:
                self.control.start(node=self, uri=self.control_uri, external_uri=self.external_control_uri)

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        # TODO: Handle blocking in poorly implemented calvinsys/runtime south.
        self.quitting = True
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)
        for link in self.network.list_direct_links():

    def stop_with_cleanup(self):
        # Set timeout in case some actor is refusing to stop (or leave if already migrating)
        timeout = async.DelayedCall(50, self.stop)
        self.quitting = True
        # get all actors
        if not self.am.actors:
            # No actors, we're basically done
            return self.stop()
        actors = []
        for actor in self.am.actors.values():
            # Do not delete migrating actors (for now)
            if actor._migrating_to is None:
        # delete all actors
        for actor in actors:
                # and die - hopefully, things should clean up nicely within reasonable time

        def poll_deleted(retry):
            if self.am.actors:
                _log.info("{} actors remaining, rechecking in {} secs".format(len(self.am.actors)))
                async.DelayedCall(1*retry, poll_deleted)
            else :
                _log.info("All done, exiting")
        async.DelayedCall(0.5, poll_deleted, retry=1)

    def stop_with_migration(self, callback=None):
        # Set timeout if we are still failing after 50 seconds
        timeout_stop = async.DelayedCall(50, self.stop)
        self.quitting = True
        actors = []
        already_migrating = []
        if not self.am.actors:
            return self.stop(callback)
        for actor in self.am.actors.values():
            if actor._migrating_to is None:

        def poll_migrated():
            # When already migrating, we can only poll, since we don't get the callback
            if self.am.actors:
                # Check again in a sec
                async.DelayedCall(1, poll_migrated)

        def migrated(actor_id, **kwargs):
            actor = self.am.actors.get(actor_id, None)
            status = kwargs['status']
            if actor is not None:
                # Failed to migrate according to requirements, try the current known peers
                peer_ids = self.network.list_direct_links()
                if peer_ids:
                    # This will remove the actor from the list of actors
                    self.am.robust_migrate(actor_id, peer_ids, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor_id))
                    # Ok, we have failed migrate actor according to requirements and to any known peer
                    # FIXME find unknown peers and try migrate to them, now just destroy actor, so storage is cleaned
                    _log.error("Failed to evict actor %s before quitting" % actor_id)
            if self.am.actors:

        if already_migrating:
            async.DelayedCall(1, poll_migrated)
            if not actors:
        elif not actors:
            # No actors
            return self.stop(callback)

        # Migrate the actors according to their requirements
        # (even actors without explicit requirements will migrate based on e.g. requires and port property needs)
        for actor in actors:
            if actor._replication_data.terminate_with_node(actor.id):
                _log.info("TERMINATE REPLICA")
                self.rm.terminate(actor.id, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor.id))
                _log.info("TERMINATE MIGRATE ACTOR")
                self.am.update_requirements(actor.id, [], extend=True, move=True,
                            authorization_check=False, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor.id))

    def _storage_started_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
Example #9
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is used as server connection point
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.attributes = attributes
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self.storage = storage.Storage()
        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        # FIXME: Don't use delayed call in calvin-tiny
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
        # self.start()

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_id=None):
        # FIXME callback needed to send back a proper reply !!!!!
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb"))

    def disconnect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None):
        # FIXME callback needed to send back a proper reply !!!!!
        _log.debug("disconnect(actor_id=%s, port_name=%s, port_dir=%s, port_id=%s)" %
                   (actor_id if actor_id else "", port_name if port_name else "",
                    port_dir if port_dir else "", port_id if port_id else ""))
        self.pm.disconnect(actor_id=actor_id, port_name=port_name,
                           port_dir=port_dir, port_id=port_id,
                           callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="disconnect cb"))

    def peersetup(self, peers):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        # FIXME callback needed to send back a proper reply !!!!!
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        self.network.join(peers, callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb"))

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None):
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list)
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, app_name, actor_id)
        return actor_id

    def calvinsys(self, actor):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        return CalvinSys(actor, self)

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        # FIXME hardcoded which transport and encoder plugin we use, should be based on
        self.network.register(['calvinip'], ['json'])

