Example #1
    def _getinfo(self):
        "get information paragraph"
        out = []
        xtype = self._args['typefull']
        mod_map = {
            'enum': ca.enum_types,
            'status': ca.status_types,
            'time': ca.time_types,
            'control': ca.control_types,
            'native': ca.native_types
        mod = next(k for k, v in mod_map.items() if xtype in v)
        nt_type = ca.native_type(xtype)
        fmt = '%i'

        if nt_type in (ca.ChType.FLOAT, ca.ChType.DOUBLE):
            fmt = '%g'
        elif nt_type in (ca.ChType.CHAR, ca.ChType.STRING):
            fmt = '%s'

        # self._set_charval(self._args['value'], call_ca=False)
        out.append("== %s  (%s) ==" %
                   (self.pvname, ca.DBR_TYPES[xtype].__name__))
        if self.count == 1:
            val = self._args['value']
            out.append('   value      = %s' % fmt % val)
            ext = {True: '...', False: ''}[self.count > 10]
            elems = range(min(5, self.count))
                aval = [fmt % self._args['value'][i] for i in elems]
            except TypeError:
                aval = ('unknown', )
            out.append("   value      = array  [%s%s]" % (",".join(aval), ext))
        for nam in ('char_value', 'count', 'nelm', 'type', 'units',
                    'precision', 'host', 'access', 'status', 'severity',
                    'timestamp', 'posixseconds', 'nanoseconds',
                    'upper_ctrl_limit', 'lower_ctrl_limit', 'upper_disp_limit',
                    'lower_disp_limit', 'upper_alarm_limit',
                    'lower_alarm_limit', 'upper_warning_limit',
            if hasattr(self, nam):
                att = getattr(self, nam)
                if att is not None:
                    if nam == 'timestamp':

                        def fmt_time(tstamp=None):
                            "simple formatter for time values"
                            if tstamp is None:
                                tstamp = time.time()
                            tstamp, frac = divmod(tstamp, 1)
                            return "%s.%5.5i" % (time.strftime(
                                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                time.localtime(tstamp)), round(1.e5 * frac))

                        att = "%.3f (%s)" % (att, fmt_time(att))
                    elif nam == 'char_value':
                        att = "'%s'" % att
                    if len(nam) < 12:
                        out.append('   %.11s= %s' % (nam + ' ' * 12, str(att)))
                        out.append('   %.20s= %s' % (nam + ' ' * 20, str(att)))
        if xtype == 'enum':  # list enum strings
            out.append('   enum strings: ')
            for index, nam in enumerate(self.enum_strs):
                out.append("       %i = %s " % (index, nam))

        if len(self.chid.channel.subscriptions) > 0:
            msg = 'PV is internally monitored'
            out.append('   %s, with %i user-defined callbacks:' %
                       (msg, len(self.callbacks)))
            if len(self.callbacks) > 0:
                for nam in sorted(self.callbacks.keys()):
                    cback = self.callbacks[nam][0]
                    out.append('      {!r}'.format(cback))
            out.append('   PV is NOT internally monitored')
        return '\n'.join(out)
Example #2
    async def run_client_test():
        print('* client_test', pv, dbr_type)
        db_entry = caget_pvdb[pv]
        # native type as in the ChannelData database
        db_native = ca.native_type(db_entry.data_type)
        # native type of the request
        req_native = ca.native_type(dbr_type)

        data = await run_caget(pv, dbr_type=dbr_type)
        print('dbr_type', dbr_type, 'data:')

        db_value = db_entry.value

        # convert from string value to enum if requesting int
        if (db_native == ChType.ENUM
                and not (req_native == ChType.STRING
                         or dbr_type in (ChType.CTRL_ENUM, ChType.GR_ENUM))):
            db_value = db_entry.enum_strings.index(db_value)
        if req_native in (ChType.INT, ChType.LONG, ChType.SHORT, ChType.CHAR):
            if db_native == ChType.CHAR:
                assert int(data['value']) == ord(db_value)
                assert int(data['value']) == int(db_value)
        elif req_native in (ChType.STSACK_STRING, ):
            db_string_value = db_entry.alarm.alarm_string
            string_length = len(db_string_value)
            read_value = data['value'][:string_length]
            assert read_value == db_string_value
        elif req_native in (ChType.CLASS_NAME, ):
            assert data['class_name'] == 'caproto'
        elif req_native in (ChType.FLOAT, ChType.DOUBLE):
            assert float(data['value']) == float(db_value)
        elif req_native == ChType.STRING:
            if db_native == ChType.STRING:
                db_string_value = str(db_value)
                string_length = len(db_string_value)
                read_value = data['value'][:string_length]
                assert int(data['element_count']) == string_length
                assert read_value == db_string_value
                # due to how we monitor the caget output, we get @@@s where
                # null padding bytes are. so long as we verify element_count
                # above and the set of chars that should match, this assertion
                # should pass
                assert data['value'] == str(db_value)
        elif req_native == ChType.ENUM:
            bad_strings = ['Illegal Value (', 'Enum Index Overflow (']
            for bad_string in bad_strings:
                if data['value'].startswith(bad_string):
                    data['value'] = data['value'][len(bad_string):-1]

            if (db_native == ChType.ENUM
                    and (dbr_type in (ChType.CTRL_ENUM, ChType.GR_ENUM))):
                # ctrl enum gets back the full string value
                assert data['value'] == db_value
                assert int(data['value']) == int(db_value)
            raise ValueError('TODO ' + str(dbr_type))

        # TODO metadata should be cast to requested type as well!
        same_type = (ca.native_type(dbr_type) == db_native)

        if (dbr_type in ca.control_types and same_type
                and dbr_type != ChType.CTRL_ENUM):
            for key in ctrl_keys:
                if (key == 'precision'
                        and ca.native_type(dbr_type) != ChType.DOUBLE):
                    print('skipping', key)
                print('checking', key)
                assert float(data[key]) == getattr(db_entry, key), key

        if dbr_type in ca.time_types:
            timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(db_entry.timestamp)
            assert data['timestamp'] == timestamp

        if (dbr_type in ca.time_types or dbr_type in ca.status_types
                or dbr_type == ChType.STSACK_STRING):
            severity = data['severity']
            if not severity.endswith('_ALARM'):
                severity = '{}_ALARM'.format(severity)
            severity = getattr(ca._dbr.AlarmSeverity, severity)
            assert severity == db_entry.severity, key

            status = data['status']
            status = getattr(ca._dbr.AlarmStatus, status)
            assert status == db_entry.status, key

            if 'ackt' in data:
                ack_transient = data['ackt'] == 'YES'
                assert ack_transient == db_entry.alarm.acknowledge_transient

            if 'acks' in data:
                ack_severity = data['acks']
                ack_severity = getattr(ca._dbr.AlarmSeverity, ack_severity)
                assert ack_severity == db_entry.alarm.acknowledge_severity