Example #1
def get_misp_connection(config=None, parameters=None):
    global misp_connection
    if misp_connection:
        return misp_connection
    if not config:
        raise MaltegoException("ERROR: MISP connection not yet established, and config not provided as parameter.")
    misp_verify = True
    misp_debug = False
    misp_url = None
    misp_key = None
        if is_local_exec_mode():
            misp_url = config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_url']
            misp_key = config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_key']
            if config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_verify'] in ['False', 'false', 0, 'no', 'No']:
                misp_verify = False
            if config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_debug'] in ['True', 'true', 1, 'yes', 'Yes']:
                misp_debug = True
        if is_remote_exec_mode():
                misp_url = parameters['mispurl'].value
                misp_key = parameters['mispkey'].value
            except AttributeError:
                raise MaltegoException("ERROR: mispurl and mispkey need to be set to something valid")
        misp_connection = PyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verify, 'json', misp_debug, tool='misp_maltego')
    except Exception:
        if is_local_exec_mode():
            raise MaltegoException("ERROR: Cannot connect to MISP server. Please verify your MISP_Maltego.conf settings.")
        if is_remote_exec_mode():
            raise MaltegoException("ERROR: Cannot connect to MISP server. Please verify your settings (MISP URL and API key), and ensure the MISP server is reachable from the internet.")
    return misp_connection
Example #2
def check_update(config):
    # Do not check updates if running as remote transform
    if is_remote_exec_mode():
        return None
    # only raise the alert once a day/reboot to the user.
        if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(local_path_version) > 60 * 60 * 24:  # check the timestamp of the file
            recheck = True
            recheck = False
    except Exception:  # file does not exist, so check version
        recheck = True
    if not recheck:
        return None
    # remember we checked the version
    from pathlib import Path
    # UIMessageType must be Fatal as otherwise it is not shown to the user.
    if 'MISP_maltego.local.check_updates' not in config:
        return UIMessage("'check_updates' parameter missing in '.canari/MISP_maltego.conf'. Please set 'check_updates = True/False'.", type=UIMessageType.Fatal)
    if config['MISP_maltego.local.check_updates']:
        # check the version
        r = requests.get(update_url)
        for l in r.text.splitlines():
            if 'version=' in l:
                online_ver = l.strip().strip(',').split('=').pop().strip("'")
                if StrictVersion(online_ver) > StrictVersion(__version__):
                    message = ('A new version of MISP-Maltego is available.\n'
                               'To upgrade, please:\n'
                               '    pip3 --upgrade MISP-maltego'
                               '    canari create-profile MISP_maltego\n'
                               '    And import the newly generated .mtz bundle in Maltego (Import > Import Configuration)')
                    return UIMessage(message, type=UIMessageType.Fatal)
    return None
Example #3
    def __call__(self, transform):
        if callable(filter):
            if self.remote_only and is_remote_exec_mode():
                orig_do_transform = transform.do_transform

                def do_transform(self_, request, response, config):
                    if self.filter.__call__(request, response, config):
                        return response
                    return orig_do_transform(self_, request, response, config)

                transform.do_transform = do_transform
            return transform
        raise ValueError('Expected callable (got %s instead).' % type(self.filter).__name__)
Example #4
    def __call__(self, transform):
        if callable(filter):
            if self.remote_only and is_remote_exec_mode():
                orig_do_transform = transform.do_transform

                def do_transform(self_, request, response, config):
                    if self.filter.__call__(request, response, config):
                        return response
                    return orig_do_transform(self_, request, response, config)

                transform.do_transform = do_transform
            return transform
        raise ValueError('Expected callable (got %s instead).' %
Example #5
def load_config(config_file=None, recursive_load=True):
    if not config_file:
        config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "canari.conf")
        if not os.path.lexists(config_file):
            config_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".canari", "canari.conf")

    with PushDir(os.path.dirname(config_file)):
        config_parser = CanariConfigParser()
        config_parser.read([global_config, config_file])
        if recursive_load:
            if is_remote_exec_mode() and OPTION_REMOTE_CONFIGS in config_parser:
            elif OPTION_LOCAL_CONFIGS in config_parser:

        return config_parser
Example #6
def load_config(config_file=None, recursive_load=True):
    if not config_file:
        config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'canari.conf')
        if not os.path.lexists(config_file):
            config_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.canari',

    with PushDir(os.path.dirname(config_file)):
        config_parser = CanariConfigParser()
        config_parser.read([global_config, config_file])
        if recursive_load:
            if is_remote_exec_mode(
            ) and OPTION_REMOTE_CONFIGS in config_parser:
            elif OPTION_LOCAL_CONFIGS in config_parser:

        return config_parser