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        def stopped(*args):
        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)
Example #10
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is a list of server connection points
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_uri = attributes.pop('external_uri', self.uri) \
            if attributes else self.uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
        self.id = certificate.obtain_cert_node_info(self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str())['id']
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def disconnect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None, cb=None):
        _log.debug("disconnect(actor_id=%s, port_name=%s, port_dir=%s, port_id=%s)" %
                   (actor_id if actor_id else "", port_name if port_name else "",
                    port_dir if port_dir else "", port_id if port_id else ""))
        self.pm.disconnect(actor_id=actor_id, port_name=port_name,
                           port_dir=port_dir, port_id=port_id,
                           callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="disconnect cb") if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
        if not cb:
            callback = CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb")
            callback = CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb)

        self.network.join(peers, callback=callback)

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None):
        # TODO requirements should be input to am.new
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                        signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None,
                        credentials=deploy_args['credentials'] if deploy_args and 'credentials' in deploy_args else None)
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, actor_id,
                                 deploy_info = deploy_args['deploy_info'] if 'deploy_info' in deploy_args else None)
        return actor_id

    def calvinsys(self):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        # @TODO: Write node capabilities to storage
        return self._calvinsys

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        interfaces = _conf.get(None, 'transports')
        self.network.register(interfaces, ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

        # Start control api
        proxy_control_uri = _conf.get(None, 'control_proxy')
        _log.debug("Start control API on %s with uri: %s and proxy: %s" % (self.id, self.control_uri, proxy_control_uri))
        if proxy_control_uri is not None:
            self.control.start(node=self, uri=proxy_control_uri, tunnel=True)
            if self.control_uri is not None:
                self.control.start(node=self, uri=self.control_uri)

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)
Example #11
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is a list of server connection points
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None, self_start=True):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        hb_timeout = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_timeout') or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT
        self.heartbeat_timeout = float(hb_timeout)
        hb_delay = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_delay') or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_DELAY
        self.heartbeat_delay = float(hb_delay)
        self.heartbeat_addr = self._clean_addr()
        self.heartbeat_port = _conf.get('global', 'heartbeat_port') or int(self._clean_uri().split(":")[1]) + DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PORT_DIFF
        rr_delay = _conf.get('global', 'resource_reporter_delay') or 0.25
        self.resource_reporter_delay = float(rr_delay)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        self.resource_manager = ResourceManager()

        self.app_monitor = AppMonitor(self, self.app_manager, self.storage)
        self.lost_node_handler = LostNodeHandler(self, self.resource_manager, self.pm, self.am, self.storage)

        self.heartbeat_actor = None
        self.outgoing_heartbeats = defaultdict(list)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        if self_start:
            async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def storage_node(self):
        return False

    def is_storage_node(self, node_id):
        if node_id == self.id:
            return self.storage_node
        #if node_id not in self.network.links:
        #    return False

        return self.storage.proxy == self.network.links[node_id].transport.get_uri()

    def _clean_uri(self):
        return self.control_uri.replace("http://", "")

    def _clean_addr(self):
        uri = self._clean_uri()
        if uri == "localhost":
            addr = socket.gethostbyname(uri.split(":")[0])
            addr = uri.split(":")[0]
        return addr

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def disconnect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None, cb=None):
        _log.debug("disconnect(actor_id=%s, port_name=%s, port_dir=%s, port_id=%s)" %
                   (actor_id if actor_id else "", port_name if port_name else "",
                    port_dir if port_dir else "", port_id if port_id else ""))
        self.pm.disconnect(actor_id=actor_id, port_name=port_name,
                           port_dir=port_dir, port_id=port_id,
                           callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="disconnect cb") if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.info("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
        if not cb:
            callback = CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb")
            callback = CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb)

        peers = filter(None, peers)
        self.network.join(peers, callback=callback)

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        _log.debug("Peersetup collect cb: {} - {} - {} - {} - {}".format(status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers))
        self.resource_manager.register_uri(peer_node_id, uri)
        if status:
            self.resource_manager.register_uri(peer_node_id, uri)

        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

        if peer_node_id and status:

    def _send_rm_info(self, peer_node_id):
        # Send own info to new peers and retreive there info
        callback = CalvinCB(self._send_rm_info_cb)
        usages = self.resource_manager.sync_info()

        self.proto.send_rm_info(peer_node_id, usages, callback)

    def _send_rm_info_cb(self, status, *args, **kwargs):
        # Receives other peers rm info
        if status.data:

    def sync_rm_info(self, usages, callback):
        # sync received info
        usages = self.resource_manager.sync_info(usages)
        callback(usages, status=response.CalvinResponse(True))

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None, callback=None):
        # TODO requirements should be input to am.new
        callback = CalvinCB(self._new, args=args, deploy_args=deploy_args, state=state, prev_connections=prev_connections,
                            connection_list=connection_list, callback=callback)
        self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                    app_id=deploy_args['app_id'] if deploy_args else None,
                    signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None, callback=callback)

    def _new(self, actor_id, status, args, deploy_args, state, prev_connections, connection_list, callback):
        if not status:
            if callback:
                callback(status=status, actor_id=actor_id)
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, actor_id,
                                 deploy_info = deploy_args['deploy_info'] if 'deploy_info' in deploy_args else None)

        if callback:
            callback(status=status, actor_id=actor_id)

    def deployment_control(self, app_id, actor_id, deploy_args):
        """ Updates an actor's deployment """
        self.am.deployment_control(app_id, actor_id, deploy_args)

    def calvinsys(self):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        # @TODO: Write node capabilities to storage
        return self._calvinsys

    def hostname(self):
        return socket.gethostname()

    def testing(self):
        return "CALVIN_TESTING" in os.environ and os.environ["CALVIN_TESTING"]

    def report_resource_usage(self, usage):
        _log.debug("Reporting resource usage for node {}: {}".format(self.id, usage))
        self.resource_manager.register(self.id, usage, self.uri)

        usage['uri'] = self.uri
        for peer_id in self.network.list_links():
            callback = CalvinCB(self._report_resource_usage_cb, peer_id)
            self.proto.report_usage(peer_id, self.id, usage, callback=callback)


    def _report_resource_usage_cb(self, peer_id, status):
        if not status:
            _log.error("Failed to report resource usage to: {} - {} - {}".format(peer_id, self.resource_manager.node_uris.get(peer_id), status))
            _log.debug("Report resource usage callback received status {} for {}".format(status, peer_id))

    def register_resource_usage(self, node_id, usage, callback):
        if self.storage_node:
        _log.debug("Registering resource usage for node {}: {}".format(node_id, usage))
        uri = usage.get('uri')

        self.resource_manager.register(node_id, usage, uri)

    def report_replication_time(self, actor_type, replication_time, node_id):
        _log.info('New replication time: {} when handling lost node {}'.format(replication_time, node_id))
        self.storage.new_replication_time(actor_type, replication_time)

    def lost_node(self, node_id):
        _log.debug("Lost node: {}".format(node_id))
        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", "Lost node {}".format(node_id))
        if self.storage_node:
            _log.debug("{} Is storage node, ignoring lost node".format(self.id))

        result = self.heartbeat_actor.receive()
        nodes = set()
        if result and result.production:
            if node_id in result.production[0]:

        if node_id in self.network.links:
            link = self.network.links[node_id]
            self.network.peer_disconnected(link, node_id, "Heartbeat timeout")

    def lost_node_request(self, node_id, cb):
        _log.debug("Lost node: {}".format(node_id))
        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", "Lost node {}".format(node_id))
        if self.storage_node:
            _log.debug("{} Is storage node, ignoring lost node".format(self.id))
            if cb:

        self.lost_node_handler.handle_lost_node_request(node_id, cb)

    def lost_actor(self, lost_actor_id, lost_actor_info, required_reliability, cb):
        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", "Lost actor {}".format(lost_actor_id))
        replicator = Replicator(self, lost_actor_id, lost_actor_info, required_reliability)
        replicator.replicate_lost_actor(cb, time.time())

    def _heartbeat_timeout(self, node_id):

    def clear_outgoing_heartbeat(self, data):
        if "node_id" in data:
            node_id = data['node_id']
            timeout_call = async.DelayedCall(self.heartbeat_timeout, CalvinCB(self._heartbeat_timeout, node_id=node_id))
            self.resource_manager.register_uri(data['node_id'], data['uri'])

    def _clear_heartbeat_timeouts(self, node_id):
        for timeout_call in self.outgoing_heartbeats[node_id]:
            except Exception as e:
    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        if not self.storage_node:
        interfaces = _conf.get(None, 'transports')
        self.network.register(interfaces, ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

        # Start control api
        proxy_control_uri = _conf.get(None, 'control_proxy')
        _log.debug("Start control API on %s with uri: %s and proxy: %s" % (self.id, self.control_uri, proxy_control_uri))
        if proxy_control_uri is not None:
            self.control.start(node=self, uri=proxy_control_uri, tunnel=True)
            if self.control_uri is not None:
                self.control.start(node=self, uri=self.control_uri)

        if not self.storage_node:

    def _start_resource_reporter(self):
        self.new("sys.NodeResourceReporter", {'node': self, 'delay': self.resource_reporter_delay}, callback=self._start_rr)

    def _start_rr(self, status, actor_id):
        if not status:
            _log.error("Failed to start resource reporter")
        _log.info("Successfully started resource reporter with delay {}".format(self.resource_reporter_delay))
        actor = self.am.actors[actor_id]
        if not actor.inports or not actor.outports:
            _log.warning("Could not set up ResourceReporter: {}".format(actor))

        in_port = actor.inports['in']
        out_port = actor.outports['out']
        self.connect(actor_id, port_name=in_port.name, port_dir='in', port_id=in_port.id,
                     peer_node_id=self.id, peer_actor_id=actor_id, peer_port_name=out_port.name,
                     peer_port_dir='out', peer_port_id=out_port.id)

    def _start_heartbeat_system(self):
        if self.testing:

        port = self.heartbeat_port
        addr = self.heartbeat_addr

        self.new("net.Heartbeat", {'node': self, 'address': addr, 'port': port, 'delay': self.heartbeat_delay}, callback=self._start_hb)

    def _start_hb(self, status, actor_id):
        if not status:
            _log.error("Failed to start heartbeat system: ".format(status))
        _log.info("Successfully started heartbeat actor with timeout {} and delay {}".format(self.heartbeat_timeout, self.heartbeat_delay))
        actor = self.am.actors[actor_id]
        in_port = actor.inports['in']
        out_port = actor.outports['out']
        self.connect(actor_id, port_name=in_port.name, port_dir='in', port_id=in_port.id,
                     peer_node_id=self.id, peer_actor_id=actor_id, peer_port_name=out_port.name,
                     peer_port_dir='out', peer_port_id=out_port.id)
        self.heartbeat_actor = actor

    def _register_heartbeat_receiver(self, node_id):
        if self.storage_node or self.is_storage_node(node_id):
        if not self.heartbeat_actor:
        if self.testing or node_id in self.heartbeat_actor.nodes:

        _log.info("Registering receiver: {}".format(node_id))

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self.id, self.attributes.get_indexed_public(), cb=deleted_node)
    def __init__(self, uris, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.quitting = False
        self.super_node_class = None

        # Warn if its not a uri
        if not isinstance(uris, list):
            _log.error("Calvin uris must be a list %s" % uris)
            raise TypeError("Calvin uris must be a list!")

        # Uris
        self.uris = uris
        if attributes:
            ext_uris = attributes.pop('external_uri', None)
        if ext_uris is not None:
            self.uris += ext_uris

        # Control uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri

            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
            security_dir = _conf.get("security", "security_dir")
            self.runtime_credentials = RuntimeCredentials(self.node_name, node=self, security_dir=security_dir)
            self.id = self.runtime_credentials.get_node_id()
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug("No runtime credentials, err={}".format(err))
            self.runtime_credentials = None
            self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("Node")
        self.certificate_authority = certificate_authority.CertificateAuthority(self)
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.rm = replicationmanager.ReplicationManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()

        # _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.NonPreemptiveScheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.RoundRobinScheduler
        _scheduler = scheduler.SimpleScheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.BaselineScheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        calvinsys = get_calvinsys()
        calvinlib = get_calvinlib()

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        self.cpu_monitor = CpuMonitor(self.id, self.storage)
        self.mem_monitor = MemMonitor(self.id, self.storage)

        self.proxy_handler = ProxyHandler(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is a list of server connection points
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uris, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.quitting = False
        self.super_node_class = None

        # Warn if its not a uri
        if not isinstance(uris, list):
            _log.error("Calvin uris must be a list %s" % uris)
            raise TypeError("Calvin uris must be a list!")

        # Uris
        self.uris = uris
        if attributes:
            ext_uris = attributes.pop('external_uri', None)
        if ext_uris is not None:
            self.uris += ext_uris

        # Control uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri

            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
            security_dir = _conf.get("security", "security_dir")
            self.runtime_credentials = RuntimeCredentials(self.node_name, node=self, security_dir=security_dir)
            self.id = self.runtime_credentials.get_node_id()
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug("No runtime credentials, err={}".format(err))
            self.runtime_credentials = None
            self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("Node")
        self.certificate_authority = certificate_authority.CertificateAuthority(self)
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.rm = replicationmanager.ReplicationManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()

        # _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.NonPreemptiveScheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.RoundRobinScheduler
        _scheduler = scheduler.SimpleScheduler
        # _scheduler = scheduler.BaselineScheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        calvinsys = get_calvinsys()
        calvinlib = get_calvinlib()

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        self.cpu_monitor = CpuMonitor(self.id, self.storage)
        self.mem_monitor = MemMonitor(self.id, self.storage)

        self.proxy_handler = ProxyHandler(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_properties=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_properties=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
        if port_properties is None and port_dir is not None:
            port_properties = {'direction': port_dir}
        if peer_port_properties is None and peer_port_dir is not None:
            peer_port_properties = {'direction': peer_port_dir}
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
        if not cb:
            callback = CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb")
            callback = CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb)

        self.network.join(peers, callback=callback)

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None, security=None, access_decision=None):
        # TODO requirements should be input to am.new
        # TODO: make it possible to use security/credentials here.
        actor_def, signer = self.am.lookup_and_verify(actor_type)
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                               signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None,
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, actor_id,
                                 deploy_info = deploy_args['deploy_info'] if 'deploy_info' in deploy_args else None)
        return actor_id

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        interfaces = _conf.get(None, 'transports')
        self.network.register(interfaces, ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

        # Start control API
        proxy_control_uri = _conf.get(None, 'control_proxy')
        _log.debug("Start control API on %s with uri: %s and proxy: %s" % (self.id, self.control_uri, proxy_control_uri))
        if proxy_control_uri is not None:
            self.control.start(node=self, uri=proxy_control_uri, tunnel=True)
            if self.control_uri is not None:
                self.control.start(node=self, uri=self.control_uri, external_uri=self.external_control_uri)

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        # TODO: Handle blocking in poorly implemented calvinsys/runtime south.
        self.quitting = True
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)
        for link in self.network.list_direct_links():

    def stop_with_cleanup(self):
        # Set timeout in case some actor is refusing to stop (or leave if already migrating)
        timeout = async.DelayedCall(50, self.stop)
        self.quitting = True
        # get all actors
        if not self.am.actors:
            # No actors, we're basically done
            return self.stop()
        actors = []
        for actor in self.am.actors.values():
            # Do not delete migrating actors (for now)
            if actor._migrating_to is None:
        # delete all actors
        for actor in actors:
        # and die - hopefully, things should clean up nicely within reasonable time

        def poll_deleted(retry):
            if self.am.actors:
                _log.info("{} actors remaining, rechecking in {} secs".format(len(self.am.actors)))
                async.DelayedCall(1*retry, poll_deleted)
            else :
                _log.info("All done, exiting")
        async.DelayedCall(0.5, poll_deleted, retry=1)

    def stop_with_migration(self, callback=None):
        # Set timeout if we are still failing after 50 seconds
        timeout_stop = async.DelayedCall(50, self.stop)
        self.quitting = True
        actors = []
        already_migrating = []
        if not self.am.actors:
            return self.stop(callback)
        for actor in self.am.actors.values():
            if actor._migrating_to is None:

        def poll_migrated():
            # When already migrating, we can only poll, since we don't get the callback
            if self.am.actors:
                # Check again in a sec
                async.DelayedCall(1, poll_migrated)

        def migrated(actor_id, **kwargs):
            actor = self.am.actors.get(actor_id, None)
            status = kwargs['status']
            if actor is not None:
                # Failed to migrate according to requirements, try the current known peers
                peer_ids = self.network.list_direct_links()
                if peer_ids:
                    # This will remove the actor from the list of actors
                    self.am.robust_migrate(actor_id, peer_ids, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor_id))
                    # Ok, we have failed migrate actor according to requirements and to any known peer
                    # FIXME find unknown peers and try migrate to them, now just destroy actor, so storage is cleaned
                    _log.error("Failed to evict actor %s before quitting" % actor_id)
            if self.am.actors:

        if already_migrating:
            async.DelayedCall(1, poll_migrated)
            if not actors:
        elif not actors:
            # No actors
            return self.stop(callback)

        # Migrate the actors according to their requirements
        # (even actors without explicit requirements will migrate based on e.g. requires and port property needs)
        for actor in actors:
            if actor._replication_id.terminate_with_node(actor.id):
                _log.info("TERMINATE REPLICA")
                self.rm.terminate(actor.id, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor.id))
                _log.info("TERMINATE MIGRATE ACTOR")
                self.am.update_requirements(actor.id, [], extend=True, move=True,
                            authorization_check=False, callback=CalvinCB(migrated, actor_id=actor.id))

    def _storage_started_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
Example #14
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is a list of server connection points
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
        self.external_uri = attributes.pop('external_uri', self.uri) \
            if attributes else self.uri
        self.external_control_uri = attributes.pop('external_control_uri', self.control_uri) \
            if attributes else self.control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.node_name = self.attributes.get_node_name_as_str()
        # Obtain node id, when using security also handle runtime certificate
        self.id = certificate.obtain_cert_node_info(self.node_name)['id']
        self.authentication = authentication.Authentication(self)
        self.authorization = authorization.Authorization(self)
            self.domain = _conf.get("security", "security_domain_name")
            # cert_name is the node's certificate filename (without file extension)
            self.cert_name = certificate.get_own_cert_name(self.node_name)
            self.domain = None
            self.cert_name = None
        self.metering = metering.set_metering(metering.Metering(self))
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)

        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_properties=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_properties=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
        if port_properties is None and port_dir is not None:
            port_properties = {'direction': port_dir}
        if peer_port_properties is None and peer_port_dir is not None:
            peer_port_properties = {'direction': peer_port_dir}
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def disconnect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None, cb=None):
        _log.debug("disconnect(actor_id=%s, port_name=%s, port_dir=%s, port_id=%s)" %
                   (actor_id if actor_id else "", port_name if port_name else "",
                    port_dir if port_dir else "", port_id if port_id else ""))
        self.pm.disconnect(actor_id=actor_id, port_name=port_name,
                           port_dir=port_dir, port_id=port_id,
                           callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="disconnect cb") if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
        if not cb:
            callback = CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb")
            callback = CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb)

        self.network.join(peers, callback=callback)

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None):
        # TODO requirements should be input to am.new
        # TODO: make it possible to use security/credentials here.
        actor_def, signer = self.am.lookup_and_verify(actor_type)
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                               signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None,
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, actor_id,
                                 deploy_info = deploy_args['deploy_info'] if 'deploy_info' in deploy_args else None)
        return actor_id

    def calvinsys(self):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        # @TODO: Write node capabilities to storage
        return self._calvinsys

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        interfaces = _conf.get(None, 'transports')
        self.network.register(interfaces, ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

        # Start control API
        proxy_control_uri = _conf.get(None, 'control_proxy')
        _log.debug("Start control API on %s with uri: %s and proxy: %s" % (self.id, self.control_uri, proxy_control_uri))
        if proxy_control_uri is not None:
            self.control.start(node=self, uri=proxy_control_uri, tunnel=True)
            if self.control_uri is not None:
                self.control.start(node=self, uri=self.control_uri, external_uri=self.external_control_uri)

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)

    def _storage_started_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
Example #15
class Node(object):

    """A node of calvin
       the uri is used as server connection point
       the control_uri is the local console
       attributes is a supplied list of external defined attributes that will be used as the key when storing index
       such as name of node

    def __init__(self, uri, control_uri, attributes=None):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.uri = uri
        self.control_uri = control_uri
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(attributes)
            _log.exception("Attributes not correct, uses empty attribute!")
            self.attributes = AttributeResolver(None)
        self.id = calvinuuid.uuid("NODE")
        self.monitor = Event_Monitor()
        self.am = actormanager.ActorManager(self)
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        _scheduler = scheduler.DebugScheduler if _log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG else scheduler.Scheduler
        self.sched = _scheduler(self, self.am, self.monitor)
        self.control.start(node=self, uri=control_uri)
        self.async_msg_ids = {}
        self._calvinsys = CalvinSys(self)

        # Default will multicast and listen on all interfaces
        # TODO: be able to specify the interfaces
        # @TODO: Store capabilities
        self.storage = storage.Storage(self)

        self.network = CalvinNetwork(self)
        self.proto = CalvinProto(self, self.network)
        self.pm = PortManager(self, self.proto)
        self.app_manager = appmanager.AppManager(self)
        # The initialization that requires the main loop operating is deferred to start function
        async.DelayedCall(0, self.start)

    def insert_local_reply(self):
        msg_id = calvinuuid.uuid("LMSG")
        self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = None
        return msg_id

    def set_local_reply(self, msg_id, reply):
        if msg_id in self.async_msg_ids:
            self.async_msg_ids[msg_id] = reply

    def connect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None,
                peer_node_id=None, peer_actor_id=None, peer_port_name=None,
                peer_port_dir=None, peer_port_id=None, cb=None):
                        callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="connect cb")  if cb is None else cb)

    def disconnect(self, actor_id=None, port_name=None, port_dir=None, port_id=None, cb=None):
        _log.debug("disconnect(actor_id=%s, port_name=%s, port_dir=%s, port_id=%s)" %
                   (actor_id if actor_id else "", port_name if port_name else "",
                    port_dir if port_dir else "", port_id if port_id else ""))
        self.pm.disconnect(actor_id=actor_id, port_name=port_name,
                           port_dir=port_dir, port_id=port_id,
                           callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="disconnect cb") if cb is None else cb)

    def peersetup(self, peers, cb=None):
        """ Sets up a RT to RT communication channel, only needed if the peer can't be found in storage.
            peers: a list of peer uris, e.g. ["calvinip://"]
        _log.debug("peersetup(%s)" % (peers))
        peers_copy = peers[:]
        peer_node_ids = {}
            callback=CalvinCB(self.logging_callback, preamble="peersetup cb") if cb is None else
                     CalvinCB(self.peersetup_collect_cb, peers=peers_copy, peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, org_cb=cb))

    def peersetup_collect_cb(self, status, uri, peer_node_id, peer_node_ids, peers, org_cb):
        if uri in peers:
            peer_node_ids[uri] = (peer_node_id, status)
        if not peers:
            # Get highest status, i.e. any error
            comb_status = max([s for _, s in peer_node_ids.values()])
            org_cb(peer_node_ids=peer_node_ids, status=comb_status)

    def logging_callback(self, preamble=None, *args, **kwargs):
        _log.debug("\n%s# NODE: %s \n# %s %s %s \n%s" %
                   ('#' * 40, self.id, preamble if preamble else "*", args, kwargs, '#' * 40))

    def new(self, actor_type, args, deploy_args=None, state=None, prev_connections=None, connection_list=None):
        actor_id = self.am.new(actor_type, args, state, prev_connections, connection_list,
                        signature=deploy_args['signature'] if deploy_args and 'signature' in deploy_args else None)
        if deploy_args:
            app_id = deploy_args['app_id']
            if 'app_name' not in deploy_args:
                app_name = app_id
                app_name = deploy_args['app_name']
            self.app_manager.add(app_id, app_name, actor_id)
        return actor_id

    def deployment_control(self, app_id, actor_id, deploy_args):
        """ Updates an actor's deployment """
        self.am.deployment_control(app_id, actor_id, deploy_args)

    def calvinsys(self):
        """Return a CalvinSys instance"""
        # FIXME: We still need to sort out actor requirements vs. node capabilities and user permissions.
        # @TODO: Write node capabilities to storage
        return self._calvinsys

    # Event loop
    def run(self):
        """main loop on node"""
        _log.debug("Node %s is running" % self.id)

    def start(self):
        """ Run once when main loop is started """
        # FIXME hardcoded which transport and encoder plugin we use, should be based on
        self.network.register(['calvinip'], ['json'])
        # Start storage after network, proto etc since storage proxy expects them

    def stop(self, callback=None):
        def stopped(*args):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ SCHED STOPPED", {'args': args})
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+ CONTROL STOPPED", {'args': args})

        def deleted_node(*args, **kwargs):
            _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs})

        _log.analyze(self.id, "+", {})
        self.storage.delete_node(self, cb=deleted_node